Plans ior New Union's Construction • • •f,' Hp! •• From the Editor Hindered by Financial Requirements A day or more of protest... by Joel Siegfried Alfred's present student union er learned that the University is "I know there are many here 7 had no shoes and complained . was erected around 1945 and being retarded in its construction who take a personal Interest in known as Burdick Hall. After ... until I met a man with no feet.- efforts due to a lack of funds <*- Alfred," said Dr. Drake, "and I -anonymous World War n, two prefabricated one hundred and fifty thousand structures were obtained from the would like them to feel free to dollars to be exact. But I still bad no shoes.—bell government, and were attached at discuss their ideas with me." The financial situation is such the western end of the building. What has been done so far to •that the University now holds a The Student Senate has received a letter from the American The entire unit has served as the bring the new union closer to re- donbract for a loan of $300,000 totudejnt union (tor the past ten ality? Many alumni and friends of Committee on Africa asking that the students of Alfred help from the Federal Housing Author- years, and while It has undergone the school have been contacted. iupport their endeavor to stop apartheid in South Africa. The ity. This loan, to be paid by amort- many alterations and additions Groups have been offered, as an following is a paragraph from their letter: ization is at a discount rate of such as the construction of a inducement .to subscribe to the 2.78 per cent. In order to obtain "Nowhere in the non-communist world has the trend to- soda fountain and other interior ftund raising plans ,the distinc- the loan atthis interest rate, an wards race brutality and totalitarianism reached more alarm- improvements, much can be desir- tion of being able to name the additional sum of money must be ed in the way of better facilities. structure as they see fit. With all ing proportions than in South Africa. Nowhere outside the Iron raised „ to cover other building NEW BUILDING ON these efforts, there is still a con- Curtain are the rights and welfare of students and youth more costs. The breakdown of this into I THE HORIZON siderable deficit. categorical figures is one hundred restricted. More than 100 world spokesmen for freedom have And much has been done in real- thousand dollars for construction LAP OF THE GODS joined in signing the Declaration of Conscience on this prob- izing these facilities. Plans for a and fifty thousand dollars for fur- lem. They include Bertrand Russell, Trygve Lie, Pablo Casals, new student center have already nishings. The problem now is to "I'm very optimistic about the been drawn by the University ar- Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Arnold Toynbee, and Alan Paton. raise these funds. future," said President Drake, "but chitect, Carl Ade of Rochester. I cant forecast a particular date We have called for a world-wide Day of Protest against Apart- These call for a building housing SUGGESTIONS WELCOMED when I construction -will begin." heid, on Human Rights Day, December 10, 1957. It is our hope a cafeteria ,soda fountain» meet- As Dr. Drake recounted the vari- When asked about other plans Al- that if thé peoples of the free world vigorously condemn apart- ing rooms for the various organi- ous means the University is em- fred has for the future, the Presi- heid, the South African Government will respond by living up zations on ATI's campus, and a rec- ploying in an effort to reach its dent cited hopes for enlarging the ord listening room with its own stated goal, he also stressed that Health Center and an addition to 1 to its obligation under the United Nations Charter. By this pro- collection of' discs. To put these suggestions from students or other the old Carnegie Library builtH test we will provide positive moral support for the people of plans in motion, however, will re- members of the University com- ing. "Eventually we get done what goodwill,, white and npn-white, who daily risk their lives and quire a considerable amount of munity would be highly welcomed we try to accomplish but some fortunes to work for justice and democracy in South Africa." funds. From speaking with Presi- and might prove valuable and im- things must remain in the 'Lap of dent M. Ellis Drake, this report- portanit. the Gods'." The American Committee pn Africa is right. We should protest this sort of thing, not just on December 10, but every day. And I'm sure that the students and faculty of Alfred join me in this protest. But is it a matter of perspective . when we can go on record as