
PI BETA PHI VOLUME 70 MARCH, 1954 NUMBER 3 OFFIOAL ORGAN OF TIll! PI BETA PHI FRATERNITY 1B67 STAFF Office of PJJblicaJio,,: 41 0 Standard Office Content" Bldg., Decatur, 111 . Fraternity Directory .. .. .. ........ 190 if."OW Edilor: AohE T AYLOR ALFORD (Mrs. Editorials 199 T. N.), 930 Olive Ave., Coronado, Calif. The Century Plant of Pi Beta Phi .. .. 201 A llislanl Editor and BI/JineIJ Mtlt14ger: GLADYS WARRE N, 410 Standard Office Bldg., Decatur, Home of the New Chapter ........ 206 m" or 11, Robinson Ave. , San Diego, Calif. Through These Portals .... _ ..... ... 209 AlumntP CINh Edilor: VIRG IN IA SHERMAN K OZ .... K (Mrs. Andrew l), R.D . 1, Kirk­ Our Florida Convention 211 ville, N .Y. News from Little Pigeon 217 Chalner uUtr' Editor: MARJORI!! BRINK, 4008 N , Pennsylvan ia, Indianapolis 5. Ind. NPC Observes Golden Anniversa ry 219 News from lillIe Pigeon: LOUISE WHEE LOCK Holt House .................. 224 DOHLER (Mrs. Clare R.) , 3'23 Federal Ave., Ohio University Celebrates Sesquicenten- Everett, Wash. nial .. ....... ........ 22\ Exchdll/!,e! dnd Colle", N oles.' RUTH WILSON COGS HALL (Mrs. W . B. ), 2001 Emerson, Here Are O pportunities . ..... .... 227 Louisville, Ky. From Pi Phi Pens ........ .. ........ 229 Fr om Pi Phi Pem: MARY ElIZA8ETH LASH ER Exchanges and Coll ege Notes .... •.. .. 2~0 BARNETTE (Mrs. Kenneth A. ), 2109 West 12th Ave., Gary, Ind. Pi Phi Personalities .. ... ......... 2~2 Arrow File : Pi Beta Phi Central Officc, 410 With the Actives .. .. ..... ...•..... 2~7 Standard Office Bid,';., Decatur. JII . Chapter Letters ... .. ........• • . ..... 240 In A1emoriam N OI;reJ: Send to Pi Beta Phi Central Officc, 410 Standard Offi ce Bldg., In Memoriam _ ...........••. .• . ... 260 Decatur, Jlt. Official Calendars .. ... _ .. , . .•. .... 262 4TH. Ano.- is printed in the IDOtIths of ,xptcmMf, Dccrmbu, Much, and MI., b, Pi 8ct.t. Phi PI.ltmaity .It the {lieu of Georp Bsnt.l Publit hina Co .. ·00 AbDaip St., Meouh.l, W is. Subscription price is ' 1.)0 a JUl. '01 for SIalIc copiu, ' 0 .00 for life .ubKriptioa. «Send .ubscriptiooll clunae of .Iddnu aotice, lod corn,poDdcacc of a bu,ioe .. O.lture to Pi Bcu Ph.i Ceotnl Office, Decatur 16, I J. ClCoUetpoDdcDce of aD editorial o.lture is to M addreued to the editor, Mil. T. N. Alford, 9~ Olin An., Coronado, Cslif. Items for public.ltioo. Ihould be .ddressed to the edi(or to awn Dot later thaD Jul, U, October 10, J.o.u.ry U, Much ,. G,.Mcmbe r of PtatuoitJ M~uiou AslOciated. All m.tten pcrtainina to DatiOGa! ad .. ertitio, thould be directed to PrateroitJ IIb,uiors AJIO Cl.atcd, 1618 OrrioloD An., E ...rutoo, Ill. ClEotcrcd U lCCood·dus matter at the ~t office at Dec.flU, 111.., and ).(enuhal Wit., under the act 01 Milch 3, 1179. ActtptuJa for maiLIIj: at apeclli lite of potU~ uodu UIC prMilioru or Sec. 34-40 Pit. (0) ptoyided tot l,a the act of Febnaary 21. 