Explore icy worlds at Hagenbeck Zoo polar sea in Hagen- The beck Zoo reopened its gates again in summer 2012. Polar bears, walruses, seals and penguins now have a new home. The sophisticated water treat- ment technology, supported by Speck pumps, ensures that the animals have optimal living conditions. Large photo: Götz Berlik; small photos: Hagenbeck, Sylvie Bouchard, fotolia.com the polar sea it’s no With longer necessary to take a long and arduous trip to the North or South Pole. The arctic animal kingdom at Hagenbeck Zoo has had a new home since summer 2012. Visi- tors come within reach of the polar inhabitants: face to face with polar bears, with a diving walrus or an excit ed penguin colony. A 750 m long path leads visitors through the polar sea in approximately an hour and a half with panoramic windows inside the facility allowing a fascinating in- sight into the underwater world. unrivalled, authentic arc- The tic animal kingdom has been created on a total area of 8000 m², 1200 m² of which is water surface. As well as polar bears, walruses, seals and penguins, puffins, guillemots and other types of seabird also belong to the icy world population. The latter are housed in their own seabird aviary. The wave ma- chine, designed especially for No one should miss out on the this enclosure, walk through this unique and doesn’t only exotic water world: the polar sea make the water, at Hagenbeck Zoo is the new but also the birds home for the arctic residents. and marine algae dance. A world “Nordland-Panorama” and for the first enclosure was torn down innovation is also “die Reise der time worldwide presented an arctic The in 2009 and the present Penguine” (the penguin enclosure). territory with animals that were only day polar sea is now closely based Here the arctic birds can not only separated from visitors by ditches. on the historical model, but is archi- swim, but also climb, slide and The zoo was completely destroyed in tecturally modern and above all has hop, just like in the wild and much the Second World War and although the highest level of energy efficiency. to the amusement of the visitors! a smaller enclosure was later rebuilt The use of rain water, process water, the polar to house the seals, polar bears, sea geothermic heat exchangers and Although sea and its lions and Humboldt penguins, it was solar energy extraction is all part of concept are very new, they are also never restored to its original form. The the energy concept. A building and rich in tradition. With the opening original enclosure was much bigger planning team, together with the of the zoo in 1907, the founder, than the polar sea that visitors would zoo manager Dr Stephan Hering- Carl Hagenbeck, also opened the come to know over the decades. Hagenbeck, were responsible for de- Photos: Bernhard Becker 7°C. If the ambient temperature drops below this level a peek load boiler takes over the supply. 185 tonnes of carbon dioxide are saved each year by not using conventional, gas pow- ered heat generation. In order to save drinking water, rain water is used to flush the visitor toilets and process water is used for cleaning the enclosures. water treatment is also The designed according to strict ecological standards, as the architect Sezai I. Candan from the Hamburg-based architect firm, Geising + Böker explained - 60% of rinse water is saved with the recool- ing extraction technique. Furthermore the Hamburg-based consultancy firm, GHP Hesse und Pokoiewski, invested considerable time and effort in the conceptual design of the water treat- ment technology in order to sustain the living conditions that the animals are used to. The company Wasser- technik Wertheim was then commis- sioned to install the water treatment technology. A total of five pools are available for the animals and four water cycles were installed to serve them, all of which are powered by Speck pumps. Polar bears and king penguins prefer sweet water in their signing the new polar sea. Architect walruses and penguins feel at home pools, whereas walruses, seals, Sezai I. Candan from the Hamburg- on the site. The basic thermal provi- Humboldt penguins and seabirds based architect firm, Geising + Böker, sion for the whole premises comes bathe in seawater. “The pumps in the and English zoo designer David from waste heat utilization from the seawater pools have to be seawater- Lazenby were also part of the team. refrigerating machines. The waste resistant and metal-free,” Sezai I. great deal of effort is necessary heat is saved in a recooling plant. The Candan stressed. The Speck plastic A for the refrigeration and water supply of heat energy can be guaran- pumps used meet these exact