cleaned out nd Sinatra's with tape bound him. ra's bands. fro and went ~er. Sinatra had phone about Snow Expected lng up after ~he gunmen s..... 1ttNuth .......... wItII ... rut an hOUr crn....... __"" ... .. miles ................. c.tIIt- search ef. '*' celli. with hltfls tMay .,.... te Tahoe air. ail owan It .. 15 111 ............ _ the day. Serolng t~ State Univerdtrl of IOWtJ tmd ths People of 10tDd CftrI 11 In"" -'h. attorney . tried to 1964-65 Rates 10 Ceata Per CopJ • ad*" ...... I.-...1 ........ _ ..." b • Iowa City. Iowa - Wednerday ~ 11. 1963 dawn but snow and For All Housing Will Remain Same SUI's coeds will have an op· portunity to move into South Quadrangle during the 1964.651 academic year, T. M. Rehder. director of SUI dormitories and din i n g services announced owan Tuesday. Rehder also sa id that single stu· dent dormitory and married stu· dent housing .rat~ will remain the I same (or that academic year. According to the director. South • Quadrangle's change from a men's I TIle CDr of John R. Mc· to a women's dormitory Is to meet lAren, A4, Cedar RapicU, housing needs for the coming year and to make available a residence uto IS ap UIa8 totally demolish d when hall for women who find it can· it coll1cied with two emi· venient to live on the west campus. trailer truck. Tu day night. THE GRADUAL conversion of · Westlawn over the past four years --~--~--------~~------------------- Crom primarily a nurses' residence to a general building for use by the McNamara College of Nursing and University Commuter's Car Negro Finally 1fospltals was another Cactor In· fluencing the change. l Announces Special contracts are being sent Finds 'Home to women students in nursing. Hits Semi-Truck pharmacy. and other selected Orbiting Lab groups who may wish to reside By TOM ASSENS WASHINGTON III - Secretary of in South Quadrangle. If not enough Staff Writer For Trailer applications are returned by the DeC nse Robert S. McNamara an· deadline date of Jan. 8 to jUstify John Randolph McLaren. A4, Cedar Rapids, was killcd By SUSAN ARTZ nounced cancellation of the Dyna. the change, the building wlll con· Tuesday night when the oar he was drivjng coJUd d with two The Iowa City Human Relations Soar manned space gUder project Grim Death Scene tlnue to be operated as a men's semi·trailer trucks on Highway 218, one mile north of Holiday CommissIon has succeeded in find· Tuesday. residence. Ing a location for the trailer of a In III plac he ord red the Air A btnt 4IfId bt.od.smt.,..d ,,"rlnt wheel tell. the .tery ef hew John [nn. Contracts will include board at Negro who was (arced to relocate Fore to abe d wit.b d v I.... Randolph MeL ....n, A4, c.4or Rapid. mtt TveMIIY nltM because oC city wnlng ordinane . ,0 ..- Quadrangle dining service. Iowa Highway Patrolman Richard Reddick aid McLar n, Junious A. Tate, who live alone, ment oC an orbitIng research Jab- when hi, c.r collided with two trucks on Highway 211. IIx miles Quadrangle and Hillcrest are ex. 80. who commuted to sur. was ap-I moved his Irailer from 92 S, oratory desJined te keep a crew of IIOf1hw.. t of lowl City. MeL.ran, 30, commuted from c.4,r R..... pected to absorb the Joss of parently driving home to Cedar 3 A · Dubuque St., Into the Hawkeye spacemen aloft for weeD at a to SUI and w•• ,'_ In the cor. Ntlttltr truck drl • ., WH Inl..,.... South Quadrangle in the men's res!. Rapids when his car hJt a north· merlcans Trailer Court Tuesday. according time. -Phote. by lob HIIIIWI • 1 dence system, Rehder added. bound truck driven by Everett L. to Mrs. Lor n Hall, wife of the The decision. which represents a ]----------------------- REHDER credited the economies Smith. 23. Calhoun. Ga. about 8 A Add manager. major bro dening oC military h $ II In tbe operation of the housing p.m. re war e Mrs. Allyn Lemme. member of ROBERT S. MCNAMARA spacecraft development. was on· Wort 2.1 Bi ;on- systems for the same rates during : The collision spun McLaren's the commis Ion. IBid Tuesday Ca~l. Dyn •• Sotr nounced after a White HOU$e brief· tbe 1964-65 year. 1957 Chevrolet into the southbound Nobel Pr· es night that when Tate received no- lng of congt lanai leaders af· Boarding dormitory rates were lane. where a southbound truck I Z tice from city t.bat he sbould ranged by President Johnson. set at their present levels in 1960. collided with the left rear fender Groups Sc:hedule and married student housing rent· of the auto. The car then traveled OSLO. Norway LfI _ Three Amer. move