Media Twit ter List Buffalo | Rochester | Southern Ontario Buffalo Major Newspapers Buffalo Business First @bflobizfirst Michael Canfield (Legal Contributor) @blj_mcanfield Michelle Cioci (Associate Editor) @bflobizmcioci Donna Collins (Managing Editor) @bflobizdonnacol Sean Connors (Graphic Design / Social Media) @bflobiz_seanc Tracey Drury (Reporter) @bflobiztdrury James Fink (Reporter) @bflobizjimfink Allissa Kline (Reporter) @bflobizakline Paul Lane (Data Reporter) @bflobizdata Mark Mensheha (Director of National News Desk) @menshehaacbj Dan Miner (Reporter) @bflobiz_miner Mark Pawlosky (Editorial Director of Content Development & Strategy) @markpaw John Tebeau (President / Publisher) @johnmtebeau Jeff Wright (Editor) @bflobizeditor Buffalo Law Journal @buflawjournal Michael Canfield (Legal Contributor) @blj_mcanfield Mark Mensheha (Director, National News Desk) @menshehaacbj The Buffalo News @thebuffalonews Dale Anderson (News Reporter) @dahotwings Bruce Andriatch (Assistant Managing Editor & Features Editor) @bandriatch Budd Bailey (Sports Reporter) @wdx2bb Josh Barnett (Executive Sports Editor) @byjoshbarnett Maki Becker (Breaking News Editor) @makibecker Aaron Besecker (Digital Media Reporter) @aaronbesecker Deidre Williams Boyd (City Hall Reporter) @deidrewilliamsb Vic Carucci (Sports Reporter) @viccarucci Samantha Maziarz Christmann (Reporter) @discountdivasam Warren Colville (Publisher) @wcolville Mike Connelly (Editor) @mikeconnellybn Brian Connolly (Managing Editor) @brianjconnolly Greg Connors (Sports Reporter) @gregoryconnors Colin Dabkowski (Theater & Performing Arts Reporter) @colindabkowski Bob DiCesare (Deputy Sports Editor) @bdicesare59 Jonathan Epstein (Business Reporter) @jdepstein Phil Fairbanks (Federal Courts Reporter) @philfairbanks1 Nancy Fischer (Niagara County Crime Reporter) @nancyfbuffnews Andrew Galarneau (Food Editor) @buffalofood Mark Gaughan (Sports Reporter) @gggaughan Denise Jewell Gee (Business Editor) @denisejewellgee Bucky Gleason (Sports Columnist) @bybuckygleason Sharon Gleason (NeXt Editor) @shargleas Matt Glynn (Financial Services Reporter) @mattglynnbflo Mary Kunz Goldman (Classical Music Critic) @marykunzgoldman Tim Graham (Reporter) @bytimgraham Mike Harrington (Sports Reporter) @bnharrington Dan Herbeck (Investigative Reporter) @dherbecknews Jane Kwiatkowski (Lackawanna Reporter) @kwiatkowskibn Patrick Lakamp (Assigning Editor for Enterprise) @bypatricklakamp Robert McCarthy (Politics Reporter) @bobmccarthybn Harold McNeil (Amherst Reporter) @haroldmcneilbn Keith McShea (Deputy Sports Editor) @keithmcsheabn Lou Michel (Reporter) @loumichelbn Jeff Miers (Pop Music Critic) @jeffmiers Melinda Miller (News Staff Reporter) @mmillerbuff Amy Moritz (Collegiate Sports Reporter) @amymoritz Barbara O’Brien (Suburban News Reporter) @bobrieneden Tim O’Shei (Features Reporter) @timoshei Mary Pasciak (Data Team Editor) @marypasciak Alan Pergament (News TV Critic) @stilltalkintv T.J. Pignataro (Environment Reporter) @tjpignataro Thomas Prohaska (Niagara Falls Reporter) @thomasprohaska Jay Rey (Higher Education Reporter) @jreybuffalo David Robinson (Deputy Business Editor) @drobby Karen Robinson (Reporter) @karenrobinsonbn Miguel