Oliver’s Mix It Up 100th win Week Page 17 The Lightning Bolt Page 2 Chancellor High School Newspaper TLB6300 Harrison Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Bringing the Thunder to Chancellor since 1988 Volume 27 Issue 3 FREE 1 November 2014 what IS HAPPENING? Photo by Neil Schubel Neil Photo by Kids flocked to Mix It Up tables during lunch to take their pledge. Mix It Up week challenges kids to identify, cross and challenge social boundaries. Many students took thier pledge to mix it up in the week of November 10th till the 14th. Photo by Yearbook Staff Yearbook Photo by Photo by Neil Schubel Neil Photo by Schubel Neil Photo by Schubel Neil Photo by Tyler Jacobs models his painted Kenneth Ryan was spotted in the Jamie Smith in the process of a Joshua Edney jumps in the air in cheek in Mix It Up Week. halls with a fake skull. painted heart in Mix It Up Week. excitement. Photo courtesy of April Kniebbe April of Photo courtesy Nostalgia November! Who remembers the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge? The football coaches certainly do as they accepted the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge this July. A few players dumped the buckets as the team stood around to watch their coaches get ice buckets dumped on their heads. November 2014 2 Contents Editorial By Neil Schubel coming of winter if you look to by Chancellor’s Sociology Class Mrs. Gattie Editor-in-Chief some cases in states like New was also a huge success as near- Adviser It will ruin the happiest of York that are getting up to four ly 800 students took the pledge mornings waking up and realiz- feet of snow). The frigid morn- to break social boundaries with- ing that you need to scrape your ings of standing at the bus stop, in the school. Neil Schubel car windows. I typically drive or scraping the frost off of your Make sure to check out the Editor-in-Chief a Prius (It's the only car avail- neighbors windows are here, but The Lightning Bolt articles about able to take to school usually; Chancellor has a special way of football coach Mr. Oliver’s 100th Megan church it's either that or a mini-van!) bringing warmth in the some- win in football this year. Megan Co-Editor-in-Chief and I'm not sure if the windows times sad "transitional" periods Church writes about how Oliver are larger, but I feel like they like November. has already surpassed 300 wins enjoy frost on them. I'm a run- The Innovation Space in the in baseball, making this accom- Christopher ner, swimmer, and biker, and I Library (featured on our cover) plishment in another sport even will get a morning workout in is in full swing as hundreds of more special. Heimink just trying to scrape the frost students are flocking into the The Multicultural Club in Layout Editor off of my windows! This has library all periods of the school Chancellor is expanding. Check happened in recent weeks, and day to have their hands on new out Ashley Ragonese’s article on the scariest part is that it is only things in there. This effort, head- some of their activities happen- Kaitlyn Keisling November! ed by Librarian Mrs. Jett-Brown, ing this school year. Layout Editor It is hard to accept, but sum- continues to display how the li- Have you been absent or tardy mer days are now way too far brary is developing as not only a this year? Kaitlyn O’Gorman re- in the past to hardly even remi- place for students to study, but veals the absences and tardiness Harry FIsher nisce about now. If you have to hang out in while also gain- for the month of October. Opinions editor read the past two issues in The ing educational values. If you You may have missed some, Lightning Bolt and haven't quite haven't checked out the Innova- or all of the great opportunities "settled in" to school yet, I sure tion Space, be sure to check out this month, but fear not, Decem- Kaitlyn O’GOrman hope you have by now. Novem- the best part: the brand new 3-D ber is choc-full of events that News Editor ber is the transition between the printer! are just waiting to be attended. realization that fall is here and The 8th annual Mix It Up Don't waste December 2014. Jordan Pearson winter is coming (A little early Week (on the back cover), run Features Editor contents Matthew Sanders Sports Editor Laura Sullivan News Website Editor Darkside Out of this World.......................................................page 5 Ellie’s Hats Awareness ...............................................................page 7 Rachel Thompson Absences..........................................................................................page 9 Website Editor Features Zack Jewell Autumn Maze.................................................................................page 10 Administrative Assistant The Vault.........................................................................................page 11 The Journalism students at Chancellor High School publish The Light- ning Bolt, the only official newspaper on campus. The purpose of the Thanksgiving.................................................................................page 11 newspaper is to factually inform and entertain its readers. As an estab- lished open forum for the student body, truth will be the staff’s major goal. It is the responsibility of each staffer to adhere to the journalism code of ethics as set by the Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi. The code states that a journalist can not accept gifts, favors or Sports privileges that could compromise their integrity. All material published will be the result of brainstorm sessions by the staff. Subjects stimulat- Volleyball........ ...............................................................................page 15 ing to the majority of the student body will be used. The editorial board, which is comprised of all newspaper staff members will determine the priority of the stories and the overall design of publication. The advi- Oliver 100th Win .........................................................................page 17 sor serves to give students a better understanding of the functions and ethics of a free press. The advisor does not serve as a censure. Student editors will decide the material to be published. In accordance with com- munity standards, profanity will not appear in the publication. Students are free to express an opinion on matters of public interests under the, Op-Ed “fair comment rule.” Under this rule, the student has the right to intel- ligently criticize the school and its policies. Editorials reflect the opinion The Grid.................................... .....................................................page 20 of The Lightning Bolt. Opinion stories reflect the opinion of the writer and do not represent the opinion of the faculty and administration of “Chancellor’s Day Dreams”........................................................page 22 Chancellor High School. Controversial issues will be covered from both points of view. School news, as well as local, national and international events will also be covered. Letters to the editor are welcomed. All let- ters must be signed and be between 200- 300 words long. They may be submitted to A113 or by e-mailing [email protected]. The Lightning Bolt retains the right to edit letters to comply with journalistic standards. Anonymous letters will not be published. This is your school, help improve it through your opinions, praises, and constructive criti- cisms. If voiced aloud and in large enough numbers, we can bring about change. Our ultimate goal is to print the truth and with your help we can reach this goal. Contents 3 November 2014 Marching Band ends Season Undefeated, Says Goodbye to Seniors Photo By Megan Shaw By Megan Church and Natalie Wilson lines at JMU are different; some Aside from the Christmas pa- the band and had a great night. Co-Edetor in Chief and Staff Reporter people didn’t know where to be,” rade in downtown Fredericks- Reflecting on her experience in The Lightning Regiment explained junior band member burg, the last football game of the band this year, Presutto says Marching Band (LRMB) pulled Haley Paterson. Despite these the season that followed the that although at first she was out another victory on Satur- challenges, the band pulled Keagouhtan competition also nervous filling the role of drum day, October 18 at James Madi- through with stellar scores. signified the marching band’s major with Madison Libby, her son University. This was their The day wasn’t without re- senior night and they last time time conducting will be unfor- most challenging competition ward. In addition to victory, the some of the seniors would per- gettable. “To know that I had a of the season as so many other band was reunited with alumni form with the band. Many sec- part in teaching everyone makes bands were also there. Chancel- who now attend James Madison. tions worked together to pro- me feel great. We had an unde- lor’s band scored 78.15 out of Their show was broadcasted to vide their seniors with gifts or feated season, and I couldn’t be 100 and came in first place out the stadium’s jumbotron, which wore shirts they designed to more proud,” she gushes. of twelve competing in the 1A they agreed was an amazing and show their support during the Presutto explains that because division, and second out of the surreal experience. After their school day and final practice a lot of leadership and commu- twenty-four in 1A and 2A divi- own routine, Lightning Regi- before senior night. Parents of nication with the band director, sions combined. But the strong ment members watched JMU’s seniors came to pin roses onto Michael Addair, was required of competition was not the only Marching Royal Dukes perform. her while she attempted to give negative factor. “They were fantastic,” said Pa- “To know that I had a equal attention to all members, terson.
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