DIRECTORY.] 341 N E vV B 0 R 0 U G H, AND THE PARISHES OF LLANFAIR-YN-Y-CWMMWD, LLAKGAFFO, LLANGEIN"\VEK WITH DWYRAN, AND LLANIDA:N WITH BltYNSIEKCYN. • NEWBOROUGH, anciently called Rhos-fair, was at PLACES oF \YonsHIP :- one time the most important place in the Isle of St. Peter's Church (& chapel of ease), Nc\vborough~ Anglesey; and at the time of the conquest of ·wales by Richard Evans ~LA. rector Edward I. was the seat of justice for the whole of CHAPELS:- Menai. The town received a charter from Edward II., Baptist when prince of Wales in 1303, afterwards confirmed by Oal vinistic :\I•·thodist, Rev. William J ones him as king, in 1324-, and by later monarchs; the Cor- Independent, Hev. J. "\V. Edwards poration was dissolved in 1814; the mace, existing in Weslt>yan Methodist, N ewborough 1834, is now lost; the borough seal now belongs to A school board of 5 members was formed 16th July Thomas Prichard esq. of Llanerchymedd. The 1875 · clerk H. Evans assizes, held here in 1505-50, were at the latter date ScHooL': Daniel Pry::;e J Oll('S master transferred to Beaumaris. N ewborough, with its con- ' tributary boroughs, had the privilege of returning a Llanfair-yn-y-Cwmmwd, a small parish in Menai member to parliament from 1536-1547, when it was hundred, county of Anglesey, is about 7 miles west­ disenfranchised on its own petition. Afterwards the south-west from ~lenai bridge, 2 north-east from New­ burgesses claimed the privilege of sharing in the election borough and 4 south-west from Gaerwtcn railway station, of a member for Beaumaris, but their claim was dis-1 in Llanidan sub-registration district, union and county­ allowed by parliament. court district of Carnarvon, Anglesey tirst pdty-sessiuual The town, which is now little more than a village, is division, rural deanery of .Menai, archLleacomy aml 9 miles south-west from Menai bridge, about 3 west- diocese of Bangor, on the west bank of the river Braint, north-west from Foel Ferry, opposite Carnarvon, and 5 which flows into Carnarvon bay. The chmch of St. south-cast from Bodorgan station, on the Chester and, Mary is a small structure in the Early E.nglish style. Holyhead line of the London & North-Western railway, anJ consists of nave only, with a bell gable and one bell; in Llanidan sub-registration district, union and county- the entrance is by an arched door on the south side ; court district of Carnarvon, Anglesey first petty-st>ssional 1 the church provides sittings for 100. The registers date division, rmal deanery of Menai, arch deaconry and from the year 1768. The living is a vicarage with diocese of Bangor, situated east of the .Malltraeth marsh, Llanidan, average tithe rent-charge £260, net yearly in the southern extremity of the county. The manufac- value £155, in the gift of Lord Boston, and held since ture of Morax matting is carried on here to a considera1Jle 1886 by the Rev. Daniel Jams Lewis )f. A. of Jesus extent, and gives employment to a number of the Oollrge, Oxfonl, rural dean of Menai. inhabitants. The area comprises 169 acres ; the population in 1891 St. Peter's church, an ancient edifice in the Early was 75. English style, consists of . chancel, nave and north Letters through Gaerwen R.S.O. Anglesey porch; ~he bell gable conta:ns two bell.s, one of them Assistant Overseer& Collector of Rates, Wm.Ellis,Dwyran put up m 1892 was found m a house m Llandd,vyn. St. Mary's Church Rev. Daniel Jones Lewis M.A. rector Formerly the building consisted of two distinct churches, ' St. Peter's the present nave, St. l\Iary's the prt>sent Llangaffo, a village and parish in the hundn-u of chancel, one belonging to the parish the other to the :;\'Ienai, about 7 miles west from Menai bridge, 2 Royal court .. The joints could be plainly seen in the north-east from N ewborough, county Anglesey, and 3 walls before it was plastered and re.~tored in 1892. On west-south-west from Gaerwen railway station, in Llan­ either side of the chancel is a recess, each containing a idan sub-registration district, union and county-court tomb with a recumbent figure, one is of an archdeacon district of Carnarvon, Anglesey first petty- sessional in full canonicals with a cup in his hand. The font is Ji vision, rural c~eanery of Menai, arch deaconry and a Saxon one. The Crmrt Llys (Roynl court) stood in a diocese of Bangor. The church of St. Caffo is said to fieH adjoining the church ; 1t is nuw called Cae y Llys. have been founded iu the 6th century by St. Catfo, who The church contains a piscina, and there is also a \\·as one of the sons of Caw·ab Geraint ab Erbyn. The leper's dole. The registers date from the year 1721. present edifice, erected in 18±8, is in the Early English The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge during st.)le, and consists of chancel and na\C with bell toVIer; the yea1: 1894 ~quals £185, 9s. o!d. ;. net yea.rly inco~?~t~e east wil:Ll~w is of ~taiueJ glasg, an~ is in me:nor:y: ?f £150, w1th res1dence and 1 ~ acres of glebe, m the g1h R1chard ~W1lhams Pntchard and Elizabeth lus wlfe. of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1882 by the Rev. On the south side of the chancel is a memorial brass, Richard Evans M. A. of Uninrsity College, Durham. dated 1882, to the Rev. W. Williams for 50 years rector There are chapels for Independents, Baptists, "\Vesleyans of Llal1geinwen and Llangaffo, and for 32 years canon and Calvinists. of Bangor Cathedral. The registers date from the yea-:- 1659. The living is a rectory annexed to Llangeinweu, Llanddwyn is to the west of Newborough; it was average tithe rent-charge £567, in the gift of trustee>;, formerly an extensive parish on the shore of Oarnarvon and held since 1883 by the Rev. Evan Jones of St. bay, but has now almost disappeared through the Bees. There are chapels for Independents and Calviu­ encroachment of the sea; the remainder now forms part istic Methodists. of the parish of N ewborough ; it contains the ruins of The area comprises 2,533 acres, of which 18 are water; an old church dedicated to St.. Dwynwens, daughter of the population in 1891 was 308. Brychan, ne_ar to which are the remains of the prebendal PosT OFFICE.-\V m. Thomas, sub-postmaster. Letters house. Rwbard Kyffyn, rector of Llanddwyn and. 1 arrive (from Gaerwen) at 8.30 a.m. ; despatched at afterwards d~~n of Bangor, know_n by the name ot 5. 35 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph "Y Dean du or 'I he Black Dean, IS supposed to have office is at N ewborongh. distant 3 miles. Letters been the last rect~r. should have R. S. 0. Angl~sey added The area ?ompnses 5,126 acres, of wh1eh 10 are water; Assistant Overseer & Collector of Rates, Rt. Geo. Oldfield the populatwn in 1891 was 960. PLACES OF Y.,T OR SHIP :- PosT, MoNEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE.-Ann J ane St.. qaffo's. Church, Rev. Evan J ones, rector; Rev. Evans, postmistress. Letters arrive from Gaerwen Ph1hp Phmeas Hughes, curate at 9 a.m.; despatehed thereto at 4.45 p.m. Letters' CHAPELS:- should have R.S.O. Anglesey added Calvinistic Methodist Assistant Overseer & Uullector of Rates, Lewis Lewis, Independent, Rev. J. W. Edwards Bryn-sinc NATIONAL ·ScHOOL (average attendance, 7f,) : Robert Police Station, John Jones, sergeant in charge Gem·ge Oldfield, master .
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