re- technology so that the polar bears, teed up to an ambient temperature of quirements perfectly. Elaborate water technology In order to keep the huge The equipment consists of quantities of water in the 26 Speck pumps from the Norm- animal pools in motion, an block and BADU®Block series extraordinary effort is re- with a total installed motor ca- quired in the treatment pacity of 200 kW. The flow rate area. This helps to offer the of the largest pumps amounts exotic inhabitants comfort- to an impressive 450 m³/h. able living conditions. The Speck pumps come in a The circulation volume is special seawater-resistant very large and therefore version for the seawater the Speck pumps are pools, which ensures that necessary in order to they are constantly sup- facilitate immaculate plied with freshly treated water for the arctic animals. seawater. zoo only uses “green” The energy from renewable sources such as wind, solar energy and water power. One of the largest photovoltaic systems in Hamburg is installed on the roof of the neighbouring farmyard to en- sure effective use of the solar energy. In proportion to commonly used industrial water cooling, 215,000 kilowatt hours of electric- ity and 130 tonnes of carbon diox- usual swimming the Hamburg public utilities company. ide are saved in this way. Ventila- Unlike pools, the treat- The use of a traditional refrigerating tion systems are also managed ment technology has to be able to machine is deliberately avoided. The without mechanical support and react flexibly to the biological sub- 11°C raw water in the heat exchang- work in a way which saves energy stances that enter into the water both ers of the first water cycle comes from and resources. Air shafts ensure from the animals and the environ- the deep well at the Hamburg public sufficient fresh air. ment, as chemicals cannot be added to the water! Disinfect- ing is carried out by an ozone stage in the treatment course and an additional UV unit, through which the pool water is fed. There- fore high circulation rates are pre-set in the water treatment programme. A large number of Speck pumps are used to facilitate this circulation. Incidentally, the water in the polar bear pool is not filtered, but instead well water which feeds the ponds on the premises is also used to feed the pool. In contrast to conventional swimming pools in which the water has to be heated, the main concern Photos: Bernhard Becker for the polar sea is cooling the water utilities company and cools down the anyone who wants to see temperature down to values comfort- warmed water of the Hagenbeck wa- For the fantastic polar sea for able for the animals. The water is ter cycle. In this way the coldness is themselves, here’s the address: cooled by a closed water cycle with transported into the polar sea and Tierpark Hagenbeck heat exchang ers. Only heat, and not dispensed via further heat exchang- Lokstedter Grenzstraße 2 water, is exchanged between the ers into the pools. This water cycle is 22527 Hamburg Hagenbeck water cycle and that of driven by Speck pumps, powered by Germany solar gen erated electricity. Telephone +49 040/5300330 Niederlassungen und Vertretungen in Deutschland / Branches and Representations in Germany 15366 HOPPEGARTEN b. Berlin 40221 DÜSSELDORF 70829 GERLINGEN Niederlassung für Nord-/Ostbayern/ Rolf Sussujew Klaus Schober Postfach 10 04 26 Sachsen/Thüringen/Sachsen-Anhalt/ Handelsvertretung Vertretung und Werkslager Tel. 07156-43618-0 Süd-Brandenburg Hoppegartener Straße 70 C Volmerswerther Straße 86 Fax 07156-43618-18 91233 NEUNKIRCHEN A. SAND Tel. 03342-422535 Tel. 0211-30200760 Hausadresse Hauptstraße 1-3 Fax 03342-422536 Fax 0211-30200769 Ringstraße 134 Tel. 09123-949-235 [email protected] www. speck-schober.de 70839 Gerlingen Fax 09123-949-245 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 22342 HAMBURG E. C. v. Karstedt, Ing. Büro 63110 RODGAU-JÜGESHEIM 81737 MÜNCHEN Zweigbüro Sachsen/Thüringen/ Postfach 10 • 91231 Neunkirchen a. Sand Postfach 67 02 10 Philipp-Reis-Straße 5 Scherbaumstraße 31 Sachsen-Anhalt/Süd-Brandenburg Tel. 06106-28578-0 Tel. 089-6701008 09456 ANNABERG-BUCHHOLZ Tel. +49 9123-949-0 • Fax +49 9123-949-260 Tel. 040-6448066 Fax 040-6440637 Fax 06106-28578-29 Fax 089-6706071 Uranus 1a Hausadresse Hausadresse [email protected] [email protected] Tel. 03733-6765393 Hauptstraße 1-3 • 91233 Neunkirchen a. Sand Farmsener Landstraße 4 Fax 03733-6799879 www.speck-pumps.com • [email protected] 22359 Hamburg [email protected] www.speck-pumpen-hamburg.de [email protected] 766.0000.045 1‘ 01/14 LK/BA - GB Technische Änderungen vorbehalten! / Subject to technical modifications!.
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