.,1*'20'2256 *$5$*('2256 6(&85,7<'2256 0XOWLORFNLQJ6WHHO6HFXULW\'RRU ,GHDOIRULQWHUQDO 1RZ 'HV DQGH[WHUQDOGRRUV ,QFOXGHV 0XOWL/RFNLQJ3RLQWV ($&+ +LQJH6HFXULW\.H\V 50,1,080385&+$6( 6HFXULW\)UDPHV+DQGOHV 125(78516125()81'6 6L]H : [ + 25(;&+$1*(6 /(1$6,$ (9$7213/$=$ Friday 21 August, 2020 926/22586&5266,1* Alleged cough syrup thief get served mob justice Vicky Mabotha jured. Just when the suspects were mak- ing their way out, they were met with With reports on codeine abuse, the po- concerned community members and one lice are left with no choice but to suspect managed to flee while the other one was any robbery involving flu and cough caught and beaten up by an angry mob syrup to be a potential criminal activity outside the Pharmacy,” he added. related to Codeine abuse. Codeine is a The female employee received med- prescription opioid drug that treats mild ical attention whilst the suspect was pain and acts as a cough suppressant. rushed to Chris Hani – Baragwanath Male suspect was beaten and wounded Hospital in a critical condition. badly by the community for robbing a “At the time of the release it was not pharmacy at Nhlanzani Train Station yet clear as to how much medication Complex on Thursday August 13. was robbed but, on the scene, next to the According to a statement released by injured suspect the medication could be Jabulani SAPS, two of their officials, estimated at about R900,” said Mabizela. received the complaint and responded “The motive of the Robbery is not quickly and on arrival, yet known but due they found a male sus- to recent cases and pect who had suffered “He started putting complaints about a severe head injuries new trend called Lean with one bag of medica- medication mostly or Codiene mixtures tion next to him and the flu and cough with soda drinks can’t mob dispersed. be ruled out. And “A Female employee mixtures inside the we warn the public (43) at the pharmacy especially youth and was seated outside bags, an amount of school children not waiting for her col- +-R2000 was also to buy such medica- league who had gone tions from anyone to buy lunch and while taken from the till." other than authorized seated outside two health practitioners males between the ages Captain Sifiso Mabizela as the results can be 19 and 29 allegedly health threatening,” he entered the Pharma- added. cy carrying schoolbags and when she The Jabulani SAPS says while they entered, trying to explain to them to wait are proud of the residents, for standing for assistance, one suspect jumped the against crime, they strongly condemn counter while the other one pulled out mob justice when trying to apprehend a knife and threatened to kill her,” said suspected individuals. Captain Sifiso Mabizela, Jabulani SAPS The community is urged to come spokesperson. forward with any information that could “He started putting medication mostly assist the police in finding the second flu and cough mixtures inside the bags, suspect who also fled with cash and an amount of +-R2000 was also taken other undisclosed medication and can be from the till. The other suspects attempt- contacted on (011) 527 7000, commu- ed to stab the female employee, while nicate via my SAPS app or can contact trying to protect herself, blocking the the crime stop number on 0860010111 to knife with her hand, she got her hand in- report crime anonymously. The man accused of stealing cough syrup. PVA Paint Plaster Universal %ULOOLDQW :DOO&UDIW :DOO&UDIW Undercoat Copperer Tubeube 6KHHQ +L+LGLQJ 3ODVWHU TM PVA WH Primer &RUQHU *H\VHU*H\VHU TMUU 5.5m White only Matt White 3ULPHU Available in TMPP &KURPH / Interior & Exterior white only White only Suitable for use on all 6KRZHU 6XSHUOLQH Washable 'RRU %&ODVV surfaces SD2 White *H\VHU 900mm DSG-150-5 only 15mm LHJO 3 5 YEAR GUARANTEE 315 22mm 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 LHJO 0]VY` *HSJ\[[H +`UH -VYLZ[ 3DQHO 3DQHO .YL` 5H[\YHS >OP[L 37 'RRU 'RRU .YL` LHJO 377 377 6OLGLQJ'RRU LHJO LHJO 1.8m 37 LHJO LHJO LHJO LHJO %URZQ 5HFKDUJDEOH /HWKDER&HUDPLF7LOH *HQHUDWRU *DUDJH'RRU /('/DQWHUQ 350 x 350mm 3ROLVKHG*OD]HG9LWULÀHG7LOHV RG-3500 2100 x 2450mm With USB port Sold per box 600 x 1200mm 1,44m2 / box LHJO WOOD GRAIN LHJO LHJO WLYT Available in 3 colours WLYIV_ 9664: 9664: .