INFORMATIONEN ZU SICHERHEIT, WARTUNG, VORSCHRIFTEN & GARANTIEVEREINBARUNG INFORMAZIONI SU SICUREZZA, MANUTENZIONE, NORMATIVE, GARANZIA E CONTRATTO INFORMATIONS SUR LA SÉCURITÉ, L’ENTRETIEN, LA RÉGLEMENTATION, LA GARANTIE ET L’ACCORD INFORMACIÓN SOBRE SEGURIDAD, MANTENIMIENTO, NORMATIVAS, GARANTÍAS Y ACUERDOS 安全、メンテナンス、規制、 保証および規約に関する情報 Safety, Maintenance, Regulatory, and Warranty & Agreement Information VALVE INDEX™ VIRTUAL REALITY KIT EN SAFETY, MAINTENANCE, REGULATORY, AND WARRANTY & AGREEMENT INFORMATION I. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION to steamvr.steampowered.com for set up, The Valve Index Virtual Reality Kit (“VR Kit” or usage and troubleshooting information. Read “Hardware”), when used with your own virtu- this entire document and Setup Guide and al reality (“VR”) ready personal computer, review the online information before using contains the hardware you need to experi- the Hardware. ence virtual reality. Your VR Kit contains two Base Stations, two Controllers, a Headset and II. SAFETY NOTES associated components. A complete list of Follow these instructions for the safe set up, components is found later in this manual. This use, and care of the Hardware to reduce the manual applies to all the components in the risk of injury or death. Additionally, read the VR Kit as well as each component (Headset, user documentation provided by third-party Controllers, Base Stations) when purchased component manufacturers or game and soft- individually. The words “Headset,” “Control- ware developers relating to their products. If ler,” and “Base Station” are used throughout you allow anyone else to use the Hardware, to highlight information that applies to these make sure they know all the safety informa- specific components. If a specific component tion relevant to its use. Keep this document is not mentioned, the information applies to for future reference. the Hardware generally. Steam. In order to play video games or LIMITATIONS ON USE OF THE HARDWARE other experiences on Valve’s online gaming Valve designed the Hardware to introduce platform, Steam, you are required to create you, your family, and friends to virtual reality, a Steam account; there is no charge to join but there are limitations on its use: Steam. Steam is limited to individuals who Children. The Hardware is intended for are 13 years or older. adults and teens, not for children under 13. Additional information. Within this manual Children may not be able to use the Hard- see “Safety Notes” for information regarding ware safely and comfortably. The size and safe use and use limitations, “VR Kit weight of the Headset and Controllers may Components” for a list of the components, not be comfortable for children. Children “Regulatory Information” for governmental may also be unable to follow the rules for requirements, and “Summary of Limited safe use outlined in this document. Be sure Warranty & Agreement” for a summary of teens use the Hardware safely and make sure your warranty coverage from Valve. You they immediately stop use if they experience will find additional instructions in the Setup any physical (such as dizziness or nausea) or Guide included in your VR Kit. Online, refer psychological (such as extreme fright) issues. Fit of Headset and Controllers. The Head- Headset and Controllers with anyone with a set and Controllers can be adjusted to fit a health condition that can be transmitted by variety of sizes. The Headset has an adjust- contact. Clean contact surfaces regularly. able head strap and rear adjustment knob, a Medical Device Interference and Radio slider to adjust inter-pupil distance (IPD) and Frequency. The Headset and each Control- an adjustable eye relief knob, and comes ler and Base Station contains radio-emitting with a cradle adaptor to accommodate technology that may interfere with the different head sizes. The Controller strap normal operation of nearby electronic devic- and its anchor point can be adjusted for es. They use 2.4GHz ISM band radios with different hand sizes. Use the accompanying GFSK modulation and custom low-latency Setup Guide or instructions online (steamvr. protocol. While they have been tested for steampowered.com) for instructions on non-interference with common devices, proper fit. If you cannot adjust them to fit do not operate around critical electronic comfortably and securely, do not use them. equipment (e.g. in hospitals). Medical Conditions. If you have a medical Implanted Devices. Consult your health or psychological condition that could affect professional prior to using the Hardware if your safe use of the Hardware consult a you have implanted electronic devices (e.g. healthcare professional prior to use. Consid- pacemaker) to confirm that these devices er your health status, balance, and physical will not be impacted. Do not use the Hard- capabilities in relation to how you will be ware if your medical device will be