M V 70AB7;4BB>=)Market turmoil alters business students’ career paths | ?PVT"( Dance Classes Swing • Salsa Ballroom Survival Dancing 4 weeks $49 703-528-9770 Next to dancefactory.com VA SQ Metro A PUBLICATION OF | PLAN YOUR NIGHT AT WWW.EXPRESSNIGHTOUT.COM | NOVEMBER 17, 2008 | -- 5A44++ Monday 2P[XUBcadVV[Tbc^5XVWcAPVX]VFX[SUXaTb AP Congress will debate an auto rescue plan this week. ¼3Ph^UATRZ^]X]V½) GOP leaders to fight auto bailout | & 2^]e^hb2dc>UU) Pakistan blocks major supply route | ' 6XP]cbA^[[) N.Y. runs over Ravens in 30-10 HUFFAKER/GETTY IMAGES SANDY 8=C>C7458A4)Firefighters battle a blaze Sunday in Diamond Bar, Calif. Wildfires continued to burn in Los Angeles County, and residents were urged victory | % to flee while firefighters tried to stop the blazes, which have destroyed more than 800 homes since Thursday. 0TaXP[PccPRZ)2P[\fX]SbPXSQPcc[Tk?PVT" 4=C4AC08=<4=C CaX__h3dST) Wayne Coyne 8aP`>:bDBBTRdaXch?PRc The pact was due to be completed by the and the Flam- Cabinet passes plan allowing U.S. forces to stay until 2012 end of July, but negotiations stumbled over ing Lips have 1067303k Iraq’s Cabinet overwhelmingly bittersweet because they won concessions parts pertaining to Iraqi sovereignty and worked their approved a security pact with the United from the Americans but must accept the judicial oversight. States on Sunday, ending prolonged nego- presence of U.S. troops until 2012. Al-Dabbagh said Iraq’s government has quirks into a tiations to allow American forces to remain “It’s the best possible, available option,” received U.S. assurances that President-elect film. Plus, a fi- for three more years in the country they first said government spokesman Ali al-Dab- Barack Obama would honor the agreement, nal word from occupied in 2003. bagh. He described the pact — intended to and pointed out that each side has the right to The deal detailing the conditions of the supplant the U.N. mandate expiring Dec. repeal it after giving one year’s notice. Obama Studs Terkel. U.S. presence still needs parliamentary 31 — as an “agreement on the withdrawal has said he would pull U.S. combat troops out --!"" approval, and lawmakers could vote as soon of U.S. troops,” and Washington welcomed of Iraq within 16 months of moving into the as Nov. 24. For Iraqis, the breakthrough was the Cabinet’s approval. White House — or May 2010. 0? 3>H>DC78=:10A02:>10<0B7>D;3?82:78;;0AH <>=30H CD4B30H F43=4B30H _^[[RT]cTa 2;8=C>=C>14B42A4C0AH>5BC0C4. H4B => $ "# #" " #" "! C>20BCH>DAE>C4E8B8C4G?A4BB=867C>DC2><>AC4GC05>A¼H4B½>A15>A¼=>½C>('(((5>A5A830H½B?>;;A4BD;CBB44?064# C>30H)?Pac[hbd]]hRWX[[hP]SQaTTih*\^bc[hR[^dShX]cWTTeT]X]Vk#! !k4G?A4BBk &!'k<>=30H ThTOpeners B785C 20A4;4BB=4BB =40C >]=T\^ >QTbXch2aXbXb<PZTb 3ad]ZT]ATeT[Tab CWTBcTP[cWhB[^__h C^5TXV]8]cTaTbc >]9Pfb A prosecutor says greasy fingerprints This winter, New Year’s Eve revelers BP]cPWPbWPSXcfXcWcWTQXccTaR^[S led police in Virginia to a suspect with will have a close-up view of Times P]SWPbcPZT]WXb^_TaPcX^]d]STafP sticky fingers. Assistant Common- Square’s first environmentally friend- cTaCWT:PXhdZP]0`dPaXd\X]>bPZP wealth’s Attorney Bethany Har- ly billboard, powered entirely 9P_P]W^bcTSP2WaXbc\PbRT[TQaP rison said Lynchburg police by wind and sun. The sign cX^]^]5aXSPhcWPcUTPcdaTScWXb:aXbb matched prints on an orange is expected to save $12,000 :aX]V[TR[PSSXeTabfX\\X]VfXcWcWT juice bottle left at the scene to $15,000 per month in bTP[XUT8c½bPQaX[[XP]cXSTPaTP[[h¹ of a breaking-and-entering electricity costs and is caPSTX]cWPcaXRZTchb[TXVWU^aPbcPcT incident to 33-year-old powered by 16 wind tur- ^UcWTPacbdQ\PaX]TP]SVXeTcW^bT Bernard Wood. He was bines and 64 solar pan- cXaTSaTX]STTad_U^aPcTP\^Ub_TTSh sentenced Friday to six els. Ricoh, an office ^RTP]RaTPcdaTbCWT^][hV[XcRW)]^ years in prison after being equipment and docu- RWX\]Th<PhQTBP]cPR^d[SVTcX] found guilty of three counts ment storage supplier, IMAGES NOGI/AFP/GETTY KAZUHIRO W^\TbcWa^dVWcWT_X_Tb4G?A4BB of burglary and two counts estimates the sign will of grand larceny. Harrison also keep 18 tons of car- said Wood stole appliances, bon out of the environment. B20AH The St. Lucie County (Fla.) Sheriff’s with the saw, causing a minor lacera- jewelry and tools from several homes in The billboard will be lit by floodlights Office re ported that the boy and his tion. A sheriff’s report said that’s when June and raided his victims’ refrigera- rather than light-emitting diodes. It 1^PaSX]VBRW^^[BcPc 41-year-old mother got into an argu- the boy began pleading with his mother tors. Harrison says police also recov- won’t have a backup generator, so it Authorities say an 11-year-old boy hit ment Wednesday when she was try- not to call police and offered her a $5 ered some of the 78 bags of popcorn could go dark during a long period his mother in the head with a saw and ing to get him to take his medication. bill. The boy is facing an aggravated also reported stolen. 