IAEA-TECDOC- 267 THE USE OF ISOTOPES TO DETECT MODERATE MINERAL IMBALANCES FARN I M ANIMALS RESULT CO-ORDINATEA F SO D RESEARCH PROGRAMME ON THE USE OF ISOTOPE TECHNIQUES FOR DETECTION OF MODERATE MINERAL IMBALANCES IN FARM ANIMALS ORGANIZEE TH Y DB JOINT FAO/IAEA DIVISIO ISOTOPF NO RADIATIOD EAN N APPLICATIONS OF ATOMIC ENERGY FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT AND PRESENTED AT A RESEARCH CO-ORDINATION MEETING HELD IN NICOSIA, CYPRUS, 6-10 OCTOBER 1980 A TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ISSUED BY THE INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, VIENNA, 1982 THE USE OF ISOTOPES TO DETECT MODERATE MINERAL IMBALANCES IN FARM ANIMALS IAEA, VIENNA, 1982 IAEA-TECDOC-267 Printed by the IAEA in Austria September 1982 PLEAS AWARE EB E THAT ALL OF THE MISSING PAGES IN THIS DOCUMENT WERE ORIGINALLY BLANK The IAEA does not maintain stocks of reports in this series. However, microfiche copies of these reports can be obtained from INIS Microfiche Clearinghouse International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramerstrasse 5 P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria prepaymenn o f Austriao t n Schillings 40.0 r agains0o IAEe on t A microfiche service coupon. FOREWORD It has long been recognized that gross deficiencies and excesses of mineral elements can have marked effects upo abilite nth f faryo m animal surviveo t s , gro produced wan . Detectioa f no gross imbalance is relatively easy because symptoms appear rapidly or the imbalance is readily detectable by means of chemical analysis. However, in situations where an element or elements ma e onlb y y moderately deficien r moderatelo t y excessiv e diet imbalance th th ,n ei e expresses itself nonspecificall reduces ya d growth rate, productivity, reproductive level viabilityr ,o . Chemical analyses of the diet may not provide the clue to a potential problem since the imbalance may be e unavailabilitth du o t e elemene th interaction a f yo r o t n with other element y diee th ma t f o s reduc availabilite eth y and/or utilizatio primare th f no y element. Broad supplementation of the diet to bring all elements up to a specified level may not succeed in situations where interactions between elements reduce availability and utilization. Furthermore, broad supplementation is of no avail, and in fact may result in further complications, if the basic problem is one of moderate excess of a particular dietary element. Methods of detecting moderate mineral imbalances are not generally available, and so the intent of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division was to establish a programme that would bring together scientists from developed and developing countries who might through collaboration elaborate methods useful in detecting moderate trace element imbalances in farm animals. This co-ordinated research programm e Jointh f t o eFAO/IAE A Division bega n 196i n 7 wit intene hth studo t t y selective trace elements, to explore various procedures for trace element assay, to develop technique possiblf i procedured e th san e verifus d solvo st yan e field problems. The first meeting of the contract and agreement holders in this co-ordinated research programm hels Ankaran dewa i , Turkey 1976n i , secone th , d meetin hels Washingtonn gdwa i , DC , USA, in 1978, while the third and final meeting took place in Nicosia, Cyprus, in October 1980. programmee Oveth e liff o th er , some eleven contract holders from nine different countriesd an , five agreement holders from four countries have taken part in the programme. The papers containe thesn di e proceedings represen e findingth t s from those investigators associated wite hth projec terminations it t a t . While no single method achieved the goal of being readily available for field use, significant progress was made on several procedures, which would suggest the degree of usefulness which migh e achievedb t n additionI . , significant scientific observations have been made that have contribute fiele f th traco d o dt e element metabolis animalsmn i . Accompanyin papere gth a s si lis f recommendationo t s resulting from discussion participante th f so programmee th n si . Thi f isotopiso publicatioe us ce techniqueth n no deteco st t moderate mineral imbalancen si animals should be of value to scientists working on mineral metabolism, as well as veterinarians and field nutritionists involved in improving animal nutrition and increasing animal productivity. CONTENTS A study of the calcium metabolism of dairy sheep using radioisotope and balance techniques..... 7 S. Economides phosphorus-3f o The eus diagnosie th n 2i phosphoruf so s deficienc sheep............................n yi 3 3 . A.O. Lobao, D.M.S.S. Vitti Marcondes, J.W. Lemos, M.I.B. Peixoto Escubedo, A.A.D. Oliveira,de BinnertsT. W. Heat-induced mineral imbalances in animals ................................................................................ 49 T.H. Kamal Possible role of vitamin D compounds in the calcinogenic action of Trisetum flavescens............. 63 M. Peterlik, D.