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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-66296-3 - The Cambridge Companion to Giovanni Bellini Edited by Peter Humfrey Index More information Index Adorno, Anselmo (Anselme Adornes), (?) Man with a Compass (London, 72, 84–5 National Gallery), 38 Aleotti, Ulisse, 33 Miracle at San Lio (drawing) Alberti, Leon Battista, 50–1, 70, 165, 190 (Florence, Uffizi), 18 Alfonso, Duke of Ferrara. See Este Portrait of Queen Caterina Cornaro Altichiero, 133 (Svepmüv´ eszeti´ Muzeum,´ Anichino, Francesco, 85 Budapest), 30 Antonello da Messina, 9, 23, 73, 92, 103–4, Procession in the Piazza San Marco 135, 152, 192, 210 (Venice, Accademia), 254 St Jerome in his Study (London, Rescue of the Relic of the Cross at San National Gallery), 76 Lorenzo (Venice, Accademia), 30 Ariosto, Lodovico, 1, 99 St Mark preaching in Alexandria (Milan, Brera), 99, 146, 164, 254 Barbari, Jacopo de’, 90 Bellini, Giovanni: Birthdate and question Barbarigo, Doge Agostino, 151. See also of legitimacy, 5–6, 25, 52–3, 101; Bellini, Giovanni: Votive Picture of homes at San Lio and Santa Marina, Doge Barbarigo. 15–19; relations with guild of Barbarigo, Marco, 86 painters, 19–21, 42; membership of Bartolomeo Veneto, 266, 268 scuole, 21–5; financial situation, Baroso, Geronimo, 22 25–8; circle of friends, 28–32; Basaiti, Marco, 269–70 association with humanists and Bastiani, Lazzaro, 16, 68 poets, 32–41; death and burial, 42–5. Bastiani family, 23 Beazano, Agostino, 42 PAINTINGS Beer, Jan de, 76 Agony in the Garden (London, Bellini, Alvise, 14, 21, 26 National Gallery), 6, 48, 69, 77, 113, Bellini, Gentile, 4–6, 13–14, 21–4, 29–30, 196–7, 226, 230, 232, 238, Figs. 12, 60, 33, 37–8, 40, 42–3, 52, 123, 145, 151, 61, 62 165, 243–4, 253–4, 256 Annunciation (Venice, Accademia), 16, Blessed Lorenzo Giustinian (Venice, 91, 157–60, Fig. 50 Accademia), 68, 199 Assumption of the Virgin with Saints Organ shutters (Venice, San Marco), (Murano, San Pietro Martire), 218, 68 246 347 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-66296-3 - The Cambridge Companion to Giovanni Bellini Edited by Peter Humfrey Index More information 348 Index Bellini, Giovanni (cont.) National Gallery of Art), 30, 99, 107, Baptism of Christ (Vicenza, Santa 121, 123, 138–42, 206, 220, 249, 253, Corona), 5, 16, 112, 190 Fig. 46 Birth of the Virgin (Turin, Galleria Feast of the Gods (Washington DC, Sabauda), 77 National Gallery of Art), 5, 28, Blood of the Redeemer (London, 99–100, 105, 121, 139, 220–5, National Gallery), 60, 62, 64, 66, 77, Plate XVI, Fig. 69 91, 196–7, 209, Fig 14 Falsehood/ Envy (Venice, Accademia), Carita` triptychs, 4, 67–8, 80, 199, 236, 216 251 Fra Teodoro da Urbino (London, Christ Blessing (Paris, Louvre), 60 National Gallery), 42 Christ carrying the Cross (Toledo, Frari triptych (Venice, Frari), 2, 60, 109, Museum of Art), 96–7, 109–10, 155–7, 215, Fig. 49 Fig. 26 Infant Bacchus (Washington DC, Circumcision (London, National National Gallery of Art), 34, 121 Gallery), 266 Jörg Fugger (Pasadena, Norton Simon Cornbury Park altarpiece Foundation), 15, 80, 203 (Birmingham, City Art Gallery), 123 Madonna degli Alberetti (Venice, Coronation of the Virgin altarpiece Accademia), 