• Rock library seeking a new home •PAGE28 mCommunity Newspaper Company www.townonline.com. allstonbrighton FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6 , 2002 · Vol. 7, No. 20 52 Pages 3 Sections 75¢ Get ready tio cast your votes Oil Tuesday Ciommo and McDermo fVallingford Road$ residents battling for city council seat carry a lot ofelection clout By Phoebe Sweet final special election. By Phoebe Sweet ST/If.I; WRITER McDermott. 35. a lifelong far as to call the selection of a STAFF WRITER neighborhood representative ampaign time is running Brighton resident and real e~ta1e Politicians and pundits out for the two candi­ agent, brought home the mo:.t by such a small number of alike fear low voter turnout in voters, "grotesquely unfair to dates to fill the Boston votes in No\ember \ith 1.66 C Allston-Brighton for the spe­ the community." City Council seat left open by votes across both "arth. cial city council election to fill the death of Brian Honan last Ciommo won a do battle for But the residents of A-B the seat of the late Brian have been allowing a select summer. second place "ith I 13 10 'ote '· The TAB'S Honan. The next city coun­ group of voters to choose their M a r k beating out Cathi Campbell by cilor, they say, will be chosen representation for years and Endorsement Ci 0 mm 0 I 58 votes. Ciomn10. .is a 12 · by a tiny percentage of the low voter turnout is only one page and Jerry Brighton nati\e, is thtl director (If population of A-B. McDermott, both of Brighton, the Veronica Smith Senior Cen­ side of this multi-faceted In October; Charlie Doyle, problem. topped the field of nine candi­ ter, where he hJ.-. \\.Of~ed with the president of the Ward 2 I De­ dates in a November primary elderly for nine ) ear.. Ward 21 Precinct I 3, com­ mocratic Committee, went so WALLINGFORD, page 16 and will battle it out in Tuesday's ELECTION, page 9 A birthday worship A fine MATCH between business and education· By Phoebe Sweet leers, staff the store and put their STAFF WRITER wages and commission directly "Cycle of poverty" and "port­ into a scholarship.fund that can't · folio diversity" are phrases sel­ be touched until they enroll at an 1' dom heard in the same place at institution of higher education. the same time, but both are on The money is invested for the lips of faculty and students at them until they graduate. the Media and Technology MATCH Executive Director Charter High School on Com­ Alan Safran said Monday that monwealth Avenut'. he hopes the "taste of entrcpre­ In Jen niter Meyers' 11th neurship..,, students get througt grade Entrep 1.:nL 1rship Acadc- the <.01lahorµt1on with Sprint 111)-, '>tudents are using one to will motivate them to go to col­ combat the other. lege, come back to Boston to MATCH, a chaner high school stm·t their own bu ... messe-, and that 1\.>cently moved into the old eventually "raise their neighbor­ "Ellis the Rim Man'' building, ha'> hoods out of poverty." a goal of I 00 pen;ent college atten­ During Monday afternoon's dance for its student'>. But with Entrepreneurship ...class, Meyers three-quarters of MATCH's 160 and Safran handed over a check students receiving free lunch and for $1,267.28 to CitiLen's Bank many of them falling below the representative Chris Suraci. pove1ty line, s.oruing tuition cost<; Suraci will give the money to seem more than a l.ittle out of reach. Putnam Investments, where it will That's why MATCH has be funneled into stock.s, bonds opened it<; ownSpiint PCS Wire­ and a money market account. TO BY MICHAE M·VolNlNG On Sunday, the Brighton Congregation Church celebrar its 175th anniversary with a service and receptioo. Among those taking part less store in front of the school. "I'm really moved by this," • were, from left to right, Rev. Kyoowan Yi, Rev. Karen F tz and Re1r. Yvonne Schaudt. See story and more photos on page 8. Entrepreneurship students, with Safran told the I I students who . ... the help of teachers and volun- MATCH, page 16 Abuse is not Just Meet Mr. O'Television By Will Kilburn a problem for CORRESPONDENT fa er get in an argument with 1our inner \Oice'? Do you talk hoc!