THE AMERICAN SEE PAGE 16 WHY RED CHINA MUST BE KEPT OUT OF THE UN LEGION BY HAROLD LORD VARNEY MAGAZINE Just in case a little hird didn't tell you, we will. The finest whiskey you can buy is America's favorite whiskey — Seagram's 7 Crown! Say Seagram's and be Sure SEAGRAM-DISTILLERS CORPORATION, NEW YORK CITY. BLENDED WHISKEY. 86.8 PROOF. 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. ^hat a powerful difference this high-octane gasoline makes! There is nothing more important than octane rating when you buy gasoline. That's because the amount of power gasoUne can deliver depends on octane rating. So, no matter what other quali- ties you want your fuel to have — be doubly sure to get high-octane gasoUne. And one way to be sure is to look for the familiar yellow-and-black "Ethyl" emblem on the pump. ETHYL CORPORATION New York 17, N.Y. Ethyl Antiknock Ltd., in Canada S Vol. 56 No. 4, April 1954 You'll be THE AMERICAN m:<;io\ 'way ahead... LEGION MAGAZINE Contents for April, 1954 cover by wallyrichards UNCLE BOONE AND THE BIG NEWS (fiction) by Ewart A. Autry 15 PROVING THAT EDUCATION SOMETIMES PAYS. WHY RED CHINA MUST BE KEPT OUT OF THE UN by Harold Lord Varney 16 IT IS SIMPLY A MATTER OF SELF-PRESERVATION. MINOR LEAGUES BUT MAJOR HEADACHES by Ernie Harwell 18 THE STARDOM TRAIL CAN BE A ROUGH ROAD. I WAS THE TARGET by Hon. Gordon H. Scherer 20 HOW IT FEELS TO BE SMEARED BY REDS AND PINKS. STRETCH YOUR HOUSE UPWARD by Robert Scharff 22 IT'S SIMPLE TO MAKE MORE ROOM FOR YOURSELF. YOU CAN SURVIVE AN ATOM BOMB by Robert B. Pitkin 24 to leave your THE OUTLOOK ISN'T AS DARK AS YOU MAY THINK. WHY SO MUCH HORSEPOWER? by James C. Jones 26 car at home.. SPEED IS NOT EVEN SECONDARY. CAN WAGES BE GUARANTEED? by Lewis Haney 28 BOTH SIDES OF A HIGHLY CONTROVERSIAL ISSUE. THE ABC's OF FLY CASTING by Erwin A. Bauer 30 THE ART IS NOT HARD TO MASTER. NEWS OF THE LEGION 37 Features SOUND OFF! 4 PRODUCTS PARADE . 8 NEWSLETTER 3S . EDITOR'S CORNER . 6 ROD AND GUN CLUB. 12 PARTING SHOTS . 72 Manuscripts, artworlt, cartoons submitted for consideration will not be returned unless a seif-addressed. stamped envelope is included. The Amerlcon Legion Magazine is the officiol publicotion of The Americon Legion ond is owned exclusively by The American Legion. Copyright 1954 by The American Legion. Pub- lished monthly at 1100 W, Brordwoy, Louisville, Ky. Accepfance for mailing at speciol rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized Jan. 5, 1925. Price single copy, 15 cents; yeoity subscription, $1.50. Entered as recond doss matter June 30, 1948. ot the Post Office ot Louisville, Ky., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Non-member subscri plions should be sent to the Circulation Department of The Americon Legion Magazine, P. O- Box 1055, Indionopolis 6, Ind. EXECUTIVE AND EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING WESTERN OFFICE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 580 FiHh Avenue 333 North Michigan Avenue and take a Indionopolis 6, Indinna New York 36, N. Y. Chkago 1, Illinois POSTMASTER: Please send copies returned under labels GREYHOUND! Form 3579 to Post OHice Box 1055, Indianapolis 6, Indiana. Arthur J. Connell, llo^'.onal Commonder. Indianapolis Cocrehom, Boton Rouge, schiel L, Hunt, Austin, trip, give the family car a rest — John Stetle, McLeons- Next Levy, boro, Illinois, Chairmen Lo ; Clovis Copeland, Texos; George D Dr. and go Greyhound ! You'll ride relaxed, of the Legion Publica- Liltle Rock, Ark.; Poul Sumter, 5. C; Don S Dogue, Downingtown, Charles R. Logon, behind one of the world's finest, safest tions Commission; W. Emmett, Oakdale, Po.; Josephus Daniels, Keokuk, I owo; Wi I liam . you'll especially Earl L. Ji Raleigh, N. C, P. Roan. Plymouth, drivers save hours, Colifornio, and , Cull- Penno, : F mmet Sofay, on longer trips, with Greyhound's Meyer, Alliance, Ne- John E. Drinkord, braslco, Vice-Choirmen man, Ala.; Dove H. Jacksonville, Flo,; D. L. straight-through Express service. Members of the Com- Fleischer, St. Louis, Seers, Toledo, Ohio; A. Long Arm- Mo. ; Somuel J. Gor- Harold Shindler, And on hundreds of Greyhound mission: strong, Spokane, Wash.; mon. West Hartford, Newburgh, Ind.; Edgar schedules, you'll get the world's smooth- Charles E. Booth, Hunt- Conn.; Ecrl Hitchcock, G. Voughon, St, Paul, ington, W. Va.; Roland Glens Foils, N. Y.; Her- Ml nn. est, most luxurious ride, aboard famous new Air Suspension Coaches! Puhliiher ^ Lmit^ttip EdttoT AtiveTitfiny. Dnector James F. O'Nell Boyd B. Stutler Fred L. Maguire New York, N. Y. All hJitor Eoitern Adv. M^r. Al Marshall William M.DeVitolis A sf'i lo Publisher .<JO( tjte hJitoTs W cMcrn AJr. .