Cranford Chronicle January 8, 2004 Merchandise || Garden II Supplies 990 Firewood & VISIT OUR WEBSITE: Fuel 550 BARTELL'S Farm & Garden MARANO & SONS GARDEN SUPPLY .tone, Quarry Dust, Wall Stone, Grinnell Block, www.maranosonsaulu.vom Firewood 1/2 or full cords 90&«54-1566732<388-1581 RR Ties, Firewood, 4 • PVC drainpipe • 732-388-1581 General Bulk DMslon 908-654-1566 Merchandise 580 Due to a Large Influx of Lease Turn-ins Gutters & 2-STEEL BLDOS. 40X60 Was $16,990, sell Leaders MARANO & SONS has a Huge Selection S7.S9O. 50x100 waB $29,880, soil $15,890. Serving Cranford, Garwood and Kenilworth New! Still In Crato! GOnERCLEANNG of Autos to be Liquidated. .Vol. 116, N Can Dollvorl Rodnoy $75 Most Homes •".-Y: . Thursdayi January 15, 2004 Y 50 cents . (800)211-5983 DeEGANGUTTWCO. ALL STEEL BLDQS. AUTO SALES INC All are Late Model Sedans with Exceptional 24X30 was $7,900, soil 908-322-2014 . $3,000. ' 29x50 Y was $13,900, soil $5,980. Handyman 1005 49X90 was $26,900, sell S12,900. Call Now! Joo . (800)392-7817 . MR DEPENDABLE: Painting, Buying & Selling Used Cars & Trucks carpentry, no |ob too sm. Don't Miss This Oppbrtuhity to Purchase New application Specialize'else work lie .4 Since 1955 age 66> dies nm396aFreaest90B-48&6431 Stuart One of These yehicles at Garage/ II Home Beloved former editor of; at Twin Oaks site Yard Sales 600II Improvements 1015 507-13 South Ave. Exceptionany Garwood, NJ 07027 By GREG MARX rplati'cl.- to building height and CLARK MOVING) SALE, HAS YOUR BUILDING Garwood, NJ 07027 The Ghroniele suffered OARAQE & BASEMENT SHIFTED? Structural ro- 908-789-0555 setback, but'the main objection 17 .Fisher Placo, Fri. S ptilrs of barns, housos, 908-789-1551 Fax 908-789-1792 from the Board of Adjustment Sal., 1/8 S 1/10,9-3. and garogos. Call Wood- Flexible Finance and Lease Terms from Alzheimer's disease .'•';• CRANFORD .-, Twin Oaks was about the project's density. ford Bros. Inc for straight- Fax 908-789-2744 Wanted to Buy 625 otilrlg. Ibvolirig, foundation • '.- Stiinrt AVvbrey, a: former newspaper editor Realty, the .builder whose.propos- .Township • zoning; regulations and wood frame ropalrs. 150 South Ave. whose award-winning • community journalism; . al -for '3& townhoiise.s on the south •re.qu'ivo the:-.same density•-.for Ml UONEU FLYEH & OTHER 1-800-OLD BARN, www.1- Are Available On Most Of These Vehicles,; : TRAINS. Top cash prices pd 800-OLD-BARN.com and shoe-leather civic•boostorisin revitalized The side of; the. township Avas. rejected townhouses as for-single-family 8OM64-4671 or 973-425-153a- Oranfoni Chronicle .'in'.'the.. 1980s, .died'Sunday, last year by- -the.; .Board ; of homes ---one unit per 5,000 sq. ft. Masonry .Ian;. 11 at Francis Parker. Memorial Home •in1 Adjustment,, has filed a new While the new proposal calls Financial/Business .application for development at for niiie fewer units, the proposed' A-1 WAYNE P. SCOTT .Pi.sca'taway, after a long struggle with ; : Quality Masohry Services. Alzheimer's disease. He was 6fi. • the site. -••-• -.-"••' •''- ' '•'-'. .-' - - __—- , — living .. area .;iri. Business : Free Est., lns'd.,,RGrs.'43yrs. &SUWSI Awbrey bought. The Cranibnl Chronicle \yith . • the ', new ' each unit has not a family business.; Every ; Opportunities 650 1 job a specialty, 732:968-5230 his wife, Beverley,. in . 