-S. Regal, H. Kohler Problem diagnosie th n si tracf so e element deficiency ................................................................9 6 . M. Kirchgessner, F.J. Schwarz Effec f seleniuo t m deficienc selenium-7n yo calcium-4d 5an 5 metabolis chicks...................mn i 1 9 . J.S. Edwardly Importance of mineral imbalances in animal production and health and some diagnostic and corrective trials ........................................................................................................................ 101 K. Goksoy, Cetinkaya,N. Gul,Orkiz,F. M. A.I. Gucus Copper and cobalt status of sheep and cattle grazing the central highlands of Peru, elucidated by enzyme analysis and nuclear techniques ............................................................................. 113 /. Kalinowski Ferritin in cattle serum ................................................................................................................ 123 Lengemann,F.W. J.A. Lopera, F.A. Kallfelz, Lengemann,W. F. Jr. Absorption, distribution and excretion of arsenic-76 in hens and ruminants ............................... 135 M. Anke, G. Hoffmann, M. Griin, B. Groppel, E. Riedel Assessmen chromiuf o t animals...................................................................d man n statuma f so 7 14 . R.A. Anderson, MertzW. Marginal mineral deficiencie theid an s r importanc productivite th r efo reproductivitd yan y of domestic animals ................................................................................................................3 16 . /. Wegger Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................................................ 189 List of Participants ...................................................................................................................... 193 CALCIU E STUDA TH F YO M METABOLIS DAIRF MO Y SHEEP USING RADIOISOTOPE AND BALANCE TECHNIQUES* S. ECONOMIDES Agricultural Research Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus Abstract The Ca metabolism of dairy sheep was studied using radioisotope and balance techniques. The level of Ca intake increased the rate of Ca absorption and decreased the efficiency of Ca absorption in dry sheep. The net Ca requirements of dry sheep were estimated to 870 mg/day. The endogenous faeca urinard an l lossea yC s decreased and the efficiency of Ca absorption increased in pregnant sheep on a Ca-deficient diet compared! to pregnant sheep on a normal Ca diet. Ca balance was positive in ewes on both diets. The pre-partum level of Ca intake had similar effect on e efficienc th e rat d th a absorptioan eC f balanca o yC d an ne was positiv n earli e y Icatation endogenoue Th . s faecaa C l linearls loswa s y relatemattey dr o t dr intake. INTRODUCTION The calcium metabolis n dairmi y cows beeha sn extensively studied particularly in relation to parturient paresis (l,2,3,U, 5,6). The demand for calcium is large in late pregnancy and early lactation. During the early stages of lactation high yielding dairy cows are in negative calcium balance and despite the increased absorption of calcium, extra calcium has to be provided through mobilizatio f calciuo n m froe bonemth . Thmetabolisa C e f muttomo n breed f sheeo s s beeha p n studied in pregnant (7, 8,9,10), lactating (11,12) and dry sheep (13,1U), whereas work with dairy sheep is very limited. IAEA Research Contract No. 2085/RB At variance with mutto na requirement C shee e th p f dairo s e sh y nahighee b y earln i r y lactation tha latn i n e pregnancyn I . additio e lonnfh g lactating period e higanfth Lh leve f milo l k production may delay the replenishment of skeletal Ca reserves e limite th n vieI f wo d amoun f dato t a availabl n dai:o e y . e existinth ahee d an p g discrepancie e recommendeth n i s d allowance differeny b a C f o st agencie e presens th (15 ) 16 ,t studies were undertaken to determine the endogenous faecal calciue efficiencth d man f calciuo y m absorptio dietn i n f o s dry, pregnan lactatind an t ge effec sheeth f d prepartuo tpan m dietary calcium on the rate of Ca absorption in early lactation MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals^._housing and^ diejts non-prepcnany Dr Tria . 1 l t ewes. Sixteen dry non pregnant Chios ewes having lambed at least twice were divided into four groups on the basis of liveweigh werd an et randomly f allocatefouo e r on diet o dt s providing similar intakes of energy, protein, phosphorus and Vitamin D-, per kg liveweight and four levels of Ca intake ewee Th (Tabls wer . l) ee housed individuall r fouyfo r weeks before they were transferred to metabolic crates designed for e separatth e collectio f faeceo n urined an s . Animals remain^ n metabolii weeksc o firs e cratetw Th r t. fo wees k serven a s a d adaptation period and during the second week radioisotope and calcium balance techniques were used. The diets consisted of chopped barley straw (300g per head/daya pellete f o d dan ) concentrate mixture with barley grain and soyabean meal being the basic ingredients. Limestone and disodium hydrogen orthophosphatP e d v/eran ea useC s a d supplements , mixturvitamiD A d .
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