SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES flS ' HOME IN M ASSACH ornm AT CHELSEA For the Year Ending June 30TH, 1899 BOSTON : E. B. STILLINGS & CO., PRINTERS, 55 SUDBURY STREET. 1899. OFFICERS PRESIDENT. J o h n G . .B . A d a m s . SECRETARY. VICE-PRESIDENT. TREASURER. G e o r g e E v a n s . E l i s h a C o n v e r s e . S. S. W i l l i a m M. Ol in . ASSISTANT SECRETAR Y. J o s e p h B . M a c c a b e . TRUSTEES. H o r a c e B i n n e y S a r g e n t , Santa Monica. Cal. G e o r g e S. E v a n s , Cambridge. H e n r y C a b o t L o d g e , Nahant. S a m u e l D a l t o n , Boston. P e t e r D. S m i t h , Andover. W . S y m in g t o n B r o w n , Stoneham. G e o r g e S. M e r r i l l , Lawrence. A n d r e w J. B a i l e y , Charlestown. E l i s h a S. C o n v e r s e , Malden. J o s e p h P. L o v e r i n g , Boston. J o s e p h B. M a c c a b e , East Boston. J o h n G. B. A d a m s , Lynn. E l i W. H a l l , Lynn. C h a r l e s W . W i l c o x , Milford. C r a n m o r e X. W a l l a c e , Braintree. S a m u e l P. T e n n e y , Chelsea. E d w a r d H . H a s k e l l , Newton. W i l l i a m M. O l i n , Eoxbury. A r n o l d A . B a n d , Boston. J o h n W. H e r s e y , Springfield. COMMITTEE ON ADMISSIONS. G e o r g e S. E v a n s . P e t e r D . S m i t h . E l i W . H a l l . FINANCE COMMITTEE. J o h n G. B . A d a m s . G e o r g e S. E v a n s . C h a r l e s W. W i l c o x . E l i s h a S. C o n v e r s e . G e o r g e S. M e r r i l l . A UDITINO COMMITTEE. S a m u e l P . T e n n e y . C r a n m o r e N . W a l l a c e . E d w a r d H . H a s k e l l . BUILDING COMMITTEE. S a m u e l P. T e n n e y . P e t e r D. S m i t h . D r . W. S y m in g t o n B r o w n . S U PER IN TE N DENT. C a p t . G e o r g e W. C r e a s e y . MATRON. M r s . G e o r g e W. C r e a s e y . RESIDENT SURGEON. D r. I s a a c W. S t a r b i r d . CONSULTING SURGEONS. D r . J. C o l l i n s W a r r e n ............................................. Boston. D r . C h a r l e s C. O d l i n .... Melrose. D r . J u l i u s S. C l a r k .... Melrose. D r . R o s c o e E. B r o w n . Everett. D r . S a m u e l C r o w e l l .... Dorchester. D r . W i l l i a m R . C h i p m a n .... Chelsea. D r . A r t h u r J. S h a w ( O culist) Boston. 4 BEQUESTS AND DONATIONS. The following are gratefully remembered by the inmates of the Home : — Capt. Joseph B. Thomas, Boston, donation in 1881 of $10,000 00 Miss Elizabeth B. Sever, Salem, Mass , legacy, amount­ ing, with interest, t o ........................................... 4,164 82 Mrs. Caroline M. Barnard, Everett, Mass., furnishing Cudworth Ward, in h o s p ita l..................... 3,000 00 Hon. J. Warren Merrill, Cambridge, donation . 1,000 00 Geo. Draper, Esq., Hopedale, Mass., per annum, since the opening of the Home up to time of death . 100 00 William Montgomery, Esq., United States Hotel, Bos­ ton, annual donation up to time of death . 100 00 Mrs. Lyman Tucker, Boston, Mass., a Soldier’s Monu­ ment in Soldiers’ Home Lot, Forest Dale Ceme­ tery, Malden, and legacy o f ............................. 2,000 00 Gen. William F. Draper, Hopedale, annual donation . 100 00 Otis E. Weld, Boston, annual donation up to time of d e a th ........................................................... 100 00 Mrs. Ann J. Baker, l e g a c y .............................. 300 00 Mrs. Joanna L. Merriam, l e g a c y .................... 50 00 Capt. Gideon Skull Holmes, l e g a c y ................ 2,620 25 Mrs. Susan M. Weston, le g a c y ......................... 250 00 Mass. Division Sons of Veterans, furnishing Dormi­ tory in Sargent Hall ....................................... 776 00 Department of Massachusetts Woman’s Belief Corps, furnishing Dormitory in Sargent Hall . 750 00 o PRESIDENT’S REPORT. B o s t o n , M a s s ., Aug. 31, 1899. To t h e T r u s t e e s o f t h e S o l d i e r s ’ H o m e i n M assachusetts . Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit my Seventeenth Annual Report, and with it the reports of the several officers of the Home. To these I invite your careful attention as they contain much information that is valuable. You will see by the report of the Superintendent that during the winter months the Home was filled to its utmost capacity, and that the average number present during the year has been three hundred fifty-two against three hundred forty-six the preceding year. It is sad to note that the death rate is also increasing. In 1898 the number of men who died was fifty-four, in 1899 sixty- eight, an increase of fourteen. In the month of August, 1898, I was informed by the Super­ intendent that he received a communication from the Hon. Elihu B. Hayes, Secretary of the Massachusetts Volunteer Aid Association, asking if he could accommodate in the hospital any of the sick soldiers then being sent to Massachusetts from Cuba and Porto Rico. After consultation it was found that we could care for forty, and without calling a meeting of the Board of Trustees, I directed the Superintendent to so inform the Secretary. Thirty- two patients were received and cared for without expense to the United States Government or to the men. I am pleased to say that my action met with the approval of the Board. The improvements that were being made last year, under the direction of our building committee, have been completed. The buildings have been repainted, the lighting plant and laundry machinery increased, and everything in connection with the Home is in first class condition. In the month of December I was informed by telephone that all the officers of the Home, with the exception of the Sergeant MaJor, were down with la grippe. I at once visited the Home and found that Trustee Eli W. Hall had preceded me. He kindly c remained on duty for more than a week and, with Sergt. MaJ. Charles A. Newhall, satisfactorily conducted its affairs until the officers were able to report for duty. I am sure their services are appreciated by the Board. I find nothing to recommend that will require an additional expenditure of money during the coming year, and only urge that the same attention be given to the detail work by the Board that has been in the past. My reports from necessity must be a rep­ etition, but I cannot omit thanking, as far as possible, the many associations that assist us in our work. It is gratifying to know that none, who for the past seventeen years have contributed in so many ways to aid us, have become weary but that all respond with the same generosity as at first. In this connection we should thank MaJ. Lucius Slade, Supt. George E. McKay and MaJ., Charles G. Davis, through whom the marketmen of Boston gener­ ously respond to our call for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Gettysburg Post No. 191, G.A.B., of Boston, co-operating with our Ladies’ Aid Association, have continued to decorate the grave* of our dead at Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden. Our Ladies’ Aid Association have rendered the same valuable assistance this year as in the past, while the Woman’s Belief Corps have kept the rooms in their charge provided with all that was re­ quired.
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