| V « A ve n g* Dafly Circulation walk built for dally numbers of open Friday for s two-week per­ chan(« of Un« which hsv# b««n iod, closing Friday, August 2$. For the MoiUh o f duly, 1940 A aeavenger taunt will ha held adults walk to work on this route, Camp Woodstock The WcsUier rmlse<L -lutv« npUd that mo#t of Mrs. Netsoo Q. Rsad of Rockville ^ the L u W League Of the th# complalat oomea from assert­ while school children have to uae .Poroeaot of O. •. Woalhor Baroso Call Special it as well. Warning that an acci­ will h* directress. >ut Town Kmanuel Lutheran church tonight ed aolae and disturbance on the i^yalclans of th« Manches­ Is Open to Girls camp Is open to young 6 ,3 6 7 and roembeta are halted to meet at dent may occur unless the need premises. Since alteration of a ter Medical association who folka from 8 to 18. from Hartford, Maabar of tho Audit - Fair, eool toolght. ‘Thiirsflaj n«tRrw«kl of 114 Oak the church at 6 ;^ o'clock. Board Session building line doe# not curb such will reapond io emergency calle for walking In the highway is ’blland and Windham counties — flair. who haa been criUcally ill annoyance# a# are complained of. tomorrow afternoon are Doc­ eliminated, Pero suggested work Bo io m o f ObeulsttoBs Members the Manchester bar Mias Oracs Noren of Washing 'others are welcome up to camp St. Francla hoapltal In It aeema to be generally felt that tors Robert Keeney and A. B. start Immediately to correct the enjoyed .sm outing yeaterday after­ ton street and Mlaa Betty Boyd capacity. The following county Manche$ter~-^A City o f Village Charm w / d . la aomewhat Improved Selectmen Wish to Wind the objection# cannot be given too' DIakan. ^ danger. noon at the cottage of Attoiroy Porter street will be staff y. M. C. A. secretaries are in i'ta roatlns oomfortably. much weight In a purely construc­ A gravel walk la desired as the hers during the girls' perlo^ at charge. Rev. Elmer T. Thlenes, H ^ l d W. Garrity at Coventry expense of a concrete one waa Up All Fiscal Matters tional question. Camp Woodstock, the Y. M/C. A. 278 Farmington Avenue, Hart­ V 0 L .L IX m N0.268 (UhuiMflid Advortiatog aa Baga IB) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7,1940 Lake. thought prohibitive at this time. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTO » eommodlUee conalatlng Deelsloas on tayont# camp at Black Pond, Wnodstock ford; William S. Russell, Park O f Current Year. dered rembved. Tne Board will Further Investigation will be freab wgetablea will be given On application of developer Valley. The boys' period cloised street, Rockville and Rev. Harold Miss Barbara Ann Morton and shortly receive notice of action made, and an effort to Include the hare I W a y at the BMm II Lawrence A. Converse, the Bosu-d today and the girls' /Camp will Craw, Danielson, Conn. her fiance, Raymond Hildebrand In order to wind up all of the along these lines. It was said. job aa a W PA project alao may re­ food depot it was atated to- of 80 Linden street, spent the voted to approve a tentative lay­ Otoer almllar obatructlona also fiscal affairs of the current year, out of the new Greenway Park sult Stabbed Bocjy Italy Striked in Africa week-end aa house guests of Mr. were brought to the attention of A t one time there was a gravel - — ■ and Mrs. A. H. Garvin of Brook­ which end# Augu#t 18, the Board tract off Woodbridge street. Flans the Selectmen, particularly one House Committee path from the Hockanum bridge Qeorse Apal. cvialodlan of the of Selectmen voted last night to were submitted. In another devel­ where brush has grown high at lyn. N. Y. ___________ opment, the one of C. Elmore to Buckland, It was said, but this British War Efforts, aMBlelpal bulldHig. haa returned hold a special session next Mon­ Of ^irl Found Summit and William streets. It has fallen into disrepair and can­ to WOM after apending a motor ^ day evening at which time all out­ Watkins at Lakeside Circle off was voted that the town engineer hX l e 's s e l f s e r v e South Main street, decision was not now be used. txto e«caM<<n on the Gaape penin-1 Party for British standing bills will be reviewed for make a survey of 4ucta condition / The Original In New England! Will Hear 5 More LcAPUZZOBfc.