Home o1 the Warrior Volume 71, Number 2 West Technical High School October 29, 1976 Law student Politically awar- class opens new on way to Washington law course The City Club Forum, located by Ramona Huebner in the center of Cleveland's by AI Hilt downtown, offers the oppor­ "I like teaching things differ­ Among the new things pop­ tunity for students of govern­ ently," states Mr. Samuel Mili­ ping up at Tech this year is a new ment study oriented classes to teUo, a second year law student class in the honors curriculum. listen and talk to personalities from Cleveland State University Perhaps some have been ac­ who teaches a course called quainted with it, it's the Political that are newsmak-ers and of "Street Law" at West Tech. Science class. If you haven't particular interest to the general The "Street Law" course is heard of it yet, do not fear, for just what it sounds like, a course public. The program is a full-day the students of the class have in everyday law applying to the activity starting with a workshop been roaming the halls chasing to "warm-up" and get acquainted average citizen. It includes such and pestering everyone to buy topics as Criminal Law, Con­ with the topic that the speaker is A candy bars and will be doing so sumer Law, Family Law, Hous- :-':f.:. scheduled to speak on. Students ing Law, Individual's Rights @1 for weeks to come. No, it's not from all over Cleveland and its Law student Sam Militsillo teaehes new street law courses. :@ part of the lesson. They will be Law, and Environmental Law. ~J suburbs meet and discuss the l attempting to raise over $1500, issues together. The .new. program, whic.h In teaching the class, Mr. stresses Mr. Militello. -~m sta~ts 1ts frrst year . here, . 18 Militello likes to do things differ­ in order to finance a trip to natiOnally funded. E1ght h1gh He also plans other activities :/ Washington in the Spring to Following that, everyone schools are participating in the ently than just following the for his class, such as field trips, ~ focus in on the working govern­ heads over to the City Club for Cleveland area this year. book. His class sometimes plays visits to courts and various guest k' )>·· ment in action. The class will be lunch which precedes that actual "I cannot stress the impor- games dealing with the Jaw, speakers. ~ . touring with the Close-up group speech to be presented. As a tance of this course. Law rather than the everyday routine One of his students, seniod:! which travels to Washington special part of the program, the reaches into everything you do. of busy work. Tom Reilly sums it up by stating, @l annually to give students the speaker meets with the students If you know how to use it, you "I want to motivate my stu- "He really knows what's going,., chance to learn about how our afterward in a question and will get more out of life," dents, and I want them to on. The way he teaches ma~es i government operates. answer seminar which enables explains Mr. Militello. respond to what is being taught," you more interested." . the pupils to come in direct , .;..:·:·:·. :-.. M, ;;;:··_... This trip is an important part contact with the speaker. After of the le·sson plan since political the seminar they meet with Ron science is exactly that, the study Armenti, the head of the pr«r of government and political pro­ gram and well-known journalist cesses. After this year of whose many adventures include Sophs become .oriented studies, the students should be a trip to China, to analyze the well enough informed to be able entire presentation. by Roslyn Bucy Wilhelmina GoH and Mr. Donald tunities." to form their own campaign to To help sophomores learn Huebner agree on the value of "It is always hard to measure run for any political office and the good that will come of the Mr. Armenti has accepted an about West Tech, sophomore the sophomore orientations. carry out the job. invitation to speak with the orientations have been sched­ program, but it is worthwhile political science class on this uled. They will be held through­ "This program is very worth­ because it helps the students to The first major project they particular trip to China sometime out the year in the school while and very important," understand the different pro­ have been working on is volun­ auditorium. stressed Miss Goff. "It is not just grams here at West Tech," teering to work for a politician of in November. The sophomore class which something to get students out of agreed Mr. Huebner. "But just their choice who will be running Miss Kish, who is presently consists of 1,238 students will classes. It is to give information like anything else, what you get for an office in this November's teaching the class, explains that hear from several department about what is going on in the out of it depends upon what you election. Everybody will be "the object of the class is to make heads and from guest career school and about career oppor- put into it." required to show a statement students more politically aware speakers. verifying ten hours of volunteer and more politically active in the world around them." Three guests speakers .are O.W.L.S. in second year work by Election Day. scheduled. The first of these . ;:.