March 30, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4073 b 1445 Sadly, after more than 70 years on Mr. FORTENBERRY. Madam Speak- In 2005, he was presented with the the air, Mr. Harvey passed away in er, I have no further speakers and Presidential Medal of Freedom, the February at the age of 90. The loss of would yield back the balance of my highest honor available to American Paul Harvey is the loss of a symbol of time. civilians. a simpler era in America. Even with Mr. LYNCH. Madam Speaker, in clos- Throughout his life, Mr. Harvey was the passage of time, his broadcast sto- ing, I was introduced to Paul Harvey 30 rarely without his loving wife, Lynn, ries were as timely at the end of his years ago as an ironworker, working at whom he called ‘‘Angel.’’ Married in life as they were back in Tulsa, where the Inland Steel Plant in East Chicago, 1940, Lynn passed away on May 3, 2008. his career started. As Mr. Harvey Indiana. Every day, when that lunch They are survived by Paul Jr., who fol- would say at the end of each story, at whistle would blow, all the ironworkers lowed his parents into broadcasting. the end of each show, ‘‘And now you would gather at the lunchroom or in I ask that this body join the Amer- know the rest of the story.’’ the trailer where we had lunch, and ican people in celebrating the life of Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- every ear was glued to that radio set. Paul Harvey, whom we lost on Feb- ance of my time. It was the plain-spoken, moral and ruary 28, 2009 at the age of 90. We will Mr. LYNCH. Madam Speaker, we commonsense views of Paul Harvey’s certainly miss his contributions to the have no further speakers, but I con- that I think enlightened us all. So, with that, I just want to ask all national dialogue. So, Madam Speaker, tinue to reserve. of my colleagues to join with me and let us collectively and formally express Mr. FORTENBERRY. Madam Speak- with the chief sponsor of this resolu- our appreciation for Paul Harvey’s life er, I would like to recognize my distin- tion, JOHN SULLIVAN, the gentleman and career by adopting House Resolu- guished colleague, the gentleman from from Oklahoma. I ask that we pass this tion 223. Oklahoma (Mr. SULLIVAN), the author I now reserve the balance of our of this resolution, and yield him as unanimously in memory of the life of time. much time as he may consume. Paul Harvey. Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- Mr. FORTENBERRY. I yield myself Mr. SULLIVAN. Madam Speaker, today, I rise to honor the life, achieve- ance of my time. such time as I may consume. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Madam Speaker, I rise today in sup- ments and contributions of one of question is on the motion offered by port of H. Res. 223, ‘‘Honoring the Life, Tulsa, Oklahoma’s favorite sons and the gentleman from Massachusetts Achievements and Contributions of one of America’s most cherished (Mr. LYNCH) that the House suspend Paul Harvey.’’ voices, Paul Harvey. the rules and agree to the resolution, Born in 1918 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Perhaps best known for his signature line ‘‘Good Day,’’ Paul Harvey began H. Res. 223, as amended. Paul Harvey’s fascination with radio The question was taken; and (two- his storied career in radio in Tulsa, started at a very young age when he thirds being in the affirmative) the making radio receivers and working as would pick up radio stations on his rules were suspended and the resolu- homemade cigar box crystal set. As a a fill-in announcer while a student at tion, as amended, was agreed to. teenager, he worked, sweeping the the University of Tulsa. Little did he A motion to reconsider was laid on floors at the station KVOO until the know then that over the next 70 years the table. station manager decided to give him a he would go on to become one of Amer- f job. The rest, as they say, is radio his- ica’s most accomplished and beloved tory. radio personalities of all time. RECOGNIZING 30TH ANNIVERSARY Mr. Harvey moved from Tulsa to ac- Referred to as the ‘‘largest one-man OF EGYPT-ISRAEL PEACE TREATY cept a position working at KXOK in St. network in the world,’’ Paul Harvey Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Louis. While working in St. Louis, Mr. was heard on 1,200 radio stations and Speaker, I move to suspend the rules Harvey met his beloved wife of 68 400 Armed Forces networks around the and agree to the resolution (H. Res. years, who later became the producer world. His broadcast and newspaper 282) recognizing the 30th anniversary of of his show. columns have been reprinted in the the peace treaty between Egypt and From St. Louis, the Harveys moved CONGRESSIONAL RECORD more