4, 54, 189, 205, 216, 259, (Pesaro, Museo Civico), 5, 35, 66, 69, 267,Fig.93 109–10, 114–16, 118–19, 130–5, 148–51, Madonna of the Meadow (London, 158, 162, 185–8, 191, 204, 207–12, 216, National Gallery), 2–4, 10, 34, 99, 238, 268, Plate V, Figs. 33, 58 146, 177–9, 190, 216, 219–21, 245, 259, Crucifixion (Paris, Louvre), 92 270, Plate XII, Fig. 68 Crucifixion (Prato, Cassa di Madonna of the Pear (Bergamo, Risparmio), 12, 83, 215 Accademia Carrara), 186, 216 Crucifixion (Venice, Museo Correr), Madonna of the Red Cherubim 48, 54, 57, 77, 198–9, Fig. 10 (Venice, Accademia), 184–5, Fig. 57 Dead Christ (Milan, Museo Poldi Nativity (lost), 49 Pezzoli), 60, 77 Perseverence (Venice, Accademia), 216 Dead Christ (Stockholm, Pieta` (Florence, Uffizi), 120, 206, 245, Nationalmuseum), 108, 121 254, Plate IX Dead Christ (Venice, Scuola di San Pieta` (Venice, Accademia), 15, 32, 146, Rocco), 121 219 Death of St Peter Martyr (London, Pieta` with four Angels (Rimini, Musei National Gallery, and Courtauld Comunali), 7, 74, 91, 183, Fig. 56 Institute Gallery), 107, 218, 222 Pieta` with the Virgin and St John Descent into Limbo (Bristol Art (Bergamo, Accademia Carrara), 58, Gallery), 48, 54, 57, 77, 198–9 60, 182 Doge Leonardo Loredan (London, Pieta` with the Virgin and St John National Gallery), 105, 216–17, 253, (Berlin, Staatliche Museen), 245 Plate XI, Fig. 67 Pieta` with the Virgin and St John Drunkenness of Noah (Besanc¸on, (Milan, Brera), 6, 40, 69–71, 74, 77, Musee),´ 104 113, 118, 232, 245, Plate III Episode from the Life of Publius Pieta` with the Virgin and St John, with Cornelius Scipio (Washington DC, Sts Mark and Nicholas (Venice, © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-66296-3 - The Cambridge Companion to Giovanni Bellini Edited by Peter Humfrey Index More information Index 349 Doge’s Palace), 54, 71–2, 213, 232, 259, St Catherine of Siena altarpiece Fig. 16 (formerly Venice, SS. Giovanni e Pieta` with two Angels (Berlin, Paolo), 7, 60, 77, 126–30, 143, 152, 207, Staatliche Museen), 74, 113 Plate IV Pieta` with two Angels (London, St Francis in the Desert (New York, National Gallery), 74, 207, Figs. 63, 64 Frick Collection), 7, 10, 12, 23, 59, 72, Pieta` with two Angels (Venice, Museo 83, 168, 172–3, 215, Plate VIII Correr), 61–2, 74, 198, 200–01, 209, St Jerome altarpiece (lost), 17, 157 Fig. 13 St Jerome in the Desert (Birmingham, Portrait of a Boy (Birmingham, Barber Barber Institute of Fine Arts), 6, 57, Institute of Fine Art), 7, 203 167–8, 196–7, Plate I Portrait of a Man (Hampton Court, St Jerome in the Desert (Florence, Royal Collection), 192, Fig. 59 Uffizi), 83, 170–3, Fig. 53 Portrait of a Young Man in Red St Jerome in the Desert (London, (Washington DC, National Gallery National Gallery), 168–70, of Art), 253 Fig. 52 Portrait of Cassandra Fedele (lost), 36 St Jerome in the Desert (Washington Portrait of Leonico Tomeo (lost), 33–4 DC, National Gallery of Art), 104 Portrait of Maria Savorgnan (lost), 31, St Jerome with Saints Christopher and 36 Louis of Toulouse (Diletti altarpiece) Presentation in the Temple (Venice, (Venice, San Giovanni Crisostomo, Pinacoteca Querini Stampalia), 48, 23, 27, 99, 162–4, 180–1, 60, 73, 114, 72, 98, 201–2, 205, 207 118, 129–30, 