REPORT OF THE WORKING GROUP ON "SPACE" on the ELEVENTH FIVE YEAR PLAN PROPOSALS 2007-12 for INDIAN SPACE PROGRAMME Indian Space Research Organisation Department of Space Bangalore - 560 094 Contents II Preface Highlights of the Plan proposal 1) 1. Overview of Indian Space Programme 1 11 loth Plan 2002-07: targets and achievements 3. Overall Vision and Programme Directions 1 4. ELEVENTH FIVE YEAR PUN2007-12 PROPOSALS I1 Approach and formulation process 13 Satellite Communications & Navigation 15 Earth Observation systems 32 Disaster Management Support 52 Space Transportation System 61 Space Science and Environment Studies 67 Atmospheric Science programme 82 Master Plan for utilisation of Space Technology 86 for North East Development of Space materials and components, 91 Industry interface, Academia interface, commercialization and International Co-operation. Organisation development and human resources 97 5. Mission Profile and Plan Outlay 100 Appendix A: Tenth Five Year Plan 2002-07: Targets and Achievements Appendix 8: Brief summary of discussions and recommendations xi-xvii of the working group meeting held on Aug 23, 2006. List of Tables Page No. Table 2.1 : Highlights of Tenth Plan 2002-07 achievements 8 Table 4.2.1 : Transponders buildup of INSATIGSAT system 28 During 11' plan period. Table 4.2.2 : Satellite Communication Missions of llthplan 29 Table 4.2.3 : IRNSS Mission planned during llthplan 31 Table 4.3.1 : Earth Observation Systems Missions 48 llthplan and planned spill over to 12~plan Table 4.3.2 : Thrust application projects identified for llth 5 1 Five year plan - Earth Observation Systems. Table 4.6.1 : Overview of Space Science Missions of llthplan 8 1 Table 5.1 : Budgetary Outlay for llthplan - Summary 105 Table 5.2 : Budgetary projections for llthplan - breakup 106 List of Ficfures Location 1. lothPlan Missions: Targets and Achievements After Page 8 2. Decade Profile 2010-2020 After Page 12 3. - Transponders Growth in llthplan After Page 31 4. Indian Earth Observations : Road map After Page 51 5. DMS Programme: A Profile of llthFive Year Plan After Page 60 6. Future Perspective - Space Transportation System 2025 After Page 66 7. Road map for Atmospheric Science Programme After Page 85 8. Mission Profile 2005-15 After Page 104 Department of Space ELWENTH FIVE YEAR PLAN 2007-12 Preface Planning Commission have constituted a National level S & T Steering Committee in the context of formulation of Eleventh Five year plan 2007-12. During its first meeting held on 4th April 2006, the Steering Committee have formulated a Working Group for Department of Space under the Chairmanship of Dr. G Madhavan Nair, Secretay, DOS / Chairman, ISRO with the following terms of reference. 1. To review and assess the progress made during Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-07) identifying the achievements, weaknesses / shortfalls and gap areas. 2. To suggest plans and programmes for the Eleventh Five year plan 2007- 12 including thrust areas. 3. To suggest an optimum outlay for the Eleventh Plan keeping in view the overall resource position in the country. Based on a preliminary analysis of the national development scenario, trends in Space technology and other relevant aspects, the Department of Space has identified some of the major thrust areas of Space programme to be pursued during Eleventh five year plan and circulated the same in May 2006 to all the Members of the working group for their views, comments and any other specific inputs. Further, this document is prepared which highlights the achievements vis-a- vis targets of loth five year plan, the vision for Space prograrrlme the Decade 2010-20, national needs for space services and proposals for Eleventh Five Year plan 2007-12 in order to assist the deliberations of the working group, planned for August 23, 2006. I Formulation of 11~Five Year Plan Members of the Workins Group on 'Space" Secretary, Department of Space .. Chairman Dr P S Goel, Secretary, DOD, New Delhi ... Member Smt Radha Singh, Secretary,DAC(M/o. Agri.)N.Delhi ... Member Shri D S Mathur, Secretary, DOT, New Delhi .. Member Dr R R Navalgund, Director, SAC, Ahmedabad .. Member Prof J N Goswami, Director, PRL, Ahmedabad .. Member Prof P Venkatarangan, VC,AW, Coimbatore .. Member Prof M S Ananth, Director, IIT, Chennai .. Member Shri Kiran Karnik, President, NASSCOM, New Delhi ... Member Shri K U I-imaye, Chief Controller (R&D), DRDO .. Member Lt.Gen.H S Lidder, CISC, HQ IDS (M/o. Defence) ... Member Shri B Lal, Director General, IMD, New Delhi .. Member Dr A K Bohra, Director, NCIVIRWF, New Delhi .. Member Dr M Gopal Rao, Surveyor-General, SOI, Dehradun ... Member Shri P G Dhar Chakraborthy, ED, National Institute of ... Member Disaster Management (M/o Home Affairs), New Delhi Shri V S Sampath, Director-General, NIRD,Hyderabad ... Member Dr A K Singh, Director, IAR, New Delhi ... Member Shri R Jayasheelan, Chairman, CWC, New Delhi .. Member Director, Town & Country Planning Org., New Delhi ... Member Planning Adviser, NEC, Shillong ... Member Prof P Tandon, VC, NEHU, Shillong .. Member Shri M K Prasad, Addl.DG, Forests (M/o.Env.