VOLUME XLIX, NUMBER 23 Your Local News Source Since 1963 SERVING DUBLIN • LIVERMORE • PLEASANTON • SUNOL THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 2012 Supervisors Put Transportation Measure on November Ballot Measure B3, with $400 of the population of Alam- projects, help AC Transit reduce cut-through traffic to one full cent, and would million earmarked for a eda County. erase some of its shortfall in the city. continue in perpetuity. The Livermore BART extension, The board's discussion and restore some service, Supervisors already had measure requires the a two- Find Out What's will appear on the ballot in on the measure June 5 was fill potholes in streets in cit- discussed the measure in thirds majority in order to November. confined to a few questions ies, and bring $400 million depth at a hearing they held pass. Happening The Alameda County for Tess Lengyel, an Al- for the phase 1 Livermore a few months ago. ACTC officials have said Board of Supervisors voted ameda County Transporta- BART extension along the The measure is called B3, that the one-cent tax needs Check Out Section A because it is the third round Section A is filled with unanimously June 5 to place tion Commission (ACTC) freeway. to be a continuing revenue information about arts, the $7.7 billion countywide official who presented the Also for the Valley is of funding for transportation source because of major people, entertainment and sales tax measure on the board a short summary of $132 million to widen High- projects in the county from a shifts in the structure of special events. There are ballot. what the measure would way 84 between Interstates countywide sales tax. federal and state transporta- education stories, a variety The expenditure plan accomplish. 580 and 680 and at the I-680 The sales tax currently tion funding, which result of features, and the arts and for the funds had previously The measure will provide interchange. Pleasanton has in effect is one-half cent. in significant shortfalls for entertainment and bulletin been endorsed by city coun- more money than in the past sought the widening for If voters were to approve county and city projects. board. cils representing a majority for bicycle and pedestrian many years in an effort to B3, that would rise in 2013 (See BALLOT, page 4) Pleasanton Stark, Swalwell Head Council For November Election Democratic Congress- independent with Republi- OKs MOU man Pete Stark and fellow can and Conservative Party Democrat Eric Swalwell endorsements, received Groups Serving will face off in the No- 14,964 votes. Food Will Share vember run-off in the 15th In the Alameda County Storage Units Congressional District. 4th Supervisorial District, Stark led the balloting Nate Miley was re-elected The Pleasanton City with 28,137 votes; Swall- with 21,899 votes to 8142 Council approved a Memo- well's vote total as of Thurs- for challenger Tojo Thomas randum of Understanding day was 24,266. Christo- in the nonpartisan race. with Open Heart Kitchen pher Pareja, who ran as an (See ELECTION, page 4) to operate a refrigerated storage unit. The vote was unani- Saving Tesla? Budget mous. The Pleasanton Human Services Commission con- Proposal Would Pull $21 ducted a series of round- table discussions in 2010 Million From Off-Road Fund with local service providers By Jeff Garberson drive cars racing cross-coun- to better understand the A plan to keep up to 50 try. The bare, torn hillsides community’s human service state parks from being closed of the Carnegie off-road needs, barriers to services would move millions of vehicle park immediately and to identify emerging dollars out of an off-road to the east of Tesla can been trends and opportunities for vehicle fund, possibly mak- seen from Corral Hollow collaboration. ing it less likely that off-road Road, a visible demonstra- One of the needs that was enthusiasts will be able to tion of what Friends would identified was a centralized Photo - Doug Jorgensen expand anytime soon into like to avoid. refrigerator/freezer storage Tesla, an undeveloped, state- Gov. Arnold Schwar- unit in the Tri-Valley area Croce Elementary School in Livermore held its annual Hoe Down last Wed., May 30. Students performed square dances. Students met the Livermore Rodeo Queen and owned site some 10 miles zenegger proposed closing that would provide agen- east of Livermore. 100 parks in 2009 to help cies the ability to purchase watched a roping demonstration. Families were on hand to watch the festivities. The Tesla is named for the deal with a $60 billion state or accept donations of food annual Livermore Rodeo and parade are set for this weekend. The parade marches abandoned town that thrived funding shortfall, but he in bulk and then store it for off at 10 a.m. on Sat., June 9 in downtown Livermore. Rodeo action takes place June there in the 19th and early backed off the plan in re- a longer period of time, thus 9 and 10 at Robertson Park Stadium. 