INDEX Academic and Scientific Traditions in 528–29; Odes on, 310–37; qi of, 361; China, Japan, and the West symbolism of, 75–77 (Nakayama), 400 animism, 165, 168, 176 acceleration, 62, 174, 175. See also anthropology, 161–62, 472 impetus theory Antikythera mechanism, 54 action competence, 103, 104–5, 106, 505 Antiphilos of Byzantium, 17 action vs. non-action, 123, 124–25. See apeiron (the indefinite, un-limited), 56, also wuwei 113–15, 139, 140, 144, 145, 146, 149 Aelfric of Eynsham, 36 Aquinas, Thomas, 368 Aelian (Claudius Aelianus), 69, 70 arché (origin, principle), 139, 144, 145, Aesop, 18 146, 148, 149 Agathias, 17 Archimedes, 54 Agricola, Georgius, 385 Aristotle, 6, 54, 60, 119, 125, 140, 336; on agriculture: Chinese, 201, 312, 317, 347– apeiron, 114; on Athenian democracy, 48, 362, 492; and socio-economic 112; on causality, 146, 167–73, 176; development, 105, 108, 110 in China, 370, 371; doctrine of Albert the Great, 336 categories of, 141n26, 147n47; in alchemy: in China, 11, 34, 330, 471, 479; Europe, 63, 368; and impetus theory, Chinese vs. European, 25–28; in 172, 174; and investigation of things, Europe, 54n186 384–85; and knowability of nature, algorithms, 43, 70–71, 73, 282; as 151–56, 157; on motion, 61–63, 168– transformations, 255–70 73; on physis, 148, 150; on allegories: in China, 181, 206, 207, 314; potentiality and actuality, 163, 169– in Europe, 36, 75, 116; Homeric, 137– 71; and semantic transformations, 38; in Odes, 319, 321, 324, 333 145, 147, 151. See also Four Elements An Shigao, 245 The Artificial and the Natural, 2 Analects (Lunyu), 184, 192, 310, 318 astrology: in China, 183, 190, 375, 385, analogies: in Chinese thought, 181–84, 386, 387, 388, 391; in China and 186, 215, 291–92, 305, 488; Europe, 3–5; in Europe, 42; vs. free explanatory, 139, 143n33; in Greek will, 4–5, 24 thought, 154–55, 173; with the state, astronomy: in China, 53, 65, 312; in 182n4 Chinese examination system, 386, Anatome Plantarum Idea (Malpighi), 363 387, 388; and correlative cosmology, The Anatomy of Plants Begun (Grew), 363 182, 185, 186, 191; and evidential Anaxagoras, 58, 145, 149 studies, 390, 391, 392; irregularities Anaximander of Miletus, 138, 139, 140, in, 187–90, 192–94; mathematical, 149, 156; apeiron of, 56, 113–15; and 190–92; in Mengxi, 291, 293, 296, semantic transformations, 144, 145, 302–3; in the West, 54, 64, 368, 369 150 Athene, 16–17 Anaximenes, 145, 149, 156 Athens, 109, 110–12 animals: Confucianism vs. Daoism on, atomism, 54, 57n7, 60, 149 209–10; vs. human beings, 359–60, St. Augustine, 11, 517, 520 544 INDEX Ausonius, 29–32, 35, 37 Bock, Hieronymus (Tragus), 349, 356 Avicenna (Ibn Sina), 62 Bodde, Derk, 232 axial age, 109, 138, 205, 209, 530 Boethius, 368 Bohu tongyi (Comprehensive Discussions Bacon, Francis, 213 in the White Tiger [Hall]), 183, 186, Bacon, Roger, 81 188 Baijia mingshu (Famous Works of the Bol, Peter K., 203n21 Hundred Schools; comp. Hu Bonsai (penjing), 516, 521, 531 Wenhuan), 380–81, 384 Book on Mathematical Procedures Balázs, Étienne, 8, 533 (Suanshushu), 259n7 Ban Gu, 313, 432 Boscovich, Roger, 193n54 Baopuzi waipian (Book of the botany, 77–79; Chinese, 311–18, 345–64; Preservation-of-Solidarity Master; Ge classification in, 348–58, 361–62, Hong), 480n41 364; European, 78, 348–49, 355–56, Baoxi, 269 362–63, 364; illustrations of, 78, 356, Bauer, Wolfgang, 534 363; and nature, 352, 364; observation Bauhin, Gaspard, 78, 349 in, 349, 355–56, 358; Odes on, 310– Bayes’s theorem, 406 37; in Renaissance, 362–63, 364; and being, 145–46, 153, 347; vs. becoming, symbolism, 75–77, 314; wild vs. 116–17; vs. nonbeing, 58 cultivated plants in, 347–48 Bencao gangmu (Materia Medica, bowu (broad learning concerning the Arranged according to Drug nature of things; natural history), 371, Description and Technical Aspects; Li 374, 382, 384 Shizhen), 312, 345–48, 363, 379; Bowu zhi (Treatise on the Investigations classification in, 348–58; on salt, 474– of Things; Zhang Hua), 316, 382, 383, 75 481, 482, 485, 486, 502 Bencao tujing (Illustrated Canon of Bradwardine, Oxford, 61 Materia Medica; Su Song), 353 Britain, 36 Bencao yanyi (Dilations upon Materia Brunfels, Otto, 348, 356, 363 Medica), 330, 353 Brush Talks. See Bi shuo; Mengxi bitan Bencao yuanshi (Original Materia Bryant, Joseph, 6, 8, 9, 10, 24, 35, 43, 53 Medica; Li Zhongli), 363 Bu bitan (Supplement to the Bitan; Shen Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette, 2 Gua), 296, 298 Berg, Daria, 537 Buddhism, 68, 361, 501, 522, 530; and Bernoulli, Jacob, 401 investigation of things, 380; on li/qi, Bhagavad-Gita, 122 60n14; and nature poetry, 32, 34, 534; Bi Sheng, 293, 297 vegetarianism in, 537; Zen, 39, 52; Bi shuo (Brush Talks; Ouyang Xiu), and ziran zhi li, 233, 235–52 298n27 bureaucracy, Chinese, 530; and Bible, Christian, 12, 76, 310, 336 correlative cosmology, 186; and Big Bang, 130 Mengxi, 288, 289, 292–93; and nature, birds, 316; in Odes, 77, 318, 320–22, 326, 22, 24, 25. See also examination 328, 333. See also animals system, Chinese Bleicken, Jochen, 112 Buridan, Johannes, 62, 163, 175, 176 Bloch, Ernst, 199 Burroughs, William, 1 .
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