than Israel, as amended. to Chicago, where his daily program for those of any other person. Through the The Clerk read the title of the resolu- ABC Radio, Paul Harvey News and use of free expression, Paul Harvey pio- tion. Comment, became the highest rated neered the format of radio broadcasts The text of the resolution is as fol- radio program in the region. Building that we now find commonplace. He was lows: on his audiences in Chicago, his show a blogger before we knew what that H. RES. 282 was soon broadcast throughout the en- was. He just did his blogging on the Whereas the peace treaty between Egypt tire country. In 1976, Harvey started a radio. and Israel signed in Washington, DC, on second daily radio show, The Rest of Over the course of his trailblazing ca- March 26, 1979, set an unprecedented example the Story, telling anecdotes about fa- reer, Mr. Harvey received numerous ac- of reconciliation following decades marked mous people or historic incidents, al- colades for his work, including being by nearly unremitting tension and con- ways with a little twist at the end. elected to the National Association of frontation, including the 1948 War of Israeli Independence, the 1956 Suez War, the 1967 Mr. Harvey’s upbeat, positive de- Broadcasters Radio Hall of Fame and Six-Day War, the 1968-70 War of Attrition meanor and the ability to weave to- the Oklahoma Hall of Fame. He re- along the Suez Canal, and the 1973 Yom gether the stories of life in America ceived 11 Freedom Foundation Awards Kippur War; made him a national treasure. His un- as well as the Horatio Alger Award. In Whereas United States diplomatic efforts canny ability to find a story, then to 2005, Paul Harvey was awarded the and initiatives in the aftermath of the 1973 give it his own folksy style, delivered Presidential Medal of Freedom, our Na- Arab-Israeli War helped build the founda- in his unique cadence, was remarkably tion’s most distinguished civilian tions of a lasting peace between Egypt and popular. Mr. Harvey never lost sight of award. Israel; Whereas pursuant to an invitation by the significance of everyday life and of Prior to his passing on February 28, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, the stories of ordinary people in Amer- 2009, Paul Harvey was a beloved son, President Anwar al-Sadat became the first ica. brother, husband, father, and friend. It Arab leader to visit Israel on November 20, With well over a half century of is with great pride that I stand here 1977, when he delivered a historic address be- broadcasting experience, Mr. Harvey’s today to say, ‘‘Good day to you, Paul fore Israel’s Parliament, the Knesset, calling show reached an estimated 24 million Harvey.’’ for Egypt and Israel to ‘‘. stand together listeners daily. Receiving countless I ask my colleagues to join me in with the . boldness of heroes who dedicate honors over the years for his broad- honoring a man who epitomized Amer- themselves to a sublime aim . to erect a casts, he received the highest acknowl- huge edifice of peace . an edifice that . ican values and ideals. With that, I serves as a beacon for generations to come’’; edgment of his career when, in 2005, urge the passing of my resolution, H.R. Whereas Prime Minister Menachem Begin Mr. Harvey was awarded the Presi- 223, honoring his life and legacy. and President Sadat demonstrated remark- dential Medal of Freedom from Presi- Mr. LYNCH. Madam Speaker, I con- able character and courage in their willing- dent George W. Bush. tinue to reserve. ness to move beyond decades of hostility, VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:33 Mar 31, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30MR7.020 H30MRPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with HOUSE H4074 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 30, 2009 bitterness, and mistrust to launch an un- (6) calls for recognition of the peace treaty non-state actors like Hamas and precedented rapprochement without any between Egypt and Israel as a model mecha- Hezbollah, who are used as proxies by guarantee as to the potential outcome of nism upon which partner nations may build states such as Syria and Iran. their mutual determination to engage in to overcome longstanding barriers to peace The 1979 peace treaty also extended United States-mediated peace talks; and effective cooperation. the prospect of superpower conflict Whereas successive administrations The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- worked diligently to facilitate intensive dis- over the Arab-Israeli conflict. In 1973, cussions in the hope of achieving a historic ant to the rule, the gentleman from the U.S.
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