r»»»»» .f.ffffffffffffff JWffWfffff rP.. | r~l 2&? BROWNSVILLE HERALD SPORTS SECTION ? ---_____.----------------~~- ..... ---—. Cubs Hailed on All PORAT BEATS TWO ANDYS FIGHTING FOR PLACE J G GIANTS Valley League Will Sides as Winner of & TOM HEENEY SAC' BETTERED Seek 2 More Towns •*: ? if Chase in National Batters Steals Norwegian Badly Up Wright Robins Show; Before Organizing ‘Contender* Setup For Yankees Seem to Need By BISHOP CLEMENTS By VICTOR G. SIDLER Champ Gene Tunney Batting Practice Associatd Press Sports Writer f Sports Editor At a last in this at AVALON, Santa Catalina Island, Calif., March 13.—OP)—'The clashing meeting night city the Miller hotel of baseball rep- SAN ANTONIO. March 13.—(>P)— resentatives of Corpus Chdisti, McAllen. San Benito and of cymbals and brass attend the preparations of the Chicago Cubs for March 13.—(£*)—Otto Brownsville, CHICAGO, Most of the cripples in the New which towns declared themselves the National race—they have been widely proclaimed as ready to enter the proposd Class *‘D League pennant Von Porat's galloping gloves pound- York Giants’ camp have recovered. Pre-season clamor has vested Vally league, it was decided that it would not be feasible to go ahead with favorites to carry off the bunting. already ed a requiem to Tom Heeney’s Carl Mays, Fred Fitzsimmons and permanent organization of the league with the four towns, and a com- the Chicagoans in the carb of the champions, and now all that Manager heavyweight title aspirations last Andy Reese are ready to return to r* imittee was to confer with Joe McCarthy has to do Is win the>t-- night and sent the New Zealander duty. Mays, who broke a thumb ' appointed and other towns tlag. hard rock to the hospital for re- when he knocked down a line drive Harlingen Valley to find out if those towns wanted is' One of the most colorful aggre- pairs. some days ago, got back into ac- to enter the organization, as a six- T^Mfons in the club’s history—and Eighteen stitches were required tion yesterday and Reese's ‘‘Char- of the outfits seen in Horse” has EAGLE SQUADS club circuit was the number agreed jfym. snappiest BIBLE TO SEEK to close the inch-long gash in ley disappeared. been in upon. rna ny seasons—has spring Heeney's lip which Von Porat’s Glenn Wright seems to have stol- on tills isle. The en show at the Rob- President O. N. Boston called the training pleasure right hand opened in the final the Brooklyn inclusion in the of at meeting to order and Cam Hiil an- lineup Rogers round. The wound sent blood ins’ training camp Clearwater, Hornsby and his mighty bludgeon SPEED RECORD Fla, The shortstop was the sub- CLASH TODAY swered for McAllen, W. B. Pyeatt cascading down over Heeney’s appears to have much to do with ject of almost all the talking yes- for Corpus Christ!, L. B. Wihans for body, and the New Zealander, real- the Cubs’ envied position as favor- terday. He is undergoing treatment San Benito and Robin Pate for izing how desperate his plight must ites. I for a shoulder injury, alleged to Brownsville, all of whom declared Will have appeared, told Referee Ed Regulation Football Game their towns to The lacking in the final 42-Year-Old Mechanic have been incurred before he was ready enter the punch Purdy not to stop the fight, that days of last year’s campaign the traded to Brooklyn by Pittsburgh. league. to Better Sea- he was all right. At Tucker Field Begin- Cubs hope will be contributed by Attempt Wilbert Robinson has threatened to Mercedes and Harlingen failed to After the cut had closed, Heeney Hornsby. Then, such swattsmiths carry the case to John A. Heydler, at 4 P. M. send representatives as they had Mark left the ning as Hazen Kiki” Cuyler, “Hack" grave’s hospital. president of the league, if Wright's declared they would do. It was the Wilson and Jackson Stephenson will Heeney, upon whose body Gene shoulder doesn't respond to treat- sentiment of the meeting that Har- be there to aid in boosting the Cubs Tunney wrote his farewell to pugi- ment. Internal strife has broken out in lingen was ready to enter the or- over the top with their long range DAYTONA BEACH, Fla., March lism last year, was a badly whip- Yank Guns Silent the ranks of the spring training ganization. but doubtful If Mercedes Bible, carefree jack of ped man when the Norwegian camp of the Brownsville Eagles grid would. Six clubs will have to be shelling. 113.