Facing the Music

Facing the Music

OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE CANADIAN ACADEMY OF AUDIOLOGY PUBLICATION OFFICIELLE DE L’ACAD ÉMIE CANADIENNE D’AUDIOLOGIE www.canadianaudiology.ca Vol. 8 No. 2 Revue canadienne d’audition 2013 Hearing Loss and Music: Special Issue A Musician's Hearing Loss Awareness Program in Turkey Beethoven and Me: The Effects of Hearing Loss on Music Composition Publicatio ns Ag reeme nt Nu mber 40025049 | ISS N 1718 1860 ww w.and rewj ohnpublish ing.co m Widex Message froM the editor-in-Chief | ot eveRyone iS a uSed in the compoSition and RecoRding Hearing Report foR Spotlight on Science NmuSician but fieldS. with heR column about noiSe and muSic muSic iS Something induced heaRing loSS. Patty’S gueSt that eveRyone needS. AS you have pRobably gueSSed, thiS iSSue column iS adapted fRom a gueSt blog that ThiS iS tRue whetheR of the Canadian Hearing Report iS about She had wRitten foR me at HeaRing- itS backgRound “noiSe” muSic and muSic-Related iSSueS. We have HealthMatteRS.oRg – a weekly blog about aS a diStRaction when aRticleS fRom viRtually eveRy Realm of all aSpectS of heaRing loSS. And of couRSe, doing aeRobicS oR muSic. ThiS includeS aRticleS fRom haRd of Calvin StapleS doeS hiS uSual gReat job of jogging, oR whetheR heaRing muSicianS, heaRing loSS in Selecting Some Recent muSic-Related blogS one actually deRiveS claSSical oRcheStRal muSicianS, the vaRiouS fRom HeaRingHealthMatteRS.oRg. pleaSuRe fRom liStening to, oR playing effectS of MP3 playeRS, aS well aS aRticleS muSic. The field of muSic and heaRing iS on the benefitS of muSic in ouR bRainS. Ata Akdag wRiteS all the way fRom TuRkey Relatively new, and the bRanch of muSic and ShaReS the effoRtS expended to and heaRing aidS iS even neweR. A I haven’t Seen Beethoven clinically foR develop of muSicianS’ heaRing loSS miSconception about the field iS that it iS many yeaRS now, but I know that the laSt awaReneSS fRom in hiS countRy and about muSicianS. ThiS iS not the caSe. The time I did, he had a pRogReSSive heaRing ReviewS Some of the woRk that haS been field of muSic and heaRing iS Relevant to loSS oveR hiS lifetime. Jay Alan done to “convince” muSicianS about eveRyone who, fRom time-to-time, juSt ZimmeRman wRiteS a moSt delightful heaRing loSS pRevention StRategieS. CloSeR wantS to liSten to muSic. ThiS iS aS tRue piece on how Beethoven’S muSic changed to home AlbeRto BehaR and I examine foR my motheR and fatheR who oveR the couRSe of hiS lifetime – gRadually heaRing loSS in claSSical muSicianS. occaSionally attend a muSical pRoduction Shifting the key and playing Range at the local theatRe, aS it iS foR the haRd of towaRdS the left hand Side of the piano And finally, Julia Ruth HopkinS wRiteS heaRing 64-yeaR-old jazz muSician who keyboaRd (poSSibly in ReSponSe to a about heR StRuggleS – peRSonal and need Some amplification to heaR the gRadually high fRequency heaRing loSS). adminiStRative – to become the fiRSt haRmonicS and otheR inStRumentS alSo Like Jay, RichaRd EinhoRn iS a well- muSic teacheR in OntaRio to Receive being played in the venue. known haRd of heaRing AmeRican coveRage foR heR heaRing loSS thRough the compoSeR