
• cf1 d>fu.cia[ CJI'zank 'Jjou. {tom tf'u. ~ou.1.fey 'Jou.ndation and c/ll( onumE.nt f]:)E.di catio n eMu. §oldie. ~~u.dey 9Jtle£: 9-o't Con9u~ma.n. ..£a.uy J. dfopkira and .:Eta(( Captain §ayfc. df. cf?u~c., r"Unitc.d 2,'tat~ dVaay cf?unac. c/?e.tiud g:>. 9 . C. '3-t.ank.fin c.Runyon aow.fc.y Captain ell. <W Jonu, Comm.andtn.9 D((kn, r"U.cS.a. !lwo Jima ru. a. o«. c. cR. ..£ie.utenaJZI: Coforuf c.Richa.t.d df. Jetl, !J(c.ntucky cflit dVa.tionaf §uat.d ..£ieuienant C!ofond Jarnu df. cJU.affoy, !J(wtucky dVa.tional §uat.d dU.ajo"< dtephen ...£. .::Shivc.u r"Unit£d c:Sta.tu dU.a.t.in£ Cotp~ :Jfu. fln~pul:ot.- fl~huclot. c:Sta.{{. 11/: cJU.. P.C.D., £:ci.n9ton., !J(!:J· dU.a1tn c:Sc.1.9c.a.nt ...La.ny dU.a.'ltin, r"Unltc.d c:Stal£~ dU.a.t.lnc. Cot.pi cR£UW£ £xi1t9ton §t.anite Company, dU.t.. :Daniel :be dU.at.cUJ (Dwnc.t.} !Pa.t.li dU.onurncn.t <Wot.ki, dU.t. Jim dfifk.e (Dwn£"tj 'Jh£ dfonowbf£ Duf.c.t. ~( !J(£ntucky Cofone£. <l/. 9. <W Pof.t dVo. 1834, dU.t.. <Wiffu df/{~;[ton /Po1l Commarzdz.t} dU.t.. Jarnu cJU.. 9inch Jt.. dU.t.. Jimmy 9tn.ch. dU.u. dVo/J[~; cflnow1m£th dU.u. 'Je.d c:Suffiva.n dU.t.. ~c. c/?odt.'9uc.z d(,h. Ca ..[ :DUl...Cot.n dU.t.. <Waftn cR. Jon£1 cJU. t. !Bc.n Jont!i dU.t.. Jac~ !J(eith 'Jo a.[[ contr.i.butou, with out whom the de.dicati.on o( thli monum£nt woufd hav£ onfy b£c.n a. duarn. :June. 3uf. 1984 'Jou.nd.ation df.tt.embeu: Efiza(Jtffc., !J(c.ntucky dU.=tn dn9£a.t1l: dkitfc.y 9. <Whitc. r"Uddttf.C!cR §unnuy d£'-9t:ant :Donald :D. 9wn.cU. r"Uc:ScJU.&;R §un.ny c:S£1.9t:ant Jackie ...£. dU.ut.phy r"Uc:ScJU.Cc:.R c:Sta.(( c:St:t.9t:ant :David dl. Palmuano r"Uc:ScJU.CcR c:S£'-9c.a.rll Edwa..d E. dlnde.uon r"Uc:SdfA.(!d? (Welcome: c:Atf.afot d)teph.w .£. ~'hiveu, 1llntted d)i:at~ dHatine CotpJ. [Jnvocalion. !Bi.o9taphy o( ..f.u.utencml Commandzt .:::r<U:ha ,J <11J. .:::Nu~uf[ (!c}l(..' P. 9. (!_ 9-r.ank.fin d?unyon .::::!:>~~f£!1 f/lnited d:>tatu dVuv.'l .:::R~tv£ 7I .:::5. eM. t:!. d?. dVationaf .:::r/,ttfum: 'Jwnkfin cRun._'IOrt ~'uuJ.fcy WaJ. bot11 d>t:ptwJJn 19, 1925 to dfttt. and Dpeniny (_1ommEnh · dttf.u . .c't-(nfc 'Duke. d:>'uUJ.~y. 'J& d:>'at.ufayJ.' fivcd on a {atm in 'Jfcm­ dfttuJln ~"ct!JE.Uili d:>hitfey cr. (Whitt: i'l!J C!ouniy whcu. lhcit lhuc J.012J. altl!.nckd lh£ focaf J.cl;o~>{J. 'Du,ing 1 llnilcJ ~tatu ~ tlt.ttim; Cot/JJ .:::Neuwc. 9tcwkfitl ·,. ~chou£ _'ILUU, he waJ. vny active in ba.>E.baff. f.a.J.kdiJa.[{, and (_'ommenlJ. <){ <.l c. .,nta.k : H<•tmmmy, hiJ. {avotilt ipotl hcv..•i!vct waJ. huntiny. elf£ gta.duatt.d /~om 9._>tmn :.I lt.tttrt£ (_otp~•ta[ ,./at -A.1<Jdtiqutz, who ~twt:J u•tlh 'Jfwtinfpbu'9 d-li<Jh ~\~hoof in 1943 U.11J jc>Oil a{tt:t, he oblai,t£d wotk cu ~P'Jf' ~ou~~~~ '• f>l"t'''"' u11 ffwo //tmJ ct fnujuffn a~cmf;L~t t•cth th£ 9tididuiu '.Divi.