/ I "'""..• '~·~T"·~'''''~:\1", :.'1 ,', . ~. ",-,~" , ~ 'h ' , . '<! "'-'''"0'' £''' '--~- --- 1'1\.-4,>";"" ,...,,,-l JJ , .. ~~ ."' '" .-,'Ii '\""'''''''''''',V''~'t'.1 ,'~'\ -'1l1:;lf:Jt,~ 'iI ~ __ 't,":.""~';""V.;'~,:'''m, l'A --...: .. 4'n ...·:pffl.L . '"',~It~~;U7i"'~~.~,~>!'.~:It~q.;;-:~~ii't.... H... ,... ,.,,,~''''!''.. ~ >7,."ri:'-l'..t~W~ ~;'': '. I,' "., ,r;) /" -:~!1' -', _:; i:~ .~.. ". , _~ 'It. < !,~jfi, ,.,' ,'; .. 8-,'fH~;'f.WISH'.PO~T"THURSQ'~y',~~rO"E8;~",1977 " THE JEWISH 'POST, THURSDAY, OCTOBER %1, 1977 -,9 ' '" '" '?\'f,:, (", '. '" , , , TV Movie Guide Hans Habe Deadat~-66 ft~r!iM_ieIJMaS$acre·. S ...rvivors Don't Forget , By MARTIN LEVIN New York-'-Hans Habe, a lead­ * Sunday . ....'. hiiriself-in the eyes:Of'hls fiancee;; .ing european nQvelist and journ­ eight fend for since her iIi' Bonn for deaths, and as views the institution as a Friday- "" .' ,:nwftffi\tOS~N ,',' , aiibk Sept~ber'ten:;;rists~ 'rnu~t hi~eH th~ s?u~ce , British Ageilt -(1934) 11 p.m. Ch. 3 Duck Soup (1933) 1:30 p.m. Ch. 9 his friends and his class from'" 'alist, died Sept: 29 at age '66 ..' ... " .r '. ,r, Sports,;Editor' - ,. '..' ',,'" husband Andreb7a fencing a result, "sUitable monetary of supply for futur~ ,fencers m m- c-Born -,Jean' Bekcssy .. in" Buaa­ ;, I," Five years have now· passed, master-died when tile blood of compensation." ternational competitIOn. -'-Diverting little spy'melodrama, (12) - Marx Bros. fans will love charges of cowardice, symbolized' Ie., '';;'.,; . this romp, with Groucho as Rufus by four white feathers. '. pest Mr. Habe was. the author .{, '. -. 1l "'.. IW .. _ ..... ",ill". H. Th.,.,.., """,MI.ti"" "'... Sonal"" Hubort H=phrey ..d with ,suave '. Leslie HowaI:d Ab~shed, ~. ,,~,.... ~~Od """'l<, _ony ...... """'itl~ snooping about in pre­ T. Firefly, king of a mad realm .. he ventures out to the Sudan to of morc than 24 novels. An early ,I,. """"'" -.1 'iTh' II..... 10., haY. ",.. """"'... In tho """'''_ 10 1iV'; .. ""v,"dm,",,, tha"p- J."b "'m",,". anti-Nazi. Mr. Habe was the first 'r' ': i\ OlymPICS ~on Sllptember 5:a" 1972, name of nationalism and "the 27. ~,-""I f.mUi~proximately one mIllion dollars sponsorsJ.vo~ of the ~Memorial Sports revolutionary Russia, romancing calIed Freedonia. Many fmmy help combat'the fuzzy-wuzzy mysteriously sultry' Kay Francis. scenes with none' of·the romantic uprising, and the action never person' to report in print that .i. " cause," the incredible events A Dutch Convert had been transferred to them by Complex at the University of ' or musical interludes which came flags. Notably ac;ted, Hitler's real name was Schickl­ which unfol!Jed have been Anika, . now in her . early thir- the G"erman Red Cross and that Haifa. Sure direction by Michael Curtiz: ~11 ;,:1 . periloUsly close to ruining th~Ir' e~pecially by Clive~xter, Ralph gruber. Two years later, Mr. ' h( relegated to ,the annals of his tor),. ties, is herself a fencer. She met they had also been the recipi!!nt~ Anika is determined that there Saturday later work. Perhaps an anarchist RlChardsoli(as the rival) and C. Habe's early books were. among . Family, hovyever; does_not her husband, Andrei in HolIand of' various other benefits. They will be some ceremony or Moute Walsh (1970) 8 p.m. Ch. 8, masterpiece and arguably their 'Aubr'ey Smith as an ar­ the first to -be burn('d by the ' forget easily. Memories and' old where he came fronl Israel to still remain firm, however, that recognition on the part of :::. Nazis. 8:30 p,m. Ch. 7 (5) - One of a best film. chetypically boring general wont ' . P/lotographs are grim reminders coach. She is aconyert to official compensation is YE1t to be world .for her husband and The List of Adrian Messenger to re-enact the Crimean War with At 18 he, became Vienna cor- series of laments for a dying west , . ' HARVEY of fathers, sons, . 'grandsons, . and Judaism, having been born and forthcoming. coUntrymen' who died at the (1963) 3 p.m. Ch. 9 (12) -:-: pieces -of fruit. One would say respondent for a Hungarian n('ws- ROSEN what might have been; They raised fhe daughter of an. Spitzer, who is believed to Olympics in 1972. popular in the late 1960s and , M~s. early '70s. (They just about killed Elaborate, enjoyable mystery that only the British could do this paper. was editor from 1929 to boarded planes to represent their economic advisor to the butch be somewhat apart-aM at times If my meIl)ory serves me off the genre too.) Lee MarVin with sinister master of disguise sort of thing were it not that the 193:1 of a' Vienna newspaper and .countryin the· world's sports go\>enlment." often labelled a.' rebel-by the correctly, such a consideration plays a veteran cowboy resistant (a Canadian, if I recall correctly) film was