NOTES FOR VISITOR UNIVERSITY OF SÃO PAULO USP International Cooperation Office Avenida Prof. Lucio Martins Rodrigues, 310 Bloco B – 4º andar Cidade Universitária São Paulo / SP – Brasil CEP 05508-020 SÃO PAULO Piracicaba BRAZIL AND SÃO PAULO The Portuguese village of São Paulo de slaves of), who organized excursions into Piratininga was marked by the founding the land with the primary purpose of of a Jesuit colleg e of twelve priests on profit and the expansion of territory for January 25, 1554, with a small structure the Portuguese crown. The bandeirantes built of rammed earth by the Indian (na- eventually became politically powerful as tive) workers and located on top of a ste- a group, and were considered responsi- ep hill between the rivers Anhangabaú ble for the expulsion of the Jesuits from and Tamanduateí. For the next two cen- the city of São Paulo in 1640, after a se- turies, São Paulo developed as a poor ries of conflicts with them over the trade and isolated village that survived largely of Indian slaves. When the gold ran out through the mostly native population’s in the late 18th century, São Paulo shif- cultivation of subsistence crops. For a ted to growing sugar cane, which spread long time in the colonial period, São Pau- through the interior of the Captaincy. lo was one of the poorest regions of the In 1827 (five years after Brazil became Portuguese colony and the only village in independent from Portugal), a law scho- Brazil’s interior, as travel was too difficult ol was founded at the Convent of São to reach the area. In 1681 the Marquis Francisco, and is now part of the Univer- de Cascais, donee of the Captaincy of sidade de São Paulo; the influx of stu- São Vicente, moved the capital to the dents and teachers gave a new impetus village of São Paulo, designating it the to the city’s growth. The expansion of co- “head of the captaincy”. ffee production was a major factor in the But it was only in the end of the 17th growth of São Paulo, as it became the century with the discovery of gold in the region’s chief export crop and yielded region of Minas Gerais that São Paulo good revenue. Nowadays, São Paulo has gained importance, bringing attention to become one of the most ethnically diver- About Brazil new settlers. The town became a center se cities in the world. for the bandeirantes or “flag-bearers” (in- Official name: trepid explorers who marched into unk- nown lands in search for gold, diamonds, República Federativa do Brasil precious stones and Indians to make Language: Portuguese (official) Currency: Real (R$), 1 real = 100 centavos Its total population is: 210,100,000 Source: IBGE. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, 2018 Published by USP Internacional Cooperation Office - University of São Paulo/2020 2 TRANSPORT IN SÃO PAULO CITY IN PIRACICABA CITY Taxis Metropolitan Transport Network Buses Bus Station In São Paulo cabs can be a good option In São Paulo, the subway stations are Bus fares cost R$ 4.80 in Piracicaba; Estação Rodoviária de Piracicaba (Piraci- when facing heavy traffic, since they are also local bus terminals. Some online caba Bus Station) allowed to ride on buses’ exclusive lanes. services, such as SPTrans and Google Taxis Avenida Armando Salles de Oliveira, The initial fare is R$ 4.10. Depending on Maps, can provide quite accurate routes. Taxi rides generally cost R$3.45 per km 2344 - Centro the time of the day, the ridden kilometer Bus, train and subway fares within São initially; Phone: (19) 3433-8003 either costs R$ 2.50 (“flag 1”, Monday to Paulo cost R$3.00. Bilhete Único (Unified Saturday, 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM) or R$ 3.25 Ticket, in English) is a service offered by (“flag 2”, Monday to Saturday, 8:00 PM to the City Transport Department. It con- 6:00 AM, Sundays and holidays). sists of a card that can be charged at au- thorized retailers throughout the city. Intermunicipal and Interstate Bus Sta- The map of São Paulo’s metropoli- tion tan transportation can be found here: In São Paulo there are three bus stations http://www.metro.sp.gov.br/redes/ that provide destinations across the mapa.pdf country and even abroad (some Sou- th American countries). The main one is Tietê Bus Station. To the west, northwest and southwest of São Paulo state, North of Paraná, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rondônia, Acre and Bolívia, Barra Funda Station is the right place. Jabaquara Bus Station takes passengers to the coastal cities of Bertioga, Guarujá, Santos, Praia Grande, Cubatão, São Vi- USP Images Photo: Database cente, Mongaguá, Itanhaém and Peruí- be. For further information about these bus stations, please call 3866 1100, from 6:00 AM to 10:30 PM. Published by USP Internacional Cooperation Office - University of São Paulo/2020 3 ABOUT PIRACICABA Located in the center of São Paulo State founded on August 