20th Centuries, connected sponse to public pressure. reducing their overall cost to Livermore and the rest of Last year, in the face of of providing food related California by wagon roads continuing budget crises, services. that are still visible in places. Gov. Jerry Brown proposed The cost of the regional Save Mount Diablo Turns Its Its 3,000 acres of hills, val- closing 70 parks by July 1, food storage project is es- leys and stream beds contain 2012, for much the same timated at approximate- rare and endangered plant reason. Support from non- ly $106,000. A total of Attention to County Solar Policy and animal species, as well profit groups and others has $116,973 has been raised. By Ron McNicoll covering as much as 2700 with a strong statement that as historical and cultural reduced the list of closures The money was collected Although based in Contra acres in the eastern Altamont our organization will be features that conservation- to 53. through donations and grant Costa County, Save Mount near Mountain House has involved in this, because ists hope to protect. The plan to keep nearly funding from the cities Diablo (SMD) has made it been filed with the county by we want to make sure that A grass roots group in all of these open is called of Pleasanton and Liver- clear that it will be involved Pegasus Energy Partners. Mount Diablo is not cut off Livermore, Friends of Tesla the Sustainable Parks Pro- more, Open Heart Kitchen, in the creation of Alameda SMD Land program from the rest of the Diablo Park, has formed to protect posal. It was put forth by Safeway Inc., and Alameda County's rural solar power director Seth Adams told range to the south," said the site from the devasta- state senators Joe Simitian County, Board of Supervi- ordinance. a county public meeting Adams. tion that could be caused by (D-Palo Alto) and Noreen sors Scott Haggerty’s and Alameda County is work- on solar policy May 31 in "This is not the same motorcycles and four-wheel (See TESLA, page 5) Nate Miley’s offices. ing on drafting an ordinance Dublin why the 41-year-old open space as somewhere With full funding for the for the location of solar nonprofit wants to help form else. This is critical open (See STORAGE, page 4) energy operations. One ap- Alameda County policy. space in East County to Breakfast plication for solar arrays "I wanted to come in (See SOLAR, page 4) Supports Troops San Ramon Switches from TV 30 On June 9th the Service By Ron McNicoll The move is expected to Melissa Tench-Stevens said Organizations of Pleasanton The San Ramon City have a negative impact on that she is analyzing the will host 2nd Annual Home- Council has voted to cease TV 30's budget, which is impact now. town Pancake breakfast and using TV 30 to televise its now supported by the cities She said she can't an- Troop Packout. Everyone meetings and Mayors Re- of Livermore, Pleasanton ticipate what each of the is invited to attend to sup- port. The city will switch and Dublin. remaining three cities would port our service men and to Contra Costa Television The switch could have an decide about support for the Element Name 'Livermorium' Is women who are deployed (CCTV) after July 1. effect on the three remaining station. The board, which overseas. The council made the de- cities if they have to contrib- will be the mayors of the Approved by International Panel The breakfast is free to cision May 22 on a 4-1 vote, ute even more than they are three surviving cities, (and all. Enjoy a full plate of with Councilmember Dave now to the TV 30 budget. technically San Ramon until The International Union Calif. A group of researchers pancakes, sausages, coffee Hudson voting "no." TV 30 executive director (See TV 30, page 4) of Pure and Applied Chem- from the Laboratory, along and juice. istry (IUPAC) has officially with scientists at the Flerov Last year over 750 meals Foundation Head Says Insurance May Cover Debt approved new names for ele- Laboratory of Nuclear Re- were served on a cold rainy ments 114 and 116, the latest actions, participated in the day. Donations last year sup- The Tri-Valley Com- non-profit organizations by A forensic audit goes much heavy elements to be added work carried out in Dubna ported over 185 packages munity Foundation (TVCF) TVCF, Hyde said that the deeper than a regular annual to the periodic table.
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