•\:G;t~{~·I'--1'8\:Wk~h~~~ '@A~W~t%~f}'fk~~~BK~l"Th~~~7~t:~~t~MWj&J,~~, three was here last Wednesday. 1 Mr. Gene Walker, Director of by Lilly Boesinger taught now. Each unit takes Urban Affairs and Equal Oppor­ The Oral and Written Lan­ approximately two weeks. ~ News Briefs · tunity Employment for Sears guage Skills Project is underway Roebuck and Company spoke to for the last year of a two year Miss Diana Butterfield, '75 I by Lilly Boesinger two sophomore English classes. program. graduate of West Tech, has her Representatives from Ford "This program is introducing first job as secretary to Miss YEARBOOKS---The last day CANDY BARS--Candy bars Motor Company and Glidden­ more language study and im­ Bowman. Both started in June for ordering yearbooks is today. are being sold for $.50 to every­ Durke Company will be here in proving writing and speaking 1975 when this program began. As of Oct. 19, only 455 yearbooks body throughout the school by the near future. skills," commented Patricia Bow­ Miss Bowman enjoys having were sold. the Political Science class. man, project manager. Remember, tile yearbook The math, science and English her office at West Tech but she The profits made from these needs 1500 subscriptions by to­ departments will take part in Miss Bowman's office is in feels that going to other schools candybars will enable the stu­ day to be able to produce a book Nov. 4's orientation. On Nov.9 West Tech but Tech is only one such as John F. Kennedy, dents to go on a trip to Washing­ comQarable to last vear's. ton, D.C. the art and music departments of seven schools taking part in Thomas Jefferson, Robert Jami­ PARTY TIME-- The annual VISITORS--The University of will be presented to the assemb­ this project. son, Erieview Catholic, Holy Honor and Merit Roll parties will Dayton and John Carroll U Diver­ ly. Nov. 17, the Business Teachers from all over Cleve­ Name and Saint Francis is very be held Nov. 23, 2 all Honor Roll, sity will send representatives to Education department will be land are participating in this two interesting. 7 junior Merit Roll, 8 sophomore Tech on Nov. l...the College Fair spotlighted. Representatives year program. The first year "Hopefully," smiled Miss Bow­ Merit Roll. will be held at Public Hall Nov. from different facets of the consisted of writing a curriculum man, "our curriculum material VI"'-'n.:.., 11\A- --~e verat w t!:st. 16-17. military service will be at Tech development guide and the se­ will become a part of the English Tech students have recently JACKETS--- West Tech jack­ and participate in a special cond year consists of teaching program throughout the second­ tried for a position in the State ets are on saJe daily in the ticket program entitled "Military Fair" the guide to one of every ary Cleveland School System." Regional Orchestra. In order for office. All jackets are red, lined on Dec. 2. The Home Economics participating teachers' classes. The program was originally the students to be selected for and have sewed lettering. Jack­ and Vocational Home Economics • set up for two years but Miss tryouts, the pupil must first be in "This program is funded by the the band for at least three years. ets include W esTech or WesTech departments will be discussed on Bowman hopes that this project Warriors on the back plus year of Dec. 7. Several parts of the Ohio Department of Education to will be so successful that it may Tech's participants for develop new and innovative lan­ graduation on the sleeve and Industrial Education department continue another few years. the tryouts are sophomore violin­ nameplate. will be introduced on Jan. 6 and guage curriculum," explained ist, Zorica Karapandizech; jun­ Miss Bowman. The cost is $23 for W esTech programming for the '77-'78 Miss Bowman's office, room iors Jerry Krocek, trumpet, and $25 for WesTech Warriors. school year will take place be­ The program includes four 133, is decorated with several Debbie Nelson, violin; Flute, Make checks payable to West tween Jan.
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