Rodriguez (Sports Reporter) @miggyrod33 Toni Ruberto (Gusto Editor) @toniruberto Scott Scanlon (Refresh Editor) @bnrefresh Doug Sherman (News Editor) @doug_sherman Jeff Simon (Arts Editor) @jeffsimonbflo Jay Skurski (Sports Reporter) @jayskurski Mark Sommer (City Reporter) @msommerbn Matthew Spina (Investigative Reporter) @matthewspina1 Jerry Sullivan (Sports Columnist) @byjerrysullivan Sandra Tan (Erie County Government Reporter) @sandratanbn Jay Tokasz (Reporter) @jaytokasz Charity Vogel (Night City Editor) @charityvogel John Vogl (Ice Hockey Reporter) @buffnewsvogl Stephen Watson (Amherst Reporter) @buffaloscribe Jean Westmoore (Children’s Books Editor) @jwestmoore Community Newspapers Akron Bugle Marilyn Kasperek @bugleeditor Alden Advertiser @aldenadvertiser Amherst Bee @theamherstbee Keaton DePriest (Associate Editor) @keatondepriest Arcade Herald @arcade_herald Batavia Daily News @batavia_daily Batavia Daily News Sports Department @bataviadnsports John Anderson (Managing Editor) @23johnanderson Joe Leathersich (Staff Writer) @stuffbyjoe Bee Newspapers @beenewspapers Patrick Nagy (Reporter) @patrickjnagy Taylor Nigrelli (Reporter) @nigrelli93 Dave Sherman (Managing Editor) @dsherman49 Challenger Community News @challenger_news Chautauqua Star @chautauquastar Cheektowaga Bee @cheektowagabee Bob Kupcyzk (Editor) @kupkake35 Cheektowaga Chronicle @cheekchronicle Jim Herr (Publisher / Editor) @breaknewsman Clarence Bee @theclarencebee Ethan Powers (Editor) @ethan_powers Depew Bee @lancdepewbee Julie Halm (Editor) @sortofreallife Dunkirk Observer @theobserverny Greg Fox (Assistant News Editor) @gfoxnews Andrew Kuczkowski (Reporter) @kuczkowski95 East Aurora Advertiser/Elma Review @eastauroranews East Aurora Bee @eastaurorabee Kate Palczynski (Editor) @katepelcz Ellicottville Times @evilletimes Grand Island Dispatch @nfpdispatch Jamestown Post-Journal @thepost_journal Scott Kindberg (Sports Editor) @scottkindberg Matt Spielman (Sports Reporter) @mspielman3 Karibu News @karibu_news Ken-Ton Bee @thekentonbee Lancaster Bee @lancdepewbee Lewiston-Porter Sentinel @nfpsentinel Lockport Union-Sun & Journal @lockportjournal Connor Hoffman (Reporter) @connorhoff1994 Mike Meiler (Sports Editor) @mikemeiler Joe Olenick (Night Editor) @joeolenick Niagara Gazette @niagaragazette Michele DeLuca (Features Editor) @mcdeluca12 Philip Gambini (City Reporter) @philipgambini Mike Meiler (Sports Editor) @mikemeiler Mark Scheer (City Editor) @mscheernf Mia Summerson (Day & Night Editor) @miasummerson Matt Winterhalter (Managing Editor) @ngwinterhalter Niagara Frontier Publications @wnypapers Joshua Maloni (Managing Editor) @joshuamaloni Olean Times-Herald @othnews J.P. Butler (Sports Reporter) @jpbutler10 Shawn Campbell (Sports Reporter) @byshawncampbell Bob Clark (Reporter / Editor) @othbob Tom Dinki (Reporter) @tomdinki Jim Eckstrom (Managing Editor) @onthekinzua Danielle Gamble (City Editor) @othgamble Rick Miller (Reporter) @rmilleroth Kate Sager (Reporter) @othkate Orchard Park Bee @orchardparkbee Orleans Hub @orleans_hub Pennysaver & News @wnypennysaver Kimberly LaRussa (Content Producer) @kimberlylarussa Salamanca Press @salamancapress Rich Place (Editor) @placerm Kellen