^ ____ ^ postponed until required maps The Board voted to ask the ____ 1... , 1 payment, Before the week end, aa a preliminary to having the ]>^ar Roadside persons to Whom the town Is ow­ and proflles are made available for town meeting for “match-money," Relief Arranged hazards removed. about $1,900, so that It may take r, and Mr*. Frank H. Pratt ing money for services should sub­ study of the town engineer. New Gravel Walk *U. S. Defense Linked; advantage of the $7,500 state aidi 'w M are spending some time at mit their accountings. Funds for A t the next regular meeting of Buckland may be tied to the Rmploye of Springfield the Board, August 19, It was vot- i road grant this fall. The town al­ AND HEALTH MARKET Testify on Draft Obventry lake had aa their week­ Mrs. James Thomson of 203 Cen­ town operation from August 16 north end by a new gravel walk, it end guests, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ter street and Mrs. Joseph J. Ken­ onward are drawn from the appro­ ed, a public hearing will he called ready has a credit of some $7,500 Match Firm Gagged; appeared last night after Select­ from this fund. Mentioned last H. Pratt of Milford and Mr. and nedy of 7 Rosemary Place, whose priations for the fiscal year 1940- on application of Knofla Brothers man Joseph Pero had brought who desire extension of sewer fa­ night was the possibility Disappeared While on Mra. Sidney Strickland of High­ law's adjoin, are bending every 41. walking.conditions on the highway Members Suddenly Re­ Leghorn H^n Adopts L I BYA land Park. On Sunday the birth­ effort to make the card and bingo Last night a comparatively cilities to a new house on Oak money can be used to erect a Wed. Morning Specials Await Drive n Egypt to the attention of the Board. Park street bridge. C!at and Her Kittens Her Way to Work. day of Robert K. Pratt was quiet­ partv there tomorrow evening for small amount of public business street near Autumn. One or two According to Pero, many per­ verse Stand; Knox, adjacent property owners may be ly celebrated. Britiah War Relief siicce.ssfvil. was handled by the Board. sons are Interested In having Rochelle, Oa.. Aug. 7,V(A>)— Springfield. Mass., A u g .' 7.—(A*) .Another Claim Notice concerned. 'Ihe extension will run Green Stamps Given With Cash .Sales. Pershingy Woodring, Prlzea have been donated for the A white Leghorn ben o ^ e d by Concentration of Two Tough Coyotes Ganging Greenwood Tells Com­ Another claim notice asserting under 150 feet —The gagged and stabbed body of The first annual get-together of gamea. which In addition to Bingo Louis Johnson and City Councilman J. D. 'Fltzger- ' personal injury due to a fall on a Traffic Hazards Miss Rose Lodi, 22, attractive em­ Divisions Reported on Up on Hunting Dogs the members of the Manchester will Include setback, whlat. bridge aid has adopted a mdther cat I mons More Extensive Coon and Fox club, will be held or anything the players choose, as sidewalk was presented to the From Town Counsel William 8. lugh Johnson to Be ploye of a. Springfield match com-, A N G L ^ ' Hyde, the Board received notifi­ and her five kittens. Libyan Frontier Near Portales, N. M.. Aug. 7.—(4’) I Program Must Be Re­ Saturday. August 10. at five the card gamea will be all pivot. Board by Mrs. T. J. Heritage of Oxydol or Rinso 2 rife;. 37c' pany, was found today, partly dis­ cation that the oft attempted F. E. BRAY died to Give Views. When Fitzgerald went to the - Coyotes are .so tough in the Wapplng. The complainant stated o'clock on the club grounds in Mrs. Maud Torrance Is chairman. IN Mediterranean S e a by letter that she slipped and fell move to do away with traffic hax- j e w Rl e r hen’s nest to gajther eggs, he robed, in a roadside thicket. EGYPTIAN Arch vicinity of Roosevelt lated to American Coventry. A sport.s program is be­ Others a.sslatlng are Mrs. Stewart said he found the hen "mother­ county that they are ganging ing arranged, to be followed by a Kennedy, Mrn. William Henderson on the walk In front of the Ben­ ard hedges at the comer of Sum­ Lge. Washington, Aug. 7.— The body, which bore stab Coast; OlRTicial Circles ' Preparations; Need o f son furniture store on Main street. mit and Henry streets may b<e ac­ state Tbt>ater Building Bars ing" the kittens. Later he wounds Jn the throat and chest, SUDAN up on hunting dogs Robert supper. Chef Jim Rolston la pre­ and Mrs. George Park. Ivory Soap (A P ) — Suddenly reversing found the hen, kittens and Inge reports. paring something extra special ^ July 26. suffering a cracked bone complished under provision o f the Dial 3 was discovered by the girl’s father, ADDIS'' At Cairo Deny Ital­ Aid in Production A request ha.s been made for T.*!? Main Street mother cat peacefully occupy­ When his dog goes after a for the boys and all members are j In her ankle.
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