The Library of Congress’ EARL YSTA TE RECORDS PROJECT converted from the original microfilm held by the Vincent C. Immel Law Library, Saint Louis University through the generous support of the following institutions University of Chicago, D’Angelo Law Library Columbia University, Arthur W. Diamond Law Library Cornell University, Law Library Law Library of Congress University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Kathrine R. Everett Law Library St. John’s University, Rittenberg Law Library University of South Carolina, Coleman Karesh Law Library Stanford University, Robert Crown Law Library State University of New York at Buffalo, Charles B. Sears Law Library Yale University, Lillian Goldman Law Library And a shared contribution by libraries at the following Florida institutions: University of Florida University of Miami University of South Florida Florida State University University of West Florida Florida A&M University Florida Gulf Coast University University of Central Florida University of North Florida Rollins College Northwest Florida State College Florida Polytechnic University HOUSE JOUBWAL—12th Session. JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GEKSZU& ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, AT ITS TWELFTH SESSION, Begun and held at the Capitol, in the City of Tallahassee^ on Monday, November 16th, 18.63, OFFICE OF THE FLORIDIAN & JOURNAL. PRINTED BT DYKE & CARLISLE. JOURNAL Of >h, Hcnisr of I'fpr' <ii /itnti’-es if the State of Florida, at tl,, Setsioit of the T\relfth (Jtncral Aocnddy, Injun mol /al<l at the t'njntol, hi the City of Tallahasa c. m' the .Vote <f Florida, on Monday, the sixteenth day of Morunber, / , the t/par of our Lonl, one thousand eight hundred and »i.dy- thn >■ • <>•. which day, bein': tli.tt fixed by the Constitution id’the m n. .it Florida for the meeting of the Gencial Assembly, the li Hoi of Representatives was called to oulei, at twehe o’clock, by Hon T J Ejijies, [speaker rl lii io!l belli" called, the following ineinbeis answered to thar n mu s. \i/ Mr ,‘speaker, Afe'Srs. A\itHalt/.ell, Campbell, T>nal. (fee, tiiveley, Henry, Jackson, Oveistreet, Pittman, Pi ice of Alaclma, ,s< ott arid Williams—] t Thei e not belli" a cpiuium pH sent, on motion of Jit Jackson, tie JluU't took a recess until half just tin ee o\ lot k. P M II ALF-PAsT TIIHKK O’t POCK, P M 1 i o lions. lounm d its stssjon Tin follow in" inemheis answeted to iheir nanus. Mi Sjm ukei, ....... \rendeli. \\eiy, Bahnll Campbell, Du- , J (jt c. Gi eeley , I Tcndi y. 11 cm y . J :u kson. Lei, Mt GeheC, Mi/.ell. i). ei si i eet. Pittman. Poihill, Pni e of Alachua, Pi ice of t olum- i i Loss, ot t, fscs'inti' ;uid uliuni'—dt I'Li i c* not hem" a ijiioi um piesent, Mi A\ i ry moi id that tin m ciheis elect, that h,i\i not bei ii s\vorn ill, be now allowed to pi .-sc nt tin lr ei edential' . Whi< h w as asfi eed to 'l nomas 1) Nixon of Liberty county, James M Amos of San­ ta Hos.i countv, Alexander Ciomartie of I.eon toimfy and Lewis Dc'hou" ot Ihllsboiough comity, came forward and piosented (lien eicdentiab, and were sworn m by T J. Epj>es, Notary i’ ibile 'fhc loil Lem" again called, the Pillowing members answcied i>il eir names • Mi >ptakei, M.-sis Amos, Aunk 11 Aun, PuSuell, Camp- 4 romartie, Deshong, Duval, Gee, Greeley, Hendry, Han­ son, Lee, McGehee, Mizell, Nixon, Overstreet, Pittpian, Price of Alachua, Price of Columbia, Ross, Scott, Ses- d Williams—26. nor urn present. Mr.' Baltzell moved that the officers of the last session, that were present, be constituted officers of this House; Which was agreed to. The office of Messenger being vacant, Mr. Williams moved to proceed to the election of a Messenger. Mr. Lee moved to combine the offices of Messenger and Door- Keeper , Which was not agreed to. The House then proceeded to the election of a Messenger. Mr. Henry nominated Mr. J. S. Bird, of Jackson county. Mr. Ross nominated Mr. J. J. Whitehurst, of Leon county. The vote was: Fob Whitehuest—Messrs. Amos, Arendell, Avery, Baltzell, Campbell, Cromartie, Deshong, Duval, Greeley, Hampton, Jack- son, Lee, McGehee, Nixon, Overstreet, Pittman, Polhijl, Price ot Alachua, Price of Columbia, Ross, Sessions and Williams—22. Foil Bikd—Mr. Speaker, Messrs. G< Hendiy, Henry and Scott—5. Mr. Whitehurst was declaied elected Messenger of the House. Mr. Baltzell moved that a committee of three be appointed to wait on the Senate and inform that body that the House was bow organized; Which was agreed