
HORMAN (WILLIAM). - -- Vulgaria. First printed by Richard Pynson in 1519. Now reprinted, with an introduction by Montague Rhodes James. [Lat. and Eng.] [Roxburghe Club, 184.] Oxford, 1926. S.B.F .0906 Rox. - -- Vulgaria. London, 1519. [The Eng. Experience, No. 745.] Amsterdam, 1975. .478 Hor. HORMANDER (LARS). - -- The analysis of linear partial differential operators. 1. [Grundlehren d. Math. Wiss. Bd. 256.] Berlin. JCM Lib. 1. Distribution theory and Fourier analysis. 1983. - -- An introduction to complex analysis in several variables. [Univ. Ser. in Higher Math.] Princeton [1966.] JCM Lib. - -- Linear partial differential operators. [Grundlehren d. Math. Wiss. Bd. 116.j Berlin, 1963. JCM Lib. --- 2nd rev. pr. Berlin, 1964. JON Lib. - -- ed. Seminar on singularities of solutions of linear partial differential equations. [Annals of Math. Sci. No. 91.] Princeton, 1979. JCM Lib. - -- Another copy. JCM Lib. ADDITIONS HaRMANDER ( r,axS ) . --- 'i.'he analvaie of linear partial differential operators. 2. LGr ndlehren d. Math. Wise. Bd. 257.] Berlin. ,JOM Lih. 2. .iffArential operators with constant ooeffi,ients. 1983. HORMAYR (JOSEPH) Baron von Hortenburg. See HORTENBURG. HORNRZD, Rabban. - -- See WAHLE, surnamed SEROUS, of Adhôrbaijan. The life of Rabban K ... HORMONE AND METABOLIC RESEARCH. Vols. 2 -4. 1970 -72. Stuttgart. E.M.L. HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR. Vols, 1- lef. 1969-Ye% New York. Psychol. Lib. HORN. See also HORNE: HORNIUS. HORN, Romance. See THOMAS, Author of Horn. HORN (ALBERTUS CONRAD). - -- Diss. ... de gonorrhoea maligna. Halae Magdeburgicae, (1759.) QP.886/7. HORN (ANDRAS). - -- Byron's 'Don Juan' and the eighteenth -century English novel. [Schweizer Angl. Arbeiten, 51, Bd.] Bern [1962.] .82176:.8235 -6 Hor. HORN (ANDREW) . - -- The insufficiency of reason and the necessity of revelation to demonstrate the being and perfections of the Deity. Lond., 1820. C.21.33/2. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS HORMONES and behaviour in higher vertebrates. [Proceedings of the fourth conference sponsored by the European Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry held at Bielefeld in 1982.] Ed. by J. Balthazart, E. Pröve [and] R. Gilles. [Proc. in Life Sci.] Berlin, 1983. .574194 Hor. -- Another copy. Psychol. Lib. HORN (ANDREW) [continued]. - -- The seat of vision determined ... Lond., 1813. v.15/2.16/3. HORN (BERTHOLD KLAUS PAUL). - -- See WINSTON (PATRICK HENRY) and H. (B.K.P.) HORN (CHRISTIANUS FRIDERICUS) . - -- See STENTZEL (C.G.) praes. HORNt (DAVID BAYNE) . - -- The anatomy classrooms in the present Old. College, 1725 -1880. (Repr. from the University of Edinburgh Journal, Spring 1965.) Edin. P .7273 (41445) Hor. - -- ed. British diplomatic representatives, 1689 -1789. Edited for the Royal Historical Society by D .B.H. [ Camden Soc. 3rd ser. Vol. 46.] Lond . , 1932 . RK . - -- i,eiv , Hist. Lib. - -- The British diplomatic service, 1689 -1789. Oxford, 1961. -Cr.h. .3417(42068 -073) Hor. - -- Another copy. Hist. Lib. [ Continued overleaf.] AI)1)k'I'I()N`i HORN (DANIEL). - -- Mutiny on the High Seas; the Imperial German naval mutinies of World War One. Lond., 1973. .9(4045943) Hor. HORN (DAVID). --- The literature of American music in books and folk music collections; a fully annotated bibliography. Metuchen, 1977. Reid Music Lib. --- and TAGG (PHILIP). - - eds. Popular music perspectives, etc. See INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON POPULAR MUSIC RESEARCH, 1st, Amsterdam, 1981. HORN (DAVID BAYNE) [continued]. - -- British public opinion and the First Partition of Poland. Edin. , 1945. 