VAUXHALL S2095 THE DAILY NEWS anllablt 11 Vol. .54. No. 70 • ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1'957 (Price 5 cents) Nova Motors Ltd. .. Charles Hutton &Son• he re- ueen Will Be Asked DS t. aurent n icates e era Visit Canada -First cks Canada, who allended the feela "quite atrong!y" thl\ the I e·.. l!·~r·' 1 · rrr•a Starr Writer Imuda talks between the Can~dian meetin11 ahould be In London. n·e ra 1.,11 . ~·r 1-Prime Mlnlster prime minister and l'rlme Min·, "He (Mr. Macmillan) u com. • .., .. r.:, ~omple~lon ahow ; Isler Macmill~n of Britain. · munlcalinJI with the other prime· ------------- ection et or une ·.,. f:.•m tw' rla~·s In Ber.' Questioned by reporters about mlnlsb~rs. From the preliminary • · ·, 1\'r:lne•dl\' that the the Qt:·~~n's travelling plan~ and reaction It would aeem that tt " ·,, 1 • ~~d to· mJke Can. the p~ssibllity of a prime' minis!· would be moat convenient for the ;:,: .· l' !n ~n)· Sorth Am· en' cMr~rcnce he uld: , largest number for It to be held ~ •• ,·: r:an' ,he has for, "It wUI he recommended by the In early summer." 11 Commons Closes • 1 United Kln~dom government to: He said that Prime Minister .. · ,co•.mcd that a Com H~r Majesty that If she comes i Macmillan f.eels tllat at the London If· ' mini•tcn' con. across the Atlantic thi! year 1he 1 meeting the \eaden "should , .,, b~ held 1n ' 'ndon i should \'l!lt here first. It could be range for a 1ystem Clf holdlnga • .,.,•r and th~l the possl- 1 just a !hoM vl'!t ~n1 !hP co11ld go these meetlnJI& In other countries ·,, ,., ''1\ ~u~h con!erencrs i from here to the United StRte.•,": o/ the Commonwealth.'' In Near Future ., ".·: -.... '"'~~ in the nthrr 1 he uld. Of the Bermuda meetings he ..· · ·• C.•mmoniiNl\h, In! To 51\~gc,tlons thRt a conrP.r· !aid the projected European com. · • · ~ enr•• of ·prime m!nl:trrs Ia pend. mon market and Its possible ef. •OTTAWA (CP) - Prime Minister St. Laurent . ·' ~"~d h!nh. too. that In~. he said: fects upon Canada were discussed . clearly indicated Wednesday he plans to call a . · ·· ·; ~~n~r.;l eledlom "There prob3bly will be a An~leties Canada had were antic!- •.':cr. prime mlnl~tPrl' cnnreronce. 'Rut pAI••d by the United Kingdom. June general election. .. .., , """' -~·- was ercom the prime m:nl•ter or til" lTn!'P.d The common market could be Returning to the Commons from his Bermuda · •. T-·"o '·h',tcr H~we, • Kln2tlom w~nt, It to be ~.·•ld th\• U!Cd to expand trade both within ' ... , ···<=···~ Pc~r-, lim~ in L~nrlnn." ~nd oul!ide the area, or It could meeting with British Prime Minister Macmillan, . '·' , ·'lr r.c·"r". l "· ' L~ter In 1h• rommo~• ~!1·. !it hP U.1ed lo restrict ll'ade to the .. - • :1 c "' .,.,:,.;onpr In' l.aur~ni said that ~~~. ~!~rmlllRn: area, e~cludln11 fo!'elgn suppliers. he said the Commons will not sit more than two or three Saturdays after next Saturday. And he also spoke of 11dissolution of Parlia· ORKS PLANT: ment" - the formal winding up of the current Parliament, elected August 10, 1953, for a new e1ection. Die In Explosion Mr. St. Laurent gave no indication of the :-,, •'lTY ;API-Tv.'o ex. levell~d or dJma~td b~ti\din~~ f,,.· Pollee, firemen and ambulJnce ~· a~Jrt in fire· a block around, anu sha!lered win- drivers were cauaht In the aecond exact date. However, elections must be held on <"RIPT ., :; ,,,r, a · 1:,: \\'~;inc· :Jy ki:led or dOW! In the nearby in!•!rnatlonal eXplosion I5·mlnu~s later. At least a Monday and the only two June Mondays pos· . •:.•:rl ,,! pen~ns. The airport terminal. !three firemen and a \·atflc pollee­ • ,, "'' ;r t'·~ ~irport about! A crater nearly 100 reet long and~ man died In the aecond blaet, Lt.­ sible are June 10th and 17th. .), !c 'm :hr c~ntre of the, 30 feet deep was le!t. • Col. Rafael Garcia Eaparza, II· A June 3 date would require 1 ~- ------·-------- - 1 The factory was located on the ahtant !Ire chief, wu aeverly ln- enumeration of voters to take : more than two or three !!AWl'· ~ .. ;Yrr "H compounded edge of a poor residential district jured b~t kept shouting orders to place during Holy Week. June 24: days" alter next Saturd~~·. Ht • 1 ,,,,.,~, m~nn~ in to help~ called Colonia Federal. rescuera although barely. able to is a provincial holiday In Quebec . said he will dhcu 15 with lea d!r.l ,,, 1,_. f:r<',. bla!t were: BODIES SCA'I'I'ERED move. the feast of St. Jean·Baptlste. · of opposition parties the mann~r . :., 1 ~, · 1 rco~d. 1 Buse, a.nd