>ion o( (;)wna£ .::-L(otou 0u.eJ.l ....;..\pwktt. til '.Da.'llon or.,., . .:::fr.1cJHI'icnitny the C!ommandunl o( lf;c. otlatwc CvtfH, !f3tcqudi.ct ~icnt:w.L' cl\1icl;atd ~P, rJtotin, 9ccfing thai du.t.'l calfcJ, he. £1.f'utcJ in t/;c .:::~Natinc (.!._,,PJ. .:::NI!.Uw£ Commandi•ty (__/,,rw.f o{ lhc 4lh 'Jot.::£ 2>£·wiu ~upfunt ~_itoup. .>11 ,;fu,:uat_'l the 'llh, 1944, {ot the Ju-.a.lioll o{ tht: e~Vationa.£ C~»ngl!.ll<=_'l· 'llnitcJ ~·ta1cJ. _, I ltnt•u (_'otpJ. :d\1onv£ -...lf£ wtu unl to {;,,ot camp a.l ~an '..DL£~1o, Cafi{otnta whnL hiJ uquot !J(c.'l 2>jual:t t /•" Jut~ with the in{artlttl waJ. gtwlltd •.: -1/{tn J.i.:c monlhJ. ,.( ltauting, hc •Jf;c ._J{.,,totul;J~ .L'cm.'-1 .:J.IopkinJ., .'J. wtu uui9ncd f,_, (.',>mfJwt.'f "E", ;tntl !.dattafion, zStfz .:::~Hutint:.>, 5th C,my••H»t«Jl {ot ihc 6tl; 'DiJ.Lticl o( !l(cntu,·k•l· _ 1/,.,inc r.DiviJ.iun ._J.f,J tqLf; {:;,t/;,/u.'l {<.Jwuf /;im boatdl119 J.hip attd J.aif­ 9otm£t mc:nint. a11</ cuttcni mtmbn ,,( tf;c ._Jfou.>£ ~-1H••uf .:.\ctvi.:£J. tlt!J /~•t /Jatf1 <lllklaJU'It (..\, 9 cf;ttt<tt_'l IQ, IQ45, he. wu.> a mcmbct o{ the Commitlu. invUJ.Wit {otcc ihal fantk.J ,_.,! !:fw.> //imtt. 9otH da.'IJ. fain, ht: and (out 1 dfonou .:=.A. cndcuJ to ~.P. 9 . C 9tankl'in ~Nwt'l''" ~ouJ.fcH· ulhn :-tlcaino t.tnd •'IlL • •{ tl;~ L<.mtp<tll'f Cotp.>man, taucJ lht: ..::flmetican ~'I the Iii .::1 I. ~::'1. (_'., 'JJ:,9 wt .::>llounl .2-util:u::/;,, 9tcmkfin ~Nun.IJC>n d:>'ow£1!._'1 waJ. kiffLd b!J .l.'e:r:ington, !../(mtucky Jnipt:t {iu c. I latch 2/J.l, 1945 dutill~f d~uu up opno.fio,u tttoUitd !i(i.lano 1 llnvaifi,19 of ~ t/onullunt: ~)<lint. dft: waJ tfu _'ltlWtyt:lL ,,( lhc (l'a.g tctUI!.U and hud Utvi'.J the fceu.t ~Hu. <;:lofdic ~'ouil~y Ptict anwutLl o{ lim£ itl lhc utvicc. Conyt£J.J.ma11 .l.'an.'l j. dlopkilu !1:3(!(-)c.n. cRichatJ ~J Cltotlct 9tanklin waJ. £:utit:J in th£ ~ l lt.ttin£ ccmcft.tt.y 011 [Jwo :Jim4 ihottf!J dfttt. :Jm. d-.!oJ9tiqucz a{tu he wa.> ki£L~J. dli1 t£mainoi weu movt:d lo Efu4vi[[,_ in 1948 and dt1(!~gt. d:>hitfc.H 'J. cWhile placed in the cu.ttt:11l gtuve Jitc. !J3cltl!.dicllon: .l.'iculuutnl Con11nand.n d-.!ichatd <W. cRuHd[ (!c)f{_' r llnitt:d aatu dVa.vH cRucwt: dl(a~inc. C!otpi dfymm: l .. .... --- Semper ![ic{e[is J DEDICATION MARINE CORPS WAR MEMORIAL NO VE M BER 10 . 1954 ARLINGT O N , VIRGINIA ORDER OF EVENT S CONCERT United States Marine Corps Han ARRIVAL OF OFFICI A L PARTY CHAIRMAN OF T HE DAY /Jon. Robert B. Anderson Deputy Secretary of Defens lNVOCATH)N Rear Admiral E. B. Harp, jr., ChC, USN REMAHKS Chairman. of the Day REMA H KS Col. J. W. Moreau, USMC (Ret.) President, Marine Corps War Memorial Foundation, Inc. REMARKS Hon.. Orme Lewis A!.!istant Secretary of the Interior PRESENTATION Gen. T.cmuel C. Shepherd, jr. Commandant, United States Marine Corps FLAG RAISING REMARKS Mr. Felix de Weldon Sculptor DEDICATORY ADDRESS IN MEMORIAM Rabbi Garson Goodman, ChC, US. "Unco mmon Valor Was A Common Virluc" TAPS BENEDICTION Father Paul Redmond, ChC, US!