9(438:42073) Hor. - -- Another copy. .9(438:42073) Hor. - -- comp. English historical documents, 1714 -1815; being a selection ... from English historical documents, volumes X and XI ... Lond. , 1967. 9(12071 -073) Iley. 1 N2.7) lice. - -- Frederick the Great and the rise of Prussia. [Teach Yourself Hist. Lib.] Lond. , 19 64 . 9 ( 4 3 1 ) Hor. 44C142L-- - - - r- _«t , eop-i-es. ) Great Britain and Europe in the eighteenth century. Oxford, 1967. 327(42069 -073) Hor. - ---- -A r c aey- R.R lost.) - -- Another copy. Hist. Lib. - -- ed. A history of Europe. 4 vols. Lond. 9(4) Hor. 1. Europe in the Middle Ages, 843 -1494. By H. M. Chew and L. C. Latham. 1936. 2. Europe in the sixteenth & seventeenth centuries. By A. Browning. 1931. 3. Modern Europe, 1648 -1815. By A. Browning and D. B. Horn. 1931. 4. Modern Europe, 1789-1930. By D. B. Horn. Repr. 1937. 'R. R. (Hist. ) . 1Hist-- - -- A history of Europe, 1871 -1920. Student's Mod. Europe, Suppl.] Lond. , 1927. .9(4028 -051) Hor. rwo - -- mother copies. Hist. Lib. [Continued overleaf. ADDITIONS HORN (DAVID BAYNE). - -- comp. English historical documents, 1714-1815; being a selection ... from English historical documents, volumes X and ßáI ... Lond. , 1967. Hist. Lib. Hict. Lib. , t96-T- - -- A history of modern Europe, 1871 -1920. See LODGE (Sir RICHARD). A history of Europe; period 1789- 1920. HORN (DAVID BAYNE) [continued]. - -- Natural philosophy and mountaineering in Scotland, 1750 -1850. Repr, from Scottish Studies, Vol. 7, Pt. 1. pp. 1 -17, 1963. Edin. , 1963. P . 5:. 79652(4107 -08) Hor. - -- Scottish diplomatists, 1689 -1789. [Hist. Assoc. Publ. p3t7(4406,-o7)012 132.] Lond. , 1944. C2. 31 - -- Another copy. D. O. S. T. Lib. - -- A short history of the University of Edinburgh, 1556- 1889. Edin. [1967.] . 378(41445)09 Hor. - -- Another copy. Main Ref. 378(41445)09 Hor. - -- Another copy. Di. - -- Another copy. Econ. Hist. Lib. - -- Another copy. Vet. Lib. - -- Sir Charles Hanbury Williams & European diplomacy 1747 -58. [Th. , Edina Lond. , 1930. .9(4025) Wil. Hor. .4134-.---b:b,' - -- The University of Edinburgh and the teaching of history; inaugural lecture ... delivered ... 1954. (Repr. from the University of Edinburgh Journal, Autumn, 1954. ) [Edin.] P . 907:. 378(41445) Hor. - -- See BROWNING (A.) and H. (D. B.) - -- and RANSOME (MARY). - -- eds. English historical documents, 1714 -1783. [Douglas, Eng. Hist. Doc. Vol. 10.1 Lond., 1957. 9(42) Dou. - -- Another copy. 9(42) Dou. --- -Two . - -- Two other copies. Hist. Lib. - -- Another copy. New Coll. Lib. ADDITIONS HORN (DAVID BAYNE). --- A short history of the University of Edinburgh, 1556 -1889. Ellin. [1967.] Educ. Stud. Lib. - -- Two other copies. Science Stud. Lib. - -- Another copy. New Coll. Lib. --- Another copy. Reid Music Lib. --- See HATTON (RAGNHILD MARIE) and ANDERSON (M.S.) eds. Studies in diplomatic history. Essays in memory of D.B.H. HORN (ERNEST) Ph. D. - -- A basic writing vocabulary. 