STATE COLLEGE NEWS. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1957 PAOE 8 ML* Rivalry: Season Brings START Committee, Senate Hold Rivalry Meeting;Goo d Cheer, YOUR State College News Suggest Orientation To Organize ClassStudentWoe s ITT* Christmas. The season of peace, Z.462 ALBANY, NEW YORK. FRIDAY. JANUARY lO, 1958 VOL. XLII, NO. 25 HOLIDAY Leach '58 to have an orientation pe­ that Rivalry should be concentrated children, gifts, term papers, reports, By ELIZABETH SPENCER riod required for frosh of three days into three weeks with Pushball the bcok reviews, and scrounging of THE A meeting to bring out the ideas first event because it brings out the to get to know one another and to begin organization, followed by three money for next semester. Christmas of State students concerning Rival­ most spirit. Their suggestions also at State College. ry and Traditions was held Wed­ included stricter enforcement of weeks concentrated rivalry. SMART nesday night under the chairman­ rules and participation of all four General Suggestions New Year's. The season of hope 'News' Board Elects Mary Fitzpatrick Editor-in-Chief; ship of David Fotheringham '58. The classes in a State Co lege Rivalry. The meeting then turned to gen­ for better luck next year, brotherly suggestions made will be evaluated Juniors Versus Seniors eral suggestions about the rivalry love, and parties to ring in the new ID/AY and a general policy formulated by Attention was then focused on the itself. What to do about warnings, and kick out the old. Also less time tiie committee on Rivalry and Trad­ possibility that organization was beanies, athletic events, enforce­ left for term paper, book reviews, Marlene Ackerman To Serve As Managing Editor itions. more effective under the leadership ment of traditions was discussed and scrounging of money for next with few conclusions drawn. semester. Committee of two Seniors who could devote Opinions converged a good deal on January Sixth. We are now all The meeting was opened with an more time to the entering class. It was pointed out that organiza­ the facts that responsibility was due familiar with that wonderful day. introduction of the committee mem­ to spirit, to a conservative attitude, Faculty Panel Joy Cafaro, Lloyd Seymour To Co-Author"Commonstater," bers: Fotheringham and Al LaFalce tion was somewhat scattered among We return to our classes on that the Juniors who were active in other to lack of first impression of the day, and we frantically begin work represent the Senior class; from the importance of traditions. The point class of 1P59 are Don Gladstone, directions. on our term papers, reports, and Don McClain '59 felt that atten­ stressed most often was that fresh­ book reviews. We still don't have SaKy Weeks, and Claudia A lcock; men enter with spirit and are dis­ Discusses Value Outgoing Board Elects Six Sophomore Associate Editors the two members from the Sopho­ tion should not be focused on the money for next semester. couraged by the attitude of the up- more clas= are Bob Helwig and Ian Juniors as much as on the question perclassmen. In response to this it February Fifth. Second semester. Mary Fitzpatrick '59 will serve as the forty-third Ronald; Misan James, Donna tteele to the freshmen: "What did you ex­ Our eyes are baggy and red. We Of Education pect to arrive and see at State Col­ was brought out that the spirit of Editor-in-Chief of the State College News, according to and Don Donato from the class of finally did our book reports, term Travel by Train lege that you did not see?" the freshmen should be a cause of Kappa Phi Kappa, the national 'fil linish the committee. papers, and reviews. Somehow we Marie Dettmer and Joseph Szarek, Seniors and outgoing freshman Class Orientation Suggested interest in future years, not a re­ managed to get money to be here education fraternity on the Albany co-editors-in-chief of the newspaper. Miss Fitzpatrick's ap­ One of the most concrete sugges­ sult of disinterest in classes ahead Speaking for the freshman class, this semester. State campus, will hold a panel means low fores tions made was that of Marilyn of them. pointment is the result of the yearly elections held by the Bcb Congemi expressed the view discussion next week in keeping News Board. Marlene Ackerman '59 will serve as Managing with its program of presenting Editor of the paper. Both served as Associate Editors on ...no cares I speakers and talks during the year. the outgoing board. GROUP ECONOMY FARES* Jack Kiehle '58, President, an- Six Associate Editors ii< unces that the subject of the dis- Six Sophomores have been elected to serve as Associate save you and two or more of Editors. They are: Marit Jentoft-Nilsen, Mary Ellen John­ your friends 25% on round-trip (: ussion to be held