
TWENTY FIVE CENTS SPRING 0 N E • VOLUME ONE THE- ISLAMIC MOVEMENT JOURNAL Fr ont Gates to the Prophet's Mosque - Al-Medina, Arabia Editorial - - - -- -- - -- Page 2 Ideological Sources --- Page 8 Prophethood in Islam - - - -- Page 3 Of People Not Things --- -- Page 10 A New Muslim Speaks - - -- - Page 5 White Whiplash - --- -- -- Page 11 Women in Islam ---- - - -- Page 6 Beware of the Black Caucus- - Page 13 Party Affairs - ---- - -- Page 7 Letters -- -- - --- - -- Page 15 PAGE 2 AL· aAM EDITORIAL The Party Platform -phose one ~···~····················· ~·· ·······~·················· Why has the Islamic Party made moral re­ be the same. For those acquainted wit h dif­ formation in personal and social habits the Erent Nationalist, Marxist and ' We shall Over - crux of its initial platform1 come ' groups in the country the lack of sexual Today it is very common for many people discipline has effected t he overall discipline to get caught up in the r hetor ic of soci a l r e ­ of the organizations involved and hindered volution . The words of Fanon , Nkr umah, Mao smooth working relations among the members . and others are on the t ongues of many 'revo­ If we define moral s l ike Webster ~s con­ lutionar ies '. However, t he fallacy with the cerned wit h establishing pri nciples of r i ght majority of these people is that although they and wrong behaviour ' we recognize that some be heavily versed in the different, contending type of morality pervades our who l e behavi our, materialist ideologies their per sonal life that is a l l conscious acts have mor al qualities. styles and moral behaviour are no more exalted Now let's r elate this fact to another aspect or dignified than the common, oppressed wage of the new morality: 'music. Many people label slaves they call themselves liberating. As rhythmn and blues singers as reactionary·, pup­ examples people talk about over-throwing the pets of the system and the analysis t 11at the South African regime or even controlling their visits made to Af rican nations by Black Ameri­ community institutions and can't even over­ can r hythmn and blues groups were a form of throw their nicotine habits. Many people colonial repression is a valid one. However, speak of respect for women by day and by night because of a lack of moral standards these are found dissipating with the same women they same people don't recognize, for instance,the , claim to respect. Some speak of arousing the new jazz, if not placed in its proper perspec­ people, waking up the masses, becoming live tive, can be just as effective as the rhythmn revolut ionary social forces and at t he end of and blues i n taking peopl e away f r om the ur ­ the wrap t urn around and start putting t hem­ gency of their situation int o a temporar y mu­ selves to sleep wi th good wine, hip grass , and sic i nduced peace. In fact, it isn ' t uncom- I nice cocaine. Their moral laxity has covered mon that the attitude 'music is my thing ' a c ­ I and coated their percepti on to the extent that tually keeps people from mor e serious cons i d­ • they don't realize that to talk about waken­ erations such as what is my destiny. Going , i ng and liber a·ting a dead people means t hat back t o our definit ion, i f over-i ndulging in I the first thing you have to address is build­ music keeps one from concentrating and giving ~ i ng a str ong moral char ac ter. In fact, par­ utmost energy to l iberation it is 'wrong be­ ticul arly i n the black communit ies because of havi pur' therefor e immora l ~ the oppression and degradat ion it has suffer­ On t he drug scene no doubt heroi n and I i - ed ( not to say that whi t ·es also are not suf­ other har d dr ugs are an est abl ished evil and I fering oppr ession, albeit a different type, must be stamped out. However , mari juana, one but maybe even more dangerous because of the of the weaker drugs found in the pockets of white population's general unconsciousness of most 'revol utionaries' wil l prove for the Te­ their own degenerate lifestyles) at the hands volut ionary ' and his effor ts even a more dan­ of the white majority, it is essential that gerous and corrosive force than alcohol has these people develop and sustain a dynamic been for the masses. This is so because the moral strength in their l iberation struggl e. marijuana is so hip, so accepted, and so many Moral strength itself has the inherent abil­ logical and rational arguments have been buil t ity, when applied, of act ual ly