1796 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 1\IAY 26., Passed assistant paymasters with, ranlc of lieutenant. SECO~D DEFICIENCY APPROPRIATION BILL. David P. Polatty. The SPEAKER. When the House adjourned Ja t evening E<lwin D. Fo ter. the previous question had been ordered on . the deficiency bill, William J. Carter. and a separate vote llas been demanded on certain amendments. S'u,rgeons 11iith, rani~ of lieutena11t c01JM1Wnde1·. The Clerk will report the first amendment on which a separate .- He:(nald B. Henry. Yote is demanded . Duncan C. Walton. The Clerk read as follows: Amendment offerctl by Mr. Gooo : rage 34, after line 4, insert: Passed assistant surgeon 1.cith rank of lieutenant. "Maintenance, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts: The limitation Philip J. :1\!urphy. specified under this head in the naval appropriation act for the fiscal year 1921 on expenditures for pay of chemists and for clerical, inspec­ ChatJlain 1t?ith 1·anT~ ·of lieutenant (junior grade). tion, and messenger service in the supply and accounting department of the navy ya1·ds and naval stations and disbursing offices for the Truman P. Riddle. fiscal rear 1921 is further increased by $400,000." Na-val cO'nstt·ucto1· with rank of lieutenant. Mr. BLANTON. Mr. Chairman, a parliamentary inquiry. Charles L. Brand. The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. Assistant navzlems n.wtor with_ranlc ot lieutenant. Mr. BLANTON. Before the Hou e adjourned there had been John P. Yates. · a division on this amendment, had thet·e not? Assistant c· cnginee1· uith ranlc of Ueu,tenant. The SPEAKER. There was a division, but no result. ·z Mr. BLANTON. Then, if the House should find itself with­ Allen Hour. out a quorum now, it would automatically be a vote on that Passed assistant paymaster with 1·a,nk of lieutenant. amendment, would it not? There had been a division. Fred W. Cobb. Mr. WALSH. And an adjournment. ·Passed assistant surgeons with ranlc of lieutenant. Mr. WINGO. You would have to restate the que tion. The SPEAKER. The reason why there would be an auto­ Cope 1\I. Blackford. matic call is that there was no quorum at the time. It would DeWitt T. Hunter. not follow that there was no quorum now. The que tion i on MAlUNE CORPS. agreeing to the amendment. First lieutenant. The question was taken, and the Speaker announced that the ayes seemed to ha\e it. George A. Plambeck. Mr. BUTLER. Mr. Speaker, I ask for a division. Second lieutenants. • Mr. BLA.l~TON. A division, Mr. Speaker. Roger S. Bagnall. David V. Pickle. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Pennsylvania demands Andre V. Cherbonnier, jr. Thomas J. Cushman. _ a div.ision. Harold D. Hail. Edwin J. Farrell. Tbe House divided ; and there were-aye 64, noes 29. Howard N. Kenyon. Vernon l\L Guymon. 1\fr. BUTLER. 1\Ir. Speaker, I make the point that there is William N. McKelvy, jr. Morris L. Shively. no quorum present. John C. McQueen. The SPEA.KER. The gentleman from Penn ylvania makes POSTMASTERS. the point that there is no quorum present. It is clear that there is no quorum present. The Doorkeeper will close the doors, the liiN NESOTA.. Sergeant at Arms will notify the absentees, and the Clerk will Charles E. Engelhorn, Greenbush. call the roll. As many a are in favor of agreeing to the Dwight C. Jarchow, Harris. amendment will, when their names are called, vote " yea " ; Lawrence B. Setzler, Maple Plain. those opposed will vote "nay." The question was taken; and there were-yeas 194, nays 15.7, answered " present." 