Texas’ State Wildlife Grants Program WelcomeWelcome ComprehensiveComprehensive WildlifeWildlife ConservationConservation StrategyStrategy (CWCS)(CWCS) PublicPublic CommentComment SessionSession TPWD’s Mission: “To manage and conserve the natural and cultural resources of Texas and to provide hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation opportunities for the use and enjoyment of present and Please move to the right future generations.” WhatWhat isis thethe StateState WildlifeWildlife GrantGrant Program?Program? Funding for non-game species Awarded to states and territories Keep “common species common” – Slow the endangered species listing process Appropriation through the Department of the Interior Administered by United States Fish and Wildlife Service ±$3 million/year to Texas Requires a comprehensive wildlife strategy WhatWhat isis thethe CWCS?CWCS? ComprehensiveComprehensive WildlifeWildlife ConservationConservation StrategyStrategy –– WrittenWritten planplan RequiresRequires aa speciesspecies listlist – Species of “conservation concern” 1010 yearyear strategystrategy (max)(max) ResponsibilityResponsibility ofof statestate wildlifewildlife agencyagency (TPWD)(TPWD) AssociatedAssociated withwith TPWD’sTPWD’s “Land“Land andand Water”Water” Plan…Plan… RequiresRequires 88 elements…elements… EightEight RequiredRequired ElementsElements 1. Information on distribution and abundance 2. Location and condition of key habitats 3. Information on problems affecting species 4. Conservation actions associated with species 5. Plans for monitoring species 6. Procedures to review strategy 7. Coordination with other organizations and Indian Tribes 8. Descriptions of public input process ““LandLand andand WaterWater Plan”Plan” LandLand andand WaterWater ResourcesResources ConservationConservation andand RecreationRecreation PlanPlan 20022002 TPWDTPWD--developeddeveloped planplan SourceSource documentdocument forfor CWCSCWCS OutlinedOutlined basicbasic prioritiespriorities forfor CWCSCWCS AvailableAvailable onon TPWDTPWD Website:Website: http://http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/plan/index.htmwww.tpwd.state.tx.us/plan/index.htm SpeciesSpecies ofof ConcernConcern DevelopedDeveloped byby SpeciesSpecies WorkingWorking GroupsGroups (Partners)(Partners) ConsideredConsidered thethe following:following: – Endangered or threatened species – Imperiled species – Declining Species – Species of conservation concern – Species with limited dispersal – Species with isolated populations ExampleExample SpeciesSpecies Taxa Taxa Group Common Name Species Name Group Common Name Species Name Birds American Kestrel Falco sparverius Aquatic American eel Anguilla rostrata Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia Fountain darter Etheostoma fonticola Lesser Prairie Tympanuchus Southern Paralichthys Chicken pallidicinctus flounder leghostigma Northern Pintail Anas acuta Killer Whale Orcinus orca Red-cockaded Loggerhead Woodpecker Picoides borealis Sea Turtle Caretta caretta Mammals Ocelot Felis pardalis Farfantopenaeus Brown shrimp aztecus Rafinesque's Blue crab Callinectes sapidus Big-eared Bat Corynorhinus rafinesquii Invertebrates Species Name Family Name Southeastern