Division of Organic Chemistry ________oc. toh. er. 1.99.s _ Office of the Secretary-Treasurer American Chemical Society Department of Chemistry, University of North Texas NT Station, Box 305070 Denton, TX 76203-5070 http://www.chem.unt.edu/acs Tel: (940) .565-3823 Website: Fax: (940) 369-7374 • (940) 565-4318 Email: [email protected] Executive Committee Councilors Alternate Councilors Dale Poulter, Chair Anthony W. Czarnik Michael P. Doyle Victor Snieckus M. Ross Johnson, Chair-Elect Philip DeShong Joseph J. Gajewski Cynthia A. Maryanoff Cynthia A. Maryanoff, Past Chair Norman Jensen Thomas R. Hoye Craig S.Wilcox Alan P. Marchand, Secretary-Treasurer Ruth Wexler Kathy Parker Amy Trainor Stan S. Hall, National Program Chair Stephen F. Martin Steven D. Burke, 36th NOS Executive Officer Iwao Ojima ./ Members of the Division of Organic Chemistry • Daniel S. La, Boston College, Boehringer-Ingelheim Fellow; You are invited to attend the National meetings of the ACS and Professor Amir H. Hoveyda, Research Advisor. present contributed papers (oral or poster). Instructions for • Stephanie A. Lodise, University of Pennsylvania, Bristol­ submission of papers are at the end of this letter in the section Myers Squibb Fellow; Professor Amos B. Smith, Ill, Research entitled "Information for Authors of Papers." Please read them Advisor. carefully. Submissions should arrive by the indicated deadline for • Eric S. Meadows, Washington University, St. Louis, Procter & each meeting, which are published in the membership newsletter and Gamble Company Fellow; Professor George W. Gokel, Re­ C&E News (January and July) and posted on the ACS Website: search Advisor http://www.chemcenter.org. Members are also encouraged to • Sarah E. O'Connor, California Institute of Technology, submit brief proposals to the National Program Chair for contrib­ Pharmacia-Upjohn Company Fellow; Professor Barbara lmperi­ uted symposiums at future National ACS meetings. Contact Stan S. ali, Research Advisor. Hall, National Program Chair, Department of Chemistry, Rutgers • foshua Pak, University of Oregon, Organic Syntheses Fellow; University, 73 Warren Street, Newark, NJ 07102; Tel: 973-353- Professor Michael M. Haley, Research Advisor. 5068 or 609-921-2465; Fax: 973-353-1264; E-mail: • Daniel E. Patterson, St;mford University, Organic Syntheses [email protected]; Copy to: [email protected] Fellow; Professor Barry M. Trost, Research Advisor • Daniel J. Pippel, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, DuPont Pharmaceutical Company Fellow; Professor Peter Beak, ./ Division of Organic Chemistry Graduate Fellow­ Research Advisor. ships. Graduate fellowships in the amount of $18,500 each • Gregory N. Tew, Univesity of Illinois, Rohm & Haas Company have been awarded to: Fellow; Professor Samuel I. Stupp, Research Advisor. • Vladimir B. Birman, University of Chicago, Eli Lilly and Com­ • Adam L. Tomasi, University of California at Irvine, Merck pany Fellow; Professor Viresh H. Rawal, Research Advi~or Research Laboratories Fellow; Professor . Larry E. Overman, • Ronald K. Castellano, Scripps Research Institute, Schering­ Research Advisor. Plough Research Institute Fellow; Professor Julius Rebek, Jr., • Nicolas Winssinger, Scripps Research Institute, Zeneca Research Advisor Pharmaceuticals Group Fellow; Professor K. C. Nicolau, Re­ • Eric Dowdy, University of Colorado, Boulder, SmithKline search Advisor. Beecham Fellow; Professor Gary A. Molander, Research Advi­ • Thomas F. Woiwode, Stanford University, Hoechst Marion sor Roussel Fellow; Professor Thomas J. Wandless, Research Advi­ • Alaric Dyckman, Stanford University, Organic Syntheses sor. Fellow; Professor Paul A. Wender, Research Advisor • Nathaniel S. Gray, University of California at Berkeley, Abbott ./ Travel Award Program for Outstanding Undergraduate Laboratories Fellow; Professor Peter G. Schultz, Research Ad­ Student Awards. Congratulations are exended to the recipients visor: oftravel awards made in connection with the Division's Travel • Molly Hoke, University of Maryland at College Park, Phizer, Award Program for Outstanding Undergraduate Students and Inc. Fellow; Professor Philip DeShong, Reserach Advisor. Faculty in Organic Chemistry. This program is sponsored by • Christopher J. Kuehl, University of Utah, Organic Reactions the R. W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute, a Mem­ Fellow; Professor Peter J. Stang, Research Advisor. ber of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies. Award recipients are: • Anna Chiu, Stanford University 0 Important Notices • Christina M. Collins, University of Missouri at Rolla • Tamara E. Duenes, Hamline University ,/Travel Awards: • Kostas Gavardinas, Illinois Wesleyan University • Scott Phillips, California State University, San Bernardino A. Program for Outstanding Undergraduate Students • Eric J. Rodenburg, Purdue University in Organic Chemistry. A number of awards, sponsored by the • Michael Rudd, Purdue University R. W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute (A Member of the • Sarah E. Tully, Barnard College Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies), will be granted to • Travis J. Williams, California Institute of Technology undergraduate students for travel, accommodations, and registration. • Kerry Zobel, University of Wisconsin at Madison up to $1,000 each, to attend the 217th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Anaheim, CA. and the 36th National Organic Symposiium in Madison, Wisconsin. Student applicants 0 Other Meetings of Interest must be in their junior year of studies, have engaged in at least one full-time research project during the summer, and have the intent to enter graduate school in chemistry. Preferem.:e will be given to .t The 36th National Organic Chemistry Sympo· those students who plan to present a poster or paper at the 21 7th sium will be held at Madison, Wisconsin June 13-17, 1999. Dr. National ACS Meeting in the Spring, 1999. Limit one award per Steven D. Burke will be the 36th Symposium Executive Officer. institution. More details on this upcoming event will be forthcoming in You can find the application forms along with this Newsletter or subsequent issues of the Division Newsletter. The speakers are: download it from our Website: http://www.chem.unt.edu/acs. All Elias J. Corey, Harvard Univ.; Sheila DeWitt, Orchid Biocomputer, Application Forms must be accompanied by: (1) a brief biographi­ Inc .; Gregory Fu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Samuel cal sketch of the applicant with a description of relevant research Gellman, Univ. of Wisconsin; Robert Grubbs, California Institute experience; (2) a listing of college or university grades; (3) two of Technology; Ralph Hirschmann, University of Pennsylvania; letters of recommendation. including one from the student's research Chaitan Khosla, Stanford University; Jeffrey Moore, University of mentor; and, (4) a brief statement by the student concerning the Illinois; Gregory PetskCI, Brandeis University; Stuart Schreiber, perceived value in attending the National Organic Symposium. Harvard University; Masakatsu Shibasaki, University of Tokyo; Three copies of the application should be sent to Dr. Cynthia A. Daniel Singleton, Texas A&M University; and The Roger Adams Maryanoff, The R.W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute. Awardee. Dieter Seebach, ETH, Switzerland. Welsh and McKean Roads, Spring House, PA 19477-0776. Deadline To request a copy of the 35th NOS Division Abstracts hosted at for receipt of applications is January 15. 19 9 9. Notification of Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas please send a check or Award will be made on or before February 15, 1999. For additional money order in the amount of $6.00 made out to the Organic information, please contact Dr. Cynthia A. Maryanoff. Telephone: Division and mail your request to the Office of the Secretary­ (215)628-5650 or 5491; Fax: (215)540-4693; Treasurer, Dr. A. P. Marchand, University of North Texas, Depart­ E-mail: [email protected]. ment of Chemistry, Box 305070, Denton, TX 76203-5070. B. Faculty Travel Awards. At least five awards of up to $650 .t The 16th North American Catalysis Society each will be granted to faculty members at predominantly under­ Meeting will be held in Boston, Massachusetts in May. 1999. graduate institutions who plan to attend the 36th National Organic Persons who need additional information or who desire to be Symposiium in Madison, Wisconsin. Preference will be given to included on the mailing list should send their requests and pertinent research-active faculty applicants from predominantly undergraduate information to Dr. Bruce Lerner, Englehard Corporation, 101 Wood institutions (as defined by their eligibility for PRF-8 awards). Avenue, lselin, NJ 08830; E-mail: [email protected]. Applicants should be members of the Division of Organic Chemis­ try of the American Chemical Society. An application form is enclosed with this Newsletter. Deadline 0 Divisional Officers 1998 Election Results for receipt of applications is January 15, 1999. • Dennis Curran - Chair-Elect - 3 year term beginning January .t Availability of Area Grants. Grants to eligible 1999: One year as Chair-Elect (1999); One year as Chair institutions that have granted baccalaureate degrees to 25 or more (2000); One year as Past Chair (2001) individuals who have obtained academic or professional doctoral • David J. Hart - Executive Committee Member at Large - 3 degrees in health related sciences during the period 1986-1995 are year term beginning January 1999 (1999-2001) now available
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