~~~ Prayer cycle & Announcements for this Week ~~~ St. Thomas’ Quinquagesima The Sunday before Lent Your prayers are requested for: † the containment of the coronavirus and a Cathedral (CNI) Since 1718 timely cure. Pray for the healing of all afflicted and the safety of health workers † ‘Centuries with Christ’ MISSION SUNDAY observed in the Cathedral community for all pupils writing their Board examinations (Joy In the Diocese & City of Mumbai Moses, Gabriel Samuel, Alethea Rangayya, Rhea John, the pupils of the Cathedral & A member of the worldwide Anglican Communion 23 February 2020 John Connon School & all others known to us). † all senior citizens and those who are unwell and their care providers. May God’s healing hand be upon them † Wesley Sunday Services Church & the Revd K. Dyvasirvadham † for the Church of North India‟s Diocese of d i o c e s a n Chandigarh & the Rt Revd Younas Massey † the Church of South India‟s 7 A.M. Eucharist (said) in the Lady Chapel Karnataka Northern Diocese & the Rt Revd Ravikumar Niranjan † in the Anglican Communion for the Church in Central America & the Right Revd Julio Murray 8.45 A.M. Choral Eucharist Thompson (Primate & Bishop of Panama). 9 A.M. Sunday School ▪ We thank the Diocesan missionaries for sharing their ministry with us this morning. Pray for them, their families and the community they serve. Weekdays The Cathedral is open from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. ▪ World Day of Prayer Friday 6 March at 6.30p.m. The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement led by Christian women who ~~~ W e l c o m e ~~~ welcome you to join in prayer and action for peace and justice. This year‟s service has been complied by the women of the Church in Zimbabwe. ▪ During the month of January auditions were held for new potential choristers. |The Preparation & Gathering | The response has been encouraging. Now we need more adults to join! ▪ A reminder to all members to pay their annual subscription before the end of Voluntary Prelude on the hymn tune, „Rhosymedre‟ R. VAUGHAN WILLIAMS (1872 - 1958) the financial year (31 March). Contact the Honorary Treasurer. LUIGI MENGONI (b. 1970) Prelude on, „Lobe den Herren‟ (Praise to the Lord) ~~~ Birthdays this week ~~~ * All keep silence and prepare for worship.* May God bless you abundantly. Introit William Adams (23), M. Chacko (26), Monica Moses (26), Tiana John (27) Hear my prayer and let my cry come unto Thee; hide not Sung by the choir Thy face when I am in trouble. Incline Thine ear and hear my prayer. A. B. KAUFMAN Liturgical notes: Pre-Lenten Season * All stand.* Today marks approximately fifty days before Easter. The Epistles and Gospels appointed for the three Sundays before Lent encourage us to reflect Call to Worship Led by the Presbyter from the West Door. upon the virtues that are necessary for holiness of life. Presbyter The Gospel selected by the Church for today is where our Saviour fore- You have changed our sadness into joy, You have taken tells to His apostles the sufferings He was to undergo in Jerusalem. This solemn away our clothes of mourning, and clothed us with joy! announcement prepares us for Passiontide. The ancient liturgists tells us that the blind man of Jericho spoken of in this same Gospel is a figure of those People So we will not stand silent, but will offer our hymns poor sinners, who, during these days, are blind to their Christian character. The and songs of praise! blind man recovered his sight, because he was aware of his wretched state, and desired to be cured and to see. Presbyter O God, let us boldly declare the glory of God at home and abroad. HOLY EUCHARIST (with imposition of ashes) People Thank You Lord for revealing Your Glory in our Come join us for a quiet lives through service to others. contemplative service in the Sanctuary Sacred Space Wed 26 February 2020 Jesus calls us to participate in world-wide mission, 7 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. “And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth.” (ACTS 1:8) Mission Sunday is a day for churches to come together to reflect on the importance of global mission and how they can get involved as a congregation. It is a tradition in the Churches of the Anglican Communion to observe this during the Season of Epiphany. The Church of North India (CNI) is a part of the One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church — the Body of Christ. As a United and Uniting denomination it is committed to announcing the good news of the reign of God inaugurated ST. THOMAS’ CATHEDRAL through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. 