Energy cutbacks Drinking in Michigan? lifted at SMC Legal age to change to 19 by Cathy Murray by Jim Blaha parts is the ease of accessibility.” Rep. Melvin DeStigter and others Now that Indiana and Michigan The drinking age in Michigan who want the legal drinking age Electric has removed mandatory will change from 18 to 19 on Dec. 3, returned to 21 say alcohol will not energy cutbacks for their custo­ 1978. The State Senate, on votes of be removed from high schools if 19 mers, Saint Mary’s College can 28-3 and 29-3. .approved minor year olds are still able to buy liquor begin the “gradual” restoration of House amendments to bills that for their younger friends. normalcy on campus, according to change the drinking age. The bills “The legislature didn’t give the the college energy controller, Jason must still be signed by Gov. people of Michigan what they Lindower. During the recent William Millikan, but he has said really wanted," said DeStigter. energy crisis, Saint Mary’s had he will sign the bills. “ And if the legislature won’t do the been operating on 50-55% of their Under the legislation, teenagers job, we’ll have to go to the people. power. f who haven’t turned 18 by Dec. 3 We are determined to make the Last Thursday, Lindower will have to wait until they are 19 to petition drive succeed because ordered that the Angela Athletic legally take a drink. Teens who are we’re convinced that 21 is what the Center be returned to regular 18 when the laws take effect will be people want.” hours, parking lot lights be turned able to continue drinking. A poll conducted by the Michi­ back on for the entire night and The legislation was sponsored by gan Council on Alcohol Problems clothes dryers and ovens be put Sen. James DeSana, D-Wyandotte, showed that the vast majority of back into use. However, not and a petition drive to raise the age school administrators want the everything on carr pus has been to 21 is underway. If enough legal age returned to 21. restored. The computer center is signatures are obtained, the issue “Opponents to raising the drink­ not in operation and light bulbs are will be on the November ballot. ing age say this is merely a still missing from the hallways in The petition has collected discipline problem which the Madeleva. * 137,022 signatures thus far. This is schools ought to be able to Lindower said that he could not half the number needed to put the handle,” said Allen B. Rice, peti­ be certain that power usage would issue on the ballot. The legislation, tion drive coordinator and spokes­ be back to normal even by the time as well as the petition, was man for the council. students leave in May. He also prompted by school administrators, “In our judgment, most Michi­ reminded students that 1 & M who complain that students are gan high schools have tried hard to Electric coal supplies are not back coming to school drunk and are deal with the problem, but their to the ir “before the strike” levels, supplying liquor to their underaged hands are tied. They have a limited and voluntary conservation is help­ classmates. response in disciplinary measures ful. “Raising it to 21 will solve a lot at their disposal and to expel a Lindower expressed hope that of problems the schools have,” student for anti-social drinking from this experience we can learn said Sen. Alvin DeGrow, R-Pigeon, behavior is almost out of the more about enregv conservation a supporter of the petition drive. question.” and perhaps correct wastefulness “There are a lot of parts to the Persons under 19 who are caught that had occured in the past. ...Sunday problem...but one of the biggest [Continued on page 5] &The Observer an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and st. mary's Vol. XII, No. 108 Monday, April 3, 1978 Carter announces talks to end Rhodesian war LAGOS, Nigeria ! API - President bases in neighboring countries for Nigeria with a state dinner last the front-line nations who surround constitution with special guaran­ Carter said yesterday the United political control of the breakaway night. He leaves today for Liberia Rhodesia, and also the parties to tees for the white minority. States and Great Britain are British colony. and a stopover for lunch with the internal settlement: Smith, The guerrillas backed Patriotic calling all sides in Rhodesia’s Representatives of the five Presidant William Tolbert. The Muzorewa. Sithole and Chirau." Front, supported by Rhodesia’s guerrilla war together with repre­ neighboring “front-line” states Carters, daughter Amy and top The president referred to Bishop five neighboring frontline states, sentatives of the United Nations in also will be invited. Carter said. U.S. foreign policy advisers return Abel Muzorewa, the Rev. Nda- has rejected the deal as a sellout a