134–7, 143, 192–4, 217, Presentation in the Temple (Verona, Plate XV Castelvecchio), 269 St John the Baptist triptych (formerly Presentation in the Temple (Vienna, Berlin, Kaiser-Friedrich Museum), Kunsthistorisches Museum), 269 262–3, Fig. 96 Priuli triptych (Düsseldorf, Stiftung St John the Evangelist altarpiece (lost), Museum Kunst Palast), 27, 259–60, 80 Fig. 95 St Justina (Milan, Palazzo Bagatti Raising of Drusiana (Munich, Valsecchi), 207 Wittelsbach collection), 43 St Sebastian triptych (Venice, Resurrected Christ (Fort Worth, Accademia), 199, 236 Kimbell Art Museum), 82, Fig. 21 St Vincent Ferrer polyptych (Venice, Resurrection (Berlin, Staatliche SS. Giovanni e Paolo), 6–7, 47, 67–9, Museen), 32, 83, 209 77, 113, 146–7, 236, Fig. 48 Resurrection (lost), 27 Supper at Emmaus (lost), 23, 116 Sacred Allegory (Florence, Uffizi), 50, Transfiguration (Naples, Galleria di 62, 82, 172–6, Fig. 54 Capodimonte), 7, 59, 77, 83, 191, San Giobbe altarpiece (Venice, Plate VII Accademia), 38, 42, 151–6, 160–2, 164, Transfiguration (Venice, Museo 210–13, Plate VI, Fig. 42 Correr), 48, 66–7, 198, 200–01, 226 San Zaccaria altarpiece (Venice, San Vanity (or Truth) (Venice, Accademia), Zaccaria), 99, 137, 143, 160–2, 217–18, 88, Fig. 24 224, 262, 264, 269, Plate XIII, 2, Virgin and Child (Amsterdam, Fig. 43 Rijksmuseum), 77 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-66296-3 - The Cambridge Companion to Giovanni Bellini Edited by Peter Humfrey Index More information 350 Index Bellini, Giovanni (cont.) Virgin and Child with Sts Peter, Paul Virgin and Child (Berlin, Staatliche and three Procurators (Baltimore, Museen), 77 Walters Art Gallery), 260 Virgin and Child (London, National Votive Picture of Doge Agostino Gallery), Figs. 65, 66 Barbarigo (Murano, San Pietro Virgin and Child (Milan, Brera), 99, Martire), 104, 115, 150, 183–4, 213–15, 178–80, 189–90, 260, Plate XIV 221–2, 259, Plate X Virgin and Child (“Madonna Greca”) Woman with a Mirror (Vienna, (Milan, Brera), 206–7 Kunsthistorisches Museum), 100, Virgin and Child (“Davis Madonna”) 121, 194, Fig. 28 (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art), 2–3, 6, 52, 57, 66–8, 77, 124, DRAWINGS 126, 236, Plate II Apostle (Bayonne, Musee´ Bonnat), 231, Virgin and Child (New York, 238, Fig. 80 Metropolitan Museum of Art, Five Studies of a Child (London, Lehman collection), 66, 77 British Museum), 232, 236, Fig. 77 Virgin and Child (Pavia, Galleria Fortitude (Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Malaspina), 52, 57 Museum), 23–2, 238, Fig. 74 Virgin and Child (“Johnson Head of a Man (London, British Madonna”) (Philadelphia Museum Museum), 238, Fig. 79 of Art), 52, 57, 124–6), Fig. 34 Head of a Turbaned Man (Florence, Virgin and Child (“Contarini Uffizi), 254, 269 Madonna”) (Venice, Accademia), 203 Infant Christ (Oxford, Ashmolean Virgin and Child (“Frizzoni Museum), 254 Madonna”) (Venice, Accademia), 68 Nativity (London, Courtauld Institute Virgin and Child with Saints and Galleries), 238, 242, 244, Fig. 82 Donor (Pourtales` Sacra Pieta` (London, British Museum), 231–2, Conversazione) (New York, Pierpont 236, 245, Fig. 76 Morgan Library), 266, 268–9, Fig.

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