Myotis Bat Myotis austroriparius Agathymus Lepidoptera Neumoegeni Townsend's (Insecta) chisosensis Hesperiidae Big-eared Bat Corynorhinus townsendii Araneae Herptiles Houston Toad Bufo houstonensis (Arachnida) Cicurina caliga Dictynidae Central Texas Coleoptera Spring Salamander Eurycea spp. (Insecta) Ptinus tumidus Anobiidae Texas Horned Lizard Phrynosoma cornutum Eucera Hymenoptera (Synhalonia) Box Turtles Terrapene spp. (Insecta) birkmanniella Anthrophoridae Legend Piney Woods Gulf Prairies DALLAM SHERMAN OCHILTREE HANSFORD LIPSCOMB MOORE ROBERTS Post Oak Savanah HARTLEY HEMPHILL HUTCHINSON Ecoregions of Texas Bl ackl and Prai ri e OLDHAM POTTER CARSON GRAY WHEELER ARMSTRONG High Plains DEAF SMITH RANDALL DONLEY COLLINGSWORTH South Texas Pl ai ns PA R MER CASTRO SWISHER BRISCOE HALL CHILDRESS HARDEMAN BAILEY LAMB HALE FLOYD MOTLEY COTTLE WILBARGER Edwards Pl ateau FOARD WICHITA CLAY LAMAR RED RIVER MONTAGUE COOKE GRAYSON COCHRAN LUBBOCK CROSBY DICKENS KIN G KNOX BAYLOR ARCHER FANNIN Rolling Plains BOWIE HOCKLEY DELTA TITUS STONEWALL FRANKLIN YOAKUM JACK WISE DENTON COLLIN MORRIS TERRY LYNN GARZA KENT HASKELL YOUNG HUNT HOPKINS CASS Cross Ti mbers CAMP THROCKMORTON ROCKWALL RAINS MARION PA R KE R WOOD TARRANT DALLAS UPSHUR GAINES DAWSON BORDEN SCURRY FI SHER JONES PA LO P I N TO Trans-Pecos KAUFMANVAN ZANDT HARRISON STEPHENS GREGG SHACKELFORD HOOD SMITH ERATH JOHNSON ELLIS ANDREWS MARTIN EASTLAND HOWARDMITCHELL NOLAN TAYL OR CALLAHAN HENDERSON PA N OL A SOMERVELL RUSK NAVARRO EL PASO HILL CHEROKEE GLASSCOCK COMANCHE SHELBY LOVING WINKLER ECTOR MIDLAND COKE BOSQUE ANDERSON STERLING RUNNELS COLEMAN BROWN FREESTONE HAMILTON NACOGDOCHES TOM GREEN MCLENNAN LIMESTONE HUDSPETH WARD CULBERSON MILLS SABINE CRANE ANGELINA UPTON CORYELL HOUSTON REEVES REAGAN LEON IRION CONCHO FALLS MCCULLOCH LAMPASAS TRINITY SAN AUGUSTINE SAN SABA BELL ROBERTSON MADISON NEWTON SCHLEICHER MENARD BURNET POLK TYLER JASPER JEFF DAVIS PECOS MILAM WALKER CROCKETT MASON LLANO BRAZOS WILLIAMSON SAN JACINTO GRIMES KIMBLE BURLESON SUTTON HARDIN MONTGOMERY GILLESPIE TRAVIS LEE TERRELL BLANCO WA S H I N G T O N LIBERTY ORANGE BASTROP PRESIDI O KERR HAYS WALLER JEFFERSON EDWARDS AUSTIN KENDALL FAYETTE HARRIS VAL VERDE CALDWELL CHAMBERS BREWSTER REAL COMAL BANDERA COLORADO GUADALUPE FORT BEND BEXAR GONZALES GALVESTON LAVACA KIN NEY UVALDE MEDINA WHARTON BRAZORIA WILSON DE WITT JACKSON MATAGORDA ATASCOSA KARNES ZAVALA FRI O VICTORIA MAVERICK GOLIAD CALHOUN DIMMIT BEE LA SALLE LIVE OAK REFUGIO ARANSAS MCMULLEN SAN PATRICIO JIM WELLS WEBB NUECES DUVAL KLEBERG ZAPATA JIM HOGG BROOKS KENEDY STARR WILLACY HID ALGO CAMERON The accuracy and suitability of data to a particular use is relative and subject to error. Blackland Prairie Ecoregion Red R RED RIVER Wichita River i GRAYSON LAMAR v er FANNIN Legend CLAY MONTAGUE COOKE BAYLOR ARCHER BOWIE Reservoir B Sulph ra u r z River os Urban R TITUS iv er JACK WISE DENTON MORRIS THROCKMORTON YOUNG T FRANKLIN CASS Cropland r HOPKINS i n CAMP i ty C R y pre Parkland i MARIONss Creek ver WOOD UPSHUR PARKER TARRANT Gr assl and SHACKELFORD STEPHENS PALO PINTO HARRISON Forest GREGG S a b HOOD SMITH i JOHNSON n Other Native & Introduced Grasses e R HOWARD EASTLAND iv MITCHELL NOLAN TAYLOR