GENERAL CHURCH PAPER OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS A group of children and adults in the Gold Coast listen attentively as a teacher explains the gospel by means of a Picture Roll. Mrs. J. 0. Gibson is seated with the group. This is in a new village where the work is just being opened. Activity in the Gold Coast By T. L. OSWALD, Secretary Home Missionary Department, General Conference N COMPANY with Elder and Mrs. can leaders associated with these Eu- nine churches and companies were in Edgar Keslake, I recently visited ropean workers. They are doing fine attendance. Never have I seen people I the interior of the Gold Coast Mis- work as teachers in the school. More more anxious to learn ways to become sion, West Africa. Our first stop than three hundred young people are better soul winners. They took was at Bekwai. Here is located the in attendance. Teachers, pastors, and notes and asked many questions in Bekwai Training School, dedicated to district leaders, all get their training regard to giving the message to their the preparation of our young people in this school. An excellent work is neighbors. Every one in attendance for the work of God. There are two being done by the European and Af- had won some souls during the past missionary families here—Brother rican teachers. two years. and Sister A. V. Sparks, from New From Bekwai we went farther On Sabbath morning many of our York, and Brother and Sister J. Far- into the interior of Agogo, where we people from the surrounding vil- rell, from Britain. The dean of held our first home missionary insti- lages attended the services. The chief, women, Ruth Smith, is from the tute. All the pastors and district lead- with his elders, was also in attendance. States. ers, a number of teachers from the He pleaded that a training school and There is a capable group of Afri- schools, and delegates from thirty- (Continued on page 24) VOL. 133, NO. 35 AUGUST 30, 1956 108th Year of Continuous Publication Vol. 133, No. 35 August 30, 1956 1 ,I IJ FOR THE WEEK [Based on phrases in well-known hymns.—EDITORS.] COVER Activity in the Gold Coast "Take Thou the Side of God" GENERAL ARTICLES Page 3 Are You Hastening Christ's Coming?—The Sacredness of Wedlock—Healing Needed, It is reported that one of the placards in Spiritual and Physical—God Forgives Confessed Sin—On the Religious Front—Our Faith- a General Motors plant reads as follows: "Ac- ful Shepherds cording to the theory of aerodynamics, and EDITORIALS Page 8 as can readily be proven by wind tunnel Answering Questions Is Not Easy—From the Editor's Mailbag—"Every Work Into Judg- experiments, the Bumble Bee is unable to ment" fly. This is because the size of its wings in relation to the size of its body makes flying SABBATH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Page 10 impossible. But the Bumble Bee, being unac- SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON HELP Page 11 quainted with these scientific truths, goes Christ and the Sabbath ahead and flies anyway and gathers a little OUR HOMES Page 12 honey every day." The Double Reward of Hospitality—"But" Every child of God is acquainted with. FOR ADVENTIST YOUTH AND JUNIORS Page 14 Satan's list of "impossibles." One of his favor- Choose . the Best—The Late Mr. —Rogue Elephant! ite arguments is that no one can maintain FEATURE ARTICLE OF THE WEEK Page 16 a genuine Christian experience in modern "As the Days of a Tree" business and industry and be successful. TO YOUR HEALTH Page 18 That taunt is almost sustained when we think "Operation Back to School" of the subtle and devious ways in which evil is masked and justice perverted in busi- NEWS FROM HOME AND ABROAD Page 19 A Visit With the Davis Indians—Japanese Nurses Carry Message in Song—My Trip to ness, government, and public enterprise. We Nepal—First Ordinations for Borneo—Literature Ministry in the Congo Union—Fruitage lament the apparently hopeless task of any- Amid Persecution—Report From Alberta—Junction City, Kansas, Church Dedicated— one's achieving favor and eminence who Music in My Bible—Prospectus Creates Interest in Message—Salinas, California—In Brief lives in strict moral rectitude. —In Remembrance—Notices—Correction—Church Calendar for 1956 Yet from the days of Joseph and Moses POETRY and Daniel, men who lived spiritually strong Job's Hope and Mine, p. 3; Praise, p. 4. amid a corrupt environment, there have been witnesses to the power of the gospel to make men and women valiant in doing exploits for God. Their wonderful record of devotion and spiritual victory gives the lie to every challenge of the evil one. The greatest and most incontrovertible argument against the charge that a thing cannot be done is the evidence that it is being done. FRANCIS DAVID NICHOL, Editor Satan whispers that it is impossible to keep the Sabbath and to care adequately for one's FREDERICK LEE, Associate Editor R. R. FIGUHR, Consulting Editor family, even