(9(., AVAILABLE AT LENASIA STORES ONLY 3,&785()25,//8675$7,9(385326(621/<621/< MATERIALS ONLY )25025(,1)23+21( 3#PLFDUHWDLOFR]D 3#PLFDUHWDLO FR ]D :HUHVHUYHWKHULJKWWROLPLWHGTXDQWLWLHV9DOLGIURP$XJXVW:KLOH6WRFNV/DVW/HQDVLD0LFD2SHQ6XQGD\V3ULFHVLQFO9$7(UURUV RU2PLVVLRQV([FOXGHG&XVWRPHU&DUH/LQH 2 Community Soweto Urban News | Friday, 21 August, 2020 News in brief A call for action in vandalised station Andile Maxopani Commuters will feel the pinch in their pock- ets once trains are allowed to operate again as they will not be able to access the cheap- est mode of transport anytime soon. This is due to the vandalism and looting which has taken place at the Kliptown Train Station in the past four months. Nearby businesses and those hustlers who make a living out of selling to commut- ers will also not have any customers. The station has only been closed for four months but it looks like it has been abandoned for years. On Thursday August 13 Democratic Alliance (DA) Shadow deputy minister of transport Thamsanqa Mabhena embarked on an oversight visit of the demolished station. The walk about was joined by Councillors Vasco Da Gama and PR Dikeledi Seleka "What once was a Dikeledi Seleka - Guest beacon of affordable citizens mode of Speaker at Annual mobility, now SADC Youth Forum resembles an Founder of the Sisters Empowerment Cir- abandoned old cle (SEC) a not for profit organisation that dilapidated building" she founded in 2016 Dikeledi Seleka con- tinues to shine and inspire young women Thamsanqa Mabhena this Women’s Month. The Business Woman who is also the owner of Dynamic Timz Coaching and a councillor of ward 24 and 25 motivational and inspirational speaker, Gary Ramaru. Mabhena said they were there Shadow minister of transport recently had the honour of being invited, The state of the Kliptown Train Station is appalling. along with dignitaries from across the to assess the state of readiness of the station Thamsanqa Mabhena SADC region to address the second Annu- should operations resume at level two and al SADC Youth Forum which was hosted one. He explained that by the looks of things assets in broad day light. He recalled that wires all over the place and the station can virtually by Mozambique. Kliptown station will not be amongst the the station had undergone renovations last be used by criminals for different criminal The invitation came from the WITS stations that will resume operation due to its year. activities. Business School and the Centre on Afri- current state. “The withdrawal of security personnel “We call on the Minister of Transport to can Philanthropy and Social Investment “The station has been stripped and any- by PRASA at the start of this hard lock- immediately instruct his Administrator to (CAPSI). thing that resembles a metal, cabling and down has worsened matters, what once was attend to the serious nature of vandalism of Seleka spoke passionately about youth steel has been stolen,” he said. a beacon of affordable citizens mode of PRASA infrastructure across the country empowerment, encouraging the youth in He alleged that the ongoing court battles mobility now resembles an abandoned old and inform the National Joint Operational the region to think of themselves as lead- between PRASA and PRASA security ten- dilapidated building all in just a space of and Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS), ers, be truly proud of who they are and re- ders’ wars, which resulted in the withdraw- four months,” stated the shadow minister of which is coordinating all security and mind themselves that they are capable of al of all security personnel in many of the transport. law enforcement operations throughout soaring to great heights. stations is what resulted to the vandalism of He called on PRASA to barricade the sta- the country, of these heinous crimes from “The future of Africa is in the hands of many stations. tion, as it has become a danger to the com- that a coordinated and collaborative plan our youth. We must do everything we can Mabhena expressed grave concern on munity of Kliptown, Dlamini, and Pimville to address this should immediately be to encourage them to reach their goals,” Kliptown station being stripped off all its because there are exposed live electrical launched,” concluded Mabhena. she said. Six men arrested with Police report an illegal gun and stolen clothes JMPD K9 arrests hijackers Members of various policing units suc- linked to murder cessfully arrested six suspects in Soweto, On August 10, the Johannesburg Metro recovering an unlicensed fire-arm with Police Department (JMPD) K9 unit arrested ammunition along with clothing items two men in their twenties who are linked reported to have been stolen. to a double murder which took place on The Benoni Flying Squad in the Johan- Sunday (August 9). The officers received a nesburg Central SAPS Robbery Reac- lookout for a black tion Unit and the Johannesburg Metro VW Golf which Police Department reacted quickly to the Difference’s Colleagues pay their last respect to him during the memorial service. was hijacked on information about a business robbery in the morning of Carletonville Mall where cell phones and August 9. The clothes had been robbed from one of the spokesperson of retail stores.
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