3 Veer Nariman Road, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001 In proclamation and action we seek to restore the integrity of God’s Presbyter-In-Charge: The Revd. Avinash T. Rangayya creation by breaking down the barriers of caste, class, gender, economic inequality Telephone: (Vestry) 2283 9783, (R) 2207 1275, 98207 50090 and exploitation of nature. Contact the Presbyter for pastoral visits and administering Communion to the house-bound. Please silence all electronic devices. FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY. PLEASE SHARE THIS SERVICE BULLETIN WITH A FRIEND. Join us for fellowship in the porch after the service. Website http://stthomascathedralmumbai.com4 DO NOT LEAVE THIS SERVICE BULLETIN BEHIND. TAKE IT WITH YOU. Hymn at the Procession all 207 • Prayers of intercession pg. 358 Praise to the Lord * All sit.* |The Preparation for Communio n| pg. 361 ✠ The Service begins on pg. 350 of the Book of Common Prayer. ✠ pg. 363 pg. 368 |The Consecratio n| |The Communio n| |The Ministry of the Wor d| Hymn at the Communion “Softly and tenderly” The Collect for the Day pg. 443 The Presbyter 1. Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling — The Lesson pg. 443 Genesis 9. 8 calling for you and for me; see on the portals he’s waiting and watching— Psalm pg. 100 26 v.v. 1 - 7 choir watching for you and for me! chants: FOSTER & MACFARREN Refrain Come home! come home! The Epistle pg. 444 1 Corinthians 13. 1 Ye who are weary, come home! * All stand and sing the hymn.* Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling, Calling, O sinner, come home! The Gradual 376•In Christ there is no east or west [tune #29, ST STEPHEN] 2. Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading— * Remain standing for the Gospel and Creed.* pleading for you and for me? The Holy Gospel pg. 444 St Luke 18. 31 The Presbyter Why should we linger and heed not His mercies— mercies for you and for me? Refrain The Acclamation Christ is alive! His Spirit burns 3. O for the wonderful love he has promised, through this and every future age, promised for you and for me! till all creation lives and learns Though we have sinned, he has mercy and pardon, his joy, his justice, love and praise. Refrain pardon for you and for me. Words: BRIAN WREN (b. 1936) ▪ Tune: TRURO WILL THOMPSON (1847 - 1909) All recite The Nicene Creed pg. 354 All sit for The Sermon pg. 371 & |The Thanksgivin g| Welcom e Announcements * All stand and sing the „Gloria in Excelsis‟.* *All stand.* |The Sending Fort h| |The Sharing of the Peac e| All say the Post Communion Prayer Presbyter God has called us to live in peace. cf 1 CORINTHIANS 7.17 Deepen our faith to hear your word and follow your way. The peace of the Lord be always with you. Encourage us to bring all our hopes and desires to you People And also with you. The people greet one another with a sign of in prayer, God‟s peace & then join in singing the hymn. that in lifting up our souls to you, we may be shaped by your love. |The Offertor y| Help us to hear the dialogue of prayer, An offering is received to support the Cathedral‟s work and to listen in prayer as much as we speak. Amen. of sharing God‟s love with the world. The Benediction The Presbyter Hymn at the Presentation 131 • Love divine, all loves excelling All say the Offertory Prayer pg. 357 Hymn at the Closing All 221 • Stand up, stand up for Jesus All sit. Dismissal From the West Door, the Presbyter says: * * |The Prayers of the Peop le| Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. All reply In the name of Christ. Amen. Invocation all I need Thee every hour, most Holy One; O make me Thine indeed, Thou blessed Son! Postlude Fugue in C D. BUXTEHUDE, BUXWV 174 (1637 - 1707) I need Thee, oh, I need Thee; * Worship concludes with the postlude. You are invited to remain seated until the piece concludes.* every hour I need Thee; “Everywhere we go, people breathe in Oh, bless me now, my Saviour! the exquisite fragrance of Christ.” I come to Thee. Words: ANNIE HAWKS (1835 - 1918) ▪ Music: ROBERT LOWRY (1826 - 1899) 2 Corinthians 2:14–15 2 3 .
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