and muSician who wRiteS pRovincial WoRkeR’S Safety and InSuRance My Son Shaun Recently gRaduated fRom about the limitation of many modeRn BoaRd (WSIB). To date, only BRitiSh the BeRklee College of MuSic in BoSton heaRing aidS to handle the moRe intenSe Columbia and OntaRio pRovideS coveRage and when home foR SummeR bReakS, I componentS chaRacteRiStic of muSic, to muSic teacheRS. waS alwayS amazed at how much hiS along with Some StRategieS that have computeR ScReen foR compoSition and woRked foR him. And let’S not foRget ouR 2013 iS a Special yeaR foR heaRing loSS Song pRoduction looked like a typical own PeteR Stelmacovich who wRiteS ouR pRevention foR muSicianS – it iS the 25th heaRing aid pRogRamming ScReen. He haS RegulaR column The Deafened anniveRSaRy of the fiRSt flat attenuation contRol oveR all aSpectS of compReSSion- AudiologiSt – top wayS to enjoy muSic muSicianS’ eaRplug. I hope you all take a attack, ReleaSe time, and compReSSion with a heaRing loSS. Gael Hannan, who bit longeR than uSual to Read thRough thiS Ratio. He haS contRol oveR gain and like me can only play the Radio, aSkS in iSSue. We can all leaRn Something fRom output, and hiS equalization iS SimilaR heR RegulaR column “The Happy HOH”, muSic and ouR haRd of heaRing muSician (but moRe fRequency Specific) than thoSe could Somebody tuRn my muSic back on? clientS that we can bRing to ouR own found in my heaRing aid clinicS. It can be clinical enviRonmentS. Said that an audiologiSt iS Simply a New knowledge about muSic induced RecoRding and pRoduction engineeR foR heaRing loSS iS conveyed to uS by Nina Marshall Chasin, AuD, M.Sc., Aud(C), haRd of heaRing people. I SuSpect that we KRauS who iS a gueSt columniSt foR thiS Reg. CASLPO, Editor-in-Chief can leaRn a lot fRom the field of muSic and iSSue foR All ThingS CentRal. DR. KRauS marshall.chasin@rogers.com it iS hoped that, in the not too diStant wRiteS about the muSicianShip’S effect on Canadian Hearing Report 2013;8(2):3. futuRe, ouR pRogRamming ScReenS will the bRain. Patty JohnSton iS alSo a gueSt allow aS much “fine tuning” aS the oneS columniSt in thiS iSSue of the Canadian REVUE CANADIENNE D’AUDITION | CANADIAN HEARING REPORT 3 UnitRon Vol .8 No 2 | 2013 contents Revue canadienne d’audition DEPARTMENTS FEATURES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOCUS _______________________ 3 Message from the Editor-in-Chief 7 Message du L’editeur en chef 31 The Journey from a War to Loudness Wars: Vol. 8 No 2 • 2013 A Musician’s Hearing Loss Awareness 8 Letter to the Editor Program in Turkey Official publication of the BY GLYNNIS TIDBALL, M.SC. (AUD, SLP) RAUD BY ATA AKDAG Canadian Academy of Audiology 9 What’s New? 35 Beethoven and Me: The Effects of Hearing- Loss on Music Compositio n COLUMNS BY JAY ALAN ZIMMERMAN 11 THE DEAFENED AUDIOLOGIST | Hearing Loss in Classical Orchestra Publication officielle de l’académie Top Ways to Enjoy Music with 40 canadienne d’audiologie a Hearing Loss Musicians ww w.canadianaudiology.ca BY PETER STELMACOVICH BY ALBERTO BEHAR, PENG, CIH AND E DITOR- IN-C HIEF / É DITEUR EN CHEF MARSHALL CHASIN, AUD Marshall Chasin, AuD., MSc, Reg. CASLPO, 14 FROM THE BLOGS@ 43 The “Epidemic” of NIHL from MP3 Player Di rector of Research , Musicians’ Clinics of Canada HEARINGHEALTHMATTERS.ORG Use BY CALVIN STAPLES, MSC A S SOCIATE E DI TORS /ÉD IT EU RS ADJOI NT S BY CORY PORTNUFF, AUD, PHD Steve Aiken, PhD, Dalhousie University 19 THE HAPPY HOH Alberto Behar, PEng, Ryerson University Could Somebody Turn My 45 SIN and SNR: The Unavoidable Importance of Maximizing Signal to Noise Ratio Leonard Co rnelisse, MSc , Un itron Hearin g Music Back On? BY RICHARD EINHORN, BA Joanne DeLuzio, PhD, Univer sity of Toront o BY GAEL HANNAN Lendra Friesen, PhD, Sunnyb rook Healt h Science s Cen tre Gael Hannan, Hearing Loss Advocate 21 ALL THINGS CENTRAL Bill Hodgetts, PhD , Un iver sity of Al berta Facing the Music: Musicianship’s Lorienne Jenstad, PhD , Uni versi ty of Britis h Colum bia Effect on the Brain André Ma rcoux, PhD , Un iver sity of Ott awa BY NINA KRAUS, PHD Sheila Moodie, PhD , University of Western Ontario Calvin Staples, MSc , Co nestoga Colleg e 23 SPOTLIGHT ON SCIENCE Kim L. Tillery, PhD, State University of New York, at Fredonia New Knowledge on NIHL About the Cover: Rich Tyler, PhD, Un iver sity of Iowa BY PATTY JOHNSON, AUD PhD Was hing ton Uni ver sit y Michael Valente, , Courtesy of Etymotic Research M AN AGIN G E D ITOR /DIRECT EUR DE LA R É DACTIO N FEATURES (www.etymotic.com) the front cover shows a Scott Bryant, scottbryant@and rewjohnpublishing.com 26 An Audiologist is a Recording pair of musicians' earplugs that are now Engineer for Speech C ONTRIBU TORS celebrating their 25 year of age. These have BY MARSHALL CHASIN, AUD Steve Aiken, Ata Akdag, Rachel Arntson, uniform attenuation that allows the musicians to play and to listen to their music at a safe Alberto Behar, Marshall Chasin, Gael Hannan, 27 Work Related Hearing Loss – Julia Ruth Hopkins, Patty Johnson, Nina Krauss, level while maintaining the original balance of A Difficult Journey Cory Portnuff, Calvin Staples, Glynnis Tidball, Peter BY JULIA RUTH HOPKINS, ARCT, MUS.BAC, BED. the sounds. Stelmacovich, Jay Alan Zimmerman 29 Do It With a Song A RT D IRECTOR/DESIGN /DI RE CTEUR ARTI S TI QU E /DESIGN BY RACHEL ARNTSON, MS, CCC-SLP Follow us on Twitter @chr_infor Andrea Brierley, abrierley@allegrahamilton.com SALES AND CIRCUL ATION COORDINATOR ./ COORDONATRICE DES VENTES ET DE LA DIFFUSION Brenda Robinson, brobinson@andrewjohnpublishing.com ACCOUNT ING /COMPTAB ILITÉ Susan McClung G ROUP P UBL I SHE R /CHEF DE LA DIRE CTION John D. Birkby, jbirkby@andrewjohnpublishing.com ____________ Canadian Hea ring Repo rt is pu blishe d six times an nual ly by And rew Joh n Pu blishing In c. with of fices at 115 King Street West , Dun das , On , Cana da L9H 1V1 . We welcome edito rial su bm issions but cannot assume res ponsi bility or commitment for unsolicite d mate rial . Any edito rial mate rial , including pho - tog raphs that are acce pte d from an unsolicite d cont ributo r, will becom e the prope rty of An dre w John Pu blishing Inc. FEED BACK We welco me you r vie ws and co mm ents .Please send them to Andre w John Pu blishing Inc., 115 King Street West , Dundas , ON , Canada L9H 1V1 .

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