\ Board of Education M. N . J~VAN.S, County Superintendent J. H. SHANKLIN, Chairman MILLARD DAULTON. Vice-Cha irman HOWARD CARPENTER The Second Annual B. A. ROYSE D. E. IUDWELL Commencement Exercises Faculty Fleming County High School WILLIAM F. RUSSELL, Pll·inci.pal A. E. AJ~NOLD, .Mathematics and Science MRS. JACK B8RNHElM. Commercial Su~jects MISS ANNA: McMULLIN COX, Music J\1RS. J. STARK DAVIS, English MHS. .GERNARD DORSEY, Home Economics WENDELL E. HOWARD, Vocational Agri<:ulture MI SS RUBY H UNTER, Mathematics i\oLRS. JOHN McGIBONEY, EngUsh i\L'\TT W. PETERSON, Band MRS. WILLIAi\1 F. RUSSELL, Library and English Friday, May 28, 1943 1\IIRS. L l·;NA SAUNDE!RS1 Bjology and Economics HARLAN VEAL, Vocational Agriculture Eight O'clock MRS. GERTRUDE WARFORD, Latin and Social Science MI SS NANCY WATTS, Social Science High School Auditorium Class Officers JANE AJA)ERSON, President THOMAS RIGDON, Vice-Pres. HELEN BURKJ.o.;, St~retary FATTfl \'.-ALLINGFORD, Treas. PROGRAM Class Roll \ era Jane Alderoon Rose Ft·a.r.ces Holland PilOCESSl ON AL Flemlng County Band Ruby Sail'<~ Dorothy Lee .Horton Mary E lizalbeth Berry .Harian Vencil Hurst (Audience Stancling) Thomas Bierley Jolm William James Rcnrietta J3jshop James Duane Landreth iNVOCATION Rev. Wort~ S. Peters Calvin C. Brown lt.;becca 'WWfred Lathram ''WILL YOU REMlO.: MBER" Romba.l'g-Riegftier Helen Marie .Burke James F. Lawrence Winter Howe Colliits ( race Pauline Litton Nancy Howe, Janice P eters, Jo Ann Rhodes, Garnett Kirkland, Barbara J. Compton Ed ward F . McCord Ma!·garet AdelE: Creamer Oakley Elizabeth Mcintyre Evel y11 Martin, Wilma Edmonds, Betty Jean Carpenter, Mary All.JI Cropper Ida Maxine McKee Rosem:wy Cropper Jemlie Allen Mitchell Marie Cray, Mary Bishop H a:.::el Oaniels Laton Mitchell Newman Virgil \ll'ilson Darnall J'nward 'W. Owens HOMING Del H.iego Jayne Stark Davis Naomj Pauline Peratt Cordelia. Mae DiUion Robert Collins Planck Girls' Glee Club Lious!on Neal Donaldson Carlos Porter Noel L. Dorsey Bcttye Henderson Pl"ice ADDRESS Dr. Henry Noble Sherwood J"ames Russell Evans Evelyn J o Price Mary Helen Evans Thomas Rigdon ANNOUNCElVIENT OF HONORS William F. Russell Anna Margaret Faris Mary Evelyn Ryon l .ouis Francis Fay Oliva F ant Smith 'TLL SEE YOU AGAlN'' Noel Conard Theresa Aliee F ay Franklin Hunyon Sousley Emerson K. Fizer Ruth Staggs Nancy Ho~ve )':lmar Clinton Fl·aley E ugene Rus~ell Stewart Mary E lizabet h Fulton E ula Mae Story PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS Mr.
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