CALLAHAN PANOLA e HENDERSON r Woodl and, Forest & Grassland Mosaic ERATH SOMERVELL RUSK Parkland Woodland Mosaic HILL COMANCHE BOSQUE CHEROKEE SHELBY GLASSCOCK COKE STERLING ANDERSON NACOGDOCHES RUNNELS BROWN HAMILTON COLEMAN MCLENNAN MILLS TOM GREEN REAGAN CORYELL LEON HOUSTON ANGELINA SABINE CONCHO IRION SAN AUGUSTINE LAMPASAS MCCULLOCH SAN SABA TRINITY ROBERTSON BELL MADISON JASPER SCHLEICHER MENARD TYLER NEWTONr POLK e v BURNET GRIMES WALKER i MILAM R MASON LLANO e CROCKETT BRAZOS S n a SAN JACINTO i n N b a BURLESON J e SUTTON KIMBLE S a c c HARDIN h i LIBERTY MONTGOMERYn e TRAVIS LEE to s GILLESPIE T R r R BLANCO iv i ORANGEi e n v r i e t r BASTROP y JEFFERSON KERR HAYS R WALLER i Gu v EDWARDS adalupe R AUSTIN HARRIS e KENDALL i r VAL VERDE v FAYETTE e CHAMBERS REAL M COMAL r BANDERA edi B n ra a zo COLORADO s R R R i o i FORT BEND i G N UVALDE v v e C e r u r r GALVESTON a GONZALES L o e l n c a or d MEDINA v a e e a KINNEY s LAVACA WHARTONd c o BRAZORIA R S a a i n R v A R WILSON i e n i v to v r n e i e r ATASCOSA o JACKSONr MAVERICK Ri DE WITT ZAVALA FRIO ve VICTORIA r MATAGORDA KARNES GOLIAD The accuracy and suitability of data to a particular use is relative and subject to error. Cross Timbers Ecoregion Legend HARDEMAN Red Rive HALE FLOYD MOTLEY COTTLE r Woodland WILBARGER FOARD WICHITA Shrubland BAYLOR Brushland LAMAR FANNIN LUBBOCK CROSBY DICKENS KING Brazo ARCHER Reservoir KNOX s R GRAYSON iv Urban er DELTA Cropland FRANKLIN COLLIN HOPKINS LYNNOther GARZANative & IntroducedKENT STONEWALL GrassesHASKELL THROCKMORTON HUNT Grassl and ROCKWALL RAINS Woodland, Forest & Grassland Mosaic S ab WOOD Parkland DALLAS ine DAWSON BORDEN SCURRY Riv FISHER JONES SHACKELFORD er Parkland Woodland Mosaic KAUFMAN VAN ZANDT SMITH ELLIS CALLAHAN MARTIN HOWARD MITCHELL NOLAN TAYLOR HENDERSON N NAVARRO e c h e HILL s R GLASSCOCK COKE ANDERSON i v STERLING RUNNELS e COLEMAN FREESTONE r B r LIMESTONE a z o s TOM GREEN R HOUSTON REAGAN i LEON v CONCHO e IRION r FALLS MCCULLOCH SAN SABA ROBERTSON MADISON BELL SCHLEICHER MENARD MILAM WALKER CROCKETT MASON LLANO BRAZOS S a WILLIAMSON GRIMES n J a SUTTON KIMBLE BURLESON c i n MONTGOMERYto C LEE R GILLESPIE BLANCO o iv lora e do R WASHINGTON r BASTROPi VAL VERDE EDWARDS v WALLER KERR e KENDALL HAYS r FAYETTE AUSTIN HARRIS The accuracy and suitability of data to a particular use is relative and subject to error. Edwards Plateau Ecoregion JACK WIS E DENTON COLLIN YOAKUM TERRY LYNN GARZA KENT STONEWALL HASKELL THROCKMORTON YOUNGLegend Brazos Ri v Tr e i nity River r PARKER TARRANT DALLAS GAINES Shrubland DAWSON BORDEN SCURRY FISHER JONES SHACKELFORD STEPHENS PALO P INTO C o lora Brushland do River Reservoir NOLAN TAYL O R HOOD JOHNSON ELLIS ANDREWS EASTLAND MA RTIN HOWARD MITC HE L L CALLAHAN Urban SOMERVELL CroplandERATH Forest HILL COMANCHE COKE BOSQUE B ECTOR r WINKLER MIDLA ND a Parkland z RUNNELS o s BROWN HAMILTON R Woodland iv e r MCLENNAN WARD Parkland Woodland Mosaic CONCHO MILL S CRANE TOM GREEN CORYELL FALLS LAMPASAS BELL PECOS BURNET MILAM WILLIAMSON TRAVIS LEE BASTROP FAYETTE BREWSTER CALDWELL e d Gua n dalu a GUADALUPE pe R r iver G o i BEXAR GONZALES R LAVACA KINNEY MEDINA UVALDE
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