affected using the system. For example, consider: by the emitted radio waves. · whether you will be using the Hardware while seated, standing, or moving PLAN A SAFE PLAY AREA around, The Headset blocks your view and the · the type and intensity of physical audio can drown out sounds around you, movements you will be doing, and so you’ll need to create a safe play area to · the kinds of media you’ll view, such as avoid injuring yourself or others. See the intense or scary content. information at steamvr.steampowered.com Impairments such as Sickness, Fatigue, or for additional instructions regarding set up Drugs. Do not use the Hardware if you are of your play area. sick or fatigued or have been using alcohol · Clear the area of objects. For room or drugs. These conditions increase your risk scale VR, you’ll need an open space at of nausea, dizziness, discomfort and loss of least 2m x 1.5m (6.5ft x 5ft). For standing balance. Drugs and alcohol may also impact or seated use, you need enough room your judgment and reactions to the virtual that your outstretched arms, including environment. Controllers, do not touch objects around Contagious Conditions. Avoid sharing the you including anything above you such as the ceiling, fans or lights. · Set up and understand the Chaperone · Check the area for things that could boundaries (see below). make you trip or slip. · Be sure there is nothing dangerous (for SET UP AND UNDERSTAND THE example, sharp objects, balconies, stairs CHAPERONE™ FUNCTION. or other places you could fall) next to Once you download SteamVR (at steamvr. the play area, in case you accidentally steampowered.com), you will have access leave the area during use. to instructions about the setup of your play area and “Chaperone.” Chaperone is tech- · Place Base Stations and their power cords outside the play area, far enough nology that indicates the boundaries of your that a player will not strike them. The play area. On its default setting, Chaperone Base Stations are precision electronic displays a grid pattern when you approach devices and drops, bumps or other a boundary. Chaperone only indicates the contact may negatively affect perfor- boundaries you designate – it does not mance. identify physical objects in the play area, such as a table or a pet, and does not show · Set up your Base Stations near electrical floor, ceilings, or overhead obstacles. If you outlets and at opposite corners of your move the Base Stations, even accidentally, space, diagonally and as described in you will need to set the boundaries again. the Setup Guide. Chaperone may not display a boundary · Use the included Base Station mounting soon enough if you are moving quickly (for kit to mount them on a wall, light stand, example, running or lunging suddenly). It is cargo pole or tripod, or to set them on a not a substitute for planning a safe play area stable surface. or using a spotter. · Use only the Base Station power supply The default Chaperone setting provides the provided with the Base Station. The most visible boundaries, but when wearing power supply has a unique adapter the Headset, you can customize the Chaper- designed to fit in the Base Station. Other one settings (accessed in VR by pressing the power supplies that are not designed System button on your Controller) to accom- to work with the Base Station may pose modate different VR experiences. When an electrical or fire hazard. If you need you change VR experiences or hand off to a replacement power supply, contact another player, be sure that the settings Valve. are appropriate for the use. Familiarize new · Avoid areas with bright light, which players with Chaperone and its settings. might degrade the performance of the Base Stations. PREPARE TO PLAY · Take precautions to keep pets and Plan for falls. When setting up the play children away. area and deciding whether, what, and how to play, plan for falls. People who may be Do not loop the Cables around objects or particularly susceptible to falling, or to injury route the Cables through walls. The Headset from falls, may wish to only participate in cable will separate from the Connection seated VR experiences. New users may cable if pulled hard enough. This helps be more likely to fall, so a spotter may be reduce the risk of falls from the Cables particularly useful. pulling on the Headset or being tangled on Depending on the VR experience, there are a your body. It also helps prevent your PC variety of ways that players might react that from being pulled, however, it is still advis- could lead to falls. For example: able to place your PC where it will not fall if · Players may attempt to lean against or pulled. Do not tape the Cables together or sit upon virtual objects (such as a virtual otherwise prevent them from separating. A window sill or chair). spotter can help you avoid tripping or being tangled in Cables.
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