1, not voting 78, as follows: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. YEAS-194. Ackerman Evans Lee, N.Y. Ran ley THURsDAY, May ~6, 19~1. Anderson Fairchild Lehlbach Reed, N.Y. Andrews Faust Lineberger Rhodes 12 An ot·ge Favrot Linthicum Riordan The House met at o'clock noon. Anthony Fenn Longworth Roach The Ch:>.plnin, Rev. James Shera l\1ontgomery, D. D., offered Appleby Fish Luce Robertson the following prayer : Arentz Fisher Lufkin Robsion Atkeson Freeman Luhring Rodenberg 0 God, we tnnd in silence. Again the light has broken Bacharach French McArthur Rogers from Thy throne, and behind it is infinite wi dom and beneath Beedy Frothingham McFadden Sanders, Ind. Begg Fuller McLaughlin, Nebr.Schall it is infinite loYe. What shall we render unto the ~ord for all Benham Funk McLaughlin, Pa. Scott, Mich. hL<:; benefits unto us? An honest and a contrite spirit Thou Bird Gallivan .Madden Shaw wilt not turn aside. Break through the altars of our hearts and Bixler Good Iagee Siegel Blakeney Graham. Ill. l\Ialoney Sinclair hold them captives in the meshes of Thy Jove. Enrich them Boies Greene, Mass. Mann Sinnott with the deepe t joys of life, and may they know the strength Bond Greene, Vt. Iape Smith of tender power. Regard our infirmities in tender compassion, Bowers Griffin Martin Snell Brennan Hadley l\Ia on nyder and as the days ebb and flow, with their incessant callS', hold Britten Hardy, Tex. Merritt Sproul Thou our hands, that we may give Thee acceptable service. Brooks, Ill. Harrison l\Iichael on Stedman Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Brown, Tenn. Hawes Iichener Tague ,;Burroughs Hawley Miller 'l.'a~·Ior, N.J. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and ap­ Burton Hays Mills Taylor, Tenn. Byrnes, S. C. Herrick Millspaugh 'l'emple proved. Byrns, Tenn. Hersey l\Iondell Tilson PERRY'S VICTORY MEMORIA:.L COMMISSION. Campbell, Kans. Hickey Montoya Tiruber1al'e Cannon Hill Moore, Ill. Tincher The SPEAKER laid before the House the following message Carew Himes i\ioorea, Ind. 'Iinkham from the President of the United State , which was read and, Chalmers Houghton' Iot·"'an •rowner Chandler, N.Y. Hull J\Iott Treadway with the accompanying papers, referred to the Committee on the Chandler, Okla. Humphreys Mudd Underhill Library: . Chindblom Irelimd Nelon, J. l\1. Vaile Classon Johnson, Wash. Newton, l\Iinn. Yare To the Senate and House of Representatives: Colton Kahn Newton, 1\lo. Vestal Connell Kelley, Mich. Norton Voigt I transmit herewith the first annual report of the Perry's Connolly, Pa. I\:ie s O'Connor Ward N.Y. Victory Memorial Commission, dated December 6, 1920, Which Cooper, Wis. Jring Ogden Webster1 was submitted to the Secretary of the Interior, pursuant to sec­ Copley Kinkaid Olivet· Wheeler Cullen Kissel Olpp White, Me. tion 5 of the act entitled "An act creating a commission for Davis, l\linn. Kline, N.Y. Osborne Wood, Ind. the maintenance, control, care, etc., of the Perry's Victory Dempsey Kline, Pa. Padgett Woodruff Memorial on Put in Bay I land, Lake Erie, Ohio, and for Dickinson Kopp Paige Wur~baca Dough ton Kreider Parker, N. J. Wyant other purpo es," approved March 3, 1919 (40 Stat., 