University ivtalaya Faculty of Computer Science and lnforn1ation Technology Session 2004/2005 UM Presentation • Name : Ooi Li Ching No. Matri c : WET 020141 Code : WXES 3182 Subject : Thesis II Superv isor : En. Mohd Nizam I lj. Ayub Moderator : Pn. Nurul Fazmidar Mohd Noor University of Malaya ' UM Presentation Abstract Abstrnct All undergraduates of the Facu lty of Computer Science and lnfonnation Technology, Un iversity of Malaya are required to do the thesis. Thesis is a compulsory subject for all of the fin al year students in this facu lty which has divided into two phases. Each phase is supposed to complete in each semester of final year. Thesis phase I (WXES3 l 8 l) is carried out in the first semester fo llowed by thesis phase 2 (WXES3 I82) in the second semester. To fulfill the requirement of facu lty. UM presentation has been chosen tCl become the title of my thesis. To success thi s thesis. I have implement all the knowledge and skills tlmt 1 ht\\c gained throughout my 3 years study in UM to practical situations. Apu n from that. I nL o have a chance to leurn more ski ll s of other mult imed ia authoring wols nccnrding to the requirements of my thesis. I believe that thi s will help. me 11 lot in Ill) futul'\.' employment. UM presentation is a stand alone multimed ia package that wi ll focu. more on the University Malaya. Due to the reason where therc urc many people either the un iversity students or other residents li ke to know more information nhout it. Th is pre. cntmion "ill show the user thUniversitye U!>eful info mullion about th e univerofs ityMalaya especially for the first )Car students. l3cs i dc~ that, cum pus map ' iII be included in t hi ~ pre. cntnti on to kt u~1.: n; know how to get there und als() navigute it. The sy<:tem "i II also let u. er-. ~n o '' ubout the fm.: iliti c~ und services provided by M. ~ UM Presentation Acknowledgement Acknowledgement My appreciation goes to ench person whose suggestions and comments help to complete thi s thesis. Thi s thesis has been prepared through a lot of efforts and support by those who really care fo r me. Without the innovative thinking and support of many people, thi s thesis wou ld not exist. first of all, I wou ld like to thank my supervisor, En. Mohd Nizam Hj. Ayub that had guided me along this project development. He has been so dedicated and patience in giving me advices and consultation at any time and providing me with the details of this thesis. Hi s encouragement and kindliness in helping me through out the project is ckeply appreciated . Secondl y, 1 would like to thank Pn. Nurul J7azm idar who gnvc me n lot of suggestions and opi nion during the project development, thank a lot for the idea~. l ler ideas really helping me on behalf to fini shed thi s project. Finally, thanks to all my fe llow course mates that played imponnnt roles in giving a haUniversitynd and in format ion. Without them of, I thi nkMalaya it is the maj or factor thut might stop me to fini sh thi s project. AIt hough they busy with th1.:ir own \ ork, the) st ill gi c thei r time to helpin g mt! when I faced with problem. Thanks a lot. II ~ UM Presentation Table of Content Table of Content Abstract ........................................................... ··:: : .......................... i Acknowl cd~en1 ent .............................................................................. ii Table of Content ............................................................................... iii List of Figure .................................................................................... ix List of Table ..................................................................................... xii C hapter 1: Introduction I. I Project overvie"v ............................................................................ 1 ) . b. ., I . 2 I rOJCCt 0 ~eC l tVCS ........................................................................... - 1.3 Project Scope ................................................... ............................. ~ 1.4 Expected Outcome .................... ...................................................... 3 1.5 Project Schedule ........................ ..................................................... -I 1.6 llcport Layout ............................................................................... 5 1.7 Summary ..................................................................................... 7 Chapter 2: Literature llcvicw 2. 1 IntroductionUniversity .................................................................................. of Malaya 8 2.2 Literuturc tudy Approach ............................................................... I 0 2.3 Multin1cdia ........................................................................... ...... 