' ■ 4 - * / , ■ ' 1; I V / V / THURSDAY, JUNE *8, 19B1 iHanrirrat^r lEtt^nins U m ld Average D^Ily Net Press Run The Westher For the Week Ending Fereenst at 0. R Witket BeNlk June 28, 1951 Cloudy this afternoon, ahenren; 1 0 ,1 6 ,3 tonight, partly cloudy; Satardoy. \ I 'Member of the Audit fair, annoy. YOU’LL FIND Burean of Clicolatlona Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 29. 1951 (ClMelSfid Advertl*lag on Pag* U ) Fresh PINEHURST POULTRY VOL. LXX. NO. 229 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE nVE CENTS ; FROM NEARBY FARMS ... SATISriED SHOPPERS VAHVS •osaan ALL OVER THE TOWN SQUASH I ! » h 1 0 c S*rv*d In mony dlffnrmt ways by BKHiy dlffnrnnt pnopi* B B O s n r s HALEYS Self Serve Meat Depte U. S. Sends Ridgway General NATIVE BEETS Bunch 10c But Wonderful Eating ICI&EBO LETTCCE—PARSLET PARMER BROWN'S SPINACH and on old la battor living bncouM 4 Extra Specials BRING US YOUR CRISP FRESH HALE’S PROCTER & GAMBLE N e g Cease-Fire Korea • CUCUMBERS Each PINEHURST POULTRY Salada CAUPORNIA LONG WHITE POTATOES Coffee COUPONS CELERY—PEPPERS—NEW CABBAGE Praah Ground Tea WITH (fpIh Onlorn FRESH Special Pkf. IVORY SOAP COUPON GREEN BEANS Lh. 23c Ib. Senate Extends Controls 8 Months Expect Early NTCW PEAS—GOLDEN CARROTS—RADISHES 2 Large and 2 Medium MELONS—BLl'EBERRIES Mid BANANAS Farm Fresh LIBBY’S and 2 Penonal size [ \G ifl, Not B ribf Hera eomee Antoine Buyaae freeh from a food night’* re*t House Ready Iran Premier Cool Bulletins at hi* new home and farm In Coventry . Tony hae worked on Truce Action \ Regular Size FREE from the AP Wirw SHURhNE BAKED BEANS flne poultry for many year*, rained them on the farm, a* well a* nelllng them at the More . He nay* there I* nothing finer Corned SUNLIGHT \ when you buy To Vote 31* IN LARGE TABLE SERVICE GLASS POTS. _ than the PInehnrat Farm Freeh Fryer* we feature at $1.89 each. To Retreat on Oil GRANTS NKtiKO STAY .liiiit' 2'.t—(/1‘)—Tlio Rovernment today sent They are large White Roche, clean, white and tender . and c a m Washington. Juno '29—'P — (’'ifn. Matthew JV llidgwai' Kenornl iuHtniclions on uPKotiation ► NEW LOW PRICE ................................ ..Pot. OIC eaye Tony "beet of all, they are FARM FRKRH’’. We win have ^ Day Stop-Gap Tehran, Ir»n. .lune 29 'Ti- II Juetlco Dntiglae of tlw> Supreme of a coa.se-fire in Korea. Farm Freeh Fowl and a limited enpply of 1 Ib. Freeh "apart­ Beef Butter 3 * 2 price .sale cnntinue.s on Kraft Mayonnai.se, pint 2t>c. ment elred” Turhe.va S. Ambassador Henry F. Grady Arriispfl bv Iran Court today granted a elay of Just what they are was not di.srlosed in the ofl'ioial word And warehouse sent in more White Alhacore Tuna, Bath Size WITH COUfON Washington, June 29—(A’) . appealed anew to rremior Mo­ exooiitton to I’aiil Washington, jriven out here. Hut iiifornied .sources in London said they had solid pack which we can sell at the low price of .19c can. Charlie McCarthy, our meat manager, announce* a *ale nn hammed Mossadegh today for I a loiilelana Negro who wa* the support of all the Ifi United Nations with fightiiijr forces Hhoulder Hama, which he think* will appeal to you . , . and they 1 2 —A bill to extend price, wage i *<iho<lulo*l to bo oloi1ri»ciito<l I hie Bottles of JlO Y - concession.* that would insure the ' Ciparettes usual low price FI.R4 carton. will help your budget too. 2 and rent controls eight j aftornoon (or Iho rapo of a in Koroa. ' " 7 3 ' ' flow of oil to the We.st from the ‘ 3’he move pointt'd to some earl\' action—perhaps within Cash in your P & G coupons . Crlsco with coupon MEDIITM SIZED nyytiths l)ut which would world's largest refinery at Aba- , wlilto woomn. only $1.02 curb, drastically ' or possibly dan. hour.s to determine wliether n truce can in farl. be arranpred. ^an any new price rollbacks 245,0<)0 GET PAY H IK E In Kore* itself, fighting hnd . --------------------- ---------------------- ^--------— Grady talked for 90 minutes Washington. Jiino 29 — i/Ti—- largely ihcd down under a wave SMOKED SHOULDERS Ib. 59c 5 5 l with Mossadegh, then told news­ PREMIER Vi’as passed by the . Senate A nlni--oont hourly wugo boost of cca.si'-firr talk. Tiicii' wa.s With Cevpait men that chances for casing Iran's THE FINEST FROSTED FOODS Packera cut rad meat ehipment Juet In half thia week, hut with 3ttrl^- today. oil crisis "don't look too bright" for 45.01)0 Woellnghoiiso work­ some patri'l and air aciiviiy hiii Korean Radio I^rah I.ege. more of thoee boned l.amb Shoulder* . which cut DIETETIC * The bill, which (alia far short despite Mossadegh's promise to er* and a tw'o-o4*iii raise for the front on the whole was FROM BIRDS EYE better If allowed to atand 18 minute* after rooking . MOR­ C L E A N S ^ of the kind of measure Preeident suspend Anti-Sabotage legisla­ 200,000 parklnghoiiso employe* quiet. RELL’S READY TO EAT ll.