Layout Spring2017- for website.qxp_Layout 1 6/26/17 5:20 PM Page 1 CARNEGIE HILL CARNEGIE HILL I Because it’s our home I Spring 2n017 / Veol . 38 w / Nº 1 s neighbors 2017 CHN ENRICHMENT AWARD: 66 AND 68 EAST 93RD STREET RESTORED, ADJACENT, BUT DIFFERENT By Garrett Glaser his year, Carnegie Hill Neighbors is recognizing two buildings with its annual Enrichment Award. Numbers 66 and 68 East 93rd Street are adjacent T but very different properties united by their owners’ determination to maintain the authenticity of the streetscape. The dual selection reflects the fact that the award is about the quality and appropriateness of the restoration to the architectural fabric, regardless of the scope of the project. Hidden behind its faithfully restored facade of brownstone and brickwork, No. 66 (near left) is a modern, light-filled, five-story single-family home whose interior was rebuilt from scratch at sizeable expense. The home replaces nine rental units in this 1890 Queen Anne rowhouse. No. 68 (far left) is a handsome, self-managed, five-story walk-up cooperative whose shareholders secured a low-interest loan from the Historic Properties Fund of the New York Landmarks Conservancy. Thanks to the loan, and the good instincts of the shareholders, the original brownstone facade is now faithfully restored to its 1890 Renaissance Revival appearance, A D including two lost decorative relief panels (spandrels), N O H at a cost of about $400,000. N A T S Continued on page 24 . CHN SPRING BENEFIT E TO BE HELD AT 100-YEAR- OLD FABBRI MANSION. D You could win a trip to I the Baltics! S See more on page 16. N I E C A P - L E D E YES, YOU CAN DO CHN has been welcoming guests and volunteers to I W YOUR PART TO HELP our new office. Above: City Council Member Ben Kallos, E N THE ENVIRONMENT! Reverend Matt Heyd of Church of the Heavenly Rest, and N A See pages 10, 12, 32, 33. CHN President Lo van der Valk. See TIMELINE, page 34. Z U S Layout Spring2017- for website.qxp_Layout 1 6/26/17 5:20 PM Page 2 :HDW&RUFRUDQØSERVINGV&DUQHJLH+LOORIõFHZDQ THEWWRWKDQN\R COMMUNITYXIRUPDNLQJXVDYDOXDEOHSDUWRIWKL VFKHULVKHG QHLJKERUKRRG 3OHDVHYLVLWRXUQHZO\UHQRYDWHG 0DGLVRQ$YHQXHRIõFHWRPHHWRXUWDOHQWHGWHDPRI DJHQWVZKRDUHKDSS\FORWRKHOS\RX ZLWOVERKDQ\RI\RXU UHDAOHVWDW DECADEHQHHGV:HORRNIRUZDUGWRFRQWLQXLQJWR VHUYLQJRXUFRPPXQLW\IRUGHFDGHVWRFRPH 3$0(/$%$51(6026(6 CARNEGIE HILL OFFICE 1226 Madison Avenue Senior Managing Director New York, NY 10128 212.360.6160 5HDOHVWDWHDJHQWVDIõOLDWHGZLWK7KH&RUFRUDQ*URXSDUHLQGHSHQGHQWFRQWUDFWRUVDQGDUHQRWHPSOR\HHVRI7KH&RUFRUDQ*URXS7KH&RUFRUDQ*URXSLVDOLFHQVHGUHDOHVWDWHEURNHUORFDWHGDW0DGLVRQ$YH1<1< 2 I SPRING 2017 • CARNEGIE HILL NEWS Layout Spring2017- for website.qxp_Layout 1 6/26/17 5:20 PM Page 3 CALENDAR CARNEGIE HIL L SPRnINeGw s2017 3 Spring Calendar 4 CHN UpFront CHN Activities and Updates List of Advertisers SPRING.SUMMER EVENTS 6 Major Contributors 8 On Museum Mile CARNEGIE HILL NEIGHBORS EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE HEAVENLY REST by Cynthia MacGrath ANNUAL SPRING BENEFIT AND AUCTION Fifth Avenue at 90th Street, 212-289-3400 10 StreetScape Wednesday, May 24, 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. Spring Thrift Sale. Women’s, men’s, children’s East 86th Street, Join a CSA See pages 16-17. clothes, household items, plus a special boutique section with designer clothes