7 520 CHA N'. & E. RIDINGS YORKSHIRE. (KELLY 8 Cha.pman Rev. C. J. M. A. Norton, Malton Cholmley Alfred John B.A., .r.P. Place Clay Mrs. II Hartington rd. Middlesbro' Chapman Rev. John B.A.. Thornton Rust, Newton, Wintringham, York Clay Mrs. 7 King's road,N orth Ormesby, Aysgarth Station R.S.O Cholmley Harry Waiter B.A., J.P., D.L. Middlesbrough ChapmanA.34A, Westwardst.Middlesbro Howsham hall, York Clayforth Rev.l!y.B.A.. Feliskirk, Thirsk Chapman E. 21St. Hilda's ter.Whitby Cholmondeley Lady, 139 & 141 North Clayton James, Hovingham, York ChapmanE.H.Carr hll.Ruswarp,Whitby Marine road, Scar borough Clayton Jn.2o9Linthorpe rd. Middlesbro' Chapman Frederick, 19 Lune street, Chrimes R. 108 Falsgrave rd. Scarboro' Clayton Jsph. South ter.Sowerby,Thirsk Saltburn-by-the-Sea Christie Rev. George John Burge B.A.. Clayton RobertDownes,Zetland terrace, Cha.pman G. 31 Milton st. Middlesbro' Kirby hill, York Marske-by-the-Sea RS.O Chapman H.szNewborough st.Scarboro' Christie Hector .r.P. Jervanlx abbey, ClaytonRG.159Linthorperd.Middlesbro ChapmanJ.8Granvilleter.Woodla.Bvrly East Witton Without, Bedale Clayton l'. High thorn,East Huntin,<Yton, Chapman Jn. 32 Lennox st. Middlesbro' Christy Thomas, Patrington, Hull York · Chapman Joseph John M.A., .r.P. 17 St. Clapham Mrs. 9 Church st. Middlesbro' Cleasby Mrs. Garr house, Redcar Hilda's terl'a('e, Whitby ClarkG.Castlegate,KirbyMoorsideR.S.O Cleaver Mrs. 6 Railway street, Beverley Chapman Miss, 6 Granby place, Queen Clark Herbt. 31 Marton rd. Middl~bro' Clegg Rev. John B.A.. Girsby,Darlington street, Scarborough Clark J. 20 Borough rd. we. Middlesbro' Clegg John, 4 York terrace, Whitby ChapmanMiss,North Bar street without, Clark John Percy ,North Ferriby, Brough CleggW. B. I ION orthMarine rd.Scarboro' Beverley Clark Miss, 21 Railway street, Beverley Clements Hamilton, Langtry lo. Brongh Chapman Misses, Bagby, Thirsk Clark Miss, 13 Westbourne gro.Scarboro' ClementsMrs.6IEastgte.nth.Gt.Dntlield Cbapman Mrs.Highfield,Hutton Rudby, Clark Mrs. 8 Alma parade, Redcar Cleminshaw Mrs. Gilberdyke, Brough Yarm Clark Mrs. 36 Beverley rd. Gt. Driffi.eld ClennettAlfd.~outh ter. Sowerby,Thirsk Chapman Mrs. 18 Willow gro. Beverley Cla rk Mrs. Brook lo. Brook st. Scarboro' Clidero John, North end, N orthallerton ChapmanRobt. The Cliff,Leyburn KS. 0 Cl ark MI'R.63 Grange rd. we. Middlesbro' Clifford John, 27 Abbey terrace, Whit by ChapmanT. 15Gladstone st. Scarborough Clark Mrs. 18 Middle st. sth. Gt.Driffi.eld CliffordRobert,25 Abbey terrace,Whitby ChapmanT.3 Henry st.Coatham,Redcar Clark Mrs. School house, Redcar Clifford Robt 27 Ma.rton rd. Middlesbro' Chapman Thomas George Watson, 30 Clark Mrs. ~~ We~t terrace, North Clifford-Constable Sir Frederick Augns- Prince's street, Middlesbrough Ormesby, Middlesbrough tus Tal bot bart. D.L., .J. P. Burton Chapman W. 15 Garnet st. Middlesbro' Cl ark Mrs. We. Witton, Leyburn R.S.O Constable hall, Hull; Aston hall, ChapmanW. I8Newborough st.Scarboro' Clark Mrs. 21 Willow grove, Beverley Brough; & Scargilllo. Barnard Ca8tle ChapmanWm.Michaei,Lund S.O Yorks Clark Mrs. E.E.4Grosvenor rd.Scarboro' Clifton Henry Robert,4 Belmont terrace, Charles Mrs. 64 Trafalgar sq. Scarboro' Clark