Vol. 32 No. 4 Published by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. May 2015 Oklahoma AG smears FFRF, misleads public After the Freedom From Religion organizations bully you or any other Foundation sent letters to 26 Oklaho- official in this State into restricting the ma school districts about illegal bible religious freedom the Founders of this distribution, state Attorney General country held dear.” Scott Pruitt went on the offensive (you Seidel responded to Pruitt the next can take that two ways). day, informing him that several districts Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel’s Feb- contacted by FFRF already had such ruary complaint letters objected to let- policies, but decided to “revisit the wis- ting Jamison Faught (son of state Rep. dom of these forums” after FFRF asked George Faught) and other Gideons for equal time. International members distribute bi- “It is obviously far easier for an bles to fifth-grade students during the Oklahoma student to get hold of a bi- school day. FFRF educated the districts ble than it is to get hold of criticisms of on the law and advised them that if the bible, which FFRF will seek to pass they continued to allow third-party dis- out in every public school forum that tributions, FFRF would seek to distrib- is opened under your offer,” Seidel ute its literature. wrote. “If the goal of the Oklahoma Faught had bragged on Facebook Attorney General’s Office is to allow about being allowed to distribute bi- public schools to be used to distribute bles “at every school in McIntosh, Ok- atheist messages, then this is a brilliant mulgee and Ofuskee counties except idea.” one or two. Last year, the Checotah However, he added, “FFRF prefers principal not only personally took us to that public schools focus on education each classroom, but he helped us hand rather than serve as a venue for divisive them out!” religious debates.” In response to the letter, sever- It’s not the first time Pruitt has al schools ended their open forum smeared FFRF. Last year, in discussing policies, with at least one superinten- the Internal Revenue Service’s inaction dent confirming he did not know the against pulpit politicking, he claimed Jake Swenson Photo Gideons had been allowed into the FFRF “is unabashed in its desire to de- Home, sweet home schools. Gideons typically operate by stroy” free speech and the First Amend- Shown in his new home at FFRF’s Freethought Hall, “Mr. Darwin” has evolved deliberately avoiding superintendents ment’s free exercise clause. from an idea by his creator Csam Wheatley into reality. See page 9 for the story. and school boards, seeking permission from lower-level, less-informed staff. In his response letter April 14 to Marshall enforces law without a badge superintendents statewide, Pruitt smeared FFRF and trumpeted false City Hall in Warren, Mich., got a lot claims about government’s hostility to- more reasonable on April 28 thanks ward religion. to activist and FFRF member Douglas “Schools have a right to enact neu- Marshall, who was finally allowed to tral policies that allow all viewpoints set up a “reason station” in the build- on religion to thrive,” Pruitt wrote. “As ing atrium after a legal battle for equal the Attorney General of Oklahoma, I treatment. will not stand idly by while out-of-state For years, the city let volunteers at a “prayer station” inside City Hall dis- tribute religious pamphlets and offer to pray and discuss their religious be- Inside This Issue liefs with passersby. Marshall submitted an application in April 2014 to city of- Jessica ficials to reserve atrium space two days Ahlquist: a week for a reason station, where he Wag more, would offer to engage in philosophical bark less discussions with those who expressed page 8 an interest in a secular belief system. Photo by C & G Newspapers But less than two weeks after it was From left, Sally Sayes, Chris McLaughlin, Douglas Marshall and David Wallace submitted, Marshall’s application — in Warren, Mich. Marshall said it’s up to those who approach to ask questions if although nearly identical to the one they want. “We’re not here to proselytize.” Tony Pinn: submitted by the church sponsoring New life, the prayer station — was rejected by and State and the American Civil glad we were there and said he specifi- feelin’ good Mayor James Fouts. In his rejection let- Liberties Union filed suit on behalf cally came to welcome us. A few others page 12 ter, Fouts accused Marshall of “intend- of Marshall in July 2014. The suit was came up and stated that they were also ing to deprive all organized religions settled in February, with the city agree- nonbelievers.” of their constitutional freedoms or at ing to treat nonbelievers and believers Local and major media, including least discourage the practice of reli- equally. the