made by Sir Alexander at age 21 became edito!' of the arena and were trarisportedhome Mrs. Spitzer is a member of an association of the survivors beo was not forthcoming in. Montreal, to change, a sort of Huck Finn, bumping off a specified number Korda, a cosmopolitan ~ungarian Vienna newspaper Ocr Morgen. in caskets to awaiting mourners. association set up by the sur- Iieves that the German autIiori- Canada at the 1976 Games. always looking to "light out for of people with considerable Jew. He then became a foreign cor­ HANS HABE the issue' itself is not dead. Few . Severt of the victims were vivors of the eleven murdered ties are "absolutely responsible" Authorities argUEld that such ingenuity. John Huston directed. respondent. covering thc Leaguc " will forget the 21-hour siege when the territories.'" Jack Palance is periodicals on conditions in Eur­ ';' H married and among them left 14 Israelis. for the tragedy since they had procee~gs are apt t? create ~p_ far more restrained than usual as With George C. Scott,' Kirk Monday of Nai:ions in Geneva. travel­ .,', innocent men were cap­ ing widely and interviewing rul­ UPI'. analy.zed, the \\;al', in broad­ if dependent children. One of thE) She is different, too,.in .refusing taken it upon themselves to pro- portWlltI~s. for r:ep~lsals which his buddy, who makes an effort . Douglas, Dana Wynter and a Dressed to Kill (1946) 12 mid. Ch. ">~, t,ured-despite alleged secutity­ youngs~er's is5-year-old Anouk to consider her husband's death vide security for all the visiting local of~lclals are incapable of gimmick; guest stars in disguise. rrs and statesmen. and began casts and lectured. under spon­ I: Yael whose mother is ,Anika Spit- as a closed case. Anika was competitors. preventing. to adjust to the new world. JeaI1~ 9, (12) - One of the last-and sorship of the United States War • in the Olympic Village by the The ploy has been dismissed as writing novels later burned by , '.~,. ne Moreau is his tubercular love. least-of the Rathbone-Bruce !,! the Nazis. Department <It military bases , . zero She is now a widow who dissatisfied from the outset when Anika contends that her Israel's pride remains undaun- Directed by William Fraker with unnecessary) but may be seen as Holmes series, with the iJI­ He wrote articles for American around the country. :/ - . the coroner's report on the of- hUSband was killed not by the ted. Despite Munich in '72, the a nice understated 'eel for place a conurient on HolIywood ar­ conceived . modernized setting ficial death certificates from Arabs, but the rifles of the Ger- nation was repre;:;ented in Mon­ tificiality, a vast Platonic joke, His many honors included Is­ and (big C) Character. wearing thinner all the time. i'1wl's Herzi Prize and West Ger­ .ENJOY OUR SILVER Germany stated the cause of man police. The helicopter in treal in '76, and, God willing, her The Four Feathers (1939)' 11 :42 Bank of England plates are, 25th Follow al/ the communit" news in many's Grand Cross of merit. '1: UTiVEYEAR death as "murder." When her which Spitzer was held captive athletes will be on stage in p:m. Ch. 6 (2) --,- A Classic. Won­ stolen, so W!! do get a London set. ".' Kanal (1956) 9:30 p.m. Ch. 3 - :'vIr. Habe had been a fellolV of husband's personal belongings shows bulIet holes on its under- . Moscow in 1980.- derfulIy . evocative Kiplingesque ~iilg, and a quick tour of' Dr. had not b,een returned three mon- side. She 'fails to comprehend Andrzej Wajda's' unforgettable' tale of a man who must redeem Boston University and a goyernor '~ . Johnson's house in Fleet st. .l!wISHPoST ths after his death, her suspicions why that should be. film about' Polish partisans of the Univ('rsit': of Haifa, ' '1 wereJurther!aroll$ed .. , ,'T She has requested but received taking to the sewers of Warsaw .:':Ijiiadditibn, "Ahika' felt' that no co-operation from the Israeli to combat the Nazi occupation in , there must, have· been something government and feels that if SPORTING 1944. Immensely powerful and in" in the nature of a cover-up since there is something to cover up, tense; not for the easily distur­ , TOUCH bed, . \ she was riot permitted to accom- her own government is acting in ,,1 pany the official Israeli physician complicity with the- Germans. 1.. ';.1, Conguerer Wonn (1968) 1:(10 a.m. ,! .- to the Pathological Institute in Hence it is not difficu,lt to discern Ch. 8 - The title, taken from a RECOMMENDED BY IIMERICA'S LEADING ORTHODOX RilBBIS order to identify the body; why Mrs. Spitzer an indepen- " i~ Poe poem, has no connection, ex­ , ON THE OCEIIN liT 67th ST., MIAMI BEliCH, FL. 33141 Four letters to the mstitute, to dent spirit of the association.
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