NOTTINGHAM PLAYING PITCH STRATEGY & ACTION PLAN 2015 - 2020 Contents CONFIRMATION OF ORGANISATION AND GOVERNING BODY SIGN OFF 3 PART 1: INTRODUCTION 4 PART 2: KEY ISSUES TO ADDRESS 5 PART 3: PLAYING PITCH SCENARIOS 8 PART 4: STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK 9 PART 5: AIMS 11 PART 6: STRATEGIC RECOMMENDATIONS 12 PART 7: SPORT SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS 27 PART 8: ACTION PLAN 29 PART 9: DELIVER THE STRATEGY AND KEEP IT ROBUST AND UP TO DATE 64 APPENDIX 1: STRATEGIC CONTEXT 67 APPENDIX 2: FUNDING PLAN 72 NOTTINGHAM PLAYING PITCH STRATEGY 2015 – 2020 Nottingham City Council 2 Nottingham City Playing Pitch Strategy 2015 – 2020 In compliance with Sport England’s new guidelines for the development of Playing Pitch Strategies, the following Organisations and National Governing Bodies of Sport have agreed the Strategy and Action Plan and have signed an agreement in confirmation Organisations Sport England Sport Nottinghamshire National Governing Bodies of Sport Football Association England & Wales Cricket Board Rugby Football Union England Hockey Lawn Tennis Association Rugby Football League NOTTINGHAM PLAYING PITCH STRATEGY 2015 – 2020 Nottingham City Council 3 Part 1: Introduction This is the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) for 1 1: Structure may not currently be in place to implement it, potential partners and Nottingham Building upon the preceding The Strategy has been developed possible sources of external funding from research and analysis of playing will be identified. Assessment Report it provides a clear, strategic pitch provision and usage within framework for the maintenance and improvement of Nottingham to provide: The recommendations that come out of this strategy must be translated existing outdoor sports pitches and ancillary facilities • A vision for the future into local plan policy so there is a between 2015 and 2020 improvement and prioritisation of policy mechanism to support delivery playing pitches (including ancillary and secure provision/investment The PPS covers the following playing protection and provision of sports facilities). where the opportunity arises. pitches and outdoor pitch sports: facilities and the Infrastructure • A series of strategic Delivery Plan and S106 and CIL There is a need to build key recommendations which provide • Football pitches schedules; partnerships between the City a strategic framework for the Council, National Governing • Cricket pitches • Informing land use decisions in improvement, maintenance, Bodies of Sport (NGBs), Sport • Rugby union pitches respect of future use of existing development and, as appropriate, England, schools, further education rationalisation of the playing pitch • Rugby league pitches outdoor sports areas and playing providers, community clubs and fields (capable of accommodating stock. private landowners to maintain and • Artificial Grass Pitches (AGPs) pitches) across the City; improve playing pitch provision. In • A series of sport by sport including sand based/filled, water these instances, the potential for recommendations which provide based and 3G • Providing a strategic framework the City Council to take a strategic a strategic framework for sport for the provision and management lead is more limited (except in terms • Tennis courts led improvements to provision. of outdoor sports across the City; of Section 106 Agreements). This • Bowling greens • Supporting external funding bids • A prioritised area-by-area action document will provide clarity about and maximise support for outdoor plan (where action is deemed the way forward, and allow key sports facilities; necessary). organisations to focus on the key The Strategy is capable of: issues that they can directly influence • Providing the basis for on-going The Strategy and Action Plan and achieve. • Providing adequate planning monitoring and review of the use, recommends a number of priority guidance to assess development distribution, function, quality and projects for Nottingham, which should proposals affecting playing fields accessibility of outdoor sport. be implemented from 2015 to 2019. It and to inform the review of the is outlined to provide a framework for Local Plan to shape policy, inform improvement and, although resources NOTTINGHAM PLAYING PITCH STRATEGY 2015 – 2020 Nottingham City Council 4 Part 2: Key Issues to Address Using the key issues identified in theA ssessment Report, the following priorities are identified for each sport and provide the context for the development of the recommendations made within the Strategy 2 1 Football grass pitches 2 2 Football 3G pitches • Poor pitch quality with 26% (37 pitches) rated as • There are five full size 3G pitches in Nottingham; of poor quality. City Council sites which contain one these one is currently not available for community or more poor quality pitches include Bulwell Hall use (University Park Sports Centre). Three are FA Park, Melbourne Park, Southglade Park, Victoria registered or with the ability to become registered Embankment and Woodthorpe Grange Park. for use for competitive football fixtures. • Spare capacity