Detroit Free Press, covered the Celebrating gion.” (Fouts called FFRF “un-Ameri- The reason station will be open and opening. Linda Jackson, 74, told the FFRF’s new can” after FFRF sued him and the city staffed from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesdays Free Press she stopped to pray but said, building in late 2011 over a nativity scene.) and Thursdays. On opening day, about “It’s a public place. I guess all are wel- page 15 Noting that the atrium was estab- eight people expressed interest, Mar- come, whether they believe Jesus is the lished as a public forum, FFRF, Ameri- shall said. “One lady thanked me for reason or they don’t.” cans United for Separation of Church my persistence. One man said he was Page 2 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin May 2015 Meet a legal staffer when appropriate. I also handle my own substantive caseload, which includes complaints involving governmental “In God We Trust” displays, public parks, post offices and civil rights/public accom- modations complaints. What I like best about it: Working with my friends, practicing constitu- tional law and screwing with the gov- ernment. What gets old about it: The daunt- ing volume of complaints, working with limited resources and people threatening to kill us. I spend a lot of time thinking about: Places I’d like to travel, how to better myself, home improvement projects. Elizabeth Cavell I spend little if any time thinking about: Sports and fantasy sports. Name: Elizabeth Cavell. My religious upbringing was: Catho- Where and when I was born: New lic. I attended Catholic school until my York, N.Y., in July 1983. family moved to Florida when I was in Education: B.A., University of Flori- fifth grade. da; J.D., Tulane University Law School. My doubts about religion started: I Family: Spouse, Andrew Seidel; son, was never very engaged with religion Oliver; and Moose, our dog. as a kid. Homilies never made sense to How I came to work at FFRF: I me, and I never felt socially or intellec- worked as a public defender in Colo- tually connected to my church, but I rado after law school. After a couple of was expected by my family to partici- years there, my husband Andrew had pate in the rituals and sacraments. an opportunity to work for FFRF so Like many Catholics, hypocrisy and we moved to Madison. I took the Wis- abuse made me lose all respect for the consin bar exam and was working part- church. And like many Catholics, as an time providing legal support at FFRF adult I did not practice Catholicism in when the former intake attorney left to any way. Once I was in college and law take a job at a local firm. I was hired to school, reading the religious skepti- replace her. cism of others, I gave up any religion. What I do here: I am the intake at- Things I like: Summer in Madison, torney, which means I supervise the visiting new places, laughing with my processing of complaints by our ad- husband, narrating my dog’s thoughts. ministrative assistant. I also process in- Things I smite: Bullying, violence coming complaints myself. I speak with and corruption. complainants who contact FFRF about In my golden years: I hope to be potential state/church violations, as- traveling with my husband or living at sess each complaint and assign com- my future beach or lake house. plaints to attorneys for further action Welcome to ‘After-Lifer,’ 29 Life Members The Freedom From Religion Foun- ern, Debbra Ward, John E. Wiley, Mary dation is delighted to welcome Jack E. Will, Dr. Jeffrey Lee Wolfgang and Pedigo as our newest “After-Life Mem- Karl Womer. ber,” a tongue-in-cheek category for States represented are Arizona, Cal- those who’d like their membership to ifornia, Colorado, Connecticut, Flori- live on after them. da, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, FFRF also gratefully announces 29 Massachusetts, Maine, Nevada, New new Life Members (two prefer ano- York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, nymity): Sally Alger, Aubrey Ayash, Texas, Virginia, Washington, West Vir- Stephen Davis, Joellen de Berg, Oak ginia and Wisconsin. Freethought Hall visit DeBerg, John E. Fenn, M.D., Robert Individual Lifetime Memberships New York members Joan Reisman-Brill and Leon Brill visited FFRF on April 20 Field, Paul Freemont Smith, Jr., Mi- are offered for $1,000 as a membership while touring the University of Wisconsin-Madison, which is one of the schools chael Halderman, Mark Hall, Dr. Da- or membership renewal, and individu- that accepted Leon as an incoming freshman. Joan, who occasionally lends her vid Allen Herbert, Nicholas Hilpipre, al After-Life Memberships are $5,000. wit and wisdom to FFRF’s “Ask a Skeptic,” says Leon has tentatively decided to James Kauffman, Durl Kruse, Janice E.
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