10, 000 words most commonly used in writing. [Iowa Univ. Monog. in Educ. 1st ser. No. 4.] Iowa City, 1926. LL. 137. 1. 8. Horn (Ernst). Do mutations nuise traneitu cuta rrhi in plathisin pulmonalem ejusque prohibitions, ae. 77. 8 Uot t ing:e, (1797.)a, P. 10i8/7. Erfahrungen Liber die lleilnng des unsteekendsn Nerven- - und LazuruthGcbcrs, ac. 5' 13erlin, 1814. G. 1.;. _. 2s/2. - Grundries dur mcdihiniöeh chirurgischen Arzuaitoittel. lrhru. 8° Berlin, 1504. I. 1.; 2. 15/1. - lIandbuch der praktischen Arznoimittollchro fur Aerzt.o und \ \'undarzte. _'1° ... Aufl. 8° Berlin, 1603. l' 30. 45. Offentliehu Rechenschaft úber nteine zwölfjidhrige Dienst- - führung als zweiter Arzt des Königl. Charitó.Kranken. hanses zu Berlin, etc. 111. 8° Berlin, 1818. I. 16/2. 67/1. - Sag ;io di osservazioni cliniche raccolto ne' miei viuggi di Germanin, Svizzera, o Francis... Truduziono dal Tedesco. 4 tom. (in 2). 8° Firenze, 1803 -5. G` 23. 66.67. - Cbor die Wirkungen des Lichts auf den lebenden mensch- lichen Körper, mit Ausnsihmo des Sehens. 8° Königsborg, 1799. I' 26. 26. HORN (EWALD). - -- Die Disputationen und Promotionen an der deutschen Universitaten, vornehmlich seit dem 16. Jahrhundert ... [Centralbl. f. Bibliothekswesen, Beihft. 11.] Leipzig, 1893. 0208 Cen. - Duo höhere Schulwesen der Staaten Europas. 8" Berlin, 1906. 'N-1.1tT GS '313(Í«o y) Hot-. - See Eauur (W.) and H. (E.) eda. Horn (Ferdinand). Platonatudion ... Neue Folge : Kratylos, Farmendes, Thoatetos, Sophist, Staatsuran. 8° Wien, 1904. Zw. 5. 67. Horn (Franz Christoph). Dio Poesie rund Borodsamkeit der Deutschen, von Luthers Zeit bis zur Gegenwart. 4 Bdo. 8° Berlin, 1822 -29. S. 17. 4.7. HORN (FREDERIK WINKEL). den aeltesten - -- Geschichte der Literatur des skandinavischen Nordens von Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1880. Zt.6.125. from the most - -- History of the literature of the Scandinavian North ancient times to the present. Rev. by the author and tr. by R.B. Anderson. With a bibliography of ... books in the English language relating to the Scandinavian countries. Prepared for the translator by T. Solberg. Chicago, 1884. S.4.98. - -- See BORCHSENIUS (O.F.C.W.) and H. (F.W.) HORN (GABRIEL). and HINDE (ROBERT AUBREY). eds. Short -term changes in neural activity and behaviour. See SHORT -TERM changes in neural activity ... HORN (GEORGE). - -- An entire new treatise on leeches. Lond., 1798. E.B.P .59515 Hor. - -- Another copy. H.16.64/3 HORN (GEORGE H.). - -- See LECONTE (J.L.) and H. (G.H) HORN (GEORGIUS CONRADUS DE). - -- See ALBINUS (B.) pries. HORN (HANS ARNO). - -- Christian Weise als Erneuerer des deutschen Gymnasiums im Zeitalter des Barock; der "Politicus" als Bildungsideal. [Marburger Pädagog- ische Stud. Bd. 5.] Hor. Weinheim [ 1 9 66. ] .37(43)09 Wei. ADDITIONS HORN (GEORGE M.). - -- A lexical interpretive approach to some problems in syntax. Bloomington, 1979. F .415 Hor. - -- Toward a more adequate definition of the notion of transformation. [Current Inq. into Lang. and Ling. 24.] Edmonton [1978.] .415018 Hor. - -- Lexical -functional grammar. [Trends in Ling. Stud.
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