changing ma­ up in its defense over t he past years that peo­ terial conditions. To neglect building firm ple don't care to analyze c l osely what act ual moral character and simult aneously talk of social benefits it has or to what extent it changing social conditions is futile. One tends to kill or deaden the ability to act de­ of the prime reasons for emphasizing the ne­ terminedly and efficiently. Incidentall y, be­ cessity for moral reform in our habits and cause of hi s unique insi ght into acts t hat outlook in the earl y stages of developing our strengt hen and weaken a peopl e ' s ability to sur­ new sel ves and communiti es is that even if vive and defend themselves from all for eign el­ some success is achieved among the oppressed ements, Prophet Muhammad (p . b . u . h . ) made i t in governing their social, economic, educa­ forbidden for the members of his movement to tional and political inst itutions without smoke marijuana or use any intoxicants . bringing about a fundamental change in moral The Islamic Party c l aims emphatically t hat outlook and soci al habit s, the masses and there will be no social change for any peopl e their 'new l eaders ' will no doubt be guilty if their does not first t ake pl ace a revol u­ of perpetuating and maintaining the same cha­ tion in the degraded manner i n which people otic conditions due to the fact that their mora] i nter -act and car ry themsel ves . The Party says behaviour is the same as that of the previous· further that unless one can establish hi s or fl white dom1nated society. her indivi dual moral dignity to talk of soci a l The new moralty of some, which is sup­ revolution with a mass of morally degraded in­ posed to be the anti- thesis of the 'slave men ­ dividuals is nonsense . Here- in lies the first t .ality morality' is just as dangerous if not major diffrence between the Islamic Party in more so than the 'slave morality'. Free re­ North America and other social activist groups . volutionary love is just another name for the illicit sexual alliances now in vogue among the masses and its negative effect can only PAGe 3 same or similar work, nothing but failure Prophethood in Islam meets us. His natur e and disposition are so good and pure that in all affairs his attitude is that of straightforwardness and nobility. He never does or utters In todays modern world the institu­ wrong, nor does he commit any evil. He tion of Prophethood is a very vague sub- always inculcates virtue and rightneous­ . ject. Any and everybo4y who comes forth ness and practices himself what he prea­ with some novel prediction, mystic utter­ ches to others . No incident in his life ance, or s trange and unorthodox life style shows that his life is not in accordance is called a Prophet of some kind or an~ with his ideal. Neither his word nor his other . A range of people from noted fe­ deed is prompted by any self-interest. male astrologists to leading popular sin­ He suffers for the good of others and nev gers a~e given in this . society the title -er makes others suffer for his own good. Prophet. Of course they not only don't His whole life is an example of truth, deserve but can't possibly be Prophets in nobleness purity of nature, high thinking, the true sense, since after the finality and the m~st exaited form of humanity. His of any natural process, (Prophethood in­ character is without blemish and even the cluded) there can only be mutations and minutest scrutiny fails to reveal any flaw in distortions. There is nothing to add to his life. And all these facts, all these at­ any natural process after it is completed. tributes make it evident that he is the Pro­ The question that should be asked then is phet of God and faith must be reposed in him." what is a Prophet? Such has been the life and example of every Prophet from .Proohet Adam. to Abraham. toMoses, Prophets are the men whom Allah (God) to Jesus and Muhammad, may Allah be pleased Himself has raised and endowed with deep­ with them all. est vtsion, pure intuition and the high­ We can see from the above that the rote est faculti~s to know and understand Him. of a Prophet is to make clear to man his real To these men Allah Himself revealed the position and relation to the universe. Every life style and ideals for raising a socie­ philosophical or materialist conception of · ty based on godliness, piety and right­ life from Communism to Christianity has as its eousness.
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