R. 38 Londesborough rd.Scarboro' South cliff, Scarborough Charlesworth Col. .Albany ):Iawke M.P., ClarkRichd.52Marton rd.Middlesbrough Clifton Commander John A. R.N. Sham- l. P. Grinton lodge, Richmond ; Chapel- ClarkT. Castle gate, KirbyMoorsideR.S. 0 rock, Victoria. rd. llridlington Qua.y thorpe hall, Wakefield; & Carlton Clark Thos. 9 Windsor terrace, Whitby Close Rev. Arthur Wilfrid Millil lU. club, London s w ClarkT. W. I Cleveland st.Coatham,Redcr Hutton Magna, Darlington Charleswortb Rev. Edward Gomersall, Clark W.J. IOIMiddle st.sth.Gt.Dritfield Close Harry, IS Jedburgh st. Middlesbro' Acklam, Middlesbrough Clark-Smith Rev. Thomas M.A. I3 St. CloseJohn Robt.s Bedfordst.Middlesbro' Charlesworth Rev. George, Park street, John's terrace, Marton rd.Middlesbro' Close Thomas, 8 Seaton terrace,~Lin- Masham R.S.O Clarke Rev. James,Low Row, Richmond thorpe road, Middlesbrough Charlesworth James, Cammidge street, Clarke .Rev. John M. A. Burton Flaming, CloughAlfred, 12 Church st.Middlesbro' Withernsea, Hull Hnnmanby R.S.O Clough Miss, Flatgate, Howden Cbarlton Mrs. Flemingate, Beverley Clarke Rev. John A. Ampleforth, York Clough Miss, Long street, Easingwold Charlton Wm.92 Westgate,Guisborongh Clarke A. E.33 Jedburgh st.Middlesbro' Clough Mrs. Ely villa, Stepney road, Charlton William Sewell, Northallerton Clarke Christopher, jun. Charlcot, I<'alsgrave, Scarborough CharnellRev.W.Silverst.MashamR.S.O Thornton W&.tlass, Beda.le Clough Robert, Bolton, York Charter George, Tollerton, Easingwold Clarke C. The Hermitage, 'fhirn, Bedale Clover Jacob,94 Union st.Middlesbrough Chatto Thomas, N ewlands lodge, Boro' Clarke Geo. I I Pembroke st. Middlesbro' Clubley Mrs. GlenHelen, W1thernsea,Hull road east, Middlesbrough Clarke George, Walkington, Beverley Coates Rev. Charles Hutton M.A. Claxton ChatwinJ. 52Falsgraverd.Scarborough Clarke George J. Thornaby hall, hall, York Chaytor Sir William bart. l. P. The Old Thornaby-on-Tees Coates Francis, St.afford house, Tbornaby hall, Croft, Darlington Clarke Hy. 13 St. :Ma.ry's ter. Beverley road, Thornaby-on-Tees Chaytor Lady, Scrafton lodge, Eas! Clarke John, 8 Castle cres. Scarborough Coates G. Eden house, Westgte. Pickering Scrafton, Middleham R.S.O Cla.rke John Edward, 13 Vansittart ter- Coates George, Topcliffe, 'fhirsk Chaytor Clervaux Darley .r.P., D.L. race, Coatham, Redcar Coateslsaac,Barningham,Bama.rdCastl& Spennithorne hall, Leyburn R.S.O Clarke Jn. Wm. J.P. Westgate,Guisboro' Coa.tes Ja.mes J..P. Helperby hall, York Chaytor J. C.Bridge ho. Croft,Darlington Cla.rke J; P. 162 Newport rd.Middlesbro' Coates Jn. The Park,Sheriff Hutton, York Chaytor Miss, Clervaux castle, Croft, Clarke J. Wm. Thorn ton d'lle, Pickering Coa.tes Joseph, 19 Londesborough road, Darling-ton Clarke Miss, TheGrange, Elvington, York Scar borough Chaytor William, High street, Yarm Clarke Miss, North cliff, Filey CoatesMatthw.25Pelham st.Middlesbro' Cbaytor William Henry Ed ward, The Clarke Miss, Wel burn hall, Welburn, York Coa tes Miss, Belleisle, Low row ,Richmond Old hall, Croft, Darlington Clarke Mrs. Early Haw we.Hawes R.S.O Coates Miss, Castle terrace, Richmond· Cheesbrough William, 30 Borough roa.d Clarke Mrs. Lindum villa, St. James' Coa.tes Miss, H~.gh street, Yarm west, Middlesbrough road, Scarborough Coates Miss, Low hall, North Cave R.S. 0 Cheeseman Mrs. IS Albemarle crescent, Clarke8tphn.14Jedburgh st.Middlesbro' CoatesMisses,24Westbourne pk.Scarbro' Scarborough Cla.rke Thomas Sinclair Ill.