\1^r. Frank Lisiecki A Robert B. Pitkin Joseph P. Tiernon Editor Irving Herschbein Detroit A dr. Kef^- Joseph C. Keeley Free! Map of America — with Tour Facts Manager Adv. Sales Assoc. James F. Barton W'fil C.Knt Adv. Ker- For hondsome, trip-planning map of Americo's vo- Alexander Gardiner InJi.Tii.ipolis. Ind. The Eschen Company cationlonds, moil coupon to Greyhound Informa- tion Center, 71 West Lake St., Chicago 1, III. Please notify the Circulation Department, Publications Division, P. O. Box 10S5, Indianapolis, Indiana, if you have changed your addres<:, usin^ notice form 22 Nome which you may secure from your Postmaster. Be sure to cut off the address labet on your Magazine and paste it in the space provided. Always give your latest mem- bership card number and both your new and your old address, and notify your local Address.- Post or the Adjutant of your Post. City & Stote_ 2 • THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE • APRIL. 1954 . V lluulk gouilKit. niqtioit 777 5f ,...^^rr^^;x^^ ^ Phillips Petroleum Company is proud and happy to SEE program as "I Led sponsor such an inspiring television "I Led Three Lives'' Three Lives." Over These TV Stations Mr. Higdon's warm letter is one of thousands of favor- KOBTV Minneapolis KSTP-TV able comments we have received in praise of this anti- Albuquerque Ames WOl-TV Oklahoma City WKY-TV Communist show which appeals strongly to all loyal Bloominglon WTTV Omaha WOW-TV Americans. Chicago WGNTV Peoria WEEK-TV Davenpotl WHBF TV Quincy WGEM-TV We feel sure that all members of the American Legion Oes Moines WOI TV Rock Island WHBF TV will derive entertainment and benefit from the production, KTXL-TV Grand Rapids. ..WOOD-TV San Angelo that you will want to see it regularly, and that you will take Houston KPRC-TV St. Louis KSD-TV KSTP-TV pleasure in recommending it to your fellow-Legionnaires Hutchinson KTVH SI. Paul Indianapolis WFBM St. Petersburg.. ..WSUNTV and other friends. It is definitely your type of show. Kalomozoo WKZO Sioux City KVTV In sections of the country not served by Phillips Petro- Kansas City WDAf Spokane KHQ-TV leum Company, other outstanding American concerns are Lansing WJIM Springfield KYTV WTMJ Tulsa KOTV also sponsoring "I Led Three Lives." Milwaukee Wichita KTVH America for art lours ^yoTi^»» Direc^o^ PHILLIPS PETI lesvfffe, Oklahoma "Cake not wood mellows your PLEA FOR A PRISONER party." Curiously, so is communism. Note, though, both take their doc- Sir: My son, 1st Lt. Douglas H. Haag, smoke trines from exactly the same disciples; was reported missing in action of as namely, Hegel, Feuerbach, Marx, July 12, 1950. Last September 1 re- Engels, Liebknecht, Lenin, Trotzkj', ceived a telegram from the Adjutant Stalin, et al. Limpus must explain why General saying that my son was be- socialism and communism both insist lieved to have been at one time a pris- that "God is the opiate of the masses," oner of the reds, and may be among why each advocates the "materialistic the men for whom the reds have given basis of history," why both insist upon no accounting. My son's name has "free love," and why each refers to never appeared on any list nor POW the same disciples, before he can con- have 1 had any word from him. 1 am vince us that communism is no more writing to beg that you will use your and no less than socialism in action mul the magazine to arouse the American pub- —that both are authoritarian and each lic to what is happening to the 944 is opposed to republican democracy, men still held by the reds in \ iolation the rule of, by, for and through the of the truce. Why is our Government people. not taking whatever means arc neces- John V. Rowan sary for the immediate return of these Colonial Heights, Va. fukes Yello-Bote men? These are our own men who imported hriar fur iustev have fought for us. Will our Govern- ment abandon them? I understand that than any pipe at any price! it is planned to declare them "pre- sumed dead." I cannot believe that my country would do this thing. AMiat is behind this? We, the parents and wives of these men, have a right to know. Mrs. Catherine H. Haag FRIENDS ACROSS THE BORDER Louisville, Ky. Sir: I've often read letters telling how U. S. citizens are treated up here in GOT YOURS YET? Canada. Well, here is what happened to me. I was rushed to Providence Sir: Bought a copy of The American Hospital here in Aloose Jaw with a Legion Reader and want to say con- hemorrhage. I was in bad shape but gratulations! It's a real American book the doctors, sisters and nurses were that belongs on the bookshelf of all kindness itself.
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