11 2.3 .1 De fin ition of Multi media ................................................ ...... 11 2J.2 Elc11 wnt 'i of Mult i111 c<.Ji11 ....................................................... 11 2J.3 Advuntagcs of Mult inu.:<.liu .................................................... 13 Ill ~ UM Presentation Table of C.Ontent 2.4 Operating System ........................... .. ..... ........................................ 15 ·•··•·••·•··••·· 2.4. l Linux .. .... ..... ........................................................ ········ .............. 16 2.4.2 Mac OS (Apple) ... ....... .......................................... ............ 17 2.4.3 Windows XP ......... ...................... ..................................... 18 2.5 Digital Imaging Tools ............................................ ....... ... ............... 20 2.5. l Adobe Photoshop 7.0 ............ .. ......................... ................... 20 2.5.2 J/\SC Paint Shop Pro 9 ......................................................... 2 1 2.6 Multimedia Authoring Tools ............................................................. 23 2.6. I Macromedia Flash MX ......................................................... 23 2.6.2 s .. vish 2.0 ... .......... ............................................................ 25 2.6.3 s... vift 30 ..................................................... .......... ........ ... 26 2.6.4 Discreet 3ds Max .. .... ......... ............... ................................. 27 2.7 Studies on Existing Systems ........................ .. .................................... :?C) 2.7. 1 UM Website .......... ........... ... .......... ....... .'. ............. .. ........... :!9 2.7.2 Clear Advantage Title Inc ..................................... ................. 31 2.7.3 Kayfar Design Stud ios ........................... .. .. ........ ... .. ........ ..... 33 2.7.4 SupaLova Club ......... .. ................ ......................... ..... ...... .. 3-t 2.7.5 Dream Dynarnics ....... ............. ................... ................... ...... 36 2.8 SumrnarUniversityy ............................. .. .... .....of.. ......... Malaya..... .... .................. .. ..... 37 Chuptcr 3: McthodoloJ.!y 3. 1 Int roduction .............................. ............... ..................................... 38 3.:? Sofhvurt Dcvd op 111 c11t Life Cycle ....................................................... 39 Iv ~ UM Presentation Table of Content 3.2. l Code-and-fi x li fe cycle modd ....... , ................................. ... ... ... ............. 39 3.2.2 Waterfa ll life cycle model ... ......... .......................................... 4 1 3.2.3 Rapid prototyping life cycle model ...................... ...................... 42 3.2.4 Iteration and Incremental li fe cycle model ................................ .... 44 3.2.5 Extreme Programm ing .................................. ........................ 45 3.2.6 Synchroni ze-and-stabilize li fe cycle model .................................. 47 3.2.7 Spiral li fe cycle model .................. ... .............. .. .................. ... 47 3.3 Methodo logy consideration (The Waterfall Model) .............. ... ................... 50 3.4 In formation gatherin g ................ .. ...... ... ........ ................................... · 2 3.4.1 Brai nstorming .................................................................... 51 3.4.2 Internet surfing ... ..................... .......................................... :) 3.4.3 Consultation with supervisor ... .. .............................................. 53 3.4.4 Oook references ..... .. .. ......................................................... 53 3.5 Summary ........ .. ................ .. .......... .................. .'............................ 5-t C hapter 4: System Ana lysis 4.1 Introduction ......................... ........................................................ 55 4.2 ystcmUniversity Requirement Analysis ............................................ of Malaya................ 55 4·'>- · 1 1'· unct1o. na1 req u.ire ments .. ..................................................... :>6- 4.2.2 Non-fun ctional requ irements ................................................. 58 4.3 Hard ware and Software Requirement\; ................................................. 6 1 4.3. I Developer Side Requ irements ................................................ 61 '1 .3./ l Iser Sidt J{equ in:mcnts ...................................................... 6:! v ~ UM Presentation Table of Content 4.4 Chosen Development Tools ............... ...... ........................................ 63 ••• fl ••• • ' • ••••• 4.4. I Microsoft Windows XP Profcssionnl ...........................····· .. .. ........
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