opposing discrimination in South Africa, and be afraid FIAT to face up to the same thing in our own nation ? Or is it a mat- LUX ter of gutlessness ? . Little Rock, the Land of Opportunity ... Vol. 45, No. 11 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10,1957, ALFRED, NEW YORK Phone 5402 Levittown, Pennsylvania . Perhaps the explosion of our first great satellite and the actions of the Kaspers and Faubuses are more interrelated than we like to think. Maybe we should con- Sputnik's Implications Are Debated fine the Voice of America's transmissions to Elvis Presley rec- ords. I've given up the editorial "we," for the most part, because By AAUP Panel In Op en Discussion it is folly for one person to think he can speak for another. In the long run, the individual must go on record ... in his own by Ronda Shaner conscience. You have to live with yourself ALL the time. The The Alfred Chapter of the Prefessor Sibley, Professor Leach who succeeded in performing the American Association of Universi- and Dean Marshall. Each speaker feat should be congratulated, (not artificial shield of the college campus is not going to follow the ty Professors, in its effort to al- attemptel to show .the effect of ignored. To Dr. Renner, the feat graduate. low the students, faculty and com- 'Sputnik or rather what Sputnik itself is of such great implications Reading the letter sent us by the Committee and nodding munity to participate more fully represents to their individual that we too should possess some In its frequent talks, began the fields. degree of pride. mechanically is not enough. No one can tell you what to believe, season with a panel discussion of Dr. Renner stated the scientific A scientist is not quickly made. but they can ask you to admit to your beliefs. You've been ask- the implications of ' Sputnik. This implications, which she embodied It will take time to catch up to ed to protest officially. Will you think about it ; will you ask your discussion was held at Howell Hall in two points of view—the effect the Soviets because we need time Senate to represent your feelings in official form, to the Com- last Thursday night. on science proper and the attitude to think and to allow knowledge mittee? Will you decide where the student body of Alfred Uni- Presiding as moderator. Dr. En- in science. 'Sputnik, Dr. Renner to mature. Renner also indicates gelmann introduced the panel, stated, was the first attempt to the American thinking about the versity wants to stand f^Shall we begin to define ourselves in re- which was composed of Dr. Renner, reach the infinitely large. The man scholar must change in order that lation to moral responsibility? Or are we really worth only 98 there be any significant advance- cents? ment forward. M.H.B. Interstate Search Science acoording to Professor » Sibly, is a fundamental link In the Lost Time probing of an answer to a defini- Sam Iorio Voted tion of man. Sputnik and the world A ladies watch was found Extended for Prof situation is subjecting us to an ex- in Physics Hall. It can be Alfred Ugly Man perience which humans have never claimed from the janitor after (Continued on page three.) Sam Iorio of Lambda iChi Alpha 6 p.m., Monday thru Friday. by a HAT LUX Staff Member now has the distinction of being A thirteen state missing person case or grip, and had left his car the "ugliest man" on the Alfred alarm has been broadcast by state •registration and driver's license campus. Sam, who had close to $25 police, in an effort to find the behind. A check of his Alfred resi- Eta Mu Alpha TapsThree ior worth of pennies, nickels, quarters, whereabouts of Mr. Leonard dence also turned up a map on gum wrappers arid cigarette butts Rakowski, University English in- which a route to Buffalo had been National Scholastic Fraternitv crammed into his colcollection bot- structor. traced, his most recent salary tle, 'was declared winner of the check, placed for obvious discov- Mr. Rakowski has been missing The Alfred University chapter Michael DerSarkissian is a "Ugly Man Contest" sponsored by ery. 'Other details of the case are of Eta Mu Alpha, national honor- from the campus since Tuesday, graduate of South Park High, in A^P.O., Alfred's nationa lserpice being held in confidence. ary scholastic fraternity, tapped December 3. His disappearance Buffalo and a physics major. He fraternity. was first noted by members of the Rakowski, a native of Scrantom, three senior students to its mem- holds a University scholarship and As a result of the contest, a English department, and officially Pennsylvania, received his BA bership last week.
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