192'. Printed La the Ua..ited States of America Postmutc,: If undclivcr.blc lend Form 3579 to Pi Bct. Phi. 410 Stand.rd Office Buildins, Oc.:.tur, lIIinoit. DIRECTORY FOUNDERS OF THE! FRATERNITY Panny Whitenack Libbey (1848·1941) F.nnie Thomson (1848· 1868) Inez Smith Soule (1846·1941) Naner BI.ck WalllCe (184)·1918) }.fuguet Campbell (1846·1936) Ada Bruen Grier (1848·19N) Libbie Brook Gaddis (18~O·1933) Rosa Moore (1848·1924) Jennie Horne Turnbull (18~6·1932) Emma Brownlre Kilgore (18-18·1924) JennIe Nicol, M .D. (1845·1881) Clara Brownlee Hutchinson (18)0·1931) PRESIDENT EMERITUS Mar l. Ktllu. Westhampton Collclc, University of Richmond. VI. HONORARY GRAND PRESIDENT Am, Burnham Onken, Chlpin, Ill. HONORARY GRAND TREASURER Lois Franklin 5toolman (Mrs. A. W.). 1001 South Th ird St .. Champaign, Ill, GRAND COUNCIL G,.,III PrtJiJ,,,, , .......... Mari3nM Reid Wild (Mrs. Robert S.). 201 1 Sdmont Rd., N.\V., Wuhin.llton 9, D.C. Gr."" Virt,P,IJIJltfl ...... Alicl: Wt:bcr Mansfidd (Mrs. William H.I, Bol" )H·P, R.D. #1 . Chyton 24, Mo Grll,,11 SIfT".', ....... ..... Lucill: Dougbu Carson (Mrs. Floyd H.), )11 Dcla ..... re St .. Oakmont, Pa. G'Il"d TrldJ"", ...... '" ... Olivia Smith Moore (Mu. Henry, jr.), 420 Pine St., Tn::arkan:a. Tel:. Auow £JiIO, •...•....•.... Adde Taylor Alford (Mrs. T. N .I , 9}0 Olive Ave., Coronado, Calif. Di,Ulo, of RII16i", ",,11 Pl,dgl T,,,i,,i,,, ..... ..... ,.," . Helen Anderson Lewis (loin. iknjlmln c.), 462) Wuhmgton Blvd .. Indi:anapolis ), Ind. Di"oo, of I!.xf'''I;O'' ...... Ruth Williams H ;anJen (Mrs. Paul) . 3110 Eagle Pass Rd .. Lou isvi lle I}. Ky, COUNSELOR FOR CHAPTER HOUSE CORPORATIONS lolli. Snell Prouty (Mrs. Frank H. I, 1760 Locust St .. Denver 7, Colo. NATIONAL HISTORIAN Mari.n Keck Simmons (Mrs. Oliver B.I, 641) Morningside Dr .. Kanus City, Mo. NATIONAL SUPERVISOR OF CHAPTER HISTORIES R~ McColloch Drusll:r (Mrs. E. B. I. 7240 M.dison, KUlsas City 14. Mo. NATIONAL BOARD OF TRUSTEe FUNDS C6.i,,,,tI,,: Oli ... i. Smith Moorl: (Mrs. Henry, jr.), 420 Pine St .. Texarkana, Tn:.: Lolita Snell Prouty (Mrs. Funk H. I, 1760 locust St., Denvu 7. Colorado; Amy Burnham Onken, Chlpln, III.: Marianne Reid Wild (Mrs. Robert S.>, 2021 Belmont Rd., N .W., Washington 9. D .C. ; Mar, Vln Buren (Mrs.>. 10973 Rochuter. Los Angeles 24, Calif. NATIONAL SUPERVISOR OF CHAPTER ACCOUNTING Dorothea White Flint (Mrs. lefO,). 2849 N. Delaware St., Indianlpolis " Ind. Chapter Treasurers send your monthly reports to Busey Frate.rnity Accounting System, 2849 N, Delaware, Indianapoli. 5, Indiana PI BETA PHI MAGAZINB AGENCY janl:t l . Patton, .f,0 Standard Office Bldg., DC'Catur. III. PI BETA PHI CENTRAL OFFICE Dirttto, oj C,,,,,,,l Olia-jlnet l. Pillon • .flO Standard Office Bldg" Dec.tut. III. 5•• , Iht Chi/d"" Spo"/o,Jh,p-Contact Member-Lois Funklln StooImln (Mn. A. W .), 1001 S. T hird St., Chlmpli.n. JJJ CONVENTION GUIDE-VirJ:inia Praur W_U .. ,. (MR. Pnl S.) , 800 Pllnmo Avenue, Coni GabI ..., Fl •. 190 THE ARROW O F PI lETA PHI 191 STANDI NG COMMITTIlIlS Settle_Dt School ComDliuee-C.. .Jr ..... _Virpnu. Brachtt Grte.n (Mrs.). 26,0 Suthetland An., Indianipolis " Ind. Tr,,,s.'ff-Themi Gibson GrabWl IMn. Thomu E.). j324 N.W. 18tb St., OkJaboma City 7 Okb. Sur" .. ,,...-Scbool Librt.t'f, Ethel Gi lespie Smith (Mrs. T. E.) ,2096 FairhaYen Circle. N .E. Albntt.. G •. P.