1978,': lin.cl .refocused the; application, filed grown. Instead, 2002 PONTIACGR^ND PRIX Inside < ALL CASH CANDY 2003 FORD TAUftUS SES 2002 CHEVY IMPALA 2003 CHEVY MONTE CARLO 2001 DODGE INTREPID •Tuesday, seeks : jJaper's coverage on local issues,'including .poli- ... .' -.'•. • . •• • the overall size ROUTE. Do you oarn up Painting & •1 ah;.C,T'.-.;iuto,.air,- p/s, p/b. p/w,•1 dr,- auto, air,!p/s,'p/h. pAv.-p/locks, .1 dr. auto, air, p/s, p'l), p/w; p/locks, 2 dr auto, air, p/s, p/b, pAv; p/locks, •I dr, auto, ajr.-p's, p/b. p/v\-.. p/locks. Attar. hwsMsM? i-.';'//•' il'ti Cnmfoi'd • tics,- c'rime,and the controversial rcde.veiopment. per mission to to $80O/day? Your own 1o- p/locks, .|i/sf.its. 3.S V-6,': muoniopl, p/seals, lilt, cruise. CD, alloy wheefs. •triiisc.-yass, -M.000 miles. ' tilt, cruise, cass; Only lSj'7-97 miles. p/scits, tilt, cruise, cass. Only 29.000. An: application IS filed for of the units mir- . cal candy routo. Includos 1 : 'High ITO>7///!;7 te,.'i'.'i •.',(.',••/;,' rui} Ri.ij. biiiltj 27 town- Paperhanging 1075 alloy wheels, winjji 2lU2 l mill's. (inly Ifi.iiiH) miles. YINWffi2-17075. VIN«:i!l]lSl«li. .•-•.•;. • ".' mill's; VIN Jill ISiTlWl- ': of Cranfprd's'.dow.ntow.nr As a.husband-and-wife 30 Machlnos and Candy. WllOIS h't!d!'i Illilh!. •-'••.'('•'l./li'S fllit hpiises on the red'evelopment of • the fors ; the first . All for $9,995. Call 1-800- UN/L'KSDUO •''• -. - - team, theAwbreys rejuyenatcd the nearly contu- 998-VEND. A1 Richard's Painting "match hrt'tivkMiiiist'llniw For- ry-old-paper,: with lieverley artfully mahaging. tract,: located'at Thomas: &Betts.propertyi l^^. ~. '. Experienced, Ihti/oxt. Are you making $1,000 the paper's life-blood .advertising section and •Hale •"•'• artel Very reasonable Froo $14,595 $10,995 in Garwood. See the story.: ft. "The. market per week? All cash \Est. Fully. Ins. 24 hiv $13,995 $13,995 $10,995 Stuart holding clown the editorial side, . • : ' . Heinrich. streets • vending routos with primo ..answering serv. 0nPageA-2/ ••'. A" and;.location l^s; locations availablo now! 2001 FORD TAURUS 2004 PONTUC GRAND PRIX CT • In his; first Chronicle editorial,., in 1978, arid , Meeker __^_^ g r__ 732-499-9234 2000 MITSUBISHI 2000 FORD TAURUS 2001 OLDSMOBILE INTRIGUE ; .-. • - - ..-.•••••'• something-to-do Undor $9,000 Invostmont •I dr, iiuli), jjr. |v>,-|i h;ji\\;n'|/i'A<, till, •1 Jr .niti'j. air.-p's". pl>. |Vw, ji'lncks, p'seats, •; ' GA1ANTE ES ,. " . .Awbrey wrote that he would make no "instant Avenue, '' ;near- • ' roqulrbd. Call Toll Froo •Vilr.'aulo. air, ri's, p/K, pAV. p/locks, till, •1 dr. auto, air,.p/s, pli. p'w, plucks* 1 . with the sizei" OLD GUY PAINTING. cruise, IMSS. alliiy whivti. ii3!l!lll! hnk'S. -I dr. jiilo, air, p-'s, p/b, p\v, (Vlncks, tilt. 1 (24-7)888-963-2654 :i.S \-ii, .illuv'u'lici'ls.'Only 11,W miles. cruise,- cass, alloy .wheels." (inly 2l,fl(KI ilt, cruise, cass! allin wheels. .'tt. judgments" on local issues, but gave notice that •. the intersection of South, and Need Interior painting? : Tri.ii.i's.i said. "It's a ,question of VENDING ROUTE! COko- VIN*'-lll:)7liiiiC.' • • ' ' •' ' iCIl8fl!i miles. WNKlVCiSli-in.'