his trailer. he was unsuccess· McNamara told a Pentagon College Aid Bill als have not been changed since about 167 feet into an embank· leans received Nobel in cere. Cui after contacting most oC the IThree Meetings news conference that the Manned 1958. ment on the east side of the road. monies Tuesday In Oslo and Stock. trailer courts In the area. Orbilln, Laboratory pro gram, holm, Sweden. In Norway'. capi. TATE'S LAWYER contacted the 0 H R' ht combined with related research. Costs of operating and expanding McLAREN was laken to Unlver· tal, the late President John F, City Council. which had directed n uman Ig S will yield ,r ter retWllllu toow· SUi student housing. which in· IIlty Hospitals where he was pro­ Kennedy was eulogIzed as a cru. that zoning ordinances be enforced. ledge about the problems oC Ule Sent to Jolinson cludes construction and debt retire- naunced dead on arrival. Johnson sader for the ideals of Alfred No- The council turned the matter over Two human rights committee in space. and at the sam time ment. greatly affect housing fa' lcounty Medical Examiner George bel, whose fortune created the an. to the Human Relations Commls· meetings are scheduled for today will ave about $tOO mllllon over WASHiNGTON LfI - Cong.r nt to Pre ident Johnson Tueldll)' cilities at state institutions since D. Callahan saId that the cau e of nual awards. sian. The Commission assillf1:!d and another for early January. the lIext 18 months. a $U·billlon educatlon bill authoridn& Cederal Cunds for the f time they must depe~ .wlely 011 their death was a crushed chest. The Dr. Linus Pauling was given the Richard Sidwell and S I mea n Th Univ ralty Committee on Without olng into details, h te aid eOlllllru Uon at both public and private (our·year and junior col· own revenues for operating and steering column of tbe car was delayed peace prize for 1962 at Strauss to aid Tate In finding a Human Rights will bold an open expres ed bell f that tbe n w mill. leges. construction. covered with blood. Oslo University. He heard himself place for his trailer. meeting tedBy at 4:30 p,m. In the tary .pace approach will yl Id Final approval came on a 54-27 In the w k. It La a compromlae Boarding dormitory rates are The driver of the unloaded north· praised as a man who had (ought City Attorney Jay n. Jionohan. Old Capitol Senale Chamber. Dean "very substantial lavlngs" over roll call vote In the Senate, with belw n a p .2-bllllon, five·year now $880 for a multiple room and bound truck, which suUpred ex· for nuclear disarmllment in the snid Tuesday that "This WIIS not of Student Affairs M. L. Huit. and the years, 37 Democrats nod 17 Republicans Sen to version and $450 mi1Iloa $980 for a single room. Monthly tensive damage to its left rear face of powerful critici m and de. an ordinary violation since the maD Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. vollng for. l7 Democrats and 10 voted by the House but limited to rental Cor married student bar· wheels. said that be did not hear or fended against charge of pro-Com. said he WI!! unable to find a place Dewey B. Stuit are to speak. "Th probl ms of ro ntry con- R publicans again t. vocational grants, racks unfurnished apartments is see McLaren's car until the im· munist leanings. for his traller because of his At 7:15 toni"ht the Student Sen. diUon. materials and techniques Sen. Jack tiller Ia·lowa) voted pact. The truck was bound for race." Co .• H Ri bts are to be stUdied at substanUaDy Th e are the annual authorha· $62.50. Rentals for permanent mar· . IN RE PL Y the re earch chem· at. mmlltce on uman g lower costs without aetuaU" u Ing with th majority. Iowa n. tions In the colle c bill. All will nil ried student apartments range Cedar Rapids from Georgia. ist from the Call'fomla Insti ....A 01 Chalrman of the ComlTli5~ion, will meet in Conference Room 2 of • Bourk Hlcke nlooper was not listed for thr yca-·. ............ L __ lei, .. &~ a manned vehicle, like Dyna-5oar." •• from $65 for a Parklawn unfurnish· Neither the driver of the north· Technology said world was we Rev. D. Soeot. ... ftIr the Union. Members oC the com· he said. a having voted. ed efficiency apartment to $83.50 bound truck. Smith. nor his com· moving toward the day when the cording to his report he was unaole mittce will submit the results of The measure. endorsed by John. • $IRO million in grants for four for unfurnished Hawkeye apart· panion, Howard Bagley.
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