next Friday coach tickets. (*Except for local evening at 7:?0 p.m. in Brubacher son, Martha Mayham, James Mc- trips that originate and termi­ Hall will be "What Education Is of Hu:h, Elizabeth Spencer, and Mon­ nate between New York and the Most Worth—and for What?" College Extendsic a Traskus. Washington and points east of Carol AJtic '59 will rep'ace Ann Lancaster, Pa,) Everyone is welcome to attend and hear the members of the panel, Hitchcock '58 as Business-Advertis­ Charles Smith, Professor of Educa­ Fee Payments ing Editor. Miss Hitchcock will fill tion, Walter Knotts, Professor the position of Consultant in that rjf English, Kendall Birr, Associate department. Professor of History, Robert Luip- To Five Days The following will retain their pold, Associate Professor of Math­ The schedule for the collection of present Board positions: Arthur ematics, and Clifton Thome, As­ Plotnik, Feature Editor; Grace En- sociate Professor of Business Ed­ second semester fees has been ex­ tended to five days, from Monday to gels, Circulation-Exchange Editor; ucation, express their views on the Friday, announces Diane Davey, Sports Editor, Robert Kanipf; Pub­ subject. Moderating the discussion THE NEW EDITOR-IN-CHIIEF of the State College News, Mary Registrar. This has been done so lic Relations Editor, John Quirk. will be Morris Berger, Professor of Fitzpatrick, will edit the forty-third volume of the newspaper. that all fees can be paid without Miss Dettmer and Szarek will Education and laculty advisor to the necessity of students cutting serve as Executive Co-Editors on Kappa Phi Kappa. classes. Students not paying their the 1958 News Board. fees by Wednesday, January 22, will COACH PARTY FARES After the opinions and ideas of Lanford Releases College Coursebe assesse d a late charge of $3. llii. members of the panel have bsen Commons tater save each person in your group Class In Conflict presented the remaining time will Joy Cafaro and L!oyd Seymour, of 25 or more 28% of regular If a student has a class in con­ be left open for a question and an­ Seniors will co-author "Common- round-trip fare. Requirement Changes; Revisionsflict with the reporting schedule, swer period so that the audience he is to attend the class and pick up stater" for the second semester. will have an opportunity to query the his packet afterward at the first Staff Promotions panel about any points that may opportunity. College obligations have come up during the discussion. Affect Next Freshman Class i Special for Married Students should be taken care of before a stu­ The News Board also promoted Use The Family Fare Plan- Oscar E. Lanford, Dean of the Following the conclusion of the horr humanities requirement. The dent attempts to pick up his packet. the following staff members: Desk wives ride one way free. College, releases the foTowing in­ entire program there will be a cof­ can delate for Bachelor of Science The Registrar will accept a student Editors, Patricia Flynn, Gail Rogers, formation concerning changes in L.~: fee hour for those attending and niu t take both Mathematics and late on the same day but not ahead Martha Lesi-ek, Virginia Lyons, and the undergraduate curriculum. participating in the discussion. Science. All other general require­ of the schedule. Alexander Capasso; Feature Writer. The new requirements apply begin­ ments for the B.S. are ihe same as Payment Procedure David Goodman; Sports Desk Edi­ ning with the Class of 1960 only. those listed lor the B.A. degree. Fee payment procedure is as fol­ tors, James Dougherty, John Lewis; Candidates for the Bachelor of Arts Ma. or, Minor, and professional re­ lows : Sports Cub Reporter, Michael Coyle; md Bachelor of Science degrees who quire.) cuts are unchanged. 1. Pick up packet lrom the Ro­ Business-Advertising Manager, Jane AD Class matriculate before July, 1958, should Chill res tunda outside the office of the Reg­ Graham; Assistant Circulation-Ex­ refer to the catalogue in effect at the 'I .ie English requirement now to­ istrar according to the schedule. change Manager, Anne O'Connor. time of their matriculation to de­ tal- 9 hours. Psycho ogy and Health 2. Pay fees in the Business Office. Stages Plays termine their degree requirements. ai\ n i longer required. The human­ 3. Turn in the packet to the table Coach And Four Banquet JAMES REOr.AU Brule Suit New B.A. Requirements HOLY CROSS ities requirement must be in Art, outside the Business Office and Members oi the incoming and Faul B. Pettit, Associate Profes­ Candidates for the Bachelor of Music, Philosophy and or Interde- have I.D. card validated. outgoing boards will attend a ban­ sor ui English, announces that his Arts degree will be required to take pa t.antal Humanities.
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