0? with little wind or sun. 0? then offered her $5 not to call police. Authorities say he hit her in the head battery charge. 0? No one should go hungry on Thanksgiving — especially when it costs so little to serve a complete meal to a hungry and homeless person. Our hearty, traditional turkey dinner that friends like you provide is often the first step in dealing with the problems of homelessness. Then comes help with addiction recovery, job training, education and spiritual renewal. So please help someone get started toward a new life — $16.40 provides 8 meals. $51.25 provides 25 meals. $24.60 provides 12 meals. $205.00 provides 100 meals. $102.50 provides 50 meals. $______ to help as much as possible Just fill in the Thanksgiving Meal Ticket below. Then mail it with your gift today. Thank you! SERVING THE NEEDY SINCE 1906 YES, I want to help feed the hungry and homeless this Thanksgiving season — as a first step to a new life. Here is my gift of $16.40 $24.60 $51.25 $102.50 $205 $________ Check enclosed I’d like to pay by credit card NAME ________________________________________ Amount $ ________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________ Card type __________________________ Exp. _________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP ___________________________ Card number ______________________________________________ Gospel Rescue Ministries My phone number: ( ______ )_________________________________ P.O. Box 50940 Dept. XSF13 Washington, DC 20091-0940 You will receive a receipt. Email address: _____________________________________________ www.grm.org CFC # 18948 CLIP AND MAIL WITH YOUR TAX-DEDUCTIBLE GIFT TODAY. <>=30Hk &!'k4G?A4BBk" 6A40C4B20?4)Talk about being lucky — an Alabama man is alive after being run over by a train. An engineer spotted Arnold Romine, 61, lying across railroad ties Thursday in Huntsville, Ala., and slammed on the brakes. Eight rail cars passed over Romine’s body, but he suffered only minor injuries. =PcX^] No deaths have been reported, but police brought in trained dogs 2WX]P½bAXbT Sunday morning to search the rub- ble of a mobile home park where ATU[TRcTSX] nearly 500 homes were destroyed. No bodies had been found by Sun- day afternoon. 4]a^[[\T]c “This has been a very tough few Students are studying days for the people of Southern Cali- fornia,” Gov. Arnold Schwarzeneg- at U.S. universities in ger said after touring damage. record-high numbers The smell of smoke pervaded metropolitan Los Angeles. Down- 2>;D<1DB>78>k Chinese students town skyscrapers were silhouettes are enrolling in U.S. universities in in an opaque sky, and concerns record numbers, encouraged by about air quality forced organizers aggressive recruiting combined to cancel a marathon in suburban with China’s booming economy Pasadena. and growing middle class. Fierce Santa Ana winds that Their enrollment grew by fanned the fires on Saturday weak- 8 percent in the fall of 2006 and ened on Sunday morning, allow- by 20 percent last ing firefighters to set backfires to year, according to prevent flames from advancing to Institute of Inter- CHAMBERS/AP BRUCE hillside neighborhoods. Air tank- $ national Educa- Downey Fire Department Captain Dave Calderwood walks through the rubble of a mobile home in Brea, Calif., on Sunday. ers swooped low over the suburbs, CWTP\^d]cX] tion figures being red fire retardant billowing from QX[[X^]b^US^[[Pab released Monday. their bellies as they painted defen- X]cTa]PcX^]P[ The influx is part sive lines between brushlands and bcdST]cbPSSc^ of a solid and wel- homes. cWTDBTR^]^\h comed rebound in 5XaTUXVWcCPZT]c^cWT0Xa The most threatening blaze had TPRWhTPaP]Tf bdaeThU^d]S the number of inter- scorched more than 16 square miles national students Southern California in Orange and Riverside counties coming to the United States, with its wildfires have burned after erupting Saturday and shoot- giant pool of 4,000 colleges and uni- more than 800 houses ing through subdivisions entwined versities. The report found a 7 percent with wilderness parklands. By increase in enrollment for internation- 380<>=310A20;85k More resi- midday Sunday, multimillion-dol- al students at U.S. universities com- dents of Southern California were lar homes were being threatened pared to enrollment in 2006. urged to leave their homes Sunday in Diamond Bar in Los Angeles India again sent the most stu- despite calming winds that allowed County as the out-of-control fire dents, followed by China and South a major aerial attack on wildfires pushed northward.
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