1st, 1767. In the late based on the sugar cane cycle. Total Area: 1,378 km² and 160 km away from the capital São 18th century, the region developed rapi- Recently Piracicaba has seen good levels Paulo, Piracicaba is a medium city whose dly based on shipping on Piracicaba Ri- of development, restoring degraded are- Year of Foundation: 1767 name comes from the native Tupi lan- ver and sugarcane cultivation. Piracicaba as and investing in biotechnology and guage, meaning “place where the fish became the main city of its surroundin- exports for its future development. The Anniversary: August 1 stop” due to the waterfalls and rapids gs, polarizing other villages that would city has managed to remain in the posi- that rush through the river that bisects give rise to the current cities of São tion of second largest in population and Population: 400,949 inhabitants (2019 it, providing downtown Piracicaba with a Pedro, Limeira, Capivari, Rio Claro and third largest economy in the Administra- - Brazilian Institute of Geography and beautiful riverfront view lined with cafes Santa Bárbara d’Oeste. Interestingly, the tive Region of Campinas and could also Statistics) and restaurants. Although its population city remained linked to the cultivation of remains as one of the largest producing is mostly urban, Piracicaba has a vast sugar cane, ignoring the arrival of coffee poles of sugar and alcohol in the world, Ethnicities: 72% white; 21% pardo (mi- countryside filled mainly with sugar cane in the West of São Paulo State, a farming besides having an important industrial xed race); 6% black; 0.7% Asian; 0.3% that produces one of the largest amou- that would become the engine of the center and several leading universities native nts of sugar and alcohol in the world, state’s economy in the late 19th century. like USP, UNICAMP and FATEC. and is known nationwide by its “country Due to the cultivation of sugar cane, the Human Development Index: 0.79 (Uni- accent”. Besides its economic relevance, region became a major center of slavery, ted Nations Development Programme, Piracicaba is also an important cultural with great presence of slaves and freed 2010) center in the region, holding annually blacks. In 1877, through its then council- the Salão Internacional de Humor de Pi- man and future president of Brazil, Pru- Climate: Highland Tropical (warm rainy racicaba, an international graphic humor dente de Morais, the city adopted the summers and cool dry winters) festival. The city also has renowned uni- name “Piracicaba”. versities, such as the Faculty of Dentistry In 1900, Piracicaba established itself as Temperature: 23.5ºC (annual average) pertaining to State University of Campi- one of the greatest centers in São Paulo: nas (UNICAMP) and Luiz de Queiroz, one it was the fourth largest city in the state, Elevation: 547 m (average) of our university’s 11 campuses. had electricity, phone service and, in the The Piracicaba River valley began to be land donated by Luiz Vicente de Souza occupied by descendants of Europeans Queiroz, started the formation of Luiz de during the 17th century, when some Queiroz College of Agriculture (ESALQ), settlers entered the forest and began to which would later pertain to Universida- inhabit the land around the river, prac- de de São Paulo. The city became one ticing subsistence agriculture and plant of the first in the country to achieve in- exploitation. The town of Piracicaba was dustrialization, which was still very much Published by USP Internacional Cooperation Office - University of São Paulo/2020 4 PIRACICABA CAMPUS Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture Luiz de Queiroz Campus is about 2,000; (ESALQ) was founded in 1901 as one there are 250 professors and the tech- of the several already existing institu- nical-administrative staff is made up of tions that were taken over as units of more than 500 employees. With over USP when the University was founded 13,500 graduate students, it is the first in 1934. The campus offers 8 undergra- higher education institution in Brazil to duate courses (mainly in the fields of surpass the number of 10 thousand Engineering, and Biological, Earth and agronomists. The campus is established Environmental Sciences) and 16 gradua- into the internalization process promo- te programs. It has 12 departments, 150 ted by USP through partnerships with laboratories and 4 experimental stations foreign universities, ministries, depart- (Anhembi, Anhumas, Itatinga and Areão ments and state programs managed by Bastos Cecília Photo: Farm, where the Technology Incubator the Coordination for Improvement of ESALQTec is located), plus two national Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), Na- institutes of science and technology, one tional Council for Scientific and Techno- park, and one library.
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