at a fraction of their Environmental News 12 THE BRICK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH original cost. Saturday, May 6, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. NEGAWATTS Park Avenue at 92nd Street by Bonnie Lane Webber 212-289-4400 www.brickchurch.org DILLER-QUAILE SCHOOL OF MUSIC 14 CH Profile Strawberry Festival 24 East 95th Street 212-369-1484, ext. 10 Bishop John of St. Nicholas Live music, hot dogs, strawberry shortcake with www.diller-quaile.org by Suzanne Wiedel-Pace ice cream and all the fixings, children’s games, Diller-Quaile String Quartet 16 Meet the Benefit Co-chairs fellowship with friends and neighbors. Sunday, Friday, May 19, 7:30 p.m. Spring Benefit Invitation May 21, 12:15 – 2:15 p.m. JEWISH MUSEUM 18 You Can Go Home Again HOUSE OF THE REDEEMER Fifth Avenue at 92nd Street, 212-423-3200 Second Generation in CH 7 East 95th Street 212-369-0399, ext. 11 www.thejewishmuseum.org by Jennifer Huntley www.houseoftheredeemer.org Pianist Vicky Chow, Bang on a Can member, 20 Landmark Land Time Travels: Italian Renaissance to Today’s performs Tristan Perich’s solo piano-electronic by Lo van der Valk America with Mannes School of Music. installation Surface Image, echoing Paris’ 19th- 23 Safe Neighborhood In celebration of the centennial of House of the century arcades. Thursday, April 27, 7:30 p.m. by B.A. Conlin Redeemer. Works from Scarlatti to Cole Porter Pianist Daniel Gortler performs Brahms’ Piano 27 Neighborhood News to Paul Schoenfield. Free; reservations Sonata No.3 , Schubert’s Four Impromptus, Brick Church is 250! required. Wednesday, May 10, 7:00 p.m. Op.142 , and Alban Berg’s Piano Sonata Op. 1 . Carnegie Hill Village Update Fabbri Chamber Concert. American String Thursday, May 18, 7:30 p.m. Quartet returns for their 10th season. Program 28 Neighborhood Authors by Lenny Golay followed by reception with the artists. Call to 39TH ANNUAL MUSEUM MILE FESTIVAL reserve tickets. Wednesday, May 17, 7:30 p.m. The city’s biggest block party: Free access to 29 CHN Welcome Package Annual Garden Party. Entertainment, live and some of the world's finest art collections—from 30 Shop Talk silent auctions. Wednesday, June 7, 6:30 p.m. the Metropolitan Museum of Art at 82nd Street by Cynthia Kayan to El Museo del Barrio at 104th Street. Plus 31 Merchant Profile: IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH plenty of outdoor festivities — face painting, James Custom Shoe Repair Lexington Avenue at 88th Street chalk drawing, live music. Tuesday, June 13, by Shari Thompson 212-289-8128 www.immanuelnyc.org 5:00 – 9:00 p.m., rain or shine. Baldwin Festival Chorus of New York Tree Care 32 Doug Sheldon, conductor Caring for Sidewalk Trees NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC CONCERTS IN by Susan Gottridge Glorious Evening! Works by Gabrieli, Vivaldi, CENTRAL PARK Dates and programs will be Protect Tree Roots Puccini, Verdi. Friday, May 12, 8:00 p.m. posted in April at www.nyphil.org. by Julia Bradford 34 Timeline: CHN’s New Office CARNEGIE HILL NEIGHBORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS 36 CHN Membership Form Suzie Aijala • Irene E. Aldridge • Heather Brandes • Mark Brookes • Barbara Calabrese Barbara Coffey * • Dixie De Luca • Samantha Fremont-Smith* • Mark L. Goldsmith * Editor-in-Chief: Barbara Coffey Susan Gottridge * • Lisa