equating to 159 match equivalent • There are three in progress or proposed in sessions as actual per week. Nottingham; Forest Recreation Ground (in progress), Victoria Embankment (proposed) and Lenton Lane • There is the need for one additional match session (proposed). (or 0.5 adult pitches) to accommodate total future adult demand. • Based on the size and structure of the population, the FPM estimates there to be unmet demand of • There is a shortfall of youth pitches available to meet 1.25 AGPs predominantly for football and is due current demand (10 pitches) and future demand predominantly to a lack of capacity. The new AGP at (11.5 pitches). This is largely due to the amount Forest Recreation Ground would therefore appear to of latent demand expressed by clubs who would address the identified unmet demand modelled. be able to field more teams if more pitches were available to them. • On the basis there are 323 teams playing in Nottingham, the FA recommends a need for five • There are sufficient mini pitches available to service full size 3G pitches to service training resulting in current and future demand. a current shortfall of one 3G pitch. This is further • In addition to this there is displaced demand reiterated through local demand, although pricing is equating to 36 adult teams (18 pitches), 35 youth also a key factor for clubs. teams (17.5 pitches) and 24 mini teams (12 pitches) • There is growing future demand for some age having to access football pitches outside of groups to play on 3G pitches, particularly at youth Nottingham. level where there is a shortfall of grass pitches. NOTTINGHAM PLAYING PITCH STRATEGY 2015 – 2020 Nottingham City Council 5 2 3 Cricket slit drainage is required across all pitches with • Three standard quality AGPs; the Forest medium impact but does require the Club to Recreation Ground and Southglade Leisure • Eleven pitches were assessed as average quality replace these slits on an approximate 4/5 year Centre. and three pitches were assessed as poor quality. basis. • Fernwood School and Bulwell Academy AGPs • Minimal actual spare capacity on grass pitches • Available spare capacity is all located at both have spare capacity, predominately at equating to a total of two pitches in the peak education sites and equates to a total of six weekends and could accommodate further period (Saturday) and no actual spare capacity match sessions per week (across North and hockey usage. expressed in Central Area. Central areas). • The two AGPs at Highfields Sports Club are both • Overplay equating to 17 match sessions per • There are a number of clubs located close to the operating at capacity and as such Highfields season at Wollaton Village Sports Association Nottingham boundary but located outside of the Hockey Centre reports demand for a second and Lee Westwood Sports Centre. City which may offer some spare capacity. water based AGP at the site. • There is a shortfall of one pitch (natural wickets) to meet future demand across Nottingham. However, spare capacity in North and South 2 5 Rugby league 2 7 Tennis (expressed at West Indian Cavaliers Cricket Club (0.5 pitches)) and Carrington Sports Ground (0.5 • Nottingham Outlaws RLFC use Highfields Playing • There are a total of 117 tennis courts provided pitches) suggests that overall in Nottingham there Fields (University of Nottingham) for all senior in Nottingham across a range of sites including are enough grass pitches to service current and competitive fixtures and a rugby union pitch at private sports clubs, parks and schools. Bluecoats Beechdale Academy for all training future demand. • Nottingham Tennis Centre is a key site which and junior fixtures. • In addition, there is unmet demand for at least produces high demand. • There is a need for the Club to access a site with two additional pitches to service LMS at peak • 84% are categorised as being available for more than one pitch and currently has to travel time (Tuesday) to accommodate an additional six community use (either used competitively or outside of the Area to achieve this. teams. available for recreational use). • The Club is trying to identify a permanent home • Limited availability of indoor training facilities, • Of the provision that is available for community ground that can be accessed throughout the year particularly during winter months. 65 courts (66%) are assessed as good quality, by all teams for both competitive fixtures and with 16 courts (16%) assessed as standard training. quality and the remaining 17 courts (17%) 2 4 Rugby union assessed as poor quality. • Overplay (resulting from training demand, 2 6 Hockey • There are six tennis clubs located in Nottingham; midweek and floodlit) on grass rugby union Magdala LTC, Mapperley Park Tennis Club, pitches by Nottingham Moderns RFC equates to • There are currently seven full sized sand based Nottingham Castle LTC, The Park Tennis Club, a shortfall in South Area of six match sessions AGPs and one full sized water based AGP Wollaton Village Tennis Club and David Lloyd. per week. that are suitable to accommodate Hockey in Nottingham.
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