~., l.P, Kned- Coates Mrs. 9 Albemarle cres, Scarboro' Cheeserigh1rJohn Henry, Skipsea, Hull lington manor, Knedlington, Howden Coates Mrs. Bainbridge, Askrigg R.S.O Cherry John, Hornsea bridge, Hornsea, Clarke William,si Oak rd. Scarborough Coates Mrs. Boldron, Barnard Castle Hnll · Cla.rkson Rev. Thos. B.Ampleforth, York Coates Mrs. Bridge st. Helmsley R.S.O Cheshire Rev. Waiter Benjamin, 25 Clarkson Chas. 10 Hanover ter. Whitby Coates Mrs. High st. Eston, Middlesbro' George street, Great Driffi.eld Clarkson George, Frenchgate, Richmnd Coates Mrs.Ss Marton rd.Middlesbrough ChessmanE.Eastend ho.Patrington,Hull Clarkson James, 59 Redcar rd.Guisboro' CoatesRichard,6o Trafalgar sq.Scarboro' Chessman Wilham, Rushton house, ClarksonMiss,Northgt.HunmanbyR.~.O Coates Richard Dobbin, Northallerton Patrington, Hull . Clarkson Miss, 2 Park terrace, Whitby Coates Robert, Scalby, Scarborough Chester Richard Robinson, Emm house, Clarkson Misses, 18 Gray street, Whitby Coates Simon, Frenchgate, Richmond Grove hill, Middlesbrough ClarksonMrs. Barninghrn. BarnardCastle Coates Thomas J .P. Full Sutton, York ChesterW.Mt.Pleasant,Borrowby,Thirsk Clarkson Mrs. 5 Brook terrace, Welham Coates T.Thornton-le-Bean,Northallertn ChestnuttJ,Derwent ho.Flatgate,Howdn road, Beverley road, Norton, Malton Coates Wm.24 Aberdeen walk, Scarboro' Chew Miss, 2 Wilton terrace, Hornsea, Chrkson Mrs. 3 Canton villas, Bridling- Coates William, 2B Linth.orpe road, Lin- Hull · ton Quay ' thorpe, Middlesbrough Chew Mrs. I Manor st.Bridlingt.on Quay Clarkson Mrs. 10 St. Hilda's ter. Whitby Coates William, Topcliffe, Thirsk Cbiese F.5 EsplanadP gdns.Scarborough Clarkson Mrs. St. James' green, Thirsk CoatesWm.Hy.M.A.,M.B.Patrington,Hull Chilman Rev.W.G.Wharram-le-St. York Clarkson Mrs. 20 Trinity rd. Scarboro' Coates W. N. 25 Trafalgar sq. Sca.rboro' ChilmanJ.W. Westbourne vils.Beverley Clarkson R. 37 Grosvenor rd. Scarboro' CobbJohn,roTrafalgarsq. Scarborough Chilvers Mrs. gi Church st. Middlesbro' Clarkson S.Stonegate,Hunmanby R.S.O Cobbett William M. Carlton hall, S1ir.n- Chipchase Robert, Appleton-upon-Wisk, Clarkson Thos. N. 4 Hanover ter.Whitby wick St. John, Darlington NorthqlJerton Clapham J.H.WestHarlsey,Northallertn Cobby Rev. Wm. M:.A., L.Th. Swine, Hull Chipcbase Thomas, Lath.bury house, Clapham Robert, High street, Yarm & 5 Marine terrace, Hornsea, Hull Cotberstone, D<1rlington Clappison Thomas, Mapleton, Hull Coble Peter Geo. Bagdale house, Whitby ChirnsideMrs.Newtonho.Coathm.Redcr ClaridgeErnest,s4Gladstone st.Scarboro Cochrane Alfred Ormesby J.P. Norton Chisman Thomas, Kna~on, 'fhirsk Clausen Claus George, roo Grange road house, Coatham, Redcar Chiverton-Brown Martin, East view, west, Middlesbrough Cochrane Andrew, Eastgate, Beverley Withernsea, Hull Clay Arthur, Waxholme, Filey Cochrane A. jun.Grove Hill rd. Beverley .
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