Volume 101 Spring 2010 Number 4 College of the Ozarks…”Hard Work U.®” • www.cofo.edu • Point Lookout, MO 65726 Discovering, Maintaining, and Strengthening Christian Values Promises To KeeP Extraordinary Students and Graduates ollege of the Ozarks is read about this. committed to encour- Please enjoy reading in this issue the many exam- aging vocational, ples of outstanding students serving others, reaching academic,C Christian, patri- out through educational opportunities, and striving for otic, and cultural growth in excellence. its students. These five goals are present in every aspect of campus life. This is no coin- cidence. C of O faculty, staff, and administration continu- ally seek ways to cultivate development in students of the five goals. Whether it is through a convocation, cam- pus work, class, or chapel, students learn the impor- Jerry C. Davis, President tance of work ethic, academ- ic excellence, a Christ-like life, love of country, and an student allison koch tutors a boarding student on the appreciation for the arts. Through development in these Navajo indian reservation. five areas, the College equips students with skills, knowl- edge, and Christian values. These students are America’s The Ozark Visitor (USPS 600540) (ISSN future. 0890-2690) is published quarterly by In this edition of the Ozark Visitor, you will find the Office of Public Relations and is several stories about events and achievements that took distributed free of charge to friends of place over the past few months. One such story is about our college, alumni, faculty, staff, and Incorporated in 1906 alumna Jennifer (Howerton) Morris (Class of 2003) who parents of our students. as The School of the was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for exceptional meri- Ozarks torious service as the 42nd Military Police Brigade Senior Editor . Elizabeth Andrews, Public Relations Director Intelligence Officer during Operation Iraqi Freedom. She Assistant Editor. Jerry McDonald, PR Assistant began her military career by joining the College’s Army Student Writers and Photographers . Rebecca Wright, ROTC program, while a student. You may read more Ashlyn Moore, Elske Oldeboer, about Officer Morris’ service on the next page. Austin Plummer, Kayla Thomas, Cherah Higgins There are many exceptional College of the Ozarks Dean of Development. Tim Huddleston alumni and students. One extraordinary student is Sarah Director of Alumni Affairs. Angela Williamson Metallo, who graduated this May. After suffering a rare Design Supervisor . Laura Lane bacterial infection as a toddler, doctors had to amputate her legs and most of her fingers to save her life. Metal- Produced by the J.M. McDonald Printing Department lo did not let that stop her dreams of attending Hard in memory of Jerrold Watson Work U. She completed the work program, her studies, Craig Cogdill, Manager and received her diploma this spring. Because she has Founded by an early Presbyterian missionary, Col- overcome much adversity, Metallo exemplifies determi- lege of the Ozarks is an interdenominational, Christian, nation, perseverance, and hard work. You will find her four-year, work college. amazing story on page 10. The College does not discriminate on the basis of Brent Turpin, a nursing major and ROTC cadet, was sex, race, color, age or ethnic origin, in its educational recognized as the Nursing Student of the Year by the programs, activities, or employment policies. Springfield News-Leader (page 6). College of the ozarks®…hard Work U.® Instead of sun bathing on the beach, Allison Koch, Point Lookout, Mo 65726 • 417-334-6411 Sandra Clemons, Ryan Carter, Keith Smith, Madison Hoffpauir, Elizabeth Warden, Oseias Berto, Lila Ozley, Standard postage paid Point Lookout, MO Jared English, Ashley Emerich, J. P. Mathews, and Josh Postmaster: Send address changes to: Petty donated their spring break to serve individuals liv- Ozark Visitor • P.O. Box 17 Point Lookout, MO 65726-0017 ing on a Navajo Indian reservation; on page 11, you may 2 the ozark visitor AlumnA receives Bronze star Captain Jennifer M. Morris Honored special to the Ozark Visitor .S. Army Captain Jennifer M. Morris was award- ed the Bronze Star Medal for exceptional merito- rious service as the 42nd Military Police Brigade USenior Intelligence Officer during Operation Iraqi Free- dom. Jennifer is the daughter of Jim and Debbie Howerton, of Chilhowee, Missouri. Morris deployed with the 42nd MP Brigade to Camp Bucca, Iraq, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, March 16, 2008, to conduct theatre-wide internment facility and reconciliation center operations, as well as to manage an Iraqi Correctional Officer Training Academy. While deploying to Camp Bucca, the Brigade Head- quarters became the foundation of Task Force Bucca, a partner to multi-National Division-Southeast, the local Iraqi communities, and an essential part of Joint Task pate in the College’s forums featuring world leaders such Force 134 Detainee Operations, by implementing care as President Gerald Ford, Senator Bob Dole, and Israeli and custody of detainees with dignity and respect. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Her outstanding duty performance during 13 Morris graduated cum laude with a degree in mass months of combat operations in Iraq contributed to the communications and was listed in the 2003 “Who’s Who overwhelming success of the command’s mission. Her Among Students In American Universities and Colleges.” actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of mili- Upon commissioning as a Second Lieutenant, she tary service and reflect distinct credit upon herself, the branched to Military Intelligence and was stationed in Multi-National Force, Iraq, and the United States Army. Germany. While in Germany, she deployed to Iraq with The Bronze Star Medal is awarded to any person who, the 1st Infantry Division, where she served as a Platoon while serving in any capacity in or with the military of Leader. the United States after December 6, 1941, distinguished In Germany, she met her husband, Aaron Morris of himself or herself by heroic meritorious achievement or Tampa, Florida. They were married in 2006. The Captains service, not involving participation on aerial flight, while Morris are stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington, where engaged in an action against an enemy if the United Aaron flies for the 160th Special Operations Aviation States; while engaged in military operations involving Regiment. conflict with an opposing foreign force; or while serving During Jennifer’s second deployment to Iraq with with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed force in the 42nd Military Police Brigade, she served as the Senior which the United States is not a belligerent party, accord- Intelligence Officer (SIO) at Camp Bucca near Umm Qasr, ing to Army Regulation 600-8-22. Iraq--at the time, the largest detainee internment facility Morris was raised on the family farm located in operated by the Department of Defense. Her talents as northern Henry County. She, along with her three broth- the SIO were recognized by her superiors, who encour- ers, Michael, Jonathon, and Andrew, were home-schooled aged and focused her work. by her mom. During the deployment, she was selected to serve on She entered College of the Ozarks following high a team of professionals assembled from across the Army school. She studied abroad at Yonsei University for a that was responsible for updating the U. S. Military Police semester during her junior year of college, arriving in School’s Detention Operations training program. Seoul, South Korea, shortly before September 11, 2001. This training program is used to prepare units from She had always had an interest in the military as well across the Department of Defense who are preparing to as a strong love of her country. It should not have been deploy in support of detention operations. One of the a surprise that she chose to join ROTC post 9/11, but her training plans incorporated she personally developed decision to go active duty was a surprise for the How- and implemented during her time at Camp Bucca. erton family. During her senior year at College of the Upon the unit’s redeployment in summer 2009, the Ozarks she was elected as President of the student body. 42nd Military Police Brigade Commander selected Jen- The position not only helped her hone her leadership nifer for Company Command. skills, but also afforded her the opportunity to partici- SpriNg 2010 3 We could not do it without you! You are a valued member of the College of the Ozarks family. Your gifts are greatly appreciated by College of the Ozarks students whose lives they touch each and every day. Please accept our sincere appreciation for your continued prayers and financial support. College of the Ozarks ® a GIFT ANNUITY is a means of providing your- requesT Form self with a guaranteed income for life at the same time p Please send me information regarding a charitable gift you provide financial support for College of the Ozarks. Many friends of C of O over the years have created Gift annuity. p Annuities, which eventually result in a gift to the Col- Please call me regarding a question I have about endow- lege as a memorial to themselves or friends and relatives ments. whom they may designate. p Please send me additional information on trusts and In brief, you give C of O a specific sum of cash, secu- other estate planning tools. rities, or other property. In consideration of this gift, C p I am considering College of the Ozarks in my estate of O guarantees to pay you a fixed annual income for plan. Please send me information on how to do so. life. 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