in the face of the fact that KENNETH H. WOOD, JR., Assistant Editor J. L. McELHArry, Contributing Editor PROMISE KLOSS SHERPAAN, Editorial Secretary countless thousands are doing it. He argues. that it is foolish to try to be happy while SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS relinquishing worldly pleasures, yet multi- C. H. WATSON, W. H. BRANSON, W. R. BEACH,D. E. REBOK, C. L. TORREY, L. K. DICKSON, A. L. HAM, tudes who never before knew joy are rejoic- W. B, OCHS, A. V. OLSON, H. L. RUDY, E. D. DICK, PRESIDENTS OF ALL DIVISIONS ing in the happiness of obedience to God. "IN BRIEF" CORRESPONDENTS He ridicules as improvident fools those who. OVERSEAS: AUSTRALASIA: R. R. FRAME; FAR EASTERN: C. P. SORENSEN; INTER-AMERICA: CLYDE 0. FRANZ; pay tithes out of meager wages, but the MIDDLE EAST: A. GORDON ZYTKOSKEEI NORTHERN EUROPE: E. B. RUDGE; SOUTH AMERICA: L. H. OLSON; prosperity of believers who follow that gospel SOUTHERN AFRICA: W. DUNCAN EVA; SOUTHERN ASIA: J. F. ASHLOCK; SOUTHERN EUROPE: MARIuS FRIDLIN plan of finance makes his taunts absurd. NORTH AMERICAN UNIONS: ATLANTIC: MISS LAURA M. DROWN; CANADIAN: MRS. EVELYN M. BOWLES; CENTRAL: MRS. CLARA ANDERSON; COLUMBIA: DON A. ROTH; LAKE: MRS. MILDRED WADE; NORTHERN: L. H NETTEBTJRG; Nothing good is impossible to him who can NORTH PACIFIC: MRS. IONE MORGAN; PACIFIC: MISS OPAL STONE; SOUTHERN: MISS CLARA CF.AwFORD; say with Paul, "I can do all things through SOUTHWESTERN: H. E. SCHNEIDER Christ which strengtheneth me" (Phil. 4:13). To OUR CONTRIBUTORS H. M. TIPPETT As the chronicler of the history of the church, the attend and the name of their pastor or local elder. REVIEW is always interested in reports, with pictures, All manuscripts should be typed, double spaced, of important happenings—church dedications, camp and with adequate margins. Use only one side of meetings, evangelistic meetings, and other news- paper. Carbon copies are never acceptable. worthy events. Please send reports promptly. An out- In harmony with standard editorial practice, un- of-date report is not news, and is not acceptable for solicited manuscripts cannot be returned unless a publication. Also, the REVIEW, as the church pastor stamped, addressed envelope is sent with them. The in print, is interested in articles that make clear a REVIEW does not pay for unsolicited material. doctrine, offer practical counsel on how to live a holy All manuscripts submitted for publication and all life, et cetera. Copies of manuscripts sent to other communications relating to the editorial department journals cannot be used. Lay members should identify should be addressed to: Editor, Review and Herald, themselves by giving the name of the church they Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Justice delayed, is justice denied.—Wil- ham E. Gladstone. CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT CIRCULATION MANAGER R. J. CHRISTIAN Subscription rate: one year six months Censure is often useful, praise often deceit. In United States and Canada $5.75 $3.00 ful.—Winston Churchill. In countries requiring extra postage 6.25 3.25 Make all post office money orders payable at the Washington, D.C., post office (not Takoma Park). Address all business communications and make all drafts and express money orders payable to REVIEW AND HERALD, Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. In changing address, give both the old and new address and Better do a little well, than a great deal allow four weeks for the change. badly.—Socrates. Published by the Seventh-day Adventists. Printed every Thursday by the Review and Herald Publishing Association at Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. U.S.A. Entered as second-class matter August 14, 1903, at the post office at Washington 12, D.C., under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. Vol. 133, No. 35. Stones and sticks are thrown only at fruit- Copyright, 1956, Review and Herald Publishing Association, Washington, 12, D.C. bearing trees.--Saadi. 2 REVIEW AND HERALD Are You Hastening Christ's Coming ? By H. E. DOUGLASS In the central reading room of the sounding for more than one hundred years to send Jesus back to this world, Library of Congress, in Washington, years, yet Christ has not come. This but God's people have not done their D.C., just above a statue personifying delay never was part of the will of duty or prepared themselves fully for History, are found Tennyson's last God. (See Evangelism, pages 695, His coming. lines of In Memoriam: 696.) The message of the Scriptures to "One God, one law, one element, Frequently, the pen of Ellen G. the Adventist is: "Since all these And one far-off divine event, White traces the sad story, that these things are thus to be dissolved, what To which the whole creation moves." many years of lingering in this world sort of persons ought you to be in need never have been.
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