Diversity Questioning public perception, conservation policy, and recovery actions for honeybees in North America Sheila R. Colla 1 and J. Scott MacIvor2 1Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, 4700 Keele St, Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3, Canada 2Department of Biological Sciences, University of Toronto, Scarborough Campus, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, Ontario M1C 1A4, Canada Pollinator declines have resulted in an increasing number not at risk of extinction based on globally accepted In- of policies and actions to conserve bee populations in ternational Union for Conservation of Nature Red List many parts of the world. In North America, there is strong criteria and continue to be imported into North America public engagement but also growing controversies over in large numbers (e.g., Pernal (e.g., Pernal 2014). Hon- how to address declines. The controversies are fueled by eybees are important pollinators in agricultural systems, the complexity of scientific information on species, habi- where large areas planted in monoculture depend on an tat types, and countries and by intense lobbying by non- industrialized pollination system (Aizen & Harder 2009). governmental organizations and the beekeeping, agro- However, growing evidence indicates wild bee commu- chemical, and farming industries. Policy and conservation nities can provide more effective pollination services in initiatives often focus on the western honeybee (Apis certain contexts (e.g., Spira 2001; Garibaldi et al. 2013), mellifera), a domesticated species not native to North particularly under climate change (e.g., Rader et al. 2013). America. Although losses of managed honeybee colonies The popularity of hobby and commercial beekeeping are recorded annually, we argue that North American outside of intensive agricultural systems has increased honeybee losses are not a conservation problem; rather, dramatically (Moore & Kosut 2013). Of concern is that they are a domesticated-animal-management problem. By beekeepers are increasingly given access to natural ar- focusing attention on honeybees, policies and funding eas (e.g., PPAP 2016), often without prior environmen- priorities may undermine native bee conservation and tal impact assessments or ongoing monitoring of native have negative impacts ecologically and socially. bee communities. These initiatives are often portrayed In North America, there are approximately 4000 na- as conservation initiatives aimed at saving bees, increas- tive bee species (Michener 2007). A small portion of ing wildflower pollination, and connecting people with these (primarily bumblebees) are classified as at risk of nature. From a beekeeper’s perspective, bringing hives extinction (e.g., IUCN 2016), but data that can be used into natural or urban areas can decrease exposure to agro- to determine the status of the vast majority of species are chemicals and increase the diversity of nectar sources for lacking. In recent years, numerous pollinator conserva- honey production and nutrition (Lorenz & Stark 2015). tion polices at federal (e.g., Bee Health Roundtable 2014), However, these areas often have high native-bee diversity provincial (e.g., Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and (e.g., Hendrix et al. 2010; Bates et al. 2011; Tonietto Rural Affairs 2016), state, and municipal levels have been et al. 2011; Murray et al. 2012; Fortel et al. 2014) and do created that focus primarily on honeybees. For exam- not have a dearth of pollinators (Wagenius & Lyon 2010; ple, honeybees, monarchs, and pollinator habitat are the Williams & Winfree 2013). 3 priorities of the U.S. Pollinator Partnership Action Plan Although honeybees have received significant positive (Pollinator Health Task Force 2016). Although the hon- press and public support, there are important yet often eybee industry is subject to various stressors, including ignored reasons why increasing their numbers outside parasite outbreaks, exposure to insecticides, and declin- intensive agricultural systems should be avoided. Hon- ing nutrition (Ratnieks & Carreck 2010), honeybees are eybees have large colonies and have become invasive email [email protected] Paper submitted May 1, 2016; revised manuscript accepted September 7, 2016. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1202 Conservation Biology, Volume 31, No. 5, 1202–1204 C 2018 The Authors. Conservation Biology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Society for Conservation Biology. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12839 Colla & MacIvor 1203 in all regions outside of their Old World origin (Cane pollinators is critical for native plant communities and 2003; Moritz et al. 2005). Honeybees are prone to a num- will increase the resilience of agricultural and natural ber of diseases, which vary in prevalence. For example, ecosystems. Youngsteadt et al. (2015) found worker survival de- creases significantly as urbanization and management in- crease, which suggests that strict regulation and training of beekeepers are needed. Laboratory studies show hon- Acknowledgments eybee diseases can transfer to other species (Hoffmann et al. 2008; Graystock et al. 2016). Although there are Many thanks to L. Packer and C. Kent for comments on an many knowledge gaps surrounding the impacts of dis- early draft of this manuscript. Funding support to S.R.C. ease transfer on wild populations, increasing the num- was provided by the Liber Ero Foundation. ber of hives in cities or natural areas could lead to spread of diseases into surrounding areas. Honeybees compete with wild bees for pollen and nectar (Kato et al. 1999; Dupont et al. 2003, Paini 2005; Watts Literature Cited et al. 2012; Hudewenz & Klein 2013). A typical api- Aizen MA, Harder LD. 2009. The global stock of domesticated honey ary of 40 hives removes the equivalent of the lar- bees is growing slower than agricultural demand for pollination. val mass pollen provisions of 4,000,000 solitary bees Current Biology 19:915–918. 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Biological Cities have begun to set policies that regulate urban Conservation 118:301–311. beekeeping (e.g., Edmonton, New York, San Francisco, Fortel L, Henry M, Guilbaud L, Guirao AL, Kuhlmann M, Mouret H, Toronto) as a perceived responsible action to help pol- Vaissiere` BE. 2014. Decreasing abundance, increasing diversity and changing structure of the wild bee community (Hymenoptera: An- linators. However, increasing honeybees in cities may thophila) along an urbanization gradient. PLOS ONE 9 (e104679) have numerous social impacts in addition to the above- https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0104679. mentioned ecological impacts. In areas where human Garibaldi LA et al. 2013. Wild pollinators enhance fruit set of crops density is
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