new effort to bring peace and The president met with Obasanjo to Washingto later toay after seven baningi Sithole and tribal Chief and pledged to step up its five-year black majority rule to the strife-torn for more than an hour after the two days in Tatin American and West Jeremiah Chirau, who this month war against the administration in nation. leaders attended church at a bap­ Africe. struck an accord with Smith pro­ Salisbury, the Rhodesian capital. The president made the tist mission founded here in 1853. At a brief meeting with re­ viding for the country’s first black “ We will begin now to explore announcement at the conclusion of Both men are Baptists. porters, Carter said he and Oba­ government by Dec. 31 under a talks with Nigerian chief of state Following the talks, the Ameri­ sanjo found no disagreement over Olusegun Obasanjo. Carter said can president and his wife toured a three major African issues - Rho­ the meeting on Rhodesia will be new $325 million port facility on Tin desia; South-West Africa, or Nami­ held as soon as possible. Can Island, once a garbage dump bia, the South African controlled He said invitations to the new in Lagos harbor. The Carters territory where western powers are talks will go to white Rhodesian boarded an American freighter tied proposing a new formula for black Prime Minister lan Smith, moder­ up at the island and shook hands rule; and the Horn of Africa, where ate black leaders in Rhodesia and with its captain and crew. Ethiopia, backed by Cubans and guerrilla chieftains fighting from Carter wound up his stay in Soviets, last month defeated its neighboring enemy, Somalia. “In these three major areas we Friday... have reached a common purpose, and so far as I know there are no remaining differences between my­ self and Gen. Obsanjo,” the president said. During his tour. Carter has attacked Communist military inter­ vention in Africa. The president conceded that Gen. Obasanjo wants tougher ac­ tion against South Afica’s white minority government. “ I think the general would be more inclined to take additional embargo action against South Africa than would I we,” Carter said. South Africa is under a manda­ tory U.N. arms embargo, but western powers have rejected calls from Third World and Communist countries for a total economic boycott. Announcing the new bid to solve the Rhodesian issue, the president said; “ We now will move as Dr. John W. Perry, San Francisco, spoke yesterday on the quickly as possible to call together subject “ Psychosis that heals and the Healing of Psychosis". the parties who are in dispute His presentation concluded the four day G.C. Jung conference concerning Zimbabwe - those who held at the Center for Continuing Education. have been identified as theFront, the observer Monday, April 3, 1978 .News World CUSS holds in PLO to continue fighting Consumers United to Stop textile manufacturer in the United legal and just manner. The [AP] - Yasser Arafat, Palestine Liberation Oraganization leader, Stevens (CUSS) held its initial States and a chronic violator of its company employs over 45,000 said yesterday PLO members sitil in Israeli-occupied Lebanon will meeting Friday night in the board workers’ rights. people in 85 plants. continue to disrupt the cease-fire. “Our volunteers and our meeting room at Indiana Univer­ In 1976 a boycott of J.P.Stevens The national effort against the freedom fighter is working, and, two days ago, they declared there sity-South Bend. CUSS is the products was called because of the company has involved numerous is resistance in this Israeli-occupied area, so they are working South Bend area chapter of the company’s union busting practices. religious and civic organizations as nation wide campaign against J.p. The National Labor Relations now.- to t., said. _ N a t i 0 n a l well as labor unions. The 25 people Stevens & Co., the second largest Board has found the company guilty in 16 separate cases involv­ who attended the first meeting of ing a record breaking 1200 viola­ CUSS represented a wide spectrum FBI questions Clemson expert of the Michiana community. [AP] -Sources said late Saturday that representatives of the FBI tions of the National Labor Rela­ field office in Washington recently questioned President Carter to speak tonight tions Act. At Friday’s meeting committees about the ouster of U.S. Attorney David W. Marston. But one These convictions were levied for were set up to educate the com­ source, refusing to be identified, hastened to add that no one in the the firing of several hundred munity on the issues • involved in administration was being investigated for wrongdoing in the case on photography workers for union activity and the the J.P.Stevens case.
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