DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT ROADS OF DEPARTMENT GAUTENG PROVINCE ROADS AND TRANSPORT REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT ANNUAL REPORT 2019 - 2020 2019 - 2020 Growing Gauteng Together GAUTENG PROVINCE ROADS AND TRANSPORT REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA VOTE 9 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 - 2020 FINANCIAL YEAR PB GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT 1 2 GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT 3 2 GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION 6 2. ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS 8 PART A | GENERAL INFORMATION 3. FOREWORD BY THE MEMBER OF EXECUTIVE COUNCIL (MEC) 12 4. REPORT OF THE ACCOUNTING OFFICER 14 5. STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY AND CONFIRMATION OF ACCURACY FOR THE ANNUAL REPORT 20 6. STRATEGIC OVERVIEW 21 6.1. Vision 21 6.2. Mission 21 6.3. Values 21 7. LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MANDATES 22 8. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE 23 9. ENTITIES REPORTING TO THE MEC 24 PART B | PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 1. AUDITOR GENERAL REPORT : PREDETERMINED OBJECTIVES 29 2. OVERVIEW OF DEPARTMENTAL PERFORMANCE 30 2.1. Service Delivery Environment 30 2.2. Service Delivery Improvement Plan (SDIP) 33 2.3. Organisational Environment 34 2.4. Key policy developments and legislative changes. 36 3. STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOALS 37 4. PERFORMANCE INFORMATION BY PROGRAMME 39 4.1. Programme 1: Administration 39 4.2. Programme 2: Transport Infrastructure 51 4.3. Programme 3: Transport Operations 65 4.4. Programme 4: Transport Regulation 70 5. TRANSFER PAYMENTS 75 5.1. Transfer payments to public entities 75 6. CONDITIONAL GRANTS 75 6.1. Conditional grants and earmarked funds received 75 7. CAPITAL INVESTMENT 77 7.1. Capital investment, maintenance and asset management plan 77 PLAY YOUR PART STOP THE SPREAD 4 GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART C | GOVERNANCE REPORT 1. INTRODUCTION 81 2. RISK MANAGEMENT 81 3. FRAUD AND CORRUPTION 82 4. MINIMISING CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 82 5. CODE OF CONDUCT 83 6. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 83 7. PORTFOLIO COMMITTEES 83 8. STANDING COMMITTEE ON PARLIAMENTARY ACCOUNTS (SCOPA) RESOLUTIONS 86 9. INTERNAL CONTROL UNITS 93 10. INTERNAL AUDIT AND AUDIT COMITTEES 94 11. PRIOR MODIFICATIONS TO AUDIT REPORTS 96 12. AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT 97 PART D | HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1. INTRODUCTION 103 2. OVERVIEW OF HUMAN RESOURCES 103 3. HUMAN RESOURCES OVERSIGHT STATISTICS 105 PART E | FINANCIAL INFORMATION 1. REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL 141 2. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 146 g-FleeT MANAGEMENT 1. PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION 234 2. PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 257 3. PART C: GOVERNANCE 271 4. PART D: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 292 5. PART E: ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 321 PLAY YOUR PART STOP THE SPREAD 4 GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT 5 PART A GENERAL INFORMATION 6 GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT 7 1. DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 45 Commissioner Street Johannesburg 2000 POSTAL ADDRESS: Private Bag X83 Marshalltown 2107 TELEPHONE NUMBER: +27 11 355 7000 EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] WEBSITE ADDRESS: www.roadsandtransport.gpg.gov.za TWITTER: http://twitter.com/GPDRT FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/TransportGP INSTAGRAM: Instagram.com/GPDRT 6 GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT 7 2. ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AGSA Auditor General of South Africa AO Accounting Officer BAS Basic Accounting System BBBEE Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment BRT Bus Rapid Transit CEO Chief Executive Officer CFO Chief Financial Officer CIDB Construction Industry Development Board CIP Compulsory Induction Programme CLLT Computerised Learners Licence Testing CoJ City of Johannesburg CoT City of Tshwane CS Corporate Services CSIR Council of Scientific and Industrial Research DDG Deputy Director General DEA Department of Environmental Affairs GDID Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development DLTC Driver Learner Testing Centres DoH Department of Health DoRA Division of Revenue Act DPSA Department of Public Service and Administration EAFCU Ethics, Anti-fraud and Corruption Unit ECSA