-1 imiles;VIN»ll'255fi6:i' • •• • . he would be heard from "gradually'./, and cer- Lincoln ayehu.es. Joseph Triarsi, Call tho Old Quy : what the market will carry." . Lays-Mnrs-Wnton Prolos- . 908/769-8971 . Price{s) include(s) all costs lo be paid by the consumer attorney for Twin Oaks, said the .-'-• slonal Incorno and pqulp- tainly not precipitously." •. .• . ..-•• : . , ' •;. At 30 feet tall, the proposed mont, financing available) . except for licensing, registration & faxes.'. ' Hisi.careful reporting and tenacious editorial- new proposal complies with. : townhouses are about, 4 feet, W/S7950 down. Call 877- $7,995 $8,995 , MDI responsible for typographical errors. / izing -1- informed by. a deeply held coinmitmenl.. Cra.nford's ' density and. setback • shorter than those envisioned in 843-8726 no hypo! : . $1(6,995 $8,995 $9,995 to public service — led to more, than- 90 awards regulations and would require no SPA, Will Sacrifice. 1 the -first application;".As in, the 7-Porsbn Loadod S2000 over his 1.1.years,at The Chronicle. '. ' variances, meaning it wpuld be Financial Ncvor Usod, Includes ; original proposal, the units would Services Custom Covor. Will Dor Among the paper's most'prestigious awards heard by the township's Planning havi'. t.vyo or three bedrooms, livor. Full Wahanty Was Stuart Awbrey, former editor of The Cranford -Hoard: \ ,, . :•' , . '; S5999. In ii Hurry Call was the 1980 New .Jersey-Press Association's Chronicle, was widely respected for his fair, Xriarsisaid his; client, has not • $$CASH$S Cash Now. for 888-307-3329. The developer's last .applica- strlicturod sottlomonts, Enterprise.' Award for a series on, a tenurc.scan- aggressive editorial approach and civic annuities, and Insuranco] did in the Cranford school system, and the super- activism. The years in which Awbrey and his tion required- numerous variances (Continued on page Ar2). payouts. (BOO) 794-7310 Recreational J.G. Wontworth moans V, ".',• .i .'••', i '••'< intendent's, use of private investigators to spy.on wife Beverly ran The Chronicle are considered Cash-Now-for'Structured Vehicles faculty • members. The series also brought a among the finest in the paper's history. Sottlorriontsl financially crippling land ultimately uusuccess- MONEY. FOR STRUC- fuli. lawsuit from the superintendent, but sealed ipating the unexpected and'the thrill of a sudden Residents, students TURED SETTLEMENTS- Campers & UltGreen' 1 accidonts, wrongful donth, Awbrey's. reputation as a fair ami. thoughtful scoop. As a. college student, Awbrey described malpractice Don't .wall public advocate. -. '-.. • Y . • journalism as "a chance to balance reason and; •yoars for YOUR, rnonoy. comes to town Exchange your futuro passion, thought and action, materialism and . WHOLESALE RV'S In liis 1997 .memoir, "Chronicles- of a. air grievances over payments for CASH NdW! TO THE PUBLIC Jetl t!,vnn ,1 Union'ComitVnative: Ponchtrbo' Sottlomont I-ommunity'Jouniiili'st,"'Awbrey recalled some of . spiritual-attainment." • . '• ' . ; '. RV'S GnlorivHundrods of RV'a '. flopped 'by, VKaiea Win day. night 1 Funding 1-800-444-9907 1 SAVE THOUSANDS! 1 the heat his writing generated, and wrote that Owning, a.
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