Restoration ofChamber 13 September 1983 ASSEMBLY 481 Tuesday, 13 September 1983 The Chamber was last painted in 1956 and has now been fully repainted. The The SPEAKER (the Hon. C. T. Edmunds) selection of colours has been extensively took the chair at 2.6 p.m. and read the researched and a full investigation of the prayer. various previous schemes was carried out by sampling and analysis. The investigation RESTORATION OF CHAMBER established the nature of the earliest identi­ The. SPEAKER (the Hon. C. T. fiable colour scheme and this is the scheme Edmunds)-Before calling questions with­ which has been reinstated, including the out notice, I shall advise the House about stencilled work frieze, which is so apparent the restoration work that has been carried to honourable members. The scheme con­ out in the Chamber. The Chamber has been sists of a large range of colours-predomi­ redecorated as near as possible to its nantly mauves, pinks, blues and creams­ appearance in the 1860s. Nineteen different with extensive gold leaf highlighting. colours of paint were used, including gold The suspended fluorescent tube lighting leaf, and the original frieze was duplicated system has been removed and will be after it was discovered in the paint scrapings. replaced with a new system. The lighting to I compliment all people involved in the be used during the sitting of Parliament is restoration work. The Public Works provided by down lights set between the Department is the acknowledged expert in main east and west ceiling ribs to the Cham­ the restoration of historic buildings. The ber. The lights are on a dimmer system to result of that skill in this Chamber is com­ enable the lighting level to be controlled. mendable. I pay tribute to all the craftsmen The second stage of the lighting work is yet and the one woman french polisher for their to be completed. This involves the recon­ excellent work. The work was led by the struction and rehanging of the crystal chan­ consultant, Mr Lovell, and officers of the deliers which were originally suspended Public Works Department, and co-ordi­ from every second ceiling rose. nated by Mr White. The chandeliers are being designed from The riggers, electricians, plasterers, the photographic evidence and will be used to House Committee technical staff, door­ light the Chamber when the Assembly is keepers and, in particular, Mr Strachan, his not in session. The chandeliers will not be painters and their apprentices have all per­ the original fittings, but will be similar to formed excellent work. The riggers removed those which dated from the 1870s when this the scaffolding with breathtaking expedi­ colour scheme was in existence. tion. Delays have been experienced and I Other work to be carried out involves thank the Government for providing investigation of the acoustics of the Cham­ adjustments to the sittings of the House to ber with a view to improving speech intel­ enable the Chamber to be brought to its ligibility within the Chamber and the current state of completion. I am sure all possibility of opening up the highlight win­ honourable members are pleased to be back dows within the roof space to allow natural in this familiar place. light into the Chamber. Mr CAIN (Premier)-By leave, I move: The project was carried out by the Public That this House requests the Honourable the Min­ Works Department construction group ister of Public Works to accept and to convey to his under the manager of the construction department and to the craftsmen and all others con­ group, Mr Errol Phelan, and the foreman, cerned, its sincere appreciation for the painstaking care Mr Ivan White. The project was managed and skill which they have displayed in the restoration by the Public Works Department central and redecoration of the Legislative Assembly Chamber. area building division architect, Mr Chris I am sure all honourable members will agree White. that a truly magnificent job of restoration A total of 55 workers were involved and has been done. Of course, restoration is not the Government wishes to thank each of yet complete, but the painting stage has been them for the completed work. These work­ completed and other works still need to be ers included some 30 painters, and the carried out. remaining 25 workers covered scaffolders, Session 1983-19 482 ASSEMBLY 13 September 1983 Restoration ofChamber labourers and supervisors. All the crafts­ that that Chamber had recently been men are employed by the Public Works redecorated. Department. Mr B. J. Evans-What about the I commend the painters on the fine work. Queensland Parliament? It is a magnificent job well done. It has gone Mr KENNETT-I was trying to address a long way to restoring this Chamber to its myself to working Chambers more than original glory and demonstrates clearly that anything else! the age of the skilled craftsman has not gone. On the redecorated walls of the Chamber I express the congratulations of the Gov­ in South Australia there are large plaster ernment and, I am sure, all honourable panels, like those in this Chamber, which members of this House, to all those who give relief. It was done so effectively that were involved on a difficult and demanding portraits painted of former Premiers have job. The over-all cost will be in the vicinity been placed in the raised areas. Although it of$500 000, but it is a worthy expenditure. is often said that this Chamber is one in Mr KEN NETT (Leader of the Opposi­ which Premiers could be well hung, there tion)-By leave, I second the motion, and are many valid reasons for highlighting the join with the Premier and with you, Mr work carried out in the Chamber and it Speaker, in congratulating those persons should also be considered whether portraits who worked on this particular project. The of former Premiers of Victoria could be Premier outlined a great deal of the history hung in this Chamber. Any honourable of this Chamber, which I believe now ranks member who has seen the South Australian alongside the Legislative Council. Parlia­ example, which is magnificent, would real­ ment House is now a total building that is ize that the Chamber has been improved by well worthy of inspection by the public of the presence of those portraits. Victoria and a building of which the public The Opposition joins with the Premier of Victoria can feel justifiably proud. and the Speaker in congratulating those men It is interesting to note that the Legisla­ and women who worked diligently on the tive Council cost approximately $156 000 project and looks forward to the restoration to be renovated not so many years ago. It of the entire building and the eventual con­ cost almost $500 000 to renovate this struction of the north wing of Parliament Chamber. That is a small amount of money House. for both the Government and the commun­ Mr ROSS-EDW ARDS (Leader of the ity to pay to restore this Chamber, which National Party)-I support the motion will not have to be touched again for many moved by the Premier and seconded by the years to come. Leader of the Opposition and the remarks I congratulate all of the craftsmen and made by you, Mr Speaker. Two points women who participated in this project. I impressed me most in the restoration of the was always amazed to notice the way in Legislative Assembly Chamber; one was which they participated in carrying out their that it is obvious that those who worked on functions with great endeavour and an the restoration have proved to me and all obvious love of the job. The place always honourable members that they have the appeared to be crowded right up until 6 same talents and abilities as those who orig­ o'clock and sometimes 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. as inally built this magnificent building 130 they endeavoured to finish the job on time. years ago. If that was an example of the Industrial The second point that impressed me was Relations Task Force at work, the Govern­ that the restoration was completed on time. ment is to be congratulated on negotiating I was impressed by the skill and dedication the erection and dismantling of the scaffold­ of those who worked on the Chamber and ing. It is an occasion on which, if the site the results they achieved. I was proved allowances were not too high, the Opposi­ wrong because those workers achieved their tion should congratulate the Government objective on time. most fully. Some honourable members had The restoration of the building, which was the opportunity recently to visit the South started by the then Premier, now Sir Rupert Australian Parliament for the sitting of the Hamer, was a long way behind schedule Constitutional Convention. It was obvious when he started it. The restoration work Restructure ofMinisterial Portfolios 13 September 1983 ASSEMBLY 483 was continued by the next Premier, Mr party of those people, which included their Thompson, and the present Premier, Mr wives, families and friends, who partici­ Cain. The only restoration project still to be pated in the restoration. The party was held ca,:ied out is the Parliamentary Library, on Friday night and it was very enjoyable. which presents some major problems. Beverages were supplied in the upstairs din­ Although honourable members must be ing room and the party came down to the provided with additional accommodation Chamber where the project was explained in the not-too-distant future, I bring to the to the wi ves and friends of the workers.
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