#I'm,,-, UII'" ./ unl, P'I'''' N,wI-LouUe Wh«lodc. Dobler (Mn. aare R.) , })H Federal Ave., Enrett, Wub. P,I.I, It"S ..".1 C,.. /II-Ndlu Hrmple Gibson (Mrs. Frank B.), 4HO Post Rd., Nashville ). Tenn. DU,UH./ 5"11,,,,,., Sc""DI-Ruth Dyer Pi Beta Phi Srltlrment School, Gllhnburl. Tenn. AI,,"".cn, A"DWU.. j, SbDP-Marion Mudler (Mrs.). Pi Beta Phi Arrowcufl Shop, Gatiinbur,. Tenn. Holt HO UM CODuaiu e-C.6"j,,,,,,_Maurine Firestone Cook (Md. c. R.y) . 8143 Richmond Ct., Wauwatosa, Wis. Tr'''l.rn-Torrance 513ft" EtberidJe (Mrs. G . Thomu Jr.), 26'40 lyndon, Detroit n, Mich. P,I.I- Louise Reid Campbell (Mrs. John C.), 926 E. Fllst1 Ale., Monmouth, III. Marian Joon Tyte (Mrs. W, H .), 216 Glenda le Ave., Lexln,ton. Ky. Gertrude Wollenbt:r,er Leetz (Mrs. Richard C.), 260} CoHn 51., Evanston, III. Commiuae 00 Loao Fuod--Cb.ri,.,,_Joscphine McCieverty, 602 Melro5C Ave. N ., Seattle 2. Wuh. C.",,,,,II,, M,,""trl-lucille W.ite Wall (Mrs. Richa.rd), Swttt Spun,s. Mo.: Edith Bacon Vinson (Mrs. Owen), P.O. Box 111. S.nt. Monica, Calif. Commiu •• 0 0 Public R.lelion-Ch"ir"'''R-Edna Olson Arch ibald (Mu. Fred), 8}0 West University Pa.rkway, Baltimore, Md. Commiuu on SChol.... hip- C.. "i,m"n-M,:;uie West Wever (Mrs. Paul) ~ 1412 Akin Dr., Evansville, Ind. Auil'"", Chlli,"',,_Jane ludwig Turner (Mrs. lowell F. ). 2363 Aaams Ave., Evansville, Ind. P,,,,,i,,rt 5."',..;'DO D" SrbDI"o";P: Alph. E..I- Miriam Holden Dolne (Mrs. Paul), 12 Wild"'ood Rd ., Melrose , Mus. A lpha Wett-Edith B. Smith (Mu. William T.), 11 Wyndehuut Dr., M.dison. N.J. Beta-Clovct Johnson, 229 Race St., Pittsburgh 18, PI.. Garnm_EJiubcth Merce-r Siersema (Mrs. Reynold C.), 4,03 CoventI)' Rd ., Richmond 21, VI. Deh _Annl Ruth Haworth Wall.ce (Mrs. Leon H .), 9}9 South Hiah. Bloomin,lon, Ind. Epailoo- Marilyn Sweet Kiene (Mrs. R.lph E., Jr.),}OO4 West 71st St.! K.nsu Cily, Mo. Zeu-Ruth Martyn Bishop (Mrs. Robett S.) , 1876 MontJomuy PI .. Jlcksonville " Fl •. EI_lucilie Lorimer Evans (Mrs. Glenn A.). 81l Western Ave., Joliet. Ill. Ther--Marynetla Leitch Grant (Mrs. Lloyd E,), 706 West Thi rd St .. Indianol •• lowi. Iota-Ethelinda Parrish Amos (Mrs. Wendell). 131) Det.rborn 51 ., AUJusta , Kan. Kapp_lucille Glazner M.lkin (Mrs. George H.). 222) San Felipe Rd., H OUS IOD 19, Ta. Lambd_Betty Germrrud Ry.n (Mrs. John D .), t8 Laird St., Ramsay, Mont. Mu- M.idl Lee Br.dsh.w (Mn. James H.), 962 Kimball Dr, Ren o. Nev. Committea Oil Tr.oder.-Muga.rn Strum Achesoo (Mrs. Howard A .. Jr ~), Apt. } P, Parkway Villaac, Craoford. N.I . Committ.e on Fr.ternity Study and E.. mi natioo--Ch.rir",,,,,-Betty J.{ lll Blalock (Mrs. William C.), 3941 Parkslde Dr., D.llas, Tex. Pr""i"rt S.pu"iJorJ D" F, ..ur"i" S,.J, ""J Ex.. mi""li",,: AJph. Eut-Glldys W.tkins Westcott (Mrs. George), 22 10.11. Pleasant, Amherst, Mass. Alpha WelM-Mar, Griffith Hal bin (Mrs. J ohn), 2H Bedrord. Buff.lo 16 . N. Y, Bet_Marjorie Peck Hinckley (Mn. Willis 5.). 219 N. H th St., Camp Hill, Pa. G.mm_lk.trice Whitney, 148 Cherolr.« Rd ., Charlotte, N .C. Delt_Dorochy Brown life (Mrs. John G.). n50 Kenwood Ave. Indianapolis, Ind. 15:ptilon-Patrici. Krue,er Stapleton (Mrs.
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