to, and Messrs. Baltzell, Hampton and Henry appointed said committee. Mr Jackson moved that a committee of three be appointed to act with a similar committee on the part of the Senate, to wait apon his Excellency the Governor and inform him that the Gen- oral Assembly is now organized and ready to leceive any com­ munication he may be pleased to make; Which was agreed to, and Messrs. Jackson, Avery and Wil­ liams appointed said committee. Mr Baltzell moved that a committee of three be appointed to set with a similar committee on the part of the Senate, to draft Joint Rules for the government of both Houses ; Which was agreed to, and Messrs. Baltzell, Polhill and Ross appointed said committee. Notice was given of intention to introduce the following bills si some future day, viz: By Mr. Avery. A bill to be entitled an act to amend the charter of the city of Pensacola; 5 A bill to be entitled an act to amend the charter of the Ala­ bama and Florida Railroad Company; also, A bill to be entitled an act to increase the fees of the officers of the seveial counties in the State. Mr. Henry moved that the Sergeant-at-Arms be instructed to procure the neoessary stationery for the use of the House.; Which was agreed to. On motion of Mr. Baltzell, the House adjourned until to-mor­ row morning, 10 o’clock. ' TUESDAY, November 17th, 1863. The House met pursuant to adjournment—a quorum present. On motion, the reading of the journal of yesterday’s proceed­ ings was dispensed with and the journal approved. W B. Wynn, member elect from Jackson county, presented- his credentials and was sworn in by 'Hon T. J. Eppes, Notary Public, and took his seat. Mr. Henry moved that a committee of three be appointed to select a Chaplain for the House ; Which was agreed to, and Messis. Henry, Garme and Nixon appointed said committee. Notice was given of intention to introduce the following bills at some future day, viz: By Mr. Jackson: A bill to be entitled an act to furnish to each regiment or bat­ talion of Florida tioops now out of the State or that may be or­ dered out a regimental flag ; A bill to be entitled an act for the protection of cattle owners in the county of Levy; and, A bill to be entitled an act to prevent and punish the planting and cultivating in the State of Florida over a certain quantity of land in cotton during the present war. By Mr Pittman: A bill to be entitled an act to extend the piovisions of an act entitled an act for the relief of Gen. William E Anderson and others, approved December 10th, 1863. Mr. Jackson moved that the Sergeant-at-Arms be instructed to furnish the members of the House with a copy of the amended Constitution; Which was agieed to. Notice was given of intention to introduce the following bills at some future day, viz: By Mr. Greeley. 0 A bill t<> bt. entitled ail act to change the place of holding the Circuit Court fiom Palatka to some safe point in the county. By Mi Henry A bill to be entitled au act to amend the load Jaws ul tins State; al-o, A bill to be entitled an act to amend an act' passed at the last session of this House to provide for the suppoit, Ac., of soldiers’ fannlie- Mr. Averv moved that the Speaker be lequested to ie\ise or reform at bis deletion, the Man ding Committees, the number of new mei ibei' 1 eiidei mg tins measui e both just and expedient; Whuli was aitieed to Rotiee w as cjn eu of intention to intuiduqe tbe follow mg bills a; some iutnie day. eR By Mr Eppe' A’bill to be entitled an act relative to property confiscated to the u«e of the S*ate By IM i A\in A bib to be entitled an act b1 fix the sulaiies ot tbe public of­ ficers of tins State Mi Au'i\ ino\ > 1 th.n a (ommittee of fi\e b<_ appointed by trie speak*- to tak* into consideration the subject of lelief tor t.c -e is hi'. i .*1/ ns of tins State, wlioT in Consequence of the jcesenf war. require pecumai} assistance. This committee to act in * onpi.iction with ain similar committee w Inch maybe appoint-d by the Senate, and to report b\ bill or oflierwise; 'Which »\ ,s a_ric> <1 to and Me'sis A\em, Hampton, Ross, Lee and s< otf appointed said i oiuimttee. Pursuant to previous notice Mi. A\ery introduced the follow­ ing bills; A b h to be entith J an act amending 'the Chaitu of the City ot Pens;H-o'a : A t ib to be entitle*1 an act amending the Chattel of the Ala­ bama S' Flo,.Ida Radroad Company; and A bill to b- ntitled an _;vct increasing the fees of count} offi- C-I ' .
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