Quigley (City Reporter) @kellen_quigley Sam Wilson (Sports Reporter) @samwils Springville Journal @springvilleny Warsaw Country Courier @wyconews Wellsville Daily Reporter @wellsvilledaily Chris Potter (Editor) @chrispotter413 West Seneca Bee @westsenecabee Alternative Publications Artvoice @artvoice Buffalo Magazine @buffalomagdotcom Buffalo Rising @buffalorising Newell Nussbaumer (Founder) @queeneyes Buffalo Spree @buffalospree Nina Barone (Food & Features Contributor) @buffalofoodie Angela Gambacorta (Marketing Coordinator) @anggambacorta Erin Habes (Contributing Editor for Style) @erin_habes Donna Hoke (Home Editor) @donnahoke Kim Miers (Web / Digital Content Manager) @penelopespeeks The Public @publicbflo Geoff Kelly (Editor-in-Chief) @ghkelly1969 Aaron Lowinger (Editor) @aaron_lowinger Cory Perla (Entertainment & Music Editor) @corymperla Upstart New York @upstart_ny Broadcast Spectrum Buffalo-TV @specnewsbuffalo Rochelle Alleyne (Reporter) @rochellealleyne Mike Arena (Reporter) @mikearenatv Liz Benjamin (Capital Tonight Host) @ctlizb Sarah Blazonis (Reporter) @sarahblazonis John Borsa (Anchor) @johnborsa Casey Bortnick (Anchor) @caseyjbortnick Ed Buttaccio (News Director) @edbuttaccio Kevin Carroll (Sports Reporter) @kevc_sports Breanna Fuss (Anchor) @breannafuss Katie Gibas (Anchor) @katiegibastv Ted Goldberg (Sports Reporter) @tedgoldbergtv Mark Goshgarian (Reporter) @mark_goshgarian Michael Gouldrick (Meteorologist) @weatherspectrum Alex Haight (Anchor) @alexhaightnews Kevin Jolly (Reporter) @kevinrjollywny Todd Kerkman (Meteorologist) @tkerkmanweather Kaitlyn Munro (Assignment Supervisor) @kaitmunro Scott Patterson (Anchor) @scottmpatterson Nick Reisman (Capital Tonight Reporter) @nickreisman Dan Russell (Meteorologist) @dan_weather_man Jon Scott (Sports Reporter) @jonscotttv Ryan Whalen (Capital Tonight Reporter) @ryanwhalenct Andy Young (Reporter) @andyyoungtv Brooke Zagerelli (Meteorologist) @brookewxtv WBEN-AM @newsradio930 Mike Baggerman (Reporter) @mikebaggerman Tom Bauerle (On-Air Personality) @tbwben Sandy Beach (On-Air Personality) @sandywben David Bellavia (On-Air Personality) @davidbellavia Brian Mazurowski (Anchor) @bmaz1 Tom Puckett (Anchor) @tompuckettwben Tim Wenger (Operations Manager / Program Director) @timwben WBFO-FM @wbfo Eileen Buckley (Senior Reporter) @eileenwbfo Chris Caya (Reporter) @chriscaya Mike Desmond (Reporter) @mikedesmondwbfo Karen DeWitt (Albany Reporter) @kdewitt7 Omar Fetouh (Assistant News Director) @wbfomar Peter Hall (Theater Talk Host) @classicalwned Nick Lippa (Host) @nicholaslippa Brian Meyer (News Director) @brianmeyerwbfo Jonny Moran (Project Associate of Education) @jonnymoran Angelica Morrison (Great Lakes Today Reporter & Producer) @amorrisonwbfo Michael Mroziak (Reporter) @mrozwbfo Dave Rosenthal (Great Lakes Today Managing Editor) @daverosenthal1 Mark Scott (Host) @wbfomarkscott Avery Schneider (Reporter / Program Host) @savery131 Mark Wozniak (All Things Considered Host) @bfowoz WBBZ-TV @wbbz Chatham Marcolini @chathammarc Kim Piazza @kimpiazza3 WBLK-FM @937wblk Todd Anderson (Reporter) @musicmantodda Bill Dubiel (Digital Managing Editor) @roto_dubs
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