truck a moving on the Bodle~ of victims ~re torn end He spoke as the Commons de·· In which the we!hre !ncreuu . · · 1 Mexico C1ty • Puebh hiGhway ~- hurled by the explosion force Into bated and approved his motion! cou!:l oe implemented "before · ·1:> rt• •Jict H were killed side the airport were rocked. Fift· trees and onto the adjoining rail­ that the House sit next Sab.Jrday. : the~~ Ia dissolution of Parlh· ": •rr1. p,,iice 1\'ednesda)'' een Injured were taken from one way for about 7!10 feet. Opposition Leader Diefenbaker: ment." .; ,j '" h,rl:~~ ''ere recov-: bus badly twisted by the blast. Thou11nd1 oi eurlous erowded asked whether the governm'!nt I Although the prime mlnl!ter '''J' Jn o! ~~-~ injured were Police nld larse quantities of Into the area. plans to introduce legislation this , spoke of two or three ~turdaya :' ~ :n cr:Lcal condition and powder and dynamite had ~en Red Crou and Green Crosa am· session to Implement the lncreues )after llf::rl Saturday, It, appun " stored In the buUdlng. "I:he fint bulances and private automobiles In wei! are payments, announc-ed i certain there could be 110 mort HOI.LYWOOD, Cai...,.Eva Marie Saint and her two-year-o1d ~on, Darrell, are ERS \:••: 11r•ck•.d \he facto!")', blut oc<:urred about noon. l!arttd the wt!Ul!ded to hoapltah. In \he budget to take etfect this~· than two, ·That would ta'K.e tilt shown on thf! set of "A Hatful Of Rain'' at 20th Century Fox Studios when the summer. Comm0111 up to April lJ, tilt S&\o ~ICH youngster came to see his mother work for the first time. She ill the wife of Stanley Knowles, CCF whlp. urday bef<lre Taster week. ParUa­ also suggested that there would be ment !J Tlrtually eertaln lie be d!J.. OTTAWA: Jeffrey Hayden, young TV dire:tor who recently directed his first motion pic­ no mooo than two or three Satur- 1 aolved befonl Euter. INS ture.-(IN Photo). days this session 011 which the For a June 10 tlte&B, 'PafHa. Commons wou1d sit. ~nt would have to bt d!uol.ftc! WILL BE DISCUSSED about April 12 and for .I JUlie lT Federal Budget ·Under Fire Mr. St. Laurent replied that, date It would haYI Ia e11i! before .98 there would "certainly not be 1 Easter. .CP>--Federat budaet I propoaed payments by the Alberta she uld the taxpayer ahoold be ·------------------------~ ond lo taxpay_ers w,re do-\ Social Credit sovermmnt of ~11,- charged Interest 011 tlle addltlonal, ~~ L\p Comm0111 Wednea- • 000,000 In only from TEAMSTERS UNION: I! l.'llaU a1 to make ooe' persona resident In the province aessment. not 11 now from the, t ·.29 !;;:,tber the~ were ser-~fl~~~/~~~r:o~dm~et~aa~a~~~ gov.lor~;~·~::;;n~:~~r~~ budget y omes IC. : ro ems Beck Charged :1 !"rt~ermore, continued ernment wants to get Its finger 'n I for Its announcement that trans- I .. n~ Fairclough ( PC-Ham- I the pie, .. aald Mr. Hansell. He IS· portatlon problems of. the Atlantic I it•''. inc rea! e s Clf S8' tlmated that application of In' I provinces wlll be studied and for By FRASER WIGHTON 1 retary R. A. Blltler abOut the! are Just asking questions which; Jf i" c · p~nliOn! for the old· I come tax to the dividends ···ould the federal offer to anlst Nova LONDON (Reuters) - Prime' strike and Cyprus. i are just arriving at a very import. '' 0nte mp t $2,000,000 Ar ro ga nt ' · rliublerl and others•! brlnJI about Into the fed· Scotia and New Brunswick bulid Mlnl1ter Macmlllan flew home i ~lacmillan scheduled a cabinet' ant point. We shall have to walt, 1 :n the budget wouldn't era! treasury fOr this year. steam power plants and transmls· from Bermuda Wednesday to face meeting for today to report on his; to seoe the answers." I '·11•n half a loaf." I Mrs, Fairclough also urged the &ion lines In and between the two a snowballlng industrial strike and i Pmmuda talks and dlscus1 terms! When a reporter sUggested that !•c~. l think It wo•·!d be: iOl•~rnment to allow deduction provinces. a critical decision on the Cyprus; for the release ol. Archbishop Ma.: U.S. policy seemed to be based By DOUGLAS B. CORNELL I said It might Incriminate him to 'I :h~ p,int lo say Ibis hI from taxable Income of payment• Oppoaitlon ~mbera had aug. dispute. 1karlos, exiled leader of Cyprus' too much on United Nations deci·: . say whether he used $9.68 of union >I hreatl.'' Imade by a husband to his wife lleated that th. Gordon "conomlc During his eight • day absencoe' unlon·wlth-Greece movement.
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