&Forest) ... Member Shri R R Prasad, Chief Engineer, AIR, New Delhi .. Member Shri M C Agarwal, Chief Eugineer, DD, New Delhi ... Member Shri A K Chaturvedi, Adviser, HRD, DOT, New Delhi ... Member Shri Agit Singh, CGM, DC, DIT, New Delhi ... Member Shri.Sunil Kumar, Joint Secretary, HRD, New Delhi ... Member Shri Deepak Gupta, AS, Dept. of Health & Family Welfare.. Member Chairman & Managing Director, HAL, Bangalore .. Member Shri V Sundararamaiah, Scientific Secretary, ISRO ... Member-Sec. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PLAN PROPOSAL Major thrust on large scale applications of space technology in the priority areas of National development and to undertake advanced space endeavors in the frontier areas of space research. Major Goals of llthPlan Capabilities in Space Communications and Navigation Augmentation of INSATIGSAT space segment to meet the demand of 500 transponders by end of the plan period. Development of high power Ka band satellites and ground systems for point-to-point connectivity. Building Navigational Satellite Systems & related services. Focus on R & D in Satellite Communications. Institutionalisationof Tele-medicine, Tele-education and VRCs Communications systems / support for Disaster Management. Progress towards self sustenance of INSATIGSAT system. Leadership in Earth Observations Improved imaging capability and continuity of data / services through three thematic series of EO systems - Land & Water resources, Cartography and Ocean /Atmosphere. Development of advanced microwave imaging capability. Strengthening Ground Systems and SNRMS. Establishment of National Natural Resource Data base. Undertake major applications projects in the area of Agriculture, land and water resource management, DMS, infrastructure and urban / rural development, etc, Major thrust in Space Transportation System Operationalisation of GSLV Mk I11 with 4T launch capability. Perfect payload recovery and reentry technologies. Conduct Demonstration flights of Reusable Launch Veliicle. Critical technologies for Manned Mission. Space Science Enterprise Advanced space science endeavors - Chandrayaan, Multi-wavelength X-ray astronomy, Mission to Mars and Asteroid / Comet fly by missions. Establish Space Science Instrumentation Facility and Indian Space Science Data Centre. Promoting Spinoffs Human Resource Development, Space science & technology education, Industry Interface, Academia interface and International cooperation. TOTAL OUTLAY FOR liTHPLAN: RS. 39,750 CRORES FIG 5.1: MISSION PROFILE 2005-15 Abbreviations ABP Air brething Propulsion ACTS Advanced Communication Technology Satellite. ALTM Airborne Laster Terrain Mapper AWS Automatic Weather Station DEM Digital Elevation Models. DM-SAR Disaster Management - Syntheric Aperture Radar. EO Earth Observations EOAM Earth Observation Application Mission. EWS Early Warning System FTD Flight Test Demonstrator GAGAN GPS And Geo Augmented Naviation IMM Inner Magnetosphere Mission IRNSS Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System. I-STAG Indian Satellite for Aerosol and Gases. LISS Linear Imaging Self Scanner MSS Mobile Satellite Service NARL National Atmospheric Research Laboratory NDEM National Data base for Emergency Management NNRMS National Natural Resource Management System NR Natural Resource NRDB Natural Resource Data Base. RISAT Radar Imaging Satellite. RLV Reusable Launch Vehicle SENSE Small satellite for Earth's Near Space Environment SNRMS State Natural Resource Management System SPL Space Physics Laboratory. SRE Space capsule Recovery Experiment TD Technology Demonstrator TES-HyS Technology Experiment Satellite - Hyper spectral. TSTO Two Stage To Orbit VPN Virtual Private Network VRC Village Resource Centre WiFS Wide Field Sensor 1. OVERVIEW OF INDIAN SPACE PROGRAMME 1. Over the last four decades, India has achieved a notable progress in the design, development and operation of space systems, as well as, using them for vital services like telecommunication, television broadcasting, meteorology, disaster warning as well as natural resources survey and management. The space programme has become largely self-reliant with capability to design and build satellites for providing space services and to launch them using indigenously designed and developed launch vehicles. The Objectives: 2. The Indian Space programme is characterized by a vision to use space technology for national development. The Programme is application driven with emphasis on the policy
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