—(/P)—Lee More batting practice seems to be out his ten and as a result, a full four- formed before the is While McCarthy is depending con- all trades today has stepped puncher got through the chief need of the New York squad league per- the overalls of a rounds of work. Von Porat took quarter regulation game will be manently organized, it was declared. siderably upon the star second of grimy garage Yankees at Tampa. The world’s into the ranks of held on Tucker field at 4 m. William T. Bunnett of Browns- sacker. he also lays great stress on owner-mechanic seven rounds, lost two and champions opened their exhibition played p. world's fastest car driv- ville, and L. B. Winans of San Ben- his reserve material which he de- the racing Heeney even in the other. To the schedule yesterday by nosing out Wednesday. : ers Dan Barnhart, of ito were appointed a committee to scribes in enthusiastic terms. Be- surprise of most of the 9,000 spec- Tampa of the Southeastern league, captain-elect The mechanic was to the 1929 team, will lead the Blues” find out if these or other towns lieving that strong reserves from a 42-year-old tators he not only outslugged the a class B organization, one to I and Clarence Bennett will would enter the league, in a last necessary adjunct to a squad, the be given the "golden opportunity New Zealander but outboxed him nothing. captain own words, the effort toward Cubs’ pilot has lined up an able sub- of a life time” to use his most of the time. “Greys.” organization. The Chicago White Sox and Dal- Mr. the Christi stitute for each as the driver of the Triplex, pow- In addition to seeing the old stars Pyett, Corpus rep- department. las Steers are scheduled to resume erful racing car of J. M. White of who captuerd the Valley title and resentative, stated that Robstown Two newcomers will make the their baseball Philadelphia, and he expected to- Kid Juarez m argument today— went undefeated last year, fans will and Kingsville, at meeting held in mound corps if their performances Accepts the weather at Dallas to to wrest from Ma- providing per- have the of seeing new- those cities Tuesday afternoon, to date count for Ed day attempt opportunity | anything. __» mits. The Sox were rained out of comers would not enter the and ask- — In this H. O. D. of With Pancho ■ perform. list, in- league, jor Seagrave England, ■ Lautenbacher, 21-year-old acquisi- Fight a session for the second the title of speed king of the auto- practice cluding ineligibles, are Summers, ed Mr. Pyeatt to so state to the tion from the Reading. Pa., club, AN DV consecutive and Man- mobile world. At Fort March 25 COHEN day yesterday Longoria, Samano and Washington. meeting. comes to the Cubs with a record ager Lena Blackburne is anxious to The have been in A number of fans But not without a struggle from The two Cohen and Re ese, are a hot battle for boys training goodly gathered of 10 victories and five defeats and Andys, staging his back on the He, too, was ex- Kid Juarez, tough Monterrey get hopefuls job. under Coach Doug Fessenden for for the confab, and the situation it is more than that the Major Segrave. the second base job at the New York Giants’ camp at San Antonio, likely Manager Joe McCarthy’s Cubs was into pected to try to better his own featherweight, would be delighted to Tex. Cohen seemed to have the cinched until the latter several weeks. gone from every angle. The youthful hurler will drape his six- position have their downs as well as their or that which Bible believed meet Kid Pancho at the Fort Brown league has been in formation for foot three-inch stature over the mark, part of the season. Now Reese is conceded in a fair way to get it. of ups. Yesterday his ‘‘murderers’ the six and he could set. If Ideal beach and skating rink on the evening I ---—--- past weeks, delegates mound in the coming campaign. row” failed to function and his Potatoes weather conditions permitted. Se- March 25. Valley have called on every towrn in the Berlyn Horne, somewhat older, pitching accs, announced as ready grave hoped to step his Golden Ar- He said so in a telegram to Pro- Valley, and it was believed that if having had some 10 years experi- for the season's opener, were as Will Be some row up to 240 miles an hour. He moter Tex Becerril Tuesday. Shipped one person in each of the and of a consistent wild as a March wind. The Cata- i ence, possessor drove the machine Monday to an Therefore the scrap seems almost towns to complete the league would has been batters linas defeated the Avalons 14 to 3 Under U. S. Grades record, puzzling official record of more than 231 a certainty now.
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