Virtual punishment in the making: When citizen journalism enables processes of shaming and online victimization Mallén, Agneta 2016 Document Version: Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Mallén, A. (2016). Virtual punishment in the making: When citizen journalism enables processes of shaming and online victimization. Paper presented at Nordiska samarbetsrådet för kriminologi. Konferens Island 2016., Iceland. 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LUND UNIVERSITY PO Box 117 221 00 Lund +46 46-222 00 00 NSfK’s 58. Research Seminar 1. - 4. May 2016 in Bifröst, Iceland New challenges in criminology; can old theories be used to explain or understand new crimes? NSfK’s 58. Research Seminar Bifröst, Island 2016 Report including all the papers that were presented during the NSfK Research Semi- nar 2016 (Hotel Bifröst, Iceland, 1.-4.5.2016) Nordiska Samarbetsrådet för Kriminologi 2016 c/o Ministry of Justice, Department of Criminal Policy POB 25 FI-00023 Government Finland www.nsfk.org NSfK Chairman: Aarne Kinnunen Leader of the Secretariat: Laura Mynttinen Photo of the front page: Snorri Árnason Printing house: Lönnberg Print September 2016 ISBN: 978-82-7688-046-5 Foreword The Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology (NSfK) convened its 58th re- search seminar in beautiful surroundings of Borgarnes Iceland from 1st to 4th of May 2016. Borgarnes and its conference hotel Bifröst is located about 70 km north from Reykjavik. Altogether 74 researchers from all the Nordic countries, United Kingdom and United States took part in the seminar. The main theme of the 2016 Research Seminar was ”New challenges in criminology; can old theories be used to explain or understand new crimes?” The concept behind the title was that modern society is facing new challenges, and concerns have been voiced whether conventional theories and criminal justice systems are adequately equipped to tackle new forms of crime and victimization. The seminar started with two excellent plenary presentations late at the night of ar- rival. Jón Gunnar Bernburg (IS) gave a presentation with very topical issue of mass protest and the global crisis in Iceland. Bernburg was followed by Björn Þorvaldsson (IS) with a theme of challenges in prosecuting cases regarding the financial crisis in Iceland. These presentations gave a very good overview of the magnitude of the fi- nancial crises in Iceland and of the problems the criminal justice system is facing cur- rently. Worrying is that the authorities seem to have a tendency to repeat the same mistakes all over again. The next day Steve Tombs (UK) supplemented these presen- tations with his sophisticated analysis of the changes of the business regulation after the crises in UK. The picture became even more complete after Janne Flyghed (SE) and Isabel Schoultz (SE) presented what kind of techniques of neutralizations the spokesmen of the corporates in Sweden use when explaining misconducts of their company. Furthermore, our understanding of new types of crimes was broadened with Inger Marie Sundes (NO) analysis of crime in the digitalized society and Karin Creutz (FI) presentation about violent extremism. The seminar interacted between plenary sessions related to the conference’s main theme as well as parallel sessions with all together 50 presentations with top quality. It is noteworthy that the discussions within the workshop were vivid and with high intellectual content. A feedback was requested from the participants. The response was extremely posi- tive. The participants appreciated the top quality of keynote speakers and the possi- bilities for networking. They valued to hear what other Nordic criminologists are working on and the opportunity to present ones project to an international audience. The participants were very satisfied with the organizational matters of the seminar. As a downside it was mentioned that the tight schedule of the seminar left a lot of promising discussions (and indeed entire presentations) cut short. Most of the presentations of the seminar are published in this report. NSfK do not hold property rights to the presentations and results of the papers can also be pub- lished elsewhere. Finally, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to NSfK’s executive secretary Laura Mynttinen and Icelandic board members Kolbrun Benediktsdottir and Ran- nveig Þórisdóttir and contact secretary Snorri Arnason for remarkable well done or- ganizations of the seminar. Several respondents to the feedback formula praised the supportive atmosphere of the seminar. Indeed, this is something all the participants should be thanked for! Aarne Kinnunen Helsinki, July 2016 Chairman Table of contents Program for NSfK’s 58. Research Seminar…………………………………………..…..12 PRESENTATIONS IN PLENARY……………………………………..………………...19 Steve Tombs (UK): Regulating Business ‘After’ the Crisis: some observations from the UK……………..19 Isabel Schoultz and Janne Flyghed (SE): Business as usual. How Swedish transnational corporations neutralise allegations of crime........................................................................................................................................38 Inger Marie Sunde (NO): A New Thing under the Sun? Crime in the Digitized Society…………………………60 PRESENTATIONS IN PARALLEL SESSIONS.............................................................79 PRISON AND PROBATION STUDIES…......................................................................79 Hans Jørgen Engbo (GL): Fra trommedans til samfundstjeneste - Sanktionssystemets udvikling i grønlandsk kriminalret..............................................................................................................................79 Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen (GL): Den grønlandske fangebefolkning…..................................................................................97 Julie Laursen (DK): (No) Laughing Allowed – Humorous Boundary-making in Prison…………...…….107 Marie Herping Abrahamsen (DK): Når omverdenen lukkes indenfor- Et socialt forsøg med inddragelse af lokalområdet i et åbent fængsel.................................................................................................................130 Anette Storgaard (DK): Erfaringer med tværfagligt samarbejde om fælles klienter..........................................150 6 GENDER RELATED STUDIES……………………………………….…………………90 Erika Hedlund (SE): Kvinnor och brott som socialt problem i svensk forskning under 1900-talet……….154 Robin Gålnander (SE): Twisting and turning desistance from crime: A Qualitative Approach to the Under- standing of Women's Transitions out of Crime…………………………..……………163 Teemu Kaskela (FI): Validity of the gender gap theory on a substance-abusing pop-ulation with previous prison sentences…………………………………………………………………...………177 Anita Heber (SE): Problemdefinitioner och lösningsförslag i den svenska debatten om människohandel för sexuella ändamål………...............................................................................................192 Minna Viuhko (FI): Conceptual and methodological challenges in exploring the links between human trafficking and sham marriages………………………………………….........................195 POLICE STUDIES………………………………………………..………………………200 Marta Kristín Hreiðarsdóttir, Rannveig Þórisdóttir (IS): ”Together against domestic violence”: New approach to an old problem…………200 Mia Lund Ørting (DK): Strategisk Analyse i dansk politi.......................................................................................211 Ingrid Lander (SE): Doing the Right Masculinities Right: The Police Force as Gendered Practices……..221 Cecilie Vivienne Atter-mann, Pernille Søgaard Tolstrup (DK): Datakvaliteten af politiets indbrudsjournaler.................................................................240 Maria Bislev (DK) and Cecilie Vivienne Attermann: Hot spot-politiarbejde i en nordisk kontekst...................................................................251 7 LEGAL REFORM AND SOCIAL CONTROL..............................................................263 Ragnheiður Bragadóttir (IS): Begrebet voldtægt i nordisk perspektiv...........................................................................263 Helgi Gunnlaugsson (IS): Vil Island straffe for prostitution og narkotikabrug?.....................................................274 Riikka Kotanen (FI): From a parenting measure to a crime? – Prohibiting parental corporal violence in Finland..................................................................................................................................285
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