Middle Tennessee Sidelines State University Vol. 47 No. 37 Murfreesboro, Tennessee 3713Q Friday, January 25, 1974 Forum participants reject parental role of university MTSU's role as a substitute par- book?" he said, "It's an open- ent is no longer needed, according ended clause open to individual to at least 40 students who partici- intrepretation, much as a parent pated Wednesday night in the would decide if his child has done Campus Forum. right or wrong." Debate on the question, Carter said a student relin- "Resolved — that MTSU should quishes certain Constitutional drop the role of subsitute par- rights when they enroll in the uni- ents," was heated despite a low versity. turnout, Jay Conner, moderator of "These trivial rules enforced by the event, said. the university in their role as a sub- Ivan Shewmake, MTSU stitute parent do not add to the assistant associate dean of stu- learning process," he said. dents, debated against the resolu- "We don't have an issue here tion, while Mike Carter, an tonight," Shewmake told the Ootewah senior and Associated group. "This administration does Student Body public defender, was not act in the role of a substitute main speaker in favor of the topic. parent." Ten members of the predomi- "Yes, freshmen girls do have nantly student audience favored rules the first semester, but they the parental role while 40 opposed are unaccustomed to college life it, according to a head count and need a while to aquaint them- taken after the hour-long session. selves with the rules of the game," Carter opened debate by chal- he said. lenging several university policies Shewmake said the university and rules regulating campus life. has a "responsibility to the par- MM* by Alaa Unlw "Freshman girls are exploited by ents of our students, the commun- Ivan Shewmake, assistant associate dean of students, the university perhaps more than ity and the taxpayers of the state." makes a wild gesture while driveing home a portion of any one group," Carter said. "For "I don't think any university his argument that MTSU does not function in the role the fall semester all freshmen rules are capricious—we have the of a parent to students enrolled here. women have a 2 a.m. sign-in,.but duty to protect students, faculty suddenly next semester, that and visitors and preserve order," restriction is lifted," he said. he said. "Does the university believe "I believe strongly that this uni- Lab refunds will be mailed that they grew up enough over the versity should protect the student Christmas break so that they no from harrassment, intimidation by Bill Mason either physical science 101 or 102 longer need protection from the or disorderly conduct, much as were required to pay a $5 labora- devious male population?" he any town does its citizens," he Refunds of physical science lab tory fee, even though no labs are asked. said. fees paid this semester should be part of either course this year. The public defender also The dean said court officials mailed out to students within the The refunds were to have been attacked a wide range of campus next two weeks, according to R.N. have told him that university due mailed by Feb. 1, but were delayed rules against pornography, pro- Martin of the business office. fanity, harrassment and intimida- process procedures,when dealing because of processing difficulties, tion. with students charged witha cam- Students currently enrolled in Martin said. "What about the disorderly con- pus violation, go far beyond that of duct clause in the student hand- any other school in the state. Campus commuter lot to open Feb. 1 A parking lot reserved exclu- A car pool card will be issued to communities who are in car pools 'essening of traffic congestion on sively for MTSU students com- one member of the pool, which the or who have expressed an interest >..>mpus, savings on fuel costs, de- muting by car pool will be opened car driver must display in order to in forming one will be included in crease in pollution and a method of Feb. 1, Robert MacLean, dean of be allowed entry to the commuter each information packet. transportation to campus for some student services, said yesterday. area. "It will be up to the individual to .students who might not otherwise be able to continue their education Applications for use of the lot The car pool lot, located between contact other students near his will be taken beginning 8 a.m. home in order to form the pools," because of higher fuel costs or the baseball diamond and the shortages. Monday in the security office in Dramatic Arts building, will be he said. "The names and a campus Reynolds Hall, he said. In order to supervised by a member of the map which we will supply should Ivan Shewmake, assistant as- apply, at least three persons must MTSU security force between 7 make that job a little easier." sociate dean of men, said efforts be willing to car pool, according to and 10 a.m. each school day, Cam- MacLean, chairman of a com- are still being made to make ar- MacLean. pus Security Chief, Matthew mittee formed to assist students rangements for a mass transit sys- "When applying for privileges to Royal said. with transportation problems, tem linking MTSU and Nashville. the lot, one person should go to the listed the following benefits com- About 800 students have been "We hope to have a mass transit security office with the names, muters will enjoy: addresses and phone numbers of mailed car pool information, system sometime in the future, but other students in his area who wish MacLean said. Name and addres- Convenient guaranteed parking for the present we are concentra- to join a pool," he said. ses of students in surrounding near the center of the campus, a ting on the car pool operation." 2-SIDELINES, January 25, 1974 To improve both sides Haiti painting exhibit displayed in Art Barn Hix eyes journalism workshop An exhibit in the Art Barn Gal- lery of primitive paintings from by Wayne Kindness "The first step was to work with "Secondly we want to be read Haiti tells much about a culture "We are interested in establish- Glenn Himebaugh, mass com- and used by our readers, and we we know little about, according to ing a working relationship with the munications instructor, and use want more readers." The paper's Lon Nuell, acting gallery director. mass communications depart- material from the newswriting circulation, according to Hix, is up The paintings can be viewed ment at MTSU," Harry Hix, editor classes," he said. from 10,800 to over 12,000. until Feb. 9 and should be of spe- of the Daily News Journal, said "We also want to be a vital part cial appeal to anyone interested in "This semester, we have a stu- sociology, cultural anthropology, Tuesday night. dent, Peggy Galloway, doing in- of the community," he said. Speaking at the monthly meet- history and art, Nuell said. Gal- ternship for class credit," Hix One of the first methods of lery hours are 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. ing of Alpha Phi Gamma, jour- said. "She is working with the reaching these objectives was a Monday - Friday and 2-6 p.m. Sun- nalism fraternity, Hix said a work- "People In Focus" page, formerly renewed emphasis on local news, day. ing relationship would benefit both the society page." Hix said. "It is the life-blood of a Since painting as a legitimate the newspaper and the students. newspaper." art form did not happen in Haiti "We are looking for ideas from "For the students it provides the until 1943, the works on exhibit are people in the classes," he added. "We have a heavy plate of local done in the "native tradition," opportunity of working with news on page one," he said, "and Nuell said. stories for publication," he said. Three objectives of the Daily we are taking a definite role in re- "The paintings are primitive "For us, it's cheap labor — it's News Journal were explained by lations with the government." because the painters have had no free." Hix. formal education in art," he said. The paper is attempting to With a limited budget and staff, "First we want to be respected "Everything they do is from a localize national news, Hix said. need to express their ideas." the Daily News Journal has dif- and have credibility," he said, "We take particular issues and Most of the painters are peas- ficulties covering everything that "and get rid of the old joke of the make people more aware of ants, Nuell said, and voodoo is a needs covering, Hix said. 'Newsless Journal.' them." dominant theme in their work because it is still an intricate part of their culture. Mexico trip offered for intersession The Haitians paint with oil on by Michael Gigandet Fullerton and Del Shumway of the ico the U.S. visitor will sense no cardboard, wood or anything else they can find, Nuell said. A trip to Mexico during interses- foreign languages department. relationship to the culture he is vis- "Their use of color is very fresh, sion is being offered by the de- The group will leave Nashville on iting." and they make no attempt to partment of Geography and Earth May 14, and the trip will last 16 The Universidad Internacional imitate nature as it really is," he Sciences and the department of days. will host the tour. The students will said. "Their paintings are subjec- Foreign Language, according to "Mexico is a world more foreign be the guests of local Mexican tive, expressing very poignant feel- Ralph Fullerton, chairman of the than Europe," said Fullerton.
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