\MS, Freeh Pork and other Itema, PACK FRUITS , Trumsin contend.s the country tion opposed by the Briti.sh But have l>een approved by the GENERAL RIIBiWAY Ridgway was at his Korea hend- Assails UN Charlie think* that we can take care of voii nicely. needs to combat inflation, wa.s ap­ British officials, with the refinery Wage Stshlllutlon board. The qiiartcrs hut llirre were rumors he You will find a good .supply of Birds Eye F’rosted IVORY proved at the lag end of a tumul- ^ pm'kinghouee Inerenee, which la While O.P.K. le ironing difference* nut with packer and farmer and VEGETADLES under the guns of one of their might lea\’e for Korea at any time. Foods here. tuous marathon ses.elon by a roll- cruisers, appeared more hopeful. In addition lo a nlne-eenl wage HpfiH llpinuml Hiinishing . buy the meat* that are In liberal eupply, euch ee wonderful Ige. pkg. call vote of 71 to 10. Inereaee appmveil eeveral week* U. S. Envoys Confer Farm Freeh Poultry and Ham*. O.P.S. le for your protection. Grady said he would propose to Baker Strike FRENCH FRIED POTATOES .... .. 2 for 49c Weary Senators sent the bill to ago, le baaed on a wage differ­ Wilhnni .1. Sshald. U .S. dl|do- Of Allied Feudera in Work with O. P. 8. WITH COUPOM the British that they keep their msllc Chief in .lapan. flew to Pu­ PEAS ................................................ ,.2 for 49c APPLESAUCE the House, which plans to shunt ential among rloeee* of work­ technicians on the job at Abadan. san. Korea, and conferred for more War ('.rimes Trial* RHUBARD ...................................... ...............2.ic Come to Pinehuret for week end and hollda.v picnic eupplle*. I Or. it aside temporarily jind act in­ A British embas.sy spokesman er* In the meat pocking Indue- Neariiijj; End m try. than an hour with John J . Mucc.lo, We will have the freeheet Frankfurt* and Cold Cut* . and stead— probably later in the day STRAWBERRIES .............. ........ ............... 43c said employes of the Anglo-Iran- tlio U. ,S. amhniUiadnr to Korea. there le nothing finer In Ham than Mnrreir* readv to eat In the youi -on stop-gap legislation to ex­ Tokyo, Saturday, June .30 -i/D— MIXED GARDEN VEGETABLES . .2 for 49c 3«pound ian Oil company, which operates No ofticial amiouni'cnient was blue wrapper. tend the. pre.sent controls law 31 S.250.000 UNDER ARMS A new North Korean demand that BRUSSEL SPROUTS .................... „ _./j2 ,eant with AJAXi.'; 2 For 25c the refinery and produces virtually 0|»eralors in K. I. .Xjirpp made as lo their discii.salona. ............... .37c days. all of Iran's nil, would not be with­ Waehinglon, June 29 — i>Ti— United Nation* ami South Korean CUT BIRDS EYE CORN................ We have Canned Ham* In S. 4 and 10 to II 1b. elie*. A man '^oupon from neumpopor Robert .\. I/ovetl, deputy Secre­ A spokesman for the South Ko­ ,. .2 for 41c con / The House bill as cleared by its drawn so long as the refinery With Mt’dialftra; Seew military leader* be punished as FORD HOOK LIMAS .................... drove In from Coventry Ijike late la»t Saturday and aald, "1 told 9 9 ^ rules committee would prohibit stays open. Withdrawal of the tary of Defenee, eald today the rean govermuenl. Clarence Ryee. ..3.3c ~ cans </ PEAS Knd of IN. F. alkoiit w*r criminals was reported late CUT GREEN BEAN S....................................... 2 for 49c them I could get a good Canned Ham at Pinehuret” . and ho any price rollbacks during July-*— technicians would close the refin­ $,250,000. Thie I* a little elnirt said he felt the shooting war would did. / with \ $ Os. WITH COUPON of the 8,400,000 goal set last Ue- slop within "the next few days." hist night by the Red radio St CHICKEN DRUM STICKS........................................$1.19 Vcoupon/ the proposed life of the measure. ery. It also would bar fiklng any new Ralph S. Kreltz, ex-slot machine Win Not Budge A. E. C. Drake (above), general reinber but nearly 2.000,000 Providence, R. I . .Line 29—iJ'i The South Koreans were unhap­ Pyongyang. North Korean capi­ CHICKEN BRE.\STS ................................................$1.29 FRESH LAMB Thf- Scouring Cloanst^r price ceilings during the month. operator from Reading, Pa., testl- Grady called suspension of the manager In Iran for the Anglo- more than were In uniform Just A spokesman for seven closed py, however, over the prospect of tal.
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