1322-1324). Dunn Langley Parker, N.Y. Yates WABTIEN G. lli,8DING. Dupre . Lawrence Patterson, Mo. Young Dyer Lazaro Pringey Zihlman THE WHITE HousE, Elliott Lea. Calif. Purnell Atay Z5, 1921. Elston Leatherwood Raker 1921. CONGRESSLONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 1797 NAY8-157. The question being taken, the Speaker announced that the Almon Fitzgeraid Lampert Sanders, Tex. ayes appeared to have it. 1 Aswell Flood . Lanham Sandlin . Mr. BLANTON. Division, l\Ir. Speaker. \ Bankhead Focht Lankford Scott, Tenn. Mr. GARRETT of Tennessee. I ask for the yeas and nays. • Barbour Frear Larsen, Ga. Sears Barkley Free Larson, Minn. Shreve The yeas and nays were ordered. _ Beck Fulmer Layton Smithwick The questivn was taken ; and there were-yeas 244, nays 109, Bell Gahn Lee, Ga. Speaks not voting 77, as follows : Black Garner Little Steagall Bland, Ind. Garrett, Tenn. Logan Steenerson YEAS-244. Bland, va. Garrett, Tex. London Stephens Ackerman Evans Lampert Reece Blanton Gernerd Lowrey Stevenson Anderson Fairchild Langley Reed. N.Y. Bowling Gilbert Lyon Stoll Andrews Faust Larson, Minn. Rhodes Box Goodykoontz McClintic Strong, Kans. Ansorge Fenn Lawrence Ricketts· Brand Gorman· McDuffie Strong, Pa. Anthony Fish Leatherwood Riddick Briggs Green, Iowa McLaughlin, Micb.Summers, Wash. Appleby Fitzgerald Lee, N.Y. Roach Brooks, Pa. Griest Mansfield Sumners, Tex. Arentz Focht Lehlbach Robertson Bulwinlde Hammer Mead Swank Atkeson Fordney Lineberger Robsion Burdick Hardy, Colo. Montague Swing Bacharach Frear Little Rodenberg Burke Hayden Moore. Ohio Ten Eyck Barbour Free London Rogers Burtness Hicks Moore, Va. Thompson Beck Freeman Longworth Rose . Butler Hoch Nelson, A. P. Tillman Beedy French Luce Sanders, Ind. Cable Huddleston O'Brien Tyson Begg Frothingham Lufkin Schall · Campbell, Pa. Hudspeth Oldfield Vinson Bird Fuller Luhring Scott, Mich. Can trill Jacoway Overstreet Volstead Bixler Funk McArthur Shaw Carter James, Mich. Park, Ga. Walsh Blakeney Gahn McCormick Shreve Christopherson Jefferis Parks, Ark. Walters Bland, Ind. Gallivan McFadden Siegel Clague Johnson, 'Ky. Parrish Ward, N.C• . Boies Gernerd McLaughlin, Mich.Sinclair Collier Johnson, Miss. Patterson, N.J. Watson Bond Glynn McLaughlin, Nebr.Sinnott Collins Jones, Pa. Porter Weaver Bowers Good McLaughlin, Pa. Slemp Connally, Tex. Jones, Tex. Pou White, Kans. Brennan Goodykoontz Madden Smith Crisp Keller Quin Williams · Britten Gorman Magee Snell Curry Kendall Radcliffe Williamson Brooks, Ill. Graham, Ill. Maloney Speaks Darrow Ketcham Ramseyer Wilson Brooks, Pa. Green, Iowa Mann Sproul Davis, Tenn. Kincheloe Rankin Wingo Brown, Tenn. Greene, Mass. Mapes Steenerson Deal Kirkpatrick Rayburn Wise Burdick Greene, Vt. Mason Stephens Denison Kleczka Reber Woods, Va. Burke Gt·iest Merritt Strong, Kans. Dominick Knight Reece Wright Burroughs Griffin Michaelson Strong, Pa. Dowell Knutson Ricketts Burtness Badley Michener Summers, Wash. Drane Kraus Rose Burton Hardy, Colo. Miller Swing Edmonds Kunz Rouse Butler Haugen Mills Taylor, N. J. · ANSWERED " PRESENT "-1. Campbell, Kans. Hawes Millspaugh Taylor, Tenn. Campbell, Pa. Hawley Mondell 'l'emple Cockran Cannon Bays Montoya Thompson NOT VOTING-78. Carew Herrick Moore, Ill. Tilson Brinson J.i'ess Kitchin ·Rucker Chalmers Hersey Moore, Ohio Timberlake Browne, Wis.
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