Engineering Council of South Africa e - DRMS electronic Document Record Management Solution EIA Environmental Impact Assessment e - NaTIS electronic National Traffic Information System EPWP Expanded Public Works Programme EXCO Executive Council ESS Employee Self Service FIS Fleet Information System GCRA Gauteng City Region Academy 8 GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT 9 GDARD Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development GDE Gauteng Department of Education GDF Gauteng Department of Finance GDP Gross Domestic Product GDRT Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport GIAMA Government Immovable Asset Management Act GEYODI Gender Youth and People with Disabilities GFIP Gauteng Freeway Improvement Plan GPG Gauteng Provincial Government GTIA Gauteng Transport Infrastructure Act HAST HIV, AIDS, STI and Tuberculosis HDI Historically Disadvantaged Individuals HIV/AIDS Human Immune Deficiency Virus/ Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome HoD Head of Department HR Human Resource ICT Information Communication Technology IFM Integrated Fare Management IDMS Infrastructure Delivery Management System IGR Inter-Governmental Relations IPTN Integrated Public Transport Network IRPTN Integrated Rapid Public Transport Network IT Information Technology ITMP25 25 Year Integrated Transport Master Plan ITP Integrated Transport Plans JRA Johannesburg Roads Agency M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MEC Member of Executive Council MMC Member of the Mayoral Committee MoA Memorandum of Agreement MoU Memorandum of Understanding MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework MTSF Medium Term Strategic Framework MVRA Motor Vehicle Registration Authority MVR&L Motor Vehicle Registration and Licencing NANDUWE Nancefield Dube West Taxi Association NDoT National Department of Transport NDP National Development Plan NLTA National Land Transport Act NLTIS National Land Transport Information System 8 GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT 9 NMT Non-Motorised Transport NRTA National Road Traffic Act NYS National Youth Services OHS Occupational Health and Safety Act OLAS Operating Licence Administration System ORTIA O.R. Tambo International Airport PAJA Promotion of Administrative Justice Act PCF Premier’s Coordinating Forum PDI Previously Disadvantaged Individuals PDLTCs Provincial Driver Learner Testing Centres PERSAL Personnel Salaries PFMA Public Finance Management Act PMDS Performance Management Development System PRASA Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa PRMG Provincial Roads Management Grant PPP Public Private Partnership PSC Public Service Commission PTOG Public Transport Operations Grant QSE Qualifying Small Enterprises RAMS Road Asset Management System RISFSA Road Infrastructure Strategic Framework of South Africa RMPTS Road Maintenance Professional Teams RNMS Road Network Management System RMTC Road Traffic Management Corporation SANRAL South African National Roads Agency Limited SCM Supply Chain Management SED Socio-Economic Development SLA Service Level Agreement SMF Supervisory Monitoring Firms SMS Senior Management System SRN Strategic Road Network SPTN Strategic Public Transport Network SMME Small Medium Micro Enterprises TDM Transportation Demand Management TMR Transformation, Modernisation and Re-industrialisation TOLABs Transport Operating Licence Administrative Bodies ToR Terms of References U- AMP User Asset Management Plan VTC Vehicle Testing Centre WATA Witwatersrand African Taxi Owners Association 10 GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT 11 10 GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT 11 3. FOREWORD BY THE MEC MR JACOB MAMABOLO | MEMBER OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL The term of the sixth administration is now in full swing albeit in a new environment that none of us could have planned for. We are now trav- ellers in a new normal. It is now more critical than ever before that we streamline our resources and work smart in achieving our goal of de- “...work smart in achieving our livering quality transport infrastructure to power economic growth and goal of delivering quality transport prosperity for the people of Gauteng. infrastructure to power economic “ In the global vision of this administration of Growing Gauteng Together, growth and prosperity for the the Department of Roads and Transport has a central role of turning people of Gauteng. around the fortunes of the people by changing the Apartheid-type spa- tial formation and patterns of movement.. It is this spatial formation that continues to deny ordinary people access
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