Sharf Green • Anne Haubenstricker • Julie Herzig • Ivan Hrazdira Editors: Samantha Fremont-Smith, Jurate Kazickas • Linda Kurtz • Della Leathers • Cynthia MacGrath • Gina Morehead Lenny Golay, Ann Levin, Virginia B. Pitman • Molly Rand • April Shelton • David J. Stoll* • George Stonbely* Bo Niles, S hari Thompson, Lo van der Valk * • Gregory Warner • Bonnie Lane Webber Suzanne Wiedel-Pace EMERITUS: Ronald Spencer • Margaret M. Ternes * Executive Committee Art Director: Cynthia MacGrath CARNEGIE HILL NEIGHBORS IS DEDICATED TO PRESERVING THE ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD , LANDSCAPING THE MALLS , Ad Production: Alexa Williams ENHANCING STREETSCAPES , CARING FOR TREES , NETWORKING WITH BUILDINGS , AND PROVIDING SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDANCE . CARNEGIE HILL NEWS • SPRING 2017 I 3 Layout Spring2017- for website.qxp_Layout 1 6/26/17 5:20 PM Page 4 CHN UPFRONT SPRINGTIME COMES TO CARNEGIE HILL o matter how erratic the winter weather, the blooming tulips and Ntrees on the Park Avenue malls are always a comforting sign of spring. This year features Templar Orange blooms, the flower repeated in our Spring Benefit theme. In late spring, look for lush, red Dragon Wing begonias to brighten the malls all summer into fall. As always, we thank the co-ops and condos on Park Avenue, and the many friends of the malls whose contri - butions enable CHN to plant and maintain this vibrant landscape in the center of Carnegie Hill. PARK AVENUE APARTMENT BUILDINGS AND FRIENDS SUPPORTING THE MALLS 1040 1075 1112 1165 1220 49 East 86th St. The Brick Presbyterian Church 1045 1088 1120 1172 1230 55 East 86th St. Church of St. Thomas More 1049 1095 1125 1175 1235 120 East 87th St. The Spence School E 1050 1100 1130 1185 120 East 90th St. The Town House International School C A P 1060 1105 1133 1192 130 East 94th St. - L E 1065 1110 1155 1199 D E I 1070 1111 1160 1215 W E N N A Z U S “MEET CHN BREAKFAST” A HOST OF GOLDEN DAFFODILS Our annual event to introduce Carnegie Hill residents to CHN’s many programs Last fall, CHN volunteers joined The and activities was held April 6 and featured longtime Carnegie Hill neighbor Lynden Daffodil Project by planting over 350 Miller and her colleague, Laura Montross, to discuss The Daffodil Project, a living bulbs in the Park Avenue Pocket Park memorial to 9/11. Ms. Miller, who co-founded The Daffodil Project, was the garden between 96th and 97th streets on Park architect of the Park Avenue Pocket Park and the Conservatory Gardens in Central Avenue. (See 2016 Fall Carnegie Hill Park. Ms. Miller discussed her many public gardening and landscaping projects News, page 14.) Finally in late March, around New York City, and how to care for plants in an urban environment. Ms. golden daffodils made their way through Montross gave a presentation about NY4P (New Yorkers for Parks) and The Daffodil the late blanket of snow to delight all Project. CHN is most grateful to Simon Baron Developers of 12 East 88th Street for who pass through the pocket park. hosting the event in the private room at Via Quadronno. CHECK OUT THE REVAMPED CHN WEBSITE The CHN website is new and improved with a simpler look, additional payment options, an interactive blog, and increased compatibility with IOS android devices.
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