\ to )Our TV'? Evan O'Sul­ someone else li an does both, at the same time, \\hen he petforms <L'> both By Phoebe Sweet Hotline workers d9 not offer STAFF WRITER hahe-, of the comedy duo Evan advice, she said. But they d 1 O'Tele\ ision. Most people never expect it offer medical and leg~I infom1a­ On a recent Sunda) night at will happen to them. But the real­ tion as well a\ emotional -.uppor 4 th( Corned) Studio in Harvard ity is that one out of every six Suvak's goal - and the goal of Square, it\ clear earl] on that women in this country, all hotlinq \\Orker hi act \\ill be a little different. and 3 percent of all who an ... \\h a ca I The other petformers. mostly men, wi ll be victims of from a r.iM \ ictim -­ -.randup comedians. are first sexual assault at least is to ··pro~ide a safe seen \\.hen they take the micro­ once in their lifetime. space·· for the caller t•J phone f mm host Rick Jenkins, And even though talk about t)-thing. but o·sulli\an is on 'itage even . ' statistics show that ··f\to'>t o the tim<·. before hi-. act really begins, set­ most rapes go unre­ what peop e need is ting up a portable television set ported, area hotlines GlfTS just -,omco e to liste:i and VCR. Then. after· a brief such as those operated to them, tl tell they exit and h1-, official introduc­ by the Boston Area that \\hat they are' tion. he step'> back up and Rape Crisis Center illOPt going thmllgh i., ... a presses play. normal :rea tion to a:i $1 AFF f'liOTO BY JIM WALKER and Voices Against Vi- ~moment later, his O\.\-n face Evan O'Television poses with the TV version of himself at his studio In Allston. O'Television argues olence stiH receive more than abnoimal experience and other appears on the screen, a simple with his TV alter-ego during a comedy act that he will perform next Tuesday at O'Brien's on Harvard I3,000 hotline calls annually people go through the ...ame head shot against a plain back­ Avenue In Allston. The performance is one of the act at this year's Itching Man Festival of Funny. from desperate and distraught thing." ground. Li\e and taped Evans Massachusetts residents. While Voices both begin playing to the audi­ the) have different ideas about ing, the line between the real after the show, hi s TV self safe­ Jamie Suvak, a B,ARCC hot­ Against Violence an other area • ence. their interaction at first how to keep those laughs com­ · and the on-screen wiped away. ! stored away. "All of my line coordinatof, says "you never providers are on the front line cooperati\e. then competitive. ing. until eventually a hilarious "I'm tired of working with most recent material, I've been really know what's going to be on for 'llictims and 'lll"\ i\ors cf Both get laughs. J:>ut tonight, and often dark argument is rag- the bastard.!" O'Sullivan jokes O'TELEVISION, page 31 the other end;" of a hotline cal l. GIFTS OF HOP.E, page 30 l\1AEL , i .,i; "'"" Also * 'id '""'"' INSIDE SIMPLY FREE ~~\~?S''IP "". :$~,·;t~ f...- kids & t'""""' <:.:,~~ ~~" < '!·l· ,. Nru Full a.,,., CIIIROPRAf.TI Commentary 12 ~id- J • for Kids an4 Ttmogm CHECKING ~O ' !5 \CU' <XJ'<n <ll<< Call Customer Service Learn to dance Community Notes 3 for more details Private and group lessons with or without partner• weekly dances • low rates 4 ~21. Crime Wedding preparation specials Shawmut Properties M.ERCA.~TILE ~&NK FREE Ooollooxful@!l<ilU?] ®00@17 134 Tremont Street• Brigh1on Entertainment 17 Banking on a first name basis 617-566-7850 423 Washington Street • Brighton banct!Sport Academy Your Neighborhood Realtor® Ubrary Notes 5 .~:k of New England 556 Cambridge St.1 Brighton 617-783-3500 617-782-3000 \ ~ - 384 HllfVard St. Brookline (617) 787-2?21 Obituaries 15 www.mercantileboston.com (617) 787-8700 331 Washington St. (Brighton Center) Member FDIC ' l"\ www.DanceSport-NewEngland.com I Page 2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, December 6. 2(Xl'.? WW\\ .townonline.com/al lstonbrighton fW~ want your news! Key cont:acts: Editor .... w~ Bf3VeITTl3n (781) 433-8365 Welcome to U.e Allston-Brighton TAB! We . • . • wbravermanatnc.com are eager to serve as a forum for the commun1 The Allston-Brighton TAB is published online at .townonline.com/sl/stpnbrfghton and America Reporter Phoebe Sweet (781) 433-8333 Online Keyword: Town Online. Town Online feat ty. Please send us calendar li stings, social ews from morf! tllan 45 local publications, pro­ . pswee~mc.coni files of more than 200 Eastern Massachusett unities, and items ·of regional interest. news and any other items of community Edilnt in chief Greg Reibman (781) 433·8345 if"\tllrest. Please mail the information to Wayne . • • ... [email protected] ~raverman, editor, Allston-B1ighton TAB, Advel'tising Director •.•.•••• Cris Warren (781) 433·8313 Town P.O. Box 9J 12, Needham